Trauma Score
Revised Trauma Score (RTS)
Prehospital Index (PHI)
CRAMS Scale Score
Baxt Trauma Triage Rule
Revised Triage Scale and Checklist
SIMBOL Rating for Air Medical Evacuation
Triage Index
Trauma Index
The Mainz Emergency Evaluation Score (MEES)
The New Jersey Standard Triage Criteria
Triage of the Automobile Trauma Patient Based on Vehicle Damage
The National Committee on Aeronautics (NACA) Score System
Trauma Triage Criteria of the Ohio State University Hospitals
The Cardiovascular-Respiratory Score (CVRS)
Patients for Whom Resuscitation is Futile
Criteria to Identify the Unstable Patient After Trauma
Homebush Triage Standard Using Simple Triage Assessment and Rapid Transport (START) and Secondary Assessment of Victim Endpoint (SAVE)
Indications for Using Air Medical Transport of a Trauma Patient
Triage Sieve
CareFlight Triage
Field Categories of Trauma Patients
Specific Injuries Identified During Field Categorization Warranting Transfer to a Trauma Center
Triage of a Nonemergency Patient Out of the Emergency Department
Method of Lavery et al for Using Venous Lactate Concentrations in the Triage of a Trauma Patient
Triage Priority of Anantharaman for Burn Patients in a Disaster
Triage of a Burn Patient to a Burn Unit
Criteria of MacKenzie et al for Triage of a Patient to a Trauma Center Based on the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS)
Categories of Llewellyn for Military Triage
Triage Criteria of Turk and Tsokos for Possible Blunt Cardiac Trauma Following a Fall from Height
Clinical Findings of Almogy et al for Identifying a Patient with a High Risk for Blast Lung Injury Following a Bomb Explosion
Trauma Triage Rules of the ACS/COT from 1999 with Mortality Risk Equation of Tinkoff and O’Connor
Combining the Prehospital Index (PHI) and Mechanism of Injury (MOI) for Field Trauma Triage
Emergency Severity Index (ESI), Version 2
Triage Early Warning System (TEWS) for Adults
Tagging Patients During a Disaster (Red Tag, Yellow Tag, Green Tag)
Triage Score of Talmor et al for Critical Care During an Epidemic
Factors Affecting the Decision for Immediate Aeromedical Evacuation of an International Traveler
National Expert Panel Recommendations for Field Triage of an Injured Patient
Field Triage Score (FTS) of Eastridge et al for Battlefield Casualties
Classes for Hypovolemic Shock of Mutschler et al in Trauma Patients Based on Based Deficit
Indications for Use of Military Anti-Shock Trousers (MAST) in Trauma Patients
Ventilation and Oxygenation of the Patient During Nonpressurized Air Transport
Prehospital Amputation of a Limb
Risk Factors for Motion Sickness During Prehospital Emergency Transport
Indications for Endotracheal Intubation of a Trauma Patient
Model of Wang et al for Predicting Failure of Out-of-Hospital Endotracheal Intubation in an Adult
Complications Associated with the Use of Military Anti-Shock Trousers (MAST)
Field Criteria of Neely et al for Dispatch of Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Risk Factors of Lapostolle et al for Hypothermia in a Trauma Patient
Pediatric Trauma Score
Mortality Risk Factors in Severely Traumatized Children
The Age-Specific Pediatric Trauma Score (ASPTS) of Potoka et al
Triaging a Child with a Head Injury
Instructions for Parents Observing a Child at Home After a Head Injury
Rib Fractures as a Marker of Severe Trauma in Children
Pediatric Trauma Alert Criteria for Florida
Pediatric Risk Indicator (PRI)
Modified Pediatric Trauma Score (mPTS) of Simon et al
Sick Kids Pediatric Trauma Score
Pediatric Trauma BIG Score of Borgman et al
Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) and the Injury Severity Score (ISS)
Modified Injury Severity Score
The Probability of Death Score (PODS)
Illness/Injury Severity Index
Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS)
Base Deficit Modification of Kroezen et al for the TRISS (Base Excess Injury Severity Scale, BISS)
A Severity Characterization of Trauma (ASCOT)
