Analysis of Amylase and Lipase Results in the Diagnosis of Pancreatitis
Algorithm for the Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis
Lipase-to-Amylase Ratio
Ranson's Prognostic Factors in Acute Pancreatitis
Glasgow Prognostic Criteria in Acute Pancreatitis (Imrie Criteria)
CT Severity Index (Balthazar Score) in Acute Pancreatitis
Prognostic Factors for Acute Pancreatitis of Jacobs et al
Scoring System of Stimac et al to Distinguish Biliary from Alcoholic Pancreatitis
Clinical Criteria in Acute Pancreatitis of Bank et al.
Simplified Prognostic Criteria of Agarwal and Pitchumoni for Acute Pancreatitis
Measurement of Serum Lipase and Interleukin-6 in the Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis
Prediction of Mortality in Acute Pancreatitis Using Serum Creatinine and Chest Radiographs
Scoring System of Blamey et al for Separating Gallstone from Alcoholic Pancreatitis
Identification of Patients with Severe Acute Pancreatitis Using the Prognostic Factors of Fan et al
Prognostic Markers of Leese et al for Predicting Severe Disease in a Patient with Pancreatitis
Algorithm of Wilson et al Using C-Reactive Protein (CRP) to Identify a Patient at Risk for Complicated Acute Pancreatitis
Hyperlipidemic Pancreatitis
Determining a Patient's Serum Amylase Value in Hyperlipidemic Pancreatitis
Algorithm of Goodman et al for Identifying Gallstones as the Cause of Acute Pancreatitis
Biochemical Model of Sadowski et al for Identifying Gallstones as the Cause of Acute Pancreatitis
Risk Factors of Dauphine et al on Hospital Admission That Predict a Complicated Course in Acute Alcoholic Pancreatitis
Risk Factors of Arnell et al for Predicting the Need for ICU Monitoring in a Patient with Gallstone Pancreatitis
Prognostic Model of Halonen et al for Predicting Fatal Outcome in Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Level of Alcohol Abuse Associated with Development of Chronic Pancreatitis
Gallstone Features of Diehl et al Predictive for Gallstone Pancreatitis
Multiple Organ System Score (MOSS) of Taylor et al for Evaluating a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
Urine Trypsinogen-2 and Other Markers of Lempinen et al for the Diagnosis of Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Clinical Findings in a Patient with Autoimmune Pancreatitis
Histopathologic Features of Autoimmune Pancreatitis
Criteria of Clavien et al for Identifying a Phlegmon of the Pancreas on CT Scan
Prognostic Scores of Clavien et al for Evaluating a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
Criteria of Sarner and Cotton for Imaging Grading of Chronic Pancreatitis (Cambridge Criteria)
Complications Associated with a Pancreatic Pseudocyst and Indications for Drainage
BALI Prognostic Model of Spitzer et al for Acute Pancreatitis
Prognostic Factors of Levy et al for a Patient with Chronic Pancreatitis
Criteria of Bradley for Severe Acute Pancreatitis (Atlanta Criteria)
Clinical Features of Tropical Chronic Pancreatitis
Criteria of McMahon et al for Severe Acute Pancreatitis Based on the Appearance of Peritoneal Fluid (Leeds Criteria)
Predictors of Poddar et al for Mortality Associated with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Risk Factors of Seicean et al for Mortality in a Patient with Chronic Pancreatitis
Risk Factors of Makela et al for ICU Stay and Mortality in a Patient with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis Outcome Prediction (POP) Score of Harrison et al
Risk Factors of Frey et al for Early Death and Multi-Organ Failure in a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
Simple Prognostic Score of Ueda et al for Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Japanese Severity Scale (JSS) for Acute Pancreatitis
Risk Factors for Acute Gallstone Pancreatitis
Grades of Ishikawa et al for Pancreatitis Based on Retroperitoneal Fluid Collections Seen on Imaging Studies
BISAP (Bedside Index of Severity in Actue Pancreatitis) Score of Wu et al for Predicting Mortality in a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
Clinical Features of Hereditary Pancreatitis
Simplified Classification of Nealon et al for Pancreatic Duct Changes Associated with Acute Pancreatitis
Drugs Associated with Acute Pancreatitis
Risk Factors for Drug-Induced Acute Pancreatitis
Acute Pancreatitis Following a Scorpion Sting
Risk Factors for Pancreatitis in an HIV-Positive Patient Being Treated with Didanosine
APACHE-O Score of Johnson et al for Evaluating a Patient with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Clinical Features of Xanthogranulomatous Pancreatitis
Groove Pancreatitis
Intra-Abdominal Hypertension with Abdominal Compartment Syndrome in a Patient with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Paraneoplastic Elevation of Serum Amylase or Lipase
Cardiac Predictors of Nadkami et al for Mortality in a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
Predictors of Lautz et al for Identifying Severe Outcome in a Pediatric Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
EUS-Based Criteria of Catalano et al for the Diagnosis of Chronic Pancreatitis (Rosemont Classification)
Prognostic Factors of DeBanto et al for Acute Pancreatitis in Children
Hemolysis-Induced Pancreatitis
Causes of Pancreatitis in a Pediatric Patient
Reasons for Failing to Diagnose Pancreatitis in a Pediatric Patient
AST-to-ALT (SGOT-to-SGPT) Ratio (De Ritis Ratio)
Transaminase to Glutamate Dehydrogenase Ratios
Serum Direct-to-Total Bilirubin Ratio
Half-Lives of AST and ALT Relative to Hepatocellular Injury
ALT-LDH Index of Kotoh et al for Evaluating a Patient with Acute Liver Injury
Identification of Ductopenia in a Liver Biopsy
Indications for Performing a Liver Biopsy
Contraindications for Performing a Liver Biopsy
The Histological Semiquantitative Scoring System (SSS) of Chevallier et al for Evaluation of Hepatic Fibrosis in Needle Liver Biopsy Specimens
Interpretation of a Frozen Section from the Donor Liver Prior to Hepatic Transplantation
Indications of McAfee et al for Performing a Transjugular Liver Biopsy
Differential Diagnosis of Ground-Glass Inclusions Within Hepatocytes
Adequacy of a Liver Needle Biopsy
The Child-Pugh Score for Grading Hepatic Cirrhosis
Prognostic Index for Nonbleeding Cirrhosis
Erasme Prognostic Score for Hepatic Cirrhosis
Predicting One Year Survival in Patients with Nonbiliary Hepatic Parenchymal Cirrhosis
Prognostic Index of Gatta et al for Patients with Liver Cirrhosis after Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Multivariate Biochemical Discriminate Function of Fortunato et al for Distinguishing Cirrhosis from Chronic Hepatitis
Use of the PGA Index and Procollagen III Peptide (PIIIP) to Evaluate a Patient for Hepatic Fibrosis
Discriminant Score of Ekindjian et al to Predict Prognosis in a Patient with Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Prognostic Score of Casaril et al for Patients with Liver Cirrhosis
Prognostic Index of Schlichting et al for Patients with Cirrhosis
Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD)
Prognostic Index of Christensen et al for Patients with Cirrhosis After the First Episode of Gastrointestinal Bleeding or Coma
Prognostic Index of Bustamante et al for Cirrhotic Patients with Hepatic Encephalopathy
Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient (HVPG) and Portal Hypertension
Nonesophageal Variceal Bleeding Sites in Portal Hypertension
Congestion Index (CI) of Moriyasu et al for the Portal Vein
Modified Child-Turcotte Criteria of Campbell et al for a Patient with Cirrhosis and a Portocaval Shunt
Laboratory Markers of Oberti et al for Diagnosis of Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Liver Disease
MELD-XI Score for Evaluating a Cirrhotic Patient Being Treated with Oral Anticoagulants
Modified Caudate to Right Lobe Ratio of Awaya et al for Diagnosing Cirrhosis on MRI
Adjusting the MELD Score for Serum Sodium (MELDNa Score) in a Patient with End-Stage Liver Disease
UK Score for End-Stage Liver Disease (UKELD) of Barber et al
Modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh Score of Huo et al
Findings Suggesting Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Stent Shunt (TIPS) Dysfunction
Model of La Mura et al for Predicting Outcome in a Patient with Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension Using von Willebrand Factor Concentration and MELD Score
Prognostic Index of Longheval et al for a Patient with Nonbiliary Cirrhosis
Delta-MELD Score Per Month in Patients with Advanced Cirrhosis
Predicting Postoperative Mortality in Patients with Chronic Liver Failure Undergoing Nonhepatic Surgery
Risk Factors of Melendez et al for Perioperative Mortality in Patients Undergoing Extended Hepatic Resection
Risk Factors of del Olmo et al for Post-Operative Complications in a Patient with Cirrhosis Undergoing Nonhepatic Surgery
Contraindications of Friedman for Elective Surgery in Patients with Liver Disease
Risk Factors of Friedman Associated with Post-Operative Mortality in a Patient with Obstructive Jaundice
Risk Factors of Friedman for Perioperative Complications in Patients with Cirrhosis Undergoing Surgery
Risk Factors of Ziser et al Associated with Perioperative Morbidity and Long Term Mortality in a Patient with Cirrhosis Undergoing Surgery
Risk Factors of Dixon et al for Morbidity and Mortality After Surgery for Obstructive Jaundice
Discriminative Function of Garrison et al for Predicting Survival of a Cirrhotic Patient After Celiotomy Using Preoperative Factors
Discriminative Function of Garrison et al for Predicting Survival of a Cirrhotic Patient After Celiotomy Using Operative and Postoperative Factors
Risk Factors of Doberneck et al for Postoperative Mortality in a Patient with Nonbleeding Cirrhosis
Protocol of Sirinek et al for Improving Survival in a Patient with Cirrhosis Who is Undergoing a Major Abdominal Operation
Remnant Liver Volume to Total Liver Volume (RLV to TLV) Ratio in a Patient Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy
Remnant Liver Volume to Body Weight (RLV to BW) Ratio in a Patient Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy
Prognostic Factors of Winter et al for Evaluating a Patient Undergoing a Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Protocol of Winter et al for Monitoring Transaminases in a Patient Following Pancreatic Surgery
Model of Teh et al for Predicting 90 Day Mortality Following Surgery in a Patient with Cirrhosis
Factors of Oussoultzoglou et al for Predicting Mortality for a Patient Without Cirrhosis After a Major Hepatectomy
Risk Factors of Rahman et al for Posthepatectomy Liver Failure (PHLF)
Score of Yamanaka et al for Severity of Postoperative Hepatic Dysfunction Following Partial Hepatectomy
Risk Factors of Schindl et al for Severe Hepatic Dysfunction Following a Major Hepatic Resection
Score of Schindl et al for Grading Postoperative Hepatic Dyfunction (POHD)
