Psychological General Well-Being Schedule
The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale of Overall and Gorham
The SCL-90 (Symptom Check List) Outpatient Psychiatric Rating Scale
Mini-Mental State Examination
Abbreviated Mental Test
Confusion Rating
The Set Test of Isaacs and Akhtar
Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-30)
CES-D Self-Report Depression Scale
The Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
Beck Inventory for Measuring Depression
The Brief Depression Scale of Koenig et al
The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
The Harvard Department of Psychiatry and National Depression Screening Day Scale (HANDS)
The Hopelessness Scale of Beck et al
Indications to Screen a Patient for Depression
The Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)
The Clinical Rating Score of Hassanyeh for Depression Severity
The Newcastle Diagnostic and ECT Scales of Carney et al for Depression
Brief Screening Instrument of Fabacher et al to Detect Depression in an Elderly Patient in the Emergency Department (ED-DSI)
Geriatric Depression Scale 15-Item (GDS-15)
Geriatric Depression Scale for Nursing and Residential Home Patients Using 12 Items (GDS-12R)
Brief Assessment Scale for Depression (BAS DEP)
Even Briefer Assessment Scale for Depression (EBAS DEP)
Risk Factors of Kivela et al for Predicting Chronic Depression in the Elderly
The Depression Scale of Goldberg et al
The Post-Stroke Depression Rating Scale of Gainotti et al
The WHO-Five Well-Being Index
The Major (ICD-10) Depression Inventory
Risk Factors of Beck for Postpartum Depression (PPD)
Risk Factors of Crystal et al for Failure to Adequately Treat Depression in an Elderly Patient
Risk Factors for Post-Stroke Depression
Yousef Pseudodementia Scale (YPSS) for Distinguishing Depressive Pseudodementia from Dementia
Clinical Features of Depressive Pseudodementia
Model of Levin et al for Predicting Depression After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Presentations of Brodaty for Masked Depression in the Elderly
Risk Factors of Oswald et al for Treatment Resistance in a Depressed Patient
Criteria of Mann for the Response to Antidepressant Therapy
Reasons of Salzman for the Failure of a Depressed Patient to Respond Adequately to Antidepressant Therapy
The Patient Health Questionnaire Module for Depression (PHQ-9)
The Patient Health Questionnaire 2 Question Screen for Depression (PHQ-2)
Risk Factors for Paternal Depression Following Birth of a Child (Paternal Postpartum Depression)
Risk Factors of Schwenk et al for Identifying a Retired Professional Football Player at Risk for Depression
Massachusetts General Hospital Staging Method for Treatment-Resistant Depression
Stages of Thase and Rush for Treatment Resistant Depression
Criteria of Souery et al for Chronic Resistant Depression (Chronic Refractory Depression, CRD)
Risk of Depression in a Diabetic Based on the Number of Comorbid Conditions
Indications to Screen a Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for Depression
Semen Loss Syndrome (Dhat)
Indications to Screen a Patient with Asthma for Depression
Factors Contributing to Depression or Anxiety in a Patient with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Factors Contributing to Depression in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Indications for Referring a Woman with Postpartum Depression to a Psychiatrist
Post-Erasmus Depression
Maudsley Obsessional-Compulsive Inventory
Lynfield Obsessional-Compulsive Questionnaires
The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS)
Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS)
Bowel Obsession Syndrome (BOS)
Habits of Nervous Tension
The Anxiety Status Inventory (ASI) of Zung
The Self-rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) of Zung
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD Scale)
The Short Anxiety Screening Test (SAST) of Sinoff et al
The Clinical Anxiety Scale (CAS) of Snaith et al
Modified Groningen Distress Scale for a Phobic Patient
The Anxiety Scale of Goldberg et al
The GAD-7 Instrument of Spitzer et al for Measuring Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Risk Factors for Anxiety in a Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Risk Factors for Anxiety and Panic Attacks in a Patient with Asthma
Common Fears of Stein et al for People with a Social Phobia
The Revised Impact of Event Scale
Acute Stress Disorder
Experience after Treatment in Intensive Care 7-Item Scale (ETIC-7)