Probability of Clinically Important Brain Injury Following Minor Head Injury Using the Canadian CT Rule Analysis
Leeds Prognostic Score for Severe Head Injury
Clinical Predictors of Hennes et al for Severe Head Trauma in Children
Algorithm of Kumar and Weaver for a Patient with Penetrating Neck Trauma
Grades of Schaefer and Close for Traumatic Laryngeal Injury
Risk Factors of Schreiber et al for Mortality in Patients with Severe Blunt Head Injury
The Pediatric Head Injury Mortality Score (PHIMS) of Tilford et al
Survival Model of Hackbarth et al for Pediatric Patients with Brain Injury
Clinical Findings Suggesting a Basilar Skull Fracture
Evaluation of Scalp Swelling in an Infant
Clinical Features of Concussion After Head Injury in a Pediatric Patient
Types of Skull Fractures in a Pediatric Patient
Amnesia Questionnaire of the University Hospital Groningen Following Head Trauma
LeFort Classification of Maxillary Fractures
Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT) After Head Injury
Prognostic Factors of Servadei for Adults with Acute Subdural Hematoma After Severe Head Injury
Cerebral Perfusion Pressure (CPP)
Criteria from the British Trauma Society to Identify a Patient with a Low Risk of Cervical Spine Injury
Neurotraumatology Committee of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (NCWFS) Criteria for Mild Head Injury in an Adult
Scores of Fabbri et al for Evaluating an Adolescent or Adult with Mild Head Injury
Indications of the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) for Placement of a Cervical Neck Collar After Trauma to the Head and Neck
Indications of the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) for Calling an Ambulance or Sending the Patient to the Emergency Department After Trauma to the Head and Neck
Instructions for a Patient Following Initial Evaluation After Trauma to the Head and Neck from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
Clinical Features of Naso-Orbital-Ethmoid (NOE) Fractures of the Central Midface
Clinical Features of a Fracture Involving the Medial Wall of the Orbit
Clinical Features of a Fracture Involving the Orbital Roof
Clinical Features of a Fracture Involving the Orbital Floor
Clinical Features of a Fracture Involving the Zygomaticomaxillary Complex (ZMC)
Classification of Anderson and Montesano for Fracture of the Occipital Condyle
Prognostic Models of Hukkelhoven et al for Outcome Following Moderate or Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Prognostic Model of Signorini et al for Predicting Survival After Traumatic Brain Injury
Decision Tree of Andrews et al for Predicting Outcome After Traumatic Brain Injury Using Only Demographic Data
Criteria of Klyachkin et al for Mandatory Neck Exploration Following a Penetrating Injury of the Neck
Protocol of Klyachkin et al for the Management of a Patient with a Penetrating Injury of the Neck
Risk of Intracerebral Hemorrhage After Head Trauma in an Anticoagulated Patient
Decision Tree of Andrews et al for Predicting Outcome After Traumatic Brain Injury Using Demographic and Clinical Data
Model of Piatt for Predicting Cervical Spine Injury in a Comatose Trauma Patient
Linear Predictor (LP) of Signorini et al for Probability of Survival After Traumatic Brain Injury
The Edinburgh University Secondary Insult Grades (EUSIG) for a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury
Treatment of Cervical Spine Injury Based on the Angular Deformity Seen on a Lateral Cervical X-ray
Classification of Schaeffer and Close for Endoscopic Findings in Tracheal and Laryngeal Trauma
Classification of Cerebral Contusions Following Head Injury (Coup, Contrecoup, Intermediary Coup)
Recommendations of Cohen et al for Managing an Anticoagulated Patient After Head Injury
Risk Factors of Ersahin et al for Complications in a Pediatric Patient with a Depressed Skull Fracture
Classification of Choux for Linear Skull Fractures in Infants
Growing Skull Fracture (Meningocele Spuria) in a Pediatric Patient
Classification of Heizmann et al for Blunt Trauma to the Thyroid Gland