Classification of Jarnagin et al for Hepatic Resections
Risk Factors of Jamagin et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following an Hepatic Resection
Screening Tests for Hemochromatosis
Liver Biopsy Iron Concentration in Hemochromatosis
Nutritional and Dietary Recommendations for a Patient with Hemochromatosis
Criteria of the Hemochromatosis Management Working Group for Starting Phlebotomy in a Patient with Hemochromatosis
Criteria of the Hemochromatosis Management Working Group to Identify Iron Depletion and Reduce Phlebotomy Frequency in a Patient with Hemochromatosis
Using the Liver to Muscle (L/M) Signal Intensity Ratio on MRI to Estimate Hepatic Iron Stores
Clinical Features of Hemochromatosis (Bronze Diabetes)
Clinical Features of Hereditary Hemochromatosis Associated with Mutations in TFR2 (Type 3 Hereditary Hemochromatosis)
Clinical Features of Hereditary Hemochromatosis Associated with Mutations in HAMP or HJV (Juvenile or Type 2 Hereditary Hemochromatosis)
Clinical Features of Hereditary Hemochromatosis Associated with Mutations in SLC40A1 (Type 4 or Ferroportin Associated Hereditary Hemochromatosis)
Iron Loss During a Phlebotomy Regimen for Hemochromatosis
When to Change the Goal of Phlebotomy from Iron Depletion to Maintenance
Phenotypes of HFE-Associated Hereditary Hemochromatosis
The Initial Combined Clinical and Laboratory Index for Alcoholic Liver Disease (CCLI) of Orrego et al
The Revised Combined Clinical and Laboratory Index for Alcoholic Liver Disease (CCLI) of Orrego et al
Step-wise Discriminant Function of Orrego et al for Alcoholic Liver Disease
Logistic Regression Function of Orrego et al for Alcoholic Liver Disease
Discriminant Function of Maddrey et al and the Modified Discriminant Function of Carithers et al for Steroid Therapy in Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis
Recognition of Acetaminophen Hepatotoxicity in Chronic Alcoholics
PGA Index of Poynard et al for Identifying Alcoholic Liver Disease
Risk Factors for Development of Alcoholic Hepatitis
PGAA Index of Naveau et al for Evaluating a Patient with Alcoholic Liver Disease
ANI (Alcoholic Liver Disease to Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Index) Model of Dunn et al for Evaluating a Patient with Steatohepatitis
Intrahepatic Cholestasis Associated with Alcoholic Liver Disease (Pseudo Large Duct Obstruction)
Prognostic Score of Dominguez et al for a Patient with Alcoholic Hepatitis (ABIC Score)
Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis Score (GAHS)
MELD Score and Other Risk Factors of Sheth et al in a Patient with Alcoholic Hepatitis
Risk Factors of Rincon et al for In-Hospital Mortality for a Patient with Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis
Algorithm of Stickel and Seitz for Managing a Patient with Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (ASH)
Criteria of Veldt et al for Evaluating a Patient with Severe Alcoholic Liver Cirrhosis for Liver Transplantation
Criteria of De et al for Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis
Histologic Features of Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Algorithm of O’Shea et al for a Patient with Alcoholic Hepatitis
Histologic Score of Mookerjee et al for Cholestasis in Alcoholic Liver Disease (ALD)
King's College Hospital Criteria for Predicting Outcome of Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Probability of Fatal Outcome in Fulminant Hepatic Failure due to Acetaminophen
Modified King's College Hospital (KCH) Criteria for Liver Transplantation in Paracetamol/Acetaminophen-Induced Acute Liver Failure
Indications of Miyake et al for Liver Transplantation in a Patient with Fulminant Autoimmune Hepatitis
Discriminant Function of Christensen et al for a Patient with Fulminant Hepatitis
Prognostic Factors of Bernuau et al in Patients with Fulminant Hepatitis B
Diagnosis of Fulminant Hepatic Failure in Wilson's Disease
Criteria of Harrison et al for Paracetamol-Induced Fulminant Hepatic Failure Based on Serial Monitoring of the Prothrombin Time
Risk Factors of Pereira et al for Mortality in a Patient with Paracetamol-Induced Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Severity Indices of Takahashi et al for Fulminant Viral Hepatitis B
Severity Indices of Takahashi et al for Fulminant Non-A, Non-B Viral Hepatitis
Serum ALT to LDH Index for Evaluating a Patient at Risk for Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Prognostic Formula of Yamagishi et al for a Patient with Acute Liver Failure
Criteria of O'Grady et al for Acute Liver Failure
Modified Nazer's Wilson Disease Outcome Score
Revised King's College Score of Dhawan et al for a Patient with Wilson's Disease and Fulminant Hepatitis
Acute Hepatic Disintegration in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
Prognostic Score of Bhatia et al for a Patient with Acute Liver Failure
Definition of the Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver (APASL) for Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)
Risk Factors of Garg et al for Mortality in a Patient with Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) in Asia
Predictive Model of Sun et al for a Patient with Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Associated with Viral Hepatitis B
Scoring System of the International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group (IAHG) for Autoimmune Hepatitis
Types of Autoimmune Hepatitis
Criteria of Chazouilleres et al for the Autoimmune Hepatitis and Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (AIH-PBC) Overlap Syndrome
Revised IAHG Scoring System for Autoimmune Hepatitis
Predictive Factors of Gheorghe et al for an Overlap Syndrome with Autoimmune Hepatitis and Either Primary Biliary Cirrhosis or Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Features of the Autoimmune Hepatitis and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Overlap (AIH-PSC) Syndrome
Autoimmune Hepatitis Following Immunomodulating Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis
Contraindications for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Identifying Patients at Low Risk for Common Bile Duct Lithiasis
Criteria for Patient Selection for Extracorporeal Biliary Lithotripsy
Predictive Factors of Alponat et al for Conversion of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Scoring System of Eubanks et al for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Risk Factors for Gallstone Formation
Algorithm for the Management of Postcholecystectomy Pain
Risk Factors of Pitt et al in Biliary Tract Surgery
Predictive Factors of Fried et al for Conversion of Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Risk Factors of Fraquelli et al for Gallstone Disease in Patients with Crohn's Disease
Mirizzi Syndrome
Cholecystenteric Fistula with Passage of Gallstones into the Intestines (Gallstone Ileus, Bouveret's Syndrome)
Rome II Criteria for Gallbladder Dysfunction
Model of Onken et al for Predicting the Probability of Choledocholithiasis in a Patient with Cholelithiasis
Histologic Grades of Kwon et al for Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis
Risk Factors for Bile Duct Injury During Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Classification of Strasberg et al for Causes of Laparoscopic Biliary Injuries
Classification of Bismuth et al for Biliary Duct Stricture After Cholecystectomy
Classification of Strasberg et al for Laparoscopic Injuries to the Biliary Tree
Criteria for Outcome Following Therapy for Biliary Obstruction
Risk Factors for Poor Outcome or Stricture Recurrence After Surgical Reconstruction of the Bile Ducts
Risk Factors of Schweizer et al Identifying a Patient with Complex Benign Biliary Tract Obstruction Who Requires Specialized Biliary Reconstruction
Differential Diagnosis of a Bile Duct Stricture
Clinical Features of Spontaneous Perforation of the Extrahepatic Bile Duct in an Infant
Clinical Features of Spontaneous Perforation of the Extrahepatic Bile Duct in an Adult
Risk Factors for Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis in a Patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Sonographic Findings for Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis in a Patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Clinical Findings Associated with Acute Acalculous Cholecystitis in a Patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Evaluating Polypoid Lesions of the Gallbladder on Ultrasound
Pocket Chart of MULGO Group for Predicting Dyspeptic Symptoms 1 Year After Cholecystectomy
Pocket Chart of MULGO Group for Predicting Pain 1 Year After Cholecystectomy
Risk Factors of Mastoraki et al for Biliary Complications Following Cardiovascular Surgery
Evaluation of a Patient with Air or Gas in the Gallbladder or Common Bile Duct (Pneumobilia)
Predictors of Carney et al for Benefit After Cholecystectomy for Biliary Dyskinesia in a Child
Predictors of Pang and Chun for Emergency Biliary Decompression in a Patient with Acute Cholangitis
Risk Factors for Cholelithiasis in a Patient with Acromegaly
Score of Sosna et al for Rating Ultrasound Findings of the Gallbladder
Score of Huguier et al for Predicting the Probability of Common Duct Stones
Classification of Stewart and Way for Laparoscopic Bile Duct Injury (BDI)
Scoring System of Misawa et al for Severity of Inflammation in Calot's Triangle in a Patient with Cholecystitis
Score of Sarli et al for the Risk of a Common Bile Duct Stone
Difficulty Score of Cho et al for Performing a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Sonographic Factors of Cho et al for Predicting Technical Difficulties Prior to Performing a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Models of Neoptolemos et al for Predicting the Risk of Complications Following Therapy for Common Bile Duct Stones
Grading Scheme of Nishimura et al for Choledochitis Based on the Endoscopic Appearance
Algorithm of Stringer et al for Management of a Pediatric Patient with a Gallbladder Polyp
Risk of Gallstones in Men Associated with Weight Cycling
Features of AIDS Cholangiopathy (AIDS-Related Sclerosing Cholangitis)
Algorithm of Ralls et al for Ultrasonography and Cholescintigraphy in a Patient with Suspected Acute Cholecystitis
Sonographic Score of Helbich et al for Acalculous Cholecystitis in a Critically Ill Patient
Model of Barkun et al for Predicting a Common Bile Duct Stone in a Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Score of Grande et al to Predict the Risk of Common Bile Duct Stones in a Patient Undergoing Cholecystectomy
Score of Menezes et al for Predicting Choledocholithiasis in a Patient with Symptomatic Cholelithiasis
Sonographic Criteria of Martinez et al for Postoperative Acute Cholecystitis
Biochemical Predictors of Yang et al for Common Bile Duct Stones in a Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Model of Trondsen et al for Predicting Common Bile Duct Stones Prior to Cholecystectomy
