
Are you trying to avoid becoming ill after eating seafood?

Do you always avoid any seafood that looks, smells or tastes odd?

Do you only buy seafood from reputable sources?

Do you only eat seafood at reputable restaurants?

Do you only buy seafood that has been properly refrigerated or iced?

Do you avoid eating cooked seafood that has been mingled with or in contact with raw seafood?

Do you avoid buying frozen or refrigerated seafood in a package that is torn, broken or open?

Do you always keep seafood refrigerated or frozen immediately after buying?

When in doubt about a seafood do you make sure that it has been properly prepared and cooked long enough to kill any pathogens?

Are you especially cautious when?

• traveling overseas, especially in the subtropics and tropics?

• eating seafood during an outbreak of seafood-related food poisoning?

• eating sushi or other raw fish?

• immunocompromised due to illness or therapy?


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