Algorithm of Heizmann et al for the Management of a Patient with Blunt Trauma to the Thyroid Gland
Nomogram of Cremer et al for Predicting Prognosis in a Patient with Severe Head Injury
Simplified Scoring System of Donohue et al for Predicting 1 Year Mortality in an Elderly Patient with Significant Head Injury
Risk Factors of Davis et al for Mortality in a Patient with Significant Head Injury Who Is Able to Talk Initially ("Talk and Die")
Complications Following a Temporal Bone Fracture
Classification of Ishman and Friedland for Temporal Bone Fractures
Classification of Yanagihara et al for Temporal Bone Fractures with Facial Nerve Palsy
Quebec Classification for Disorders Associated with Whiplash Injury
Risk Factors for Nonunion of a Type II Cervical Fracture Involving the Odontoid Process of the Axis
Pediatric Relative Head Injury Severity Scale (RHISS)
Classification of Manson et al for a Naso-OrbitoEthmoid (NOE) Fracture
Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning Categories of Marshall et al for a Patient with Traumatic Head Injury
Anatomic Classification of Frontal Sinus Fractures
Algorithm of Bell et al for the Management of a Frontal Sinus Fracture
Identifying a Trauma Patient Who Should Undergo a CT Scan to Examine the Frontal Sinus
Basion-Dental Interval (BDI) and Basion-Posterior Axial Line Interval (BAI) of Harris for Evaluating a Patient with a High Cervical Spine Injury (Rule of Twelves)
Classification of Anderson and D'Alonzo for Fractures of Odontoid Process (Dens) of the Axis (C2)
Criteria of Lopez and Arnholt for Definitive Repair of Facial Fractures in a War Theater
Injuries Associated with a Cervical Spine Injury in a Pedestrian Hit By an Automobile
Differential Diagnosis of Fever in a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury
Risk Factors of Tawil et al for Posttraumatic Cerebral Infarction (PTCI)
Revised Facial Injury Severity Score (RFISS)
Maxillofacial Injury Severity Score (MISS) and FOMDA Score
Probabilities of Blackmore et al for a Cervical Spine Injury in a Trauma Patient
Facial Injury Severity Scale (FISS) of Bagheri et al
Maxillofacial Injury Severity Score (MFISS) of Zhang et al
Risk Factors of Hadjizacharia et al for Diabetes Insipidus After Severe Head Injury
Causes of Transient and Persistent Hearing Loss After Head Trauma
Madras Head Injury Prognostic Scale (MHIPS) of Ramesh et al
Classification of Ivascu et al for Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage
Risk Factors of Ivascu et al for Mortality in an Elderly Patient with Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage and a History of Aspirin or Clopidogrel Therapy
Predictors of Jeremitsky et al for Poor Outcome Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Retained Intracranial Foreign Body Following Penetrating Head Injury
Indications of Loeser et al for Surgical Management of a Depressed Skull Fracture in a Neonate
Criteria of Gennarelli et al for Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) Associated with Severe Brain Injury
Classifications of Adams et al for Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI) Following Traumatic Head Injury (TBI) Based on Pathologic Changes
Head Injury with Bifrontal Contusions and Late Deterioration
Predictors of Muakkassa et al for Positive Repeat Head CT Scan Following a Negative Head CT Scan for Blunt Trauma
Chest Wall Injury Scale
Lung Injury Scale
Heart Injury Scale
Diaphragm Injury Scale
Indications for Thoracotomy in a Patient with a Non-cardiac Penetrating Injury to the Chest
Prognostic Factors of Asensio et al for Penetrating Cardiac Injuries
Risk Factors for Blunt Cardiac Injury
Diagnosis of Flail Chest
Algorithm of McElwee et al for Diagnosis of a Ruptured Diaphragm
Historical Clues to the Presence of a Diaphragmatic Hernia in a Patient with Bowel Obstruction
Diagnosis of Traumatic Asphyxia
Management Algorithm of Meredith and Riley for Traumatic Tracheobronchial Injury