Indications of Ito et al for Cholecystectomy in a Patient with a Polypoid Lesion of the Gallbladder
Risk for Gallstones in a Patient with Hemolytic Anemia and Gilbert's Syndrome
Causes of Ischemic Cholangiopathy
Clinical Findings During the Acute Phase of Ischemic Cholangiopathy
Clinical Findings in the Chronic Stage of Ischemic Cholangiopathy
Cystic Duct Remnant Syndrome Following Cholecystectomy
Post-Cholecystectomy Syndrome (PCS)
Secondary Sclerosing Cholangitis in a Critically Ill Patient (SC-CIP)
Secondary Sclerosing Cholangitis (SSC) Following Major Burn Injury
Sump Syndrome
Classification of Nagano et al for Bile Leakage Following Hepatic Resection
Criteria of Nagano et al for Bile Leakage Following Hepatic Resection
Findings of Goshima et al on Computed Tomography (CT) for Differentiating Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis from Gallbladder Cancer
Types of Gallbladder Wall Thickening Seen on Computed Tomography (CT)
Contraindications to Liver Transplantation
Indications for Liver Transplantation
Score of Malatack et al for Predicting Mortality Risk in Children with End-Stage Liver Disease
United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) Liver Status for Adults 18 Years of Age or Older
Risk Model of Ghobrial et al for Predicting Posttransplant Survival for Liver Transplant Patients in the UNOS Database
Risk Model of Ghobrial for Predicting Posttransplant Survival in Patients with Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection
Pediatric End-Stage Liver Disease (PELD) Model
Model of Ioannou for Predicting Graft Survival in a Liver Transplant Recipient with HCV
Model of Ioannou for Predicting Graft Survival in a Liver Transplant Recipient with a Liver Disease Other Than HCV
Score for Liver Donor (SOLD) of Ioannou
Predictive Factors of Farmer et al for Outcomes After Pediatric Liver Transplantation
Paediatric Hepatology Dependency (PHD) Score of Cowley et al
Criteria of Mazzaferro et al for Liver Transplantation in a Patient with Unresectable Liver Metastases from a Neuroendocrine Tumor
Preallocation Score of Rana et al for Predicting Survival Outcomes Following Liver Transplantation (P-SOFT)
Score of Rana et al for Predicting Survival Outcomes Following Liver Transplantation (SOFT)
Early Recognition of Primary Liver Transplant Nonfunction
Identification of Reversible Severe Damage from Irreversible Initial Nonfunction of the Liver Transplant
Identification of Primary Nonfunction vs Initial Poor Function of Liver Transplant
Grading Acute Liver Allograft Rejection Using the Banff Schema
Risk Factors of Qian et al for Biliary Complications After Liver Transplantation
Operative Risk Factors of Markmann et al for Poor Outcome After Liver Transplantation
Models of Moore et al for Predicting Graft Failure and Patient Death After Liver Transplantation
Models of Burroughs et al for Predicting Mortality 3 and 12 Months After a First Liver Transplant for a European Adult
Models of Demetris et al for an Unfavorable Outcome Following Liver Transplant Based on Histologic Features
NIDDK-LTD Nomenclature and Grading Criteria for Rejection in a Biopsy from a Liver Allograft
Risk Factors of McDiarmid et al Affecting Outcome Following Liver Transplant in a Pediatric Patient
Mayo Risk Score in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
European Prognostic Index in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Yale Prognostic Score in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Relative Risk of Mortality in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis According to Rydning et al
Histologic Stages of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Complete versus Incomplete Response to Ursodeoxycholic Acid Therapy in a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Factors Associated with an Incomplete Response to Ursodeoxycholic Acid Therapy in a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Score of Yamamoto et al for the Diagnosis of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Antimitochondrial Antibody (AMA)-Negative Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (Autoimmune Cholangitis)
Mayo Risk Score in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Revised Mayo Risk Score for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Prognostic Index of Broome et al for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis in a Swedish Population
King's College-Cambridge Prognostic Index for Patients with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Multicenter Risk Score for Predicting Survival in Patients with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Criteria for Clinical Worsening in Patients with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) Score of Tischendorf et al
Histologic Stages of Ludwig and Batts in a Liver Biopsy from a Patient with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Classifications of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis on Cholangiography (Li-Yeng and Goldberg, Majoie et al)
Drug-Induced Liver Injury Diagnostic Scale
International Consensus Meeting Criteria for Drug-Induced Liver Disorders
Protocol of Danan et al for Identifying Drug-Induced Liver Injury
Noncirrhotic Portal Hypertension Associated with Antiretroviral Therapy
Hepatotoxicity Associated with Oral Terbinafine Hydrochloride
Hepatotoxicity Associated with Amiodarone
Clinical Staging of Reye's Syndrome
Criteria for Excluding or Considering Reye's Syndrome Unlikely
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Definition of Reye's Syndrome
Criteria for the Certain or Probable Diagnosis of Reye's Syndrome
Method of Zoli et al for In Vivo Measurement of Liver Volume by Ultrasound Using 3 Diameters
Sonographic Biometry of Liver Size in Childhood
Equation of Dodds et al for Sonographic Measurement of Gallbladder Volume
Equation of Urata et al for Estimating Liver Volume Based on Body Surface Area (BSA)
Classification of Roenigk et al for Liver Biopsy Findings in Patients Receiving Methotrexate Therapy
Risk Factors of West for Methotrexate Hepatotoxicity
American College of Rheumatology Recommendations for Monitoring Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Taking Methotrexate
Grading and Staging Scheme for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis of Brunt et al
Risk Factors for Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Predictors of Angulo et al for Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Modified Criteria of Lee for Histologic Scoring of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Histologic Scoring and Grading System of Mendler et al for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Fatty Liver Index (FLI) of Bedogni et al for Predicting Hepatic Steatosis
Model of Tanaka et al for Distinguishing Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) from Those with Cryptogenic Chronic Hepatitis
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Activity Score (NAS) of Kleiner et al
Criteria of Kaneda et al for Predicting Severe Hepatic Fibrosis and Cirrhosis in a Patient with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Based on Serum Hyaluronic Acid Concentration and Platelet Count
Nice Model of Anty et al for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Morbidly Obese Patients
Clinical Scoring System of Campos et al for Predicting Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) in a Morbidly Obese Patient
Model of Palekar et al for Distinguishing Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) from Simple Steatosis
HAIR Score of Dixon el for Predicting Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in a Severely Obese Patient
BAAT Score of Ratzui et al for Septal Fibrosis in an Overweight Patient
Use of the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio to Evaluate a Patient with Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)
Gallbladder Ejection Fraction (Gallbladder Emptying Index)
Patients Who Should be Screened for Wilson's Disease
Copper Levels in a Liver Biopsy
Penicillamine Challenge Test for Urinary Copper Excretion
Neuropsychiatric Features of Wilson's Disease
Prognostic Factors of Prashanth et al for a Patient with a Severe Neurologic Form of Wilson's Disease
Dietary Recommendations for a Patient with Wilson's Disease
Indications for Liver Transplantation in a Patient with Wilson's Disease
Hepatobiliary Presentations in a Patient with Wilson's Disease
Oral Zinc Therapy in a Patient with Wilson's Disease
Classification of Todani et al for Congenital Bile Duct Cysts (Choledochal Cysts)
Diagnostic Approach of Pinos et al for the Dubin-Johnson Syndrome
Diagnostic Features of Gilbert's Syndrome
Clinical Features of Crigler-Najjar Disease Type I
Distinguishing Gilbert's Syndrome (and Crigler-Najjar Disease Type II) from Crigler-Najjar Disease Type I
Air or Gas in the Liver or Portal Vein
Criteria of Geenen et al for Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
Rome II Conference Criteria for Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
Classification of Michels for Congenital Variation in the Relation of the Common Bile and Pancreatic Ducts at the Ampulla
Classification of Gong et al for Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction
Risk Factors of Nelson and Freeman for Major Hemorrhage Following Endoscopic Sphincterotomy
Conditions Associated with Hemosuccus Pancreaticus
Clinical Findings in a Patient with Hemosuccus Pancreaticus
Indications for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Risk Factors of Vandervoort for Complications After Performing ERCP
Risk Factors of Cheng et al for Pancreatitis After ERCP
Risk Factors of Mehta et al for Pancreatitis After ERCP Performed on a Patient with Suspected Choledocholithiasis
Criteria and Risk Factors of Christoforidis et al for Post-ERCP Pancreatitis and Hyperamylasemia
Grading and Staging Chronic Hepatitis in a Liver Biopsy
Algorithm of Bedossa and Poynard (METAVIR CSG) for Grading the Activity of Chronic Hepatitis C in a Liver Biopsy
Score of Forns et al for Excluding Significant Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C
Discriminant Score of Bonacini et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis C
Comprehensive Clinical Assessment of Gordon et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis C
Discriminant Score of Teran et al for the Diagnosis of Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis
Hepascore of Adams et al for Predicting Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis C
Clinical Risk Factors of Romagnuolo et al for Predicting Histologic Findings in a Liver Biopsy from a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis C (HCV)
AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) and Other Models of Wai et al for Predicting Significant Fibrosis and Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis C (HCV)
Model of Kaul et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis C (HCV)