Pediatric Emotional Distress Scale (PEDS)
Risk Factors of Willebrand et al for Poor Psychological Health After a Major Burn
Anniversary Reaction
Clinical Findings Suggesting Malingering in a Person Claiming Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Risk Factors of Jackson et al for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a Patient Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Survivor’s Syndrome (Survivor’s Guilt)
The Chestnut Lodge Prognostic Scale for Patients with Chronic Schizophrenia
The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS)
Criteria of Andreasen and Olsen for Positive, Negative and Mixed Schizophrenia
Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) of Andreasen for Patients with Schizophrenia
Predictors of Cannon et al for the Onset of Psychosis in a Youth at High Clinical Risk
Diagnostic Criteria of Logsdail and Toone for Postictal Psychosis
Diagnostic Criteria for Parkinson Disease (PD) Associated Psychosis
Diagnostic Criteria for the Attenuated Positive Symptoms (APS) Syndrome
Diagnostic Criteria for the Brief Intermittent Psychosis Syndrome (BIPS)
Diagnostic Criteria for Genetic Risk Plus Recent Deterioration (GRD)
Differential Diagnosis of Psychotic Symptoms in a Patient with Narcolepsy
Dyskinesia Identification System: Condensed User Scale (DISCUS)
Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS)
Diagnostic Criteria of Caroff et al for the Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Differential Diagnosis of a Life-Threatening Illness with Muscular Rigidity and Altered Mental Status
Diagnostic Criteria of Levenson for the Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Diagnostic Criteria of Addonizio et al for Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome
Criteria for the Diagnosis of the Serotonin Syndrome
The Serotonin Syndrome Scale
Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria
Parents' Rating Scale for the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Wender Utah Rating Scale for the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADD/H Adolescent Self-Report Scale Short Form
NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for ADHD, Parent as Initial Informant
NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for ADHD, Teacher as Initial Informant
NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for ADHD, Parent Follow-up
NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Scale for ADHD, Teacher Follow-up
WHO Adult Self-Report Screener (ASRS) for Adult Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Pediatric Symptom Checklist for Screening School-Age Children for Psychosocial Dysfunction
Mass Psychogenic Illness (Environmental Somatization Syndrome)
Delusions Shared By Two or More People (Folie a Deux, etc.)
Criteria for Bulimia Nervosa
Criteria for Anorexia Nervosa
Criteria for Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
The SCOFF Questionnaire Screening Instrument for Eating Disorders
The Eating Attitudes Test for Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa
Indications for Admitting a Patient with Anorexia Nervosa into the Hospital
Features of Joughin et al for Late Onset Anorexia Nervosa
Behaviors of Bonci et al That May Indicate an Eating Disorder
Skin Changes Associated with Anorexia Nervosa
Female Weight-Control Smoker
Orthorexia Nervosa
The Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale
The Brief Michigan Alcoholism Test
The TWEAK Screening Test for Alcohol Abuse
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) Core Questionnaire
The Canterbury Alcoholism Screening Test (CAST)
The Five Shot Questionnaire for Alcohol Abuse
The T-ACE Screening Questionnaire for Alcohol Abuse
The CAGE Questionnaire for Alcohol Abuse
The Munich Alcoholism Test (MALT)
The History of Traumatic Injury Scale of Skinner et al for Identifying Alcohol Abuse
Probability of Excessive Drinking Using the Logistic Regression Equations of Skinner et al
The AUDIT Consumption (AUDIT-C) Questionnaire for Screening of Alcohol Abuse
Criteria for At-Risk Alcohol Drinking
Willingness to Change Alcohol Use After Traumatic Injury
Prognostic Factors of Vaillant for Stable Abstinence in an Alcoholic
Cahalan Scale for Evaluating Alcohol Misuse
High Risk Alcohol Relapse (HAR) Model of Yates et al
Risk Groups of Gish et al for Recividism by a Patient with Alcoholism and End-Stage Liver Disease Undergoing Liver Transplantation
Triggers for Relapse in a Person Who Is Abstaining from Alcohol