Indications for Bronchoscopy to Evaluate Possible Traumatic Tracheobronchial Injury
Features Seen on Chest Radiographs Associated with Blunt Rupture of the Diaphragm
Thoracic Compartment Syndrome
Indications and Contraindications of Powell et al for Resuscitative Thoracotomy in the Emergency Department After Prehospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Pneumomediastinum and Pneumopericardium
Criteria of Holmes et al for Isolated Left Lower Rib Injury in Blunt Trauma and the Risk of Splenic Injury
Thoracic Trauma Severity Score of Pape et al
Clinical Features of Traumatic Extrapleural Hematoma
Possible Causes of an Air Leak Around an Inflated Endotracheal Tube Cuff
Risk Factors for Pneumothorax Following Traumatic Injury
Post-Thoracotomy Pain Syndrome
Protocol of Seamon et al for Managing a Patient with a Penetrating Thoracic Injury
Algorithm of Dissanaike et al for Evaluating a Blunt Trauma Patient with Pneumomediastinum
Factors Affecting the Decision to Remove a Retained Intrathoracic Missile
Physiologic Index (PI) in a Patient with Cardiac Tamponade
Penetrating Thoracic Trauma Index (PTTI) and Penetrating Cardiac Trauma Index (PCTI)
Traumatic Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Following a Penetrating Injury to the Heart
Risk Factors of Battle et al for Mortality Following Blunt Chest Wall Trauma
Risk Factors of de Moya et al for Mechanical Ventilation in a Patient with Blunt Pulmonary Contusion
Delayed Cardiac Rupture Following Blunt Chest Trauma
Cervical Vascular Organ Injury Scale
Peripheral Vascular Organ Injury Scale
Thoracic Vascular Organ Injury Scale
Abdominal Vascular Organ Injury Scale
Anatomic Classification of Fullen et al for Injury to the Superior Mesenteric Artery
Risk Factors for Mortality in a Patient with Traumatic Injury of the Superior Mesenteric Artery
Imaging Findings Suspicious for a Thoracic Great Vessel Injury
Clinical Findings in Vascular Trauma from Penetrating Injury to an Extremity
Risk Factors Associated With Loss of a Limb Following Vascular Trauma
Injuries and Clinical Presentations Associated with Blunt Carotid Artery Injury (BCAI)
Operative Findings of Cushman et al Associated with Mortality in Patients with Iliac Vessel Trauma
Algorithm of Perron et al for Identifying Vascular Injury Associated with Knee Dislocation
Clinical Findings of Clark et al Indicating a High Risk of Aortic Rupture Following Blunt Chest Trauma
Algorithm of Stannard et al for Performing Arteriography of the Lower Extremity Following Knee Dislocation
Models of Biffl et al for Predicting the Risk of Carotid or Vertebral Artery Injury After Blunt Head and Neck Trauma
Criteria of Biffl et al for Arteriography After Blunt Head and Neck Trauma
Indications of Scalea and Burgess for Angiography in a Patient with Pelvic Trauma
Model of Asensio et al for Predicting Mortality and Postoperative Complications in a Patient with Traumatic Injury to the Femoral Blood Vessels
Clinical Decision Rule of Ungar et al for Excluding Thoracic Aortic Imaging Following Blunt Chest Trauma
Predictors of Ombrellaro et al for Survival After Inferior Vena Cava Injuries
Denver Grading Scale for Blunt Cerebrovascular Injuries
Patterns of Cothren et al for Cervical Spine Fractures Associated with Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury
Classification of Prijon and Ermenc for Blunt Aortic Injury with Rupture
Situations Associated with Blunt Aortic Injury
Model of Huang et al for Predicting Traumatic Aortic Rupture Based on Findings Seen in a Plain Chest X-Ray
Traumatic Aortic Injury Score (TRAINS) of Mosquera et al
Penetrating Abdominal Trauma Index (PATI)
An Algorithm for the Management of Blunt Abdominal Injury
The Algorithm of Jerby et al for Management of Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children
Algorithm of Mehall et al for the Management of a Pediatric Patient Who is Hemodynamically Stable After Blunt Hepatic or Splenic Injury
Predicting Failure of Nonoperative Management Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Indications for Performing Laparotomy in a Patient with Abdominal Trauma