Spleen-Platelet Ratio Index (SPRI) and Age-Spleen-Platelet Ratio Index (ASPRI) to Predict Hepatic Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis B
Risk Factors of Bani-Sadr et al for Progression of Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient Coinfected with HIV and Hepatitis C
King's Score of Cross et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis C (HCV)
Criteria of Pohl et al for Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis C (HCV)
Model of Lok et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in a Patient with Viral Hepatitis C
FIB-4 Score of Sterling et al for Evaluating Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis C
Change in FIB-4 Index (delta FIB-4) Over Time and Risk of Fibrosis Progression
AP (Age and Platelet Count) Index of Poynard et al for Evaluating a Patient with Viral Hepatitis C
Classification of Kumar et al for Veno-Occlusive Disease Severity
Criteria of McDonald et al for the Diagnosis of Veno-Occlusive Disease (Seattle Criteria)
Criteria of Jones et al for the Diagnosis of Veno-Occlusive Disease (Baltimore or Hopkins Criteria)
Modified Criteria of McDonald et al for the Diagnosis of Veno-Occlusive Disease (Modified Seattle Criteria)
Histologic Patterns of Veno-Occlusive Disease (VOD)
Risk Factors for Veno-Occlusive Disease (VOD) in a Liver Transplant Patient
Veno-Occlusive Disease Due to Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Herbal and Bush Teas
Grading System of Tanaka and Wanless for Vascular Lesions in Patients with Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Prognostic Index of Zeitoun et al for a Patient with the Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Initial Testing to Determine the Cause of Hyperbilirubinemia
Cholestasis Associated with Sepsis and Systemic Inflammation (Sepsis-Associated Cholestasis)
Criteria for Pancreatic Fistula
Risk Factors of Tien et al for Massive Hemorrhage in a Patient with a Pancreatic Leak After a Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Criteria of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center for Pancreatic Fistula or Anastomotic Leak with Clinical Grading After Pancreatectomy
Risk Factors of Hill et al for In-Hospital Mortality Following Pancreatic Resection
Criteria of Bassi et al for Grading a Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula (POPF)
Strategy of Aranha et al for Managing a Patient with a Pancreatic Fistula
Reasons of Kent et al for Hospital Readmission Following a Pancreatic Resection
Fistula Risk Score of Callery et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for a Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreatoduodenectomy
Eligibility Criteria for Pancreas Transplantation
Absolute and Relative Contraindications for Pancreas Transplantation
Criteria of Drachenberg et al for Grading Acute Rejection of a Pancreatic Transplant
Risk Factors for Portal Vein Thrombosis
Clinical Findings in a Patient with Portal Vein Thrombosis
Clinical Features of an Hepatic Hemangioma
Features of Shimizu et al Suggesting the Presence of an Hepatic Hemangioma in a Patient with a Suspected Liver Metastasis
Criteria of Schnelldorfer et al for Operative Management of a Giant Hemangioma of the Liver
Indications of Markiewicz-Kijewska et al for Urgent Liver Transplant in an Infant with a Giant Hepatic Hemangioma or Vascular Malformation
Clinical Criteria for Hypoxic Liver Injury
Risk Factors for Hypoxic Liver Injury
Features Distinguishing Hypoxic Hepatitis From Other Types of Hepatitis
Clinical Features of Acute Sickle Hepatic Crisis
Clinical Features of Acute Hepatic Sequestration Crisis in Sickle Cell Anemia
Reverse Sequestration in Sickle Cell Anemia
Clinical Features of Acute Sickle Cell Intrahepatic Cholestasis
Histologic Features of Pancreatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PanIN)
Algorithm of Wilson and Burns for Diagnosis of a Focal Liver Mass Using Microbubble Contrast-Enhanced Pulse-Inversion Sonography
Functional Status Following Intraportal Islet Transplantation
Donor-Related Factors of Lakey et al Affecting the Isolation of Islet Cells for Transplantation
Diabetic Hepatosclerosis
Glycogenic Hepatopathy (Diabetes Mellitus-Associated Glycogen Storage Hepatomegaly)
Clinical Features of a Simple Hepatic Cyst
Classification of Gigot et al for Adult Polycystic Liver Disease
Congestive Hepatopathy with Cardiac Sclerosis
Cardiomyopathy Associated Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Criteria of Vasconcelos et al for Cardiac Cirrhosis
Types of Vascular Lesions in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT) and Possible Complications
Focal or Multilobular Biliary Fibrosis ("Cirrhosis") in a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis
Disorders of the Common Bile Duct That Can Occur in a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Criteria of Colombo et al for Liver Disease in Cystic Fibrosis (CF)
Risk Factors of Colombo et al for Cystic Fibrosis-Associated Liver Disease (CFALD)
Screening for Biliary Atresia with a Stool Color Card
Diagnostic Triad for Biliary Atresia
Prognostic Factors of Lai et al for a Patient with Biliary Atresia
Score of Telem et al for Managing a Patient with Acute Gallstone Pancreatitis (Acute Biliary Pancreatitis)
Conditions Associated with Hepatic Sinusoidal Dilatation (HSD)
Conditions Associated with Granulomas in a Liver Biopsy
Histologic Features of Snover et al for Graft Versus Host Disease (GVHD) in a Liver Biopsy
Collateral Vessels in Portal Hypertension
Predictors of Altamirano et al for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) and 90-Day Mortality in a Patient with Alcoholic Hepatitis
Acute Liver Failure Secondary to Hepatic Infiltration by a Hematologic Malignancy
Clinical Features of Neonatal Hemochromatosis (NH) and Gestational Alloimmune Liver Disease (GALD)
Liver Injury Unit (LIU) Scoring System for Pediatric Acute Liver Failure (PALF): Scores Using Peak Laboratory Values
Liver Injury Unit (LIU) Scoring System for Pediatric Acute Liver Failure (PALF): Scores Using Admission Laboratory Values
BiLE (Bilirubin, Lactate, Etiology) Score of Hadem et al for Acute Liver Failure (ALF)
Portal Hypertensive Biliopathy (PHB)
Cholesterolosis of the Gallbladder
Classification of Kiuchi et al for the Graft-to-Recipient Weight Ratio (GRWR) for a Liver Transplant from a Living Donor
Small-for-Size (SFS) Graft Syndrome
Equation of Heinemann et al for Standard Liver Volume (SLV) in a Caucasian Patient
Equation of Yoshizumi et al for Liver Weight in a Patient
Equation of Harada et al for the Volume of the Left Lobe of the Liver
Equations of Yu et al for Predicting Standard Liver Volume in Koreans
Equation of Chan et al for Estimating Liver Weight in a Chinese Adult
Equations of Kin et al for Estimating the Weight of a Patient’s Pancreas
Equation to Fit the Curve of Liver Volume versus Body Surface Area (BSA) of Yu et al
The Pediatric Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Fibrosis Index of Nobili et al (PNFI)
Identifying a Pediatric Patient Who Should Be Evaluated for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Algorithm of Alkhouri et al for Identifying a Pediatric Patient with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) with Hepatic Fibrosis
Von Meyenburg Complexes (VMC, Bile Duct Hamartomas)
Idiopathic Granulomatous Hepatitis (IGH)
Classification of the Time Course for the Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Risk Factors for Peliosis Hepatis
Histologic Features of Peliosis Hepatis
Causes of a Subcapsular Hepatic Hematoma
Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network (DILIN) Grading Criteria
R-Ratio (Ratio of Serum ALT to Serum Alkaline Phosphatase) in Drug-Induced Liver Injury (DILI)
Diagnosis of Acute Hepatitis
Reasons Why the Diagnosis of Acute Hepatitis May Be Missed
Korean Criteria for Autoimmune Pancreatitis (AIP)
Mayo Clinic HISORt Criteria for Autoimmune Pancreatitis (AIP)
International Consensus Diagnostic Criteria (ICDC) for Type 2 Autoimmune Pancreatitis (AIP)
2006 Japanese Pancreas Society (JPS) Criteria for Autoimmune Pancreatitis (AIP, Criteria of Okasaki et al)
Outcome Criteria of Nealon et al Following Treatment of a Pancreatic Pseudocyst
Microvesicular Steatosis (Microvesicular Fatty Change)
Macrovesicular Steatosis (Macrovesicular Fatty Change)
Antibodies to Filamentous Actin (F-Actin) in the Diagnosis of Type 1 Autoimmune Hepatitis
AIDS-Related Biliary Tract Disorders
Pathogens Associated with AIDS Cholangiopathy (HIV-Related Secondary Sclerosing Cholangitis)
Fatty Meal Stimulated Cholescintigraphy Protocol of Al-Muqbel et al in a Patient with Chronic Acalculous Cholecystitis
Amount of Regeneration Following Hepatic Resection
Histopathologic Types of Schwimmer et al for Pediatric Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Criteria of Schoeniger-Hekele and Mueller for Using CA 19-9 and CA 125 to Diagnose Severe Liver Fibrosis in a Pateint with Noncholestatic Liver Disease
Congestive Hepatic Fibrosis Score of Dai et al in a Patient with Right Heart Failure
Disconnected Pancreatic Duct Syndrome (DPDS, Disconnected Left Pancreatic Remnant, DLPR)
Pancreatic Duct Lithiasis (Pancreatolithiasis)
Risk Score of Valero et al Predicting Readmission After Pancreatectomy
Score of Egger et al for Readmission Following Major Hepatectomy
Model of Kumaravel et al for Severity of Acute Pancreatitis (Change in Amylase and BMI, CAB)
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) and Mortality in Acute Pancreatitis Based on the Study of Wu et al
Pancreatitis Occurring in a Ectopic Pancreatic Tissue (Heterotopia)
Classification of Chronic Pancreatitis Based on the Diameter of the Main Pancreatic Duct
Risk Factors of de-Madaria et al for Fluid Sequestration in a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
Acute Ischemic Pancreatitis
Prognostic Stages of D’Amico et al for a Patient with Cirrhosis
Neonatal Acute Liver Failure (NALF): Nongenetic Causes
Neonatal Acute Liver Failure (NALF): Genetic Causes
PREOP-Gallstones Nomogram of Parmar et al for Evaluating an Older Adult with Cholelithiasis
Acute Hepatitis-Like Presentation of Primary Billiary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Hy's Law for Serious Drug-Induced Hepatotoxicity
Risk Factors of Parmar et al for Delayed Gastric Emptying After Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure)
Drain Management Pathway of McMillan et al for Reducing the Risk of Clinically Relevant Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula Following Pancreatoduodenectomy
Criteria of the ISGPS for Grading Postpancreatectomy Hemorrhage (PPH)
Indications for a Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Histologic Criteria of Fabre et al for Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)
Indications for Surgical Resection of Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)