Criteria of Veldt et al for Evaluating a Patient's Use of Alcohol
Predictors of Hartl et al for Alcohol Recidivism in a Patient Following Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Predictors of Altamarino et al for Abstinence in a Patient Waiting for Liver Transplantation for Alcoholic Liver Disease
Criteria for Substance Dependence
Evaluating Adolescent Substance Abuse
Screening for Adolescent Substance Abuse Using the CRAFFT Questionnaire
Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence
Problem Severity Index (PSI) for Patients with Drug Dependence
Method of Samet et al for Responding to a Patient with a Positive Substance Abuse Screen
Epidemiologic Factors Associated with Volatile Inhalant Abuse
Prognostic Staging System of Favrat et al for Patients in a Methadone Maintenance Program
The TMSP (Toxicomanie, Suivi Medical, Socio-Personnel, et Suivi Psychiatrique) Gravity of Drug Abuse Score
Risk Factors of van den Bree and Pickworth for Marijuana Use By a Teenager
Severity of Drug Dependence (SDS, Opiate Subjective Dependence Questionnaire)
Severity of Amphetamine Dependency Questionnaire of Churchill et al (SAmDQ)
Tolerance vs Dependence vs Addiction vs Pseudoaddiction
Handling a Patient with Paranoid Psychosis Secondary to Drug Abuse
Criteria of Corrigan for Dependence on Anabolic Steroids
Factors Influencing Whether an Ectasy User Will Continue or Cease to Use the Drug
Reasons Why a Person May Choose Not to Abuse Drugs
Risk Factors for Psychosis in a Person Who Abuses Cannabis
Risk Factors for Substance Abuse in an Older Adult
Classification of Manchikanti et al for Prescription Drug Abuse
Models of Karp et al for Identifying an Adolescent at Risk for Becoming a Daily Smoker
Types of Abusive Behavior
Manic Rating Scale
Manic State Rating Scale
Longitudinal Rating Scale of Petterson et al for the Manic State
Manic State Checklist for Nurses
The Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Rating Scale (BRMRS)
Scale for Suicide Ideation of Beck et al.
Risk Factors for Suicide in Adults
Modified SAD PERSONS Scale of Hockberger and Rothstein
Risk-Rescue Rating of Weisman and Worden for Suicide Assessment
Risk Factors of Powell et al for Predicting the Risk of Suicide in a Psychiatric Ward Inpatient
Risk Factors of Qin and Nordentoft for Suicide in a Patient with a History of Psychiatric Hospitalization
Risk Factors for Suicide by an Adolescent
Risk Factors of Bonner for Suicide by an Inmate of a Correctional Institution
Suicide by Cop (Suicide by Police)
Manchester Self-Harm Rule
Risk Factors of Akechi et al for Suicidal Ideation in a Patient with Unresectable Lung Carcinoma
Risk Factors of Hawton et al for Self-Harm by English Adolescents
Criteria of Hawton et al for an Action Indicating Deliberate Self-Harm
Characteristics of Habitual Self-Mutilators Reported by Favazza and Conterio
Features of Mahowald et al for Pseudo-Suicide Associated with Parasomnia and Disorders of Arousal
Risk Factors of Paulsen et al for Suicide by a Patient with Huntington's Disease
Risk Factors for Suicide in a Patient with Cancer
Risk Factors of Voon for Suicide in a Patient with Parkinson's Disease Who Has Undergone Surgery for Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation
Psychological Symptoms of Pattison and Kahan in a Patient with the Deliberate Self-Harm Syndrome
Risk of Suicide in a Patient with a History of Repetitive Self-Harm
Risk Factors of Hawton et al for Suicide in a Schizophrenic Patient
CART Model of Neuner et al for Predicting Suicide Attempts By a Psychiatric Inpatient
Recommendations of Mills et al for Preventing a Suicide Attempt in the Emergency Department
Risk Factors for Suicide By Railroad or Subway
Copycat Suicide (Werther Effect)
Diagnostic Criteria for Seasonal Affective Disorder
Recommendations of Rosenthal for Light Therapy for a Patient with Seasonal Affective Disorder
Situations Where Light Deprivation Causing a Seasonal Affective Disorder May Be Overlooked
Rating Scale of Delgado-Escueta et al for Aggressive Behavior
Warning Signs of Aggressive Behavior in a Psychiatric Patient
Overt Aggressive Scale (OAS) for Rating Verbal and Physical Aggression
The Staff Observation Aggression Scale (SOAS) of Palmstierna and Wistedt
Aggressive Behavior Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Clinical Features of the Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS)
Differential Diagnosis of the Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS)
Initial Management of a Patient with the Excited Delirium Syndrome