Modified Criteria of Grieshop et al for Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage or Abdominal CT for Evaluation of a Patient with Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Indications of Ahmed et al for Performing Abdominal Laparoscopy in Patient with a Penetrating Abdominal Wound
Protocol of Ahmed et al for Performing Laparoscopy in a Patient with a Penetrating Abdominal Wound
Hypoperfusion Complex of Taylor et al for Diagnosis of Hypovolemic Shock in a Young Child on Abdominal CT
Evaluating a Patient with an Anterior Abdominal Stab Wound with a CT Scan
Algorithm of Shanmuganathan et al for Evaluating a Patient with Penetrating Trauma to the Torso
Predictors of Holmes et al for Intra-Abdominal Injury in a Pediatric Patient with Blunt Torso Trauma
Clinical Prediction Rule of Holmes et al for Intra-Abdominal Injury in an Adult Following Blunt Trauma to the Torso
Algorithm of Biffl et al for Managing a Patient with a Stab Wound to the Anterior Abdomen (Western Trauma Association Algorithm)
Indications for Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
Performance and Interpretation of Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
Peritoneal Lavage for Determining Peritoneal Penetration in Gunshot Wounds to the Abdomen
Cell Count Ratio for Detection of Hollow Organ Perforation
Method of Gulec et al for Detection of Bowel Perforation with Gamma-Guided Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
Prognostic Factors in Severe Liver Trauma
Liver Injury Scale
Criteria for Non-Operative Management of Traumatic Liver Injury
Prognostic Factors of Nishida et al for Patients with Severe Traumatic Liver Injury
Screening for Liver Injury Using Serum Liver Enzyme Levels After Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children
Classification of Fang et al for Pooling of CT Contrast Material Following Blunt Hepatic Trauma
Risk Factors of Kozar et al for Morbidity in a Patient with Liver Trauma Following Nonoperative Management
CT Scoring System for Splenic Trauma of Resciniti et al
Spleen Injury Scale
Guidelines for Evaluation of a Patient with Blunt Splenic Injury
Risk Factors for Failure of the Non-operative Management of Splenic Rupture
CT Splenic Trauma Scale of Williams et al
Management Algorithm of Marmery et al for a Patient with Blunt Splenic Trauma
Severity of Traumatic Injury to the Duodenum
Esophagus Injury Scale
Stomach Injury Scale
Duodenum Injury Scale
Small Bowel Injury Scale
Colon Injury Scale
Rectum Injury Scale
Compressed Air (Pneumatic) Rupture of the Colon
Management of Injury to the Thoracic Esophagus
Recognition of Traumatic Injury to the Esophagus
Criteria of Demetriades et al for Separating Patients with Penetrating Colon Injuries into High and Low Risk Groups
Risk Factors of Demetriades et al for Abdominal Complications in Patients with Penetrating Colon Injuries
Diagnostic Features of Desai et al for Blunt Trauma to the Duodenum in Children
Grades of Flint et al for Traumatic Colon Injuries
Algorithm of Burch for Managing Traumatic Colon Injuries
Criteria of Snyder et al for Injury Severity in Duodenal Trauma
Algorithm of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center for Penetrating Rectal Trauma
Risk Factors of Govender and Madiba for a Poor Outcome in a Patient with Injuries to the Large Bowel
Management Recommendation of Govender and Madiba for a Patient with Injuries to the Large Bowel
Algorithm of Sharpe et al for a Patient with a Penetrating Colon Injury
Pancreas Injury Scale
Extrahepatic Biliary Tree Injury Scale
Adrenal Organ Injury Scale
Algorithm of Duchesne et al for Management of Blunt Pancreatic Injury
Classification of Takishima et al for Injury to the Pancreatic Duct Following Blunt Trauma
Imaging Findings of Phelan et al Associated with Pancreatic Injury
Post-Traumatic Bilhemia (Biliary-Venous Fistula)
Kidney Injury Scale
Ureter Injury Scale
Bladder Injury Scale