The six minute walk distance (6MWD, six minute walk test) is done in patients who may have a serious underlying disease. It is important to recognize and to respond to any problems that may occur during or after the test.
Reasons to discontinue the test:
(1) chest pain
(2) severe dyspnea
(3) leg cramps
(4) staggering
(5) diaphoresis (diffuse sweating)
(6) pallor or ashen appearance
Safety measures:
(1) The testing location should be rapidly accessible if there is an emergency.
(2) Emergency supplies should be readily available.
(3) A means of calling for assistance should be readily available.
(4) The person monitoring the test should be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
(5) The person monitoring the test should not be distracted from observing the patient.
(6) A patient who requires oxygen should continue to receive oxygen during the test but oxygen delivery should not interfere with the patient's performance.
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