The Nursing Home Behavior Problem Scale
Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS)
The Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI)
The Brief Agitation Rating Scale (BARS) for Nursing Home Patients
Recommendations of Sink et al for Managing the Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Dementia
Conditions Associated with Adverse Events Following Electroconvulsive Therapy
Indications for Use of Electroconvulsive Therapy
The Patient Questionnaire Format for PRIME-MD
Screening for Mental Disorders in Medical Outpatients Using the Predictors of Jackson et al
Clinical Features of Tourette Syndrome
DSM-IV Criteria for Pathological Gambling
Screening Population Groups at Increased Risk for Pathologic Gambling
Exercise Dependence
Diagnostic Criteria of McElroy et al for Compulsive Buying
Questionnaire of Lejoyeux and Ades for Compulsive Buying Behavior
Diagnostic Criteria for Kleptomania
Diagnostic Criteria for Pyromania
Guidelines for Gambling Responsibly
Criteria of Gruber and Pope for Muscle Dysmorphia in a Body Builder
Risk Factors for Pathologic Gambling in a Patient with Parkinson's Disease
Manifestations of Hypersexuality
Conditions Associated with Hypersexuality
Compulsive Lying
Features of Compulsive Hoarding
Six Core Components of Griffiths for a Behavioral Addiction
The Apathy Scale of Glenn et al
The Apathy Evaluation Scale, Informant Version (AES-I)
DSM-IV Criteria for the Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
Evaluation of a Patient with Depression Associated with Interferon Alfa Therapy
Drugs Associated with Chemical Psychosis
Drug-Induced Depression
Adverse Psychiatric Effects Associated with Corticosteroid Therapy
Risk Factors for Depression Associated with Oral Contraceptive (OC) Therapy
Adverse Psychiatric Effects Associated with Anabolic Steroids
Psychiatric Effects of Sildenafil (Viagra)
Adverse Psychiatric Effects Associated with Varenicline (Chantix, Champix)
Risk Factors for Suicide in a Patient Taking Pregabalin
Common Findings in Battle Fatigue (Normal Battle Reaction)
Clinical Findings of Potentially Serious Battle Fatigue (Battle Reaction)
The Short Timers Syndrome
Prolonged Combat Stress Reaction (CSR) and Chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Combat Addiction Syndrome (Action Addiction Syndrome)
The Interictal Behavior Syndrome (Geschwind Syndrome) in a Patient with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Clinical Symptoms in Tricyclic Antidepressant Discontinuation
General Risk Factors for the Occurrence of an Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome
Clinical Features in the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Discontinuation Syndrome
Interdose Symptoms While Receiving Antidepressant or Anti-Anxiety Medication
Predictive Factors of Akechi et al for Psychiatric Disorders in Patients with Unresectable Nonsmall Cell Lung Carcinoma
Klismaphilia (Enema Fetish, "Water Sports")
Diaper Lover and Adult Baby
Classification of Aggrawal for Necrophilia
Classification of Massen for Zoophilia
Perversion and the Pervert
Sexual Attraction for an Amputee (Acrotomophilia)
Risk Factors Associated with Lithium Intoxication
Clinical Findings in Lithium Intoxication
Withdrawal Reaction Following Discontinuation of Lithium Therapy
Clinical Effects of Lithium on a Neonate Born to a Mother Receiving Lithium Therapy
Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus Secondary to Lithium Intoxication
Criteria of Prigerson et al for Traumatic Grief
Clinical Features of the Replacement Child Syndrome
Criteria of Horowitz et al for the Complicated Grief Disorder (CGD)
Features Distinguishing Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complicated Grief Disorder (CGD)
Kuebler-Ross Model of Grief and Loss (Stages of Grief)
Predictors of Calabrese et al for Bipolar Disorder in a Patient Being Treated for Major Depression
Criteria of Ghaemi et al for Bipolar Spectrum Disorder
The Different Types of Delusional Misidentification Syndromes
Factors Contributng to a Delusion of Pregnancy
Cotard Syndrome (Nihilistic Delusions)
Criteria of Jaspers for a Delusional Belief
Psychological Problems Associated with Polar Expeditions
Neuropsychiatric Findings in a Patient with Addison's Disease (Adrenocortical Insufficiency)
Neuropsychiatric Findings in a Patient with Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Psychiatric Conditions in a Patient with Hypothyroidism
Psychiatric Conditions Associated with Acute Porphyria