Radiologic Criteria of Fabre et al for Focal Nodular Hyperplasia (FNH)
MELD-Sarcopenia Score of Montano-Loza et al for a Patient with Cirrhosis
Ectopic Varices in the Jejunum or Ileum
Ectopic Varices in the Urinary Bladder (Vesical Varices)
Prediction of Hypertrophy of Liver Segments 2 and 3 After Right Portal Vein Embolization (RPVE) and Extended Right Hepatectomy
Score of Wang et al for Predicting Complications After a Liver Resection for a Hepatocellular Carcinoma Secondary to Hepatitis B
50-50 Criteria of Balzan et al for Liver Failure After Hepatectomy
Model of Balzan et al for 60-Day Mortality After Hepatectomy
Model of Wiggers et al for Predicting Mortality Following Resection of a Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma
Risk Factors of Qadan et al for Postoperative Hepatic Failure Following a Hepatic Resection
Preoperative Factors of Qadan et al Associated with a Low Risk of Postoperative Hepatic Failure Following Hepatic Resection in a Patient with Cirrhosis
International Study Group of Liver Surgery (ISGLS) Severity Grades of Posthepatectomy Liver Failure (PHLF)
Albumin-Indocyanine Green Evaluation (ALICE) Grade of Kokudo et al for a Patient Undergoing Hepatic Resection
Planning a Hepatic Resection Based on the Albumin-Indocyanine Green Evaluation (ALICE) Grade of Kokudo et al
Score of Andres et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Complications Following an Elective Liver Resection
Parenchymal Hepatic Resection Rate (PHRR) of Okamoto et al
Model of Nishio et al for Predicting Liver Failure After Hepatectomy Based on Hepatic Stiffness (Vs-Rem Index)
Lille Model of Louvet et al for Evaluating a Patient with Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis
Acute Liver Failure Early Dynamic (ALFED) Model of Kumar et al
Clinical Prognostic Indicators (CPI) of Dhiman et al for a Patient with Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Predictors of Muratori et al for a Poor Response to Therapy in a Patient with Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH)
Preoperative Clinical Score of Ambe et al for a Patient with Acute Cholecystitis
Donor Risk Index (DRI) of Feng et al for a Liver Transplant
D-MELD Score of Halldorson et al for Predicting Mortality Following Liver Transplant
5vMELD Score of Myers et al for Evaluating a Patient Prior to Liver Transplantation
MELD-Albumin Score of Myers et al for Evaluating a Patient Prior to Liver Transplantation
Hepatotoxicity (Drug-Induced Liver Injury) Associated with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
Algorithm of Husain et al for Identifying Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Using Automated Data
Egy Score of Alboraie et al for Predicting Hepatic Fibrosis in Egyptians with Chronic Liver Disease
Rotterdam Score of Darwish Murad et al for Predicting the Prognosis for a Patient with the Budd-Chiari Syndrome
VAST Score of Elder et al for Evaluating Portal Hypertension in a Patient with a History of the Fontan Procedure for Congenital Heart Disease
Screening a Newborn for Biliary Atresia By Measuring Serum Direct (Conjugated) Bilirubin
Biliary Atresia Splenic Malformation (BASM) Syndrome
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Associated Biliary Atresia
Hepatic Artery Resistance Index (HARI, Resistive Index) and Prognosis of Biliary Atresia (BA)
Complications Associated with Celiac Artery Occlusion Following Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure)
Models of Venkat et al for a Patient Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy: 30-Day Postoperative Mortality
Models of Venkat et al for a Patient Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy: 90-Day Postoperative Mortality
Prognostic Score of Gonzalvez-Gasch et al for a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
Nomogram of Hollemans et al for Predicting Successful Catheter Drainage of Infected Necrotizing Pancreatitis
TIGAR-O Categories for the Etiology of Chronic Pancreatitis
M-ANNHEIM System for Chronic Pancreatitis: Multiple Risk Factors
M-ANNHEIM System for Chronic Pancreatitis: Clinical Stages
M-ANNHEIM System for Chronic Pancreatitis: Diagnostic Criteria
M-ANNHEIM System for Chronic Pancreatitis: Imaging Grades Based on Cambridge Criteria
M-ANNHEIM System for Chronic Pancreatitis: Grading by Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)
M-ANNHEIM System for Chronic Pancreatitis: Severity Score
ABC Staging System of Buchler et al for Chronic Pancreatitis
Criteria of Irisawa et al for Severity of Chronic Pancreatitis Based on Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS)
Manchester Classification for Staging Chronic Pancreatitis
Criteria of Sata et al for Alcoholic Pancreatopathy
Zurich Classification of Alcoholic Chronic Pancreatitis
Chronic Pancreatitis Associated with Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency
Integrated MELD (iMELD) Model for a Patient with Cirrhosis
Score of Simons et al for Predicting Perioperative Mortality Associated with Resection of a Hepatic Neoplasm
Risk Factors of Kim et al for 30-Day Readmission After Hepatectomy
Risk Factors of Virani et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Hepatic Resection
Risk Factors of Andreatos et al for Post-Hepatectomy Liver Failure (PHLF) and Bile Leakage
Model of Lim et al for Identifying a Patient with Hemochromatosis Who Is Homozygous for C282Y
Prognostic Combination Models of Louvet et al for Alcoholic Hepatitis: Lille and MELD Scores
Prognostic Combination Models of Louvet et al for Alcoholic Hepatitis: Lille and ABIC Scores
Prognostic Combination Models of Louvet et al for Alcoholic Hepatitis: Lille Score and Maddrey Discriminant Function
Recurrent Fever-Associated Acute Liver Failure (ALF) with Onset During Infancy in a Patient with an NBAS Mutation
Grades of Moreau et al for Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)
Risk Score of Soltes and Radonak for Difficulty of Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Clinical Score of Kajiwara et al to Predict Bile Leakage After Liver Resection
Grades of the International Study Group of Liver Surgery (ISGLS) for Bile Leakage After Hepatobiliary or Pancreatic Surgery
Risk Factors of Li et al for Bile Leakage After Hepatectomy for Hepatolithiasis
Risk Factors of Lo et al for Biliary Complication After Hepatic Resection
Clinical Features of Biliary Sludge
Conditions Associated with Biliary Sludge
Albumin-Bilirubin (ALBI) Score for Prognosis in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Criteria of Taal et al for the Diagnosis of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Criteria of Pares et al for Response to Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) in a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (Barcelona Criteria)
Criteria of Corpechot et al for Biochemical Response to Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) Therapy in a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Criteria of Kuiper et al for Biochemical Response in a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) Treated with Ursodeoxycholic Acid (Rotterdam Criteria)
Predictive Factors of Kumagi et al for Long-Term Histologic Progression in a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) Being Treated with Ursodeoxycholic Acid (Toronto Criteria)
Revised Criteria of Corpechot et al for Biochemical Response to Therapy with Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA) in a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (Paris II Criteria)
AST to Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) and Response to UDCA Therapy for Risk Stratification of a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
GLOBE Score of Lammers et al for a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
Survival Model of Prince et al for a Patient with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC, Newcastle Model)
Newcastle Varices in PBC Score of Patanwala et al
1985 Model of Christensen et al for Prognosis in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)
1993 Prognostic Score of Christensen et al for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC): Without Liver Biopsy Findings (CPS I)
1993 Prognostic Score of Christensen et al for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC): With Liver Biopsy Findings (CPS II)
UK-PBC Score and Prognosis in Primary Biliary Cholangitis
Hepatotoxicity of Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis)
Risk Factors of Addeo et al for Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma
Complications of Hepatolithiasis
Risk Factors for Hepatolithiasis
Anatomic Classification of Tsunoda et al for Severity of Hepatolithiasis
Clinical Severity Grade of the Japanese Hepatolithiasis Research Group
Fulminant Hepatitis with Acute Liver Failure in a Patient with Dengue Fever
Score of Naiki et al for Evaluating a Patient with Acute Liver Failure (JHOBDSG Score)
Acute Liver Failure Associated with Extensive Metastatic Carcinoma to the Liver
Japanese 2011 Diagnostic Criteria for Acute Liver Failure (ALF)
Causes of Acute Liver Failure (ALF) from the Intractable Liver Diseases Study Group of Japan
Criteria of the Intractable Liver Diseases Study Group of Japan for Liver Transplantation in a Patient with Acute or Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Conditions Associated with Secondary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Cholelithoptysis and Other Complications of Gallstones Spilled During a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Indications for Preemptive Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Same Day Surgery for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Criteria of Ohara et al for IgG4-Related Sclerosing Cholangitis
Table of Hamada et al for the Upper Limit of Normal for the Common Bile Duct By Age in the Japanese
Rome IV Criteria for Biliary Pain
Rome IV Criteria for a Functional Gallbladder Disorder
UK-DCD Risk Score of Schlegel et al for Liver Transplantation from a Donor with Circulatory Death
2016 Diagnostic Criteria of the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Hepatotoxicity Associated with Usnic Acid from the Lichen Usnea
Ketamine Cholangiopathy with Hepatic Fibrosis
Discriminant Function of Rosenberg Using Serum Biomarkers for Hepatic Fibrosis (European Liver Fibrosis Panel)
Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Panel Using Serum Biomarkers for Hepatic Fibrosis (ELF, Modified European Liver Fibrosis Panel)
Simple Panels of Guha et al for Hepatic Fibrosis
Combined Panels of Guha et al for Hepatic Fibrosis
Caroli's Disease
Rome IV Criteria for Functional Sphincter of Oddi Disorders (Biliary and Pancreatic)
Enhanced Liver Fibrosis Panel (ELF) for Prediction of Hepatic Fibrosis in Chronic Hepatitis C
Definition of the International Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS) for Delayed Gastric Emptying (DGE) After Pancreatic Surgery
