The 28-item General Health Questionnaire is a shortened version of the 60-item questionnaire. It is a self-administered instrument to screen for current psychiatric disorders in the general population. The questions are divided into 4 subscales (somatic complaints, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and severe depression).
Scales, each with 7 questions
"A" Scale - Somatic Complaints
"B" Scale - Anxiety and Insomnia:
"C" Scale - Social Dysfunction:
"D" Scale - Severe Depression:
score for A scale =
= SUM (points for 7 questions in part A)
score for B scale =
= SUM (points for 7 questions in part B)
score for C scale =
= SUM (points for 7 questions in part C)
score for D scale =
= SUM (points for 7 questions in part D)
total score =
= score for all 4 scales
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