Psychiatric Conditions Associated with Inherited Errors of Metabolism
Psychiatric Manifestations Associated with a Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Risk Factors of Gothelf et al for Psychosis in a Patient with Velocardiofacial Syndrome (DiGeorge Syndrome, Microdeletion 22q11.2)
Clinical Features of Malignant Catatonia (Lethal Catatonia)
Narcissistic Rage Syndrome
Indications of Negative Perfectionism
Criteria of Kroenke et al for Multisomatoform Disorder (MSD)
Prediction Rule of Smith et al for Identifying a Somatizing Patient
Sickness Behavior (SB) and the Impact of Cytokines
Criteria of Thompson and Nunn for the Pervasive Refusal Syndrome (PRS)
Criteria of Jaspers et al for the Pervasive Refusal Syndrome (PRS)
Diagnosis of a Conversion Disorder
Management of a Patient with Conversion Disorder
Apotemnophilia (Body Integrity Identity Disorder, BIID, Obsessive Desire for Amputation)
Impact of Depression on an HIV-Positive Patient
Risk Factors of Filho et al for Major Depression in an Elderly HIV-Positive Patient
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Subclassification of Nestadt et al Based on Psychiatric Comorbidities
Nomogram of Boer et al Predicting the Severity of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a Patient Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for Intra-Abdominal Sepsis (Peritonitis)
Differential Diagnosis of Acute Psychosis in an HIV-Positive Patient
Score of De Gottardi et al for Predicting Alcohol Relapse Following a Liver Transplant
ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria for the Dependence Syndrome
Risk Factors of Lester and White for Identifying a Serial Killer Who May Commit Suicide
Risk Factors for Suicide in an HIV-Positive Patient
Distinguishing Collecting from Hoarding Disorder
Animal Hoarding
Differential Diagnosis of Shell Shock
Delusional Jealousy (Othello Syndrome)
Agitated Depression
Risk Factors of McDonough et al for Depression and Anxiety in a Patient with Psoriasis
Risk Factors of Vileikyte et al for Depression in a Patient with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
Koro (Genital Retraction Syndrome)
Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia
NICE Criteria for When a Patient with Schizophrenia or Psychosis Should be Referred for Secondary Care
Causes of a Transient Psychotic Episode
Alcohol-Related Blackout
Alcoholic Hallucinosis
Hedonistic Homeostatic Dysregulation Syndrome Associated with Dopamine Therapy in Parkinson?s Disease (Dopamine Dysregulation Syndrome)
Risk Factors for Suicide and Suicide Attempts in a Patient with an Eating Disorder
Antidepressant-Related Withdrawal Syndrome in Infants Following Delivery or Breastfeeding
Antidepressant-Induced Mood Conversion in Bipolar Disorder (Antidepressant-Induced Mood Switching)
Cycling Frequency in Bipolar Disorder
Clinical Stages of Berk et al for Bipolar Disorder
Risk Factors of Mohammadi et al for Depression in a Woman with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Cardiac Phobia, Cardiac Death Phobia, Cardiac Neurosis and Cardiac Anxiety Disorder
Olfactory Reference Syndrome (ORS, Fear of Body Odor)
Anxiety, Depression and Other Psychological Problems in a Patient with Dyslexia
Score of Liu et al for Predicting Recurrence of a Panic Disorder
Stockholm Syndrome
Hallucinations and Psychosis Following a Stroke
Psychosis Following Head Injury
Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders in a Patient with Chronic Schizophrenia
The High Functioning Addict
Organic Manic Syndrome
Risk Factors for Suicide by Aircraft
Risk Factors for Self Mutilation Associated with Alcohol or Drug Abuse
Risk Factors for Suicide by an Alcoholic
Self-Inflicted Burn Typology (SIB-T) of Titscher et al
Mood Instability (Affective Instability, Affective Lability, Mood Swings)
The Degenerate Gambler
Renal Failure Associated with Lithium Therapy
Features of a Narcissistic Personality
Malignant Narcissism
Criteria of Budtz-Lilly et al for the Bodily Distress Syndrome (BDS)
Boredom Prone (Boredom Trait)
Brisbane Postnatal Depression Index (BPDI) of Webster et al
Blues Questionnaire of Glover et al for Postpartum Depression
Family Loading Score of Depression (FLSD) in Familial Depression
Findings Associated with Familial Depression
Fear of Cooking (Mageirocophobia)
Indications of Bisson et al for Suspecting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
NCCN Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a Patient with Cancer
Diagnosis of Hypomania