Criteria of Yekebas et al for a Sentinel Bleed Prior to Postpancreatectomy Hemorrhage
Criteria for Severity of Post-Pancreatectomy Hemorrhage (PPH)
Risk Factors for Post-Pancreatectomy Hemorrhage (PPH)
Heart Diseases That May Cause Liver Disease
Child-Turcotte-Pugh Score Plus Variceal Status for Predicting 1-Year Mortality for a Patient with Cirrhosis (Child-Turcotte-Pugh-Kumar Score, CTPK)
MESO Index of Huo et al for Evaluating a Patient with Cirrhosis
BOTEM Score of Brensing et al for Predicting 60-Day Mortality After Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Stent Shunt (TIPSS)
Criteria of Yamazaki et al for Pulling Abdominal Drains After a Hepatic Resection
Risk Factors of Maiwall et al for Mortality in a Patient with Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis
Criteria of Potts et al for Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis (SAH)
Alcoholic Hepatitis Histologic Score (AHHS) of Altamirano et al
Model of Koch et al for Transplant-Free Survival in Acute Liver Failure (ALFSG Model)
Model of Zheng et al for Predicting 3-Month Mortality Risk for a Patient with Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Due to Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
HBV-ACLF MELD (HAM) Model of Luo et al for HBV-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)
Cholangiographic Patterns for IgG4-Related Sclerosing Cholangitis
Portal Cavernoma Cholangiopathy (PCC)
Risk Factors of Sippey et al for Conversion from Laparoscopic to Open Cholecystectomy
Intrahepatic Gallbladder
Risk Factors for Bile Leak Following Cholecystectomy
Predictive Index of Hong et al for Survival After Liver Transplant from a Cardiac Death Donor
Nomogram of Van Vugt et al for Predicting Transplant Waiting List Mortality for a Patient with Cirrhosis
Balance of Risk (BAR) Score of Dutkowski et al for Patient Survival After Liver Transplantation
Framingham Steatosis Index (FSI) of Long et al
ZJU Index of Wang et al for Prediction of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in a Chinese Patient
BARD Score of Harrison et al for Fibrosis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Score of Chunming et al for Prediction of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Genetic Testing for ATP7B in Wilson's Disease
Score of Ferenci et al for the Diagnosis of Wilson Disease (EASL Score)
Hazards of Interrupting Therapy for a Patient with Wilson's Disease
Diagnostic Pathways of Roberts and Schilsky for Wilson's Disease
Miscellaneous Manifestations of Wilson's Disease
Serum Alkaline Phosphatase to Total Bilirubin Ratio and Aspartate to Alanine Transaminase Ratio in a Patient with Fulminant Hepatic Failure Due to Wilson's Disease
Noninvasive Criteria of Zheng et al for Cirrhosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis
Budd-Chiari Syndrome in a Patient with Behcet Disease
Budd-Chiari Syndrome (BCS)-TIPS Prognostic Index of Garcia-Pagan et al
Prognostic Index of Langlet et al for a Patient with Budd-Chiari Syndrome (BCS, New Clichy Prognostic Index)
Hepatic Vein Thrombosis with Budd-Chiari Syndrome in a Patient with Ulcerative Colitis
Prognostic Score of Braga et al for Major Complications After Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Score of Roberts et al for Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Classification of Ma et al for Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT)
Classification of Yerdel et al for Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT) in a Patient Undergoing Liver Transplant
Criteria of Sarin et al for the Diagnosis of Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT)
Classification of Nonami of Portal Vein Thrombosis in a Resected Liver
Classification of Stieber et al for Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT) in a Patient Undergoing Liver Transplantation
Classification of Bauer et al for Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT)
Classification of Jaimeson for Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT)
Classification of the Baveno VI Consensus Workshop for Portal Thrombosis (Extrahepatic Portal Vein Occlusion, EHPVO)
Prognostic Factors of Janssen et al for a Patient with Extrahepatic Portal Vein Thrombosis
Cavernous Transformation (Cavernoma) of the Portal Vein (CTPV) in Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT)
Portal or Hepatic Vein Thrombosis Associated with Fusobacterium Bacteremia
Ectopic Hepatic Tissue
Severity of Acute Pancreatitis in Children, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) and Serum C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
Semiquantitative Grading of Iron Staining in a Liver Biopsy
Patterns of Hepatocellular Necrosis
Preoperative Score of Breitenstein et al for Predicting Complications After Liver Resection in a Patient Without Cirrhosis
Risk Factors of Spahr et al for Short-Term Mortality in a Patient with Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Clinical and Laboratory Criteria of Sujan et al for Alcoholic Hepatitis
Risk Factors of Raynard et al for Hepatic Fibrosis in an Alcoholic
Events of Interest for a Patient with Alcoholic Hepatitis
Porcelain Gallbladder
Risk Factors of Scollay et al for Mortality of a Patient Treated for Gallstones (Cholelithiasis)
Hydrops of the Gallbladder
Use of Post-Transplant MELD Score to Predict Graft Loss After a Living Donor Liver Transplant
Small Duct Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)
Ecstasy (MDMA) Related Hepatotoxicity and Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Clinical Score of Pulzi et al for Diagnosing Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) in an Obese Adult
NAFLD Liver Fat Score of Kotronen et al
Indian Fatty Liver Index of Bhatt et al
Equation of Kotronen et al for Liver Fat Percent
Hepatic Steatosis Index (HSI) of Lee et al for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Risk Factors of Galvin et al for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in a Patient with a Liver Transplant
GMPH Score of Nishikawa et al for Advanced Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic HBV Infection
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Clinical Score for Distinguishing Neonatal Hepatitis from Extrahepatic Biliary Atresia
Causes of Iron Accumulation (Siderosis) in the Liver
American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) Grading Criteria for a Surgical Emergency in Acute Pancreatitis
Updated MELD Score of Sharma et al
ALBI-FIB4 Score of Guha et al for a Patient with Compensated Cirrhosis
Revised Model for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) of Leise et al
Revised Model for End-Stage Liver Disease Sodium (MELD-NA) of Leise et al
Fistula Between a Vein and Bile Duct Following Placement of a Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS)
Creatinine-Modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh Score
MELD-E (MELD-Encephalopathy) Score of Rout et al
MELD Scores of Chen et al Using eGFR
Nomogram of Hu et al for Predicting Liver Failure After Resection of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Model of Hyder et al for 90-Day Mortality After Hepatic Resection
American Association for the Surgery on Trauma (AAST) Grading System for Cholecystitis Associated Emergency Surgery
Bile Leak Score of Mohkam et al After Liver Resection (ACHBT Score): Original Score
Bile Leak Score of Mohkam et al After Liver Resection (ACHBT Score): Modified Score
Clinical Prediction Rule of Tsolakis et al for Bile Stent Removal Following Postsurgical Bile Leak
Classification of Tsolakis et al for Postsurgical Bile Leak
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Metabolic Syndrome (NAFLD-MS) Score of Saokaew et al
Predictors of Mendes for Portal Hypertension and Esophageal Varices in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Cocaine Hepatotoxicity
Harmless Acute Pancreatitis Score (HAPS)
Admission Criteria of Meek et al for Predicting Complications of Gallstone Pancreatitis
Criteria of Llovet et al for Clinically Relevant Portal Hypertension
Model of Chalasani et al for Predicting Mortality in a Patient with Cirrhosis Following Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunting (TIPS)
Emory Score of Chalsani et al for Mortality in a Patient with Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunting in Cirrhosis
Quantity of Retained Fluid in a Patient with Cirrhosis
Predictors of Heuman et al for Early Death in a Patient with Cirrhosis (MELD-AS Score)
MELDNa-AGIB Score of Biselli et al for a Patient with Cirrhosis and Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Risk Factors of Neeff et al for Mortality After Abdominal Surgery in a Patient with Hepatic Cirrhosis
Portal Vein Pressure (PVP) and Complications After Major Noncirrhotic Liver Resection
Prognostic Groups of Citterio et al for Liver Decompensation After Hepatic Resection for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
CLIF-C Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Score (ACLFs) of Jalan et al
CLIF Organ Failure (OF) Score System
CLIF-C Acute Decompensation Score (CLIF-C ADs) of Jalan et al for a Cirrhotic Patient Without Acute-on-Chronic Liver Disease
Simplified Criteria of Hennes et al for the Diagnosis of Autoimmune Hepatitis
Quick and Dirty Score of Kim et al for Severe Cholecystitis
Score of Kim et al for Severe Cholecystitis
Score of Bharamgoudar et al for Predicting Prolonged Elective Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Interpretation of Engel et al for the Sonographic Measurement of Gallbladder Wall Thickness
Indications for Liver Transplant in the United Kingdom: Super Urgent Candidates
Indications for Liver Transplant in the United Kingdom: Elective Adult Transplant
Cholestatic Liver Disease Associated with Kratom Use
Formula of Feng et al for Predicting the Standard Liver Volume of a Chinese Adult
Equations of Kokudo et al for Calculating the Standard Liver Volume for Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Equation of Poovathumkadavil et al for Liver Volume in Middle Eastern Arabic Adults
Model of Hashimoto et al for Estimating the Standard Liver Volume in a Japanese Living Donor
Equations of Vauthey et al for Predicting Total Liver Volume
Equation of Yuan et al for Estimation of Standard Liver Volume for a Chinese Adult
Equation of Fu-Gui et al for Estimating the Standard Liver Volume of a Chinese Adult Living Donor
Equations of Chandramohan et al for Estimating the Standard Liver Volume for an Indian Patient
Equation of DeLand and North for Estimating Liver Weight
Equations of Um et al for Estimating the Standard Liver Volume in Adult Koreans
Equation of Lin et al for Estimating Liver Volume of a Chinese Adult
Equation of Ma et al for the Standard Liver Volume of a Chinese Adult
NAFLD Fibrosis Score of Angulo et al
NIKEI Score of Demir et al for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Byler's Disease and Syndrome (Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis, PFIC)