Brain Tumor Presenting with a Psychiatric Disorder
Neuropsychiatric Findings Associated with Hypoparathyroidism
Psychiatric Issues Associated with Marfan's Syndrome
Predictors of Simonoff et al for Antisocial Personality in the Adult
Arachnophobia (Fear of Spiders)
Combat Addiction in a Combat Veteran with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Criteria of Howes et al for Adequate Treatment Response for a Patient with Schizophrenia
Risk Factors for Self-Harm and Suicide Following Bariatric Surgery
Risk Factors of Ouali for Suicide in a Patient with Bipolar Disorder
Violence Screening and Assessment of Needs (VIO-SCAN) of Elbogen et al for Screening a Military Veteran for Violence Risk
Lithium Toxicity Associated with Lactulose Therapy, Osmotic Diarrhea and Dehydration
Types of Bipolar Disorder
Two-Item Conjoint Screening (TICS) of Brown et al for Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Differential Diagnosis of Osmophobia (Olfactophobia)
Differential Diagnosis of Postpartum Psychosis
Risk Factors for Postpartum Psychosis (Puerperal Psychosis)
Clinical Features of Postpartum Psychosis (Puerperal Psychosis)
Conjoint Screening Questions of Brown et al for Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Risk Factors of Appleby et al for Suicide in a Patient with Mental Illness After Discharge from Psychiatric Inpatient Care
Criteria of Lin et al for Smartphone Addiction
Risk Factors of Barman et al for Psychosis in a Patient Treated with Bupropion
Cabin Fever
Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Phenylketonuria (PJU) and Hyperphenylalaninemia
Australasian Triage Scale (ATS) for Mental Health
Mental Health Triage Categories of Smart et al (Royal Hobart Mental Health Triage)
Criteria of Gruber and Pope for Bodybuilder Type Eating Disorder
Negative Psychological Impact of Workplace Violence
Risk Factors for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) After a Natural Disaster
Screening Instrument of Richmond et al for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Depression After Injury
Differential Diagnosis of Postoperative Psychosis
Psychosis Associated with Neurosyphilis
International Expert Consensus (IEC) Criteria for Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS)
Criteria for the Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS) from the DSM-IV
Substance Use and Abuse in a Patient with an Eating Disorder
Patterns of Potts et al for Discontinuation of Alcohol Abuse By a Patient with Alcoholic Liver Disease
Suicide Associated with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Protective Factors That Reduce the Risk of a Person Committing Suicide
Risk Factors of Ursano et al for a Suicide Attempt By a Soldier Without a History of Mental Health Problems
Travel Addiction
Risk Factors of Ashrafioun and Bonar for Problematic Tanning and Tanning Dependence ("Tanning Addiction")
Risk Factors for Psychosis in a Methamphetamine User
Classification of Miloslavsky et al for Severity of Neuropsychiatric Glucocorticoid Toxicity
Psychiatric Manifestations of Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor (Anti-NMDAR) Autoimmune Encephalitis
Neuropsychiatric Manifestations of Stroke
Chronophilia (Erotic Age Preference, Age Fetish)
Criteria of Hall and Hall for a Pedophile
Psychological Defenses Used by Pedophiles
Pet Owner Grief After Pet Loss
Neuropsychiatric Features of Typhoid Fever
Clinical Features of a Type D (Distressed) Personality
Features of a Type A Personality
Features of Type B Personality
Features of the Type C Personality
Clinical Features of Alexithymia
Depression in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis or Other Inflammatory Arthritis
New York PTSD Risk Score of Boscarino et al
Impact of a Partner's Pornography Habits on a Woman's Eating Disorder
Predictors of Melhem et al for Suicide Attempt in a High-Risk Individual
Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R) of Osman et al
Suicidal Affect-Behavior-Cognition Scale (SABCS)
Recommendations of Buppert for a Suicidal Patient
Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T)
Decision Support Tool of the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) for Use in the Emergency Department
Risk Factors of Hutton et al for Violence in a Patient at Ultra-High Risk for Psychosis
Internet Gaming Disorder
Neuropsychiatric Findings Associated with Chronic Occupational Exposure to Petroleum Distillation Products (Jet Fuels) or Solvents
Superwoman and Superman
Nightmare Disorder
Phantom Vibration or Ringing Syndrome
Predictors of Klimas et al for Prescription Opioid Addiction in a Patient Prescribed Opioids for Pain
Causes of Secondary Mania
Oedipus Complex
Syndrome of Irreversible Lithium Effectuated Neurotoxicity (SILENT)
Drugs That Can Cause Nightmares
Hikikomori (Prolonged Social Withdrawal Disorder)
Shortened Version of the Abbreviated Mental Test of Swain and Nightingale
Risk Factors of Ahl et al for Depression
Models of Buganza-Torio et al for Depression in Cirrhosis: Nomogram
Models of Buganza-Torio et al for Depression in Cirrhosis: Logistic Regression Model
Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS)
Autonomic Nervous System Questionnaire (ANS) As a Brief Diagnostic Screen for Panic Disorder
Risk of Relapse Following Discontinuation of Antipsychotic Medication in a Patient with Alzheimer's Disease and Psychotic Symptoms
Criteria of Howes et al for Adequate Treatment Response for a Patient Being Treated for Schizophrenia
Early Predictors of Chen et al for Treatment Response to Atypical Antipsychotics for a Patient with Schizophrenia
Predictors of Rhon et al for Chronic Prescription Use After Orthopedic Surgery
Predictors of de Heer et al for Suicidal Ideation Associated with Pain
Risk Factors of Erlangsen et al for Suicide in a Patient with a Neurological Disorder
ED-SAFE Patient Safety Screener (PSS) of Boudreaux et al
Personal Safety Plan of Boudreaux et al for a Patient at Risk for Suicide
Categories of the Columbia Classification Algorithm for Suicide Assessment (C-CASA)
Classification Trees of Jordan et al for Predicting Suicidal Ideation in Primary Care
Models of Josephson et al for Predicting Psychiatric Adverse Effects Associated with Levetiracetam Therapy: Model Including Pre-Existing Mental Health Disorder
Models of Josephson et al for Predicting Psychiatric Adverse Effects Associated with Levetiracetam Therapy: Model Without Pre-Existing Mental Health Disorder
Neuropsychiatric Changes Associated with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Conversion Therapy for Homosexuality or Gender Identity
Thyroid Dysfunction Associated with Lithium Therapy
Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD)
Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale (BSDS)
Decision Tool of Goorden et al for Referring a Patient with a Personality Disorder to Highly Specialized Care
Nomophobia (No Mobile Phone Phobia)
Mysophobia (Germophobia)
Risk Factors of Edakubo and Fushimi for In-Hospital Death Due to Anorexia Nervosa
MARSI-MEWS Early Warning Score for an Inpatient with Anorexia Nervosa
Underfeeding Syndrome in Anorexia Nervosa
Physical Risk in Eating Disorder Index (PREDIX)
Criteria of Treasure et al for Evaluating a Hospitalized Patient with Anorexia Nervosa
Sabotaging Behaviors of a Hospitalized Patient with Anorexia Nervosa
Personnel and Operational Factors Contributing to the Success or Failure of Managing a Hospitalized Patient with Anorexia Nervosa
Problem-Oriented Screening Instrument for Teenagers (POSIT) Subscale for Substance or Alcohol Abuse
Risk Factors of Turaga et al for Suicide in a Patient with Pancreatic Cancer
Suicide Risk in a Patient with Head and Neck Cancer
Suicide Pact (Double Suicide)
Risk Factors for Seafarer Suicide
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage (Soda) Addiction
Venlafaxine-Associated Withdrawal Reaction
Psychological Stressors of Brooks et al for a Patient in Quarantine
Stir Crazy
Clenched Fist Syndrome (CFS)
SHAFT Syndrome
Classification of Petrella et al for the Psychoflexed Hand
De Clerambault Syndrome (Erotomania)
Predictors of Zisook et al for Remission of Major Depression
Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5)
Imposter Syndrome
Standing Up, Sitting Up and Other Tests of Muscular Strength in Anorexia Nervosa
TAPS (Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medication, Substance use) Screening Tool for Use in Primary Care: TAPS1 (Initial Screening Questions)
Psychiatric Effects of Quinolone Antibiotics
Complications of Variant Sexual Practices
BDSM (Bondage-Discipline, Dominance-Submission, Sado-Masochism)
Dark Triad
Short Boredom Proneness Scale (SBPS) of Struk et al
Features of the Borderline Personality Disorder (Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder)
Screening Instruments for Borderline Personality (S-Bord and SI-Bord)
Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD, Dramatic Personality Disorder)
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)