Conditions Associated with Portmesenteric Vein Gas
Criteria for an Inactive HBV Carrier
Goteborg University Cirrhosis Index (GUCI) of Islam et al for Chronic Hepatitis C
Histology Activity Index (HAI) of Knodell et al for Chronic Hepatitis
MELD Purgatory in Chronic Hepatitis C
Alternative Fistula Score (a-FRS) of Mungroop et al Following Pancreatoduodenectomy
Risk Factors of Schroder et a for Postoperative Complications After Pancreatoduodenectomy
Updated Alternative Fistula Score (a-FRS) of Mungroop et al Following Pancreatoduodenectomy
Modified Fistula Risk Score of Kantor et al for a Patient Undergoing Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Toulouse Algorithm for Cardiac Decompensation After TIPS
Fontan-Associated Liver Disease (FALD)
Equations of Chouker et al for Estimating Liver Weight
Vascular Complications Associated with Acute Pancreatitis
Modified CT Severity Index Index (CTSI, Balthazar) of Mortele et al for Acute Pancreatitis
Chinese Simple Scoring System (CSSS) of Wang et al for Predicting Mortality in a Patient with Severe Pancreatitis
Pancreatitis Activity Scoring System (PASS) of Wu et al
Predictors of Silva-Vaz et al for Severity in Acute Biliary Pancreatitis
COPPS Score of Beyer et al for Chronic Pancreatitis
Ratio of Serum Triglyceride to Apolipoprotein B in Hypertriglyceridemic Pancreatitis (HTGP)
Precipitating Events of Trebicka et al for Acute Decompensation in a Patient with Cirrhosis
Predictors of Ripoll et al for Decompensation in a Patient with Compensated Cirrhosis
CreLiMAx and Survival in a Patient with Cirrhosis
Prognostic Model of Zhang et al for Overall Postoperative Survival for a Patient with Portal Hypertension
Prognostic Model of Zhang et al for Bleeding-Free Survival Postoperative Survival for a Patient with Portal Hypertension
Risk Factors of Vicco et al for In-Hospital Mortality for a Patient with Alcoholic Cirrhosis and Ascites
Prognostic Score of Wu et al for a Patient with Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (COSSH-ACLF Score)
Classification of the Chinese Group on the Study of Severe Hepatitis B (COSSH) for Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)
Syphilitic Cholangiopathy
Biliary Stricture Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Effects of Drugs on Bile Flow and Composition
Risk Score of Burke et al for Predicting Severe Complications After Urgent or Emergent Cholecystectomy
Intraoperative Difficulty Score of Calkins et al for Minimally Invasive Cholecystectomy
Risk Factors of Calkins et al for Bile Duct Injury During Minimally Invasive Cholecystectomy
Muscle-MELD Score of Hamaguchi et al for a Patient Receiving a Living Donor Liver Transplant
Preoperative Model of Kong et al for Predicting 90-Day Mortality Following Liver Transplantation
Model of Molinari et al for Predicting Perioperative Mortality for a Cadaveric Liver Transplant Recipient (Liver Transplant Risk Score, LTRS)
Biliary and Other Complications Following Liver Transplant from a Donor After Cardiac Death (DCD)
Predictors of Wong et al for Hepatotoxicity in a Patient Receiving a Stable Dose of Thiopurine for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Equations of Noda et al for Estimating Liver Volume in a Pediatric Patient
Equations of Johnson et al for Calculating Liver Volume
PCOS-HS Index of Carreau et al for Predicting Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in an Adolescent Girl with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Hepamet Fibrosis Score (HFS) of Ampuero et al for Identifying Advanced Fibrosis in a Patient with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Index of NASH (ION) of Otgonsuren et al
Categories of Poynard et al for Chronic Hepatitis B Based on the FibroTest and FibroScan
Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT) to Platelet Count Ratio (GPR) and Hepatic Fibrosis
Fibrostage of Wu et al for Identifying Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B
FibroIndex of Koda et al for Predicting Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis C
Risk Factors of Zarzavadjian Le Bian et al for Pancreatic Fistula After Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Risk Factors of Timme et al for Pancreatic Fistula Following Pancreatoduodenectomy
Risk Factors of Blundell et al for Early Pancreatic Allograft Thrombosis
Corset Liver
Algorithm of Abu-El-Haija et al for Grading the Severity of Acute Pancreatitis in a Pediatric Patient (NASPGHAN Algorithm)
Scoring System of DeBanto et al for Acute Pancreatitis in a Pediatric Patient
Nomograms of Jiang et al for Prognosis in Acute Pancreatitis: 30-Day Mortality
Nomograms of Jiang et al for Prognosis in Acute Pancreatitis: 1-Year Mortality
Predictors of Johnson et al for Mortality in Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Model of Wang et al for Post-Hepatectomy Liver Dysfunction or Failure Following Resection of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Model of Hasegawa et al for Surgical Difficulty of a Pure Laparoscopic Liver Resection
Institut Mutualiste Montsouris (IMM) Scoring System for Difficulty of a Primary Laparoscopic Hepatectomy
Southampton Score for Predicting the Difficulty of Laparoscopic Liver Resection
Score of Ban et al for Difficult Laparoscopic Liver Resection of Colorectal Metastases (Iwate Criteria)
Prognostic Score of Lee et al for a Pediatric Patient with Acute Liver Failure
Prognostic Indicators of Lee et al for Pediatric Fulminant Hepatic Failure
Clinical Decision Tool of Latenstein et al for Predicting Significant Pain Relief After Cholecystectomy
Non-Alcoholic Drug and Toxin Induced Steatohepatitis
Metabolic-Associated Fatty Liver Disease (MAFLD)
Miscellaneous Causes of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Scores of Rodriguez et al: NAFLD-MESA Index
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Scores of Rodriguez et al: NAFLD-Clinical Index
Risk Scores of Lin et al for Chronic Pancreatitis
SABP Score of Hong et al for Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Estrogen-Induced Pancreatitis
Nomogram of Ding et al for Predicting 30-Day Readmission for a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
MELD-Plus of Kartoun et al: Complete Model
MELD-Plus of Kartoun et al: Reduced Model
Child-Na Score of Chen et al
Serum Chloride Concentration and Prognosis in Decompensated Cirrhosis
MELD-Lactate Score
MELD and Serum Lactate Nomogram of Sarmast et al
ISGLS Criteria for Post-Hepatectomy Hemorrhage (PHH)
Risk Score of Dasari et al for Survival Following Surgical Resection of a Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Non-Cirrhotic Liver
Revised Frailty Index (rFI) of Gani et al for a Patient Undergoing Liver Resection
Model of Chin et al for Predicting Post-Hepatectomy Liver Failure (PHLF)
Arthritis and Pseudo-Rheumatoid Arthritis in Hemochromatosis
Early Change in Bilirubin Levels (ECBL) in Alcoholic Hepatitis Following Corticosteroid Therapy
Acute Liver Failure-Organ Failure (ALF-OF) Score of Figorilli et al
Causes of Squires et al for Pediatric Acute Liver Failure (ALF)
Amsterdam-Oxford Model (AOM) for Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)
Score of Kessoku et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD, PLALA Score)
Prognostic Nomogram of Hou et al for Long-Term Mortality in Cirrhosis: Model for a Male
Prognostic Nomogram of Hou et al for Long-Term Mortality in Cirrhosis: Model for a Female
Algorithm of Cabrera et al for Hereditary Hemochromatosis (HH)
Predictors of Uchida for Liver Transplantation in a Pediatric Patient with Acute Liver Failure (ALF)
Prognostic Significance of Serial Serum Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) Levels in a Patient with Acute Liver Failure (ALF)
Japanese Hepatic Encephalopathy Prediction Model (J-HEPM) for Acute Liver Failure
Preoperative Risk Score of Wu et al for Predicting Persistent Massive Ascites After Living Donor Liver Transplantation
Risk Factors of Huang et al for Drug-induced Hepatitis Associated with Antiretroviral Therapy
Veno-Occlusive Disease with Immunodeficiency (VODI)
Risk Score of Kim et al for Biliary Atresia in a Patient with Neonatal Cholestasis
Cardiac-Associated Biliary Atresia (CABA)
Predictors of Coffey et al for Severe Pancreatitis in a Pediatric Patient
Ratio of RDW to Serum Calcium in Patients with Acute Pancreatitis
Cannabis (Marijuana) Induced Pancreatitis
Model of Yang for Predicting Moderate or Severe Pancreatitis in Pregnancy
Nomogram of Li et al for Severe Acute Pancreatitis Based on Vital Signs and Laboratory Values
Model of Liu et al for Severity of Hypertriglyceridemia-Related Pancreatitis in a Chinese Patient
Sarcopenia and Handgrip Strength as Prognostic Factors in Cirrhosis
Model of Hagstrom et al for Predicting the 10-Year Risk of Cirrhosis in a Patient
Predictors of Bishay et al for Mortality for a Patient with Cirrhosis Presenting with Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Early Prediction of Decompensation (EPOD) Score of Schneider et al for a Patient with Cirrhosis
Freiburg Index of Post-TIPS Survival (FIPS) in a Patient with Cirrhosis
Modified TIPS Score (MOTS) of Furschuss et al
Bilirubin-Platelet Model of Bureau et al for Survival After TIPS Placement
SAVE Score of Liu et al for Predicting Decompensation in a Patient with Advanced Chronic Liver Disease
Preoperative Albumin-Indocyanine Green Evaluation (ALICE) Grade of Hepatic Function
Preoperative Surgical Planning Using the ALICE Grade in a Patient with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
ALPlat Index for Determining the Extent of a Hepatic Resection
Nomogram of Shen et al for Predicting Posthepatectomy Liver Failure (PHLF)
RemALPlat Index of Yamamoto et al for Determining the Extent of a Hepatic Resection
RemKICG Index of Yamamoto et al for Determining the Extent of a Hepatic Resection
Models of Milliken et al for Predicting Major Complications After Liver Resection for Tumor: Model Based on Revised Frailty Index
Models of Milliken et al for Predicting Major Complications After Liver Resection for Tumor: Model with Best Fit
Score of Gonzalez et al for Differentiation Alcoholic Steatohepatitis from Amiodarone Induced Liver Disease
Liverpool Alcohol-Related Liver Disease Algorithm
Prognostic Factors of Rajanyagam et al for Pediatric Acute Liver Failure (PALF)
Prognostic Factors of Jain and Dhawan for a Child with Acute Liver Failure (PALF)
Integrated MELD (iMELD) Score of Yan et al for Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Related Acute-on-Chornic Liver Failure (ACLF)
Bedside Tool of Bajaj et al for Predicting 30-Day Survival for a Patient with Infection-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (I-ACLF)
Predictive Factors of Bajaj et al for 30-Day Mortality for a Patient with Infection-Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)
Probability of 28-Day Mortality for a Patient with Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) Based on the Leukocyte Count
COSSH-ACLF II Score for a Patient for Hepatitis B Virus Related Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF)
2020 Criteria of the International AIH Pathology Group for Autoimmune Hepatitis: Portal Hepatitis
2020 Criteria of the International AIH Pathology Group for Autoimmune Hepatitis: Lobular Hepatitis
Predicting Response to Corticosteroid Therapy in Acute Autoimmune Hepatitis: At Initiation
Predicting Response to Corticosteroid Therapy in Acute Autoimmune Hepatitis: Day 7 of Therapy
Model of Biewenga et al for Predicting Transplant-Free Survival for a Patient with Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) Type I
Gallbladder Torsion
Classification of Terblanche et al for Bile Duct Strictures
Simple Cholestatic Complaints Score (SCCS) for a Patient with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)
Criteria of Younossi et al for High-Risk Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Dallas Steatosis Index (DSI)
Clinical Prediction Tool of McHenry et al for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) in a Patient with Crohn's Disease
Fatty Liver Index from the Multiethnic United States National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
Prognostic Model of Pu et al for Recurrent Hepatolithiasis After Biliary Surgery
Acute Pancreatitis Without Elevation of Amylase and Lipase
Predictive Factors of Tran et al for Infected Necrosis in a Patient with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Menstrual Associated (Catamenial) Pancreatitis in a Patient with Hereditary Pancreatitis
DORM65 Score of Cortes et al for a Diagnostic Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS) in a Patient with Idiopathic Acute Pancreatitis
Score of Eskelinen et al for Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis
ABC Algorithm of Liu et al for Risk of Hepatic Decompensation in a Patient with Advanced Chronic Liver Disease
Predictors of Orozco et al for Post-Hepatectomy Liver Failure (PHLF) and Mortality for a Non-Cirrhotic Patient
Ferroportin Disease Screening Score of Landemaine et al
Dysmetabolic Iron Overload Syndrome (DIOS)
Model of Liu et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in an At-Risk Alcohol Drinker
Bristol Prognostic Score for a Patient with Decompensated Cirrhosis
Model of Xu et al for Predicting Mortality for a Patient with HBV-Related Subacute Liver Failure
Risk Factors of Yamashita et al for Bile Leakage After Hepatic Resection
Risk Factors of Yu et al for Bile Leakage After Partial Hepatectomy
Model of Lunevicius and Nzenwa for Predicting Bile Leak After a Subtotal Cholecystectomy
Cholecystogastric Fistula
Liverpool Classification of Lunevicius for Subtotal Cholecystectomy
Bile Leak Risk Score (BLRS) of Riediger et al Following Liver Surgery
Score of Pausawasdi et al for Predicting Successful Endobiliary Stenting of a Malignant Biliary Obstruction: Reduction of Total Serum Bilirubin Within 2 Weeks
Score of Pausawasdi et al for Predicting Successful Endobiliary Stenting of a Malignant Biliary Obstruction: Normalization of Total Serum Bilirubin Within 6 Weeks
Criteria of Pausawasdi et al for Successful Endobiliary Stent Placement in a Patient with Malignant Biliary Obstruction
Criteria and Risk Factors of Bommena et al for Hepatic Artery Stenosis After Liver Transplantation
Formula of Yang et al for Estimation of Standard Liver Volume
Equations of Yang et al for Standard Living Volume Using Multiple Data Sources
NAFLD Familial Risk Score of Huang et al
Triglyceride-Glucose-BMI Index in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
FIB-8 Index for a Patient with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Risk Factors of Pakkala et al for a Complicated Choledochal Cyst
Score of Kuo et al for Liver-Related Complications After Eradication of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
Postpancreatectomy Acute Pancreatitis (PPAP)
DISPAIR Fistula Risk Score of Bonsdorff et al for Pancreatic Fistula After Distal Pancreatectomy
Prognostic Factors of Qisthi et al for a Patient Undergoing Kasai Surgery for Biliary Atresia
Risk Score of Liu et al for Predicting Biliary Atresia in an Infant with Cholestasis
Nomogram of Wang et al for Preoperative Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia in an Infant
PrEDICT-DGE Score of Werba et al for Predicting Delayed Gastric Emptying After Pancreaticoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure)
Chyle Leak After Pancreatoduodenectomy (Whipple Procedure)
Pancreatic Endometriosis (Pancreatic Endometrioma)
Equation of Yang et al for Estimating 24-Hour Urine Protein Excretion Rate in a Chinese Adult
Preoperative Nomogram of Shen et al for Pancreatic Head Cancer with Suspected Venous Invasion
Fibrotic NASH Index (FNI)
Model of Lin et al for Predicting Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in a Patient with Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Emergency Room Assessment of Acute Pancreatitis (ERAP) of Rasch et al
Clinical Prediction Score of Liengswangwong et al for Acute Pancreatitis (PRE-PAN Score)
Trinity Score of Keaskin et al for Predicting Hospital Admission of a Patient with Chronic Pancreatitis
Model of Jin et al for Early Diagnosis of Acute Pancreatitis in the Emergency Department
Nomogram of Li et al for Predicting Severe Acute Pancreatitis
Logistic Regression Model of Li et al for Predicting Severe Acute Pancreatitis
ALBI-PLT Score of Chen et al for Predicting Esophageal Varices in a Patient with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
Recommendation for Esophagogastric Varices (EGV) Screening (REGS) Score of Hiraoka et al for a Patient with Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
MELD 3.0 of Kim et al
Modified Child-Turcotte-Pugh (aCTP) Score of Wang et al
APART Score of Maehira et al for Predicting Post-Hepatectomy Liver Failure
Pediatric DUCT Score of Ignacio et al for Choledocholithiasis in a Pediatric Patient
Prediction Model of Cohen et al for Pediatric Choledocholithiasis
Model of Minguez et al for Persistent Choledocholithiasis in a Patient with Acute Biliary Pancreatitis
Risk Score of Capparelli et al for Choledocholithiasis in a Pediatric Patient
Composite Score of Kokoroskos et al for Predicting Choledocholithiasis
BATS Score of Ali et al for Predicting Choledocholithiasis in a Patient with Gallstones
Predictive Model of Tunruttanakul et al for Common Bile Duct Stones
Criteria of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) for the Diagnosis of Choledocholithiasis
Preoperative Score of Lledo et al for Predicting Choledocholithiasis
Reperfusion Syndrome (RPS) Following Liver Transplantation
Peking Criteria for Post-Reperfusion Syndrome (RPS) During Liver Transplantation in a Pediatric Patient
Risk Factors for the Post-Reperfusion Syndrome (PRS) During Liver Transplantation
TR Score and Model S of Tu et al for Predicting the Histologic Stage of a Patient with Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC)
Clinical Predictive Score of Mahachai et al for Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease in a Patient with Prediabetes (MASLD) Pre-DM Score)
Steatosis-Associated Fibrosis Estimator (SAFE) Score
Nomogram of Nakaji et al for Predicting Bleeding Following Endoscopic Sphincterotomy in a Patient on Hemodialysis with Choledocholithiasis
Doha Score of Thandassery et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in Chronic Hepatitis C
Hepatitis B Fibrosis (HB-F) Score of Hsu et al for Estimating Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B
FibroQ of Hsieh et al for Predicting Hepatic Fibrosis a Patient with Chronic Viral Hepatitis
Fibrosis Cirrhosis Index (FCI) of Ahmad et al
Fibrosis Index (FI) of Ohta et al for Predicting Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic HCV
RPR Score (RDW to Platelet Ratio) for Predicting Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B (HBV)
Globulin Platelet (GP) Model and Fibrosis in Chronic Viral Hepatitis
Fibrosis Stage (FS) Score of Liu et al for Prediction of Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B (HBV)
Simpler Score (S Index) of Zhou et al for Predicting Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B (HBV)
Models of Chen et al for Predicting Hepatic Fibrosis in a Patient with Chronic Hepatitis B (HBV)
Arterial Enhancement Fraction (AEF)
Decision Tree of Gong et al for Early Diagnosis of Biliary Atresia
Predictive Model of Zhang and Yang for Prolonged Pancreaticoduodenectomy
PD-ROBOSCORE of Napoli et al for Predicting the Difficulty of Robotic Pancreatoduodenectomy
Clinical Features of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI)
Causes of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EIP)
Fecal Elastase-I
Risk Factors of Budipramana et al for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EIP) After Pancreatic Surgery
Differential Diagnosis of Steatopancreatitis
Diagnosis of Steatopancreatitis (Fatty Infiltration of the Pancreas)
Protein Plugs in Pancreatitis
VITRO Score of Maieron et al for Evaluation of Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension (von Willebrand Factor Antigen to Platelet Count Ratio)
Prognostic Model of Zhang et al for a Patient with Acute Decompensated Cirrhosis
Portal Hypertension Assessment Tool (PHAT) of Banini et al
Algorithm of Tang et al for Predicting Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure (ACLF) Within 28 Days of Acute Decompensation of Cirrhosis
Model of Jeong et al for Predicting Mortality of a Patient with Alcoholic Cirrhosis Admitted Through the Emergency Department
ALPACA Score of Johansen et al for Predicting Liver-Related Events in a Patient with Alcoholic Liver Disease
Nomogram of Feng et al for Predicting Cirrhosis in a Patient with Autoimmune Hepatitis
Model of Yang et al for Chronic Cholangitis in the Setting of Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction in a Pediatric Patient
Recommendations of Fishman et al for Detection of Choledocholithiasis in a Pediatric Patient
e-GLR (Early Graft Loss Risk) Score for Prediction of Early Graft Loss of an Adult Live-Donor Liver Transplant
Model of Early Allograft Function (MEAF) of Pareja et al in a Liver Transplant Recipient
Criteria of Olthoff et al for Early Allograft Dysfunction After Liver Transplantation
Predictors of De Vincentis et al for Adverse Events in Patients with Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) Treated with Obeticholic Acid (OCA)
ADAPT Algorithm of Daniels et al for Advanced Hepatic Fibrosis in NAFLD
Pancreaticobiliary Maljunction (PBM)
Predictors of Sakhuja et al for Rapid Progression of Liver Fibrosis in a Child with Cystic Fibrosis-Related Liver Disease
Hepatocellular (Hepatic) Adenoma
Hepatocellular (Hepatic) Adenomatosis
Gangrene of the Round or Falciform Hepatic Ligaments
Mass Lesions of the Hepatic Ligaments