Dependent Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVPD)
Sadistic Behavior
Masochistic Behavior (Self-Defeating Personality)
Risk for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Following Childbirth
Factors Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) After a Stroke
Papageno Effect of Media in Suicide Prevention
Risk Factors of Bernecker et al for a Suicide Attempt in a Soldier Who Denies Suicidal Ideation
Lethal Triad of Laytin et al for Violent Injury in an Adult
FoVOx Clinical Prediction Rule of Wolf et al for Violent Crime After Discharge from a Secure Psychiatric Hospital
SaFETy Score of Goldstick et al for Predicting Future Firearm Violence
UCLA Hoarding Severity Scale
Criteria of Bamber et al for Exercise Dependence
Risk Factors for the Depersonalization Derealization Syndrome
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Associated with Sickle Cell Disease
Primary Care Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Screen from DSM-5 (PC-PTSD-5)
Indications for Referring a Chronic Pain Patient to an Addiction Specialist
Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10)
Complex Persistent Opioid Dependence
Single-Item Screen for Cannabis Use Disorder (SIS-C)
Risk Factors of Chen et al for Suicide in a Patient with Parkinson's Disease
Self-Cannibalism (Autosarcophagy)
Wound Markers of Byard et al for Self-Mutilation
Cosmetic Surgery Addictive Behavior
Laboratory Joint Index of Zhou et al for Identifying Severe Depression
Shared Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Maternal Anxiety for Neonatal Jaundice Scale (MANJS) of Yan et al
Model of Luo et al for Predicting Suicide Ideation in a Cancer Patient
Congenital and Hereditary Disorders Associated with Self-Mutilation
Predictors of Herberman Mash et al for a Suicide Attempt By a Soldier
Clinical Instrument of Li et al for Predicting Initial Interpersonal Violent Injury (IVI-RPT)
Hypersexuality Scale of Jia et al
Love Bombing
Happiness Index Scale (HIS)
Model of Munk-Olsen et al for Predicting Postpartum Depression
Risk Factor Screen of Carlson et al for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) After Trauma
Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD)
Risk Factors of Portela et al for Readmission for a Patient with a Psychotic Disorder
National Health Service (NHS) Clinical Symptoms of Postpartum Psychosis
Subtype Classifications of Anorexia Nervosa
Screen for Disordered Eating (SDE) of Maguen et al
Suicide Intent Scale (SIS) of Pierce
Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (CSRSS)
Risk Factors of Faay and Sommer for Aggression in a Patient with Psychosis
Nomogram of Buckley et al for Evaluating a Patient with Chronic Lithium Toxicity
Causes of Catatonia
Clinical Features of Catatonia
Complications of Untreated Catatonia
Conditions Associated with Confabulation
Provoked versus Spontaneous Confabulations
Criteria for Confabulation
PMH CAREPLAN Score of Vigod et al for Predicting the 1-Year Risk for Common Postpartum Mental Disorders
Clinical Prediction Tool of Klein et al for Predicting Risk of Relapse or Recurrence of Depression
PTSD Screen of Schultebraucks et al for Use in an Emergency Medical Setting (Immediate Stress Reaction Checklist)
Risk Factors of Pandey et al for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Survivors of an Earthquake
Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10) of Cohen et al
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder (MHSUD) Index of Peltzman et al (I-6 Index)
Dimensions of Anger Reactions (DAR) Scale: DAR-5 and DAR-3
FINISH Mnemonic of Berber for Symptoms in Antidepressant Discontinuation
Screening for a Bipolar Spectrum Disorder with the Mood Disorder Questionnaire
Nighttime Fears Scale (NFS) of Orgiles et al
Posttraumatic Adjustment Scale (PAS) of O'Donnell et al to Screen for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Secondary Stress Disorder (Secondary PTSD)
Risk Factors of de la Torre-Luque et al for Repeated Suicide Attempt
Durham Risk Score of Kimbrel et al for Estimating the Risk of a Suicide Attempt
SAD PERSONS Scale of Patterson et al
Adapted SAD PERSONS Scale (A-SPS) of Juhnke for Suicide Risk in a Pediatric Patient
Phubbing Scale (PS)
Heavy Metal Encephalopathy (Metal Madness, Lucor Metallicum, Mad Hatter Syndrome)
PHQ-15 for Evaluating Somatic Symptoms
PRAISE Mnemonic of Berber for the Borderline Personality Disorder
Demoralization Syndrome
Deaths of Despair (DoD)
Demoralization Scale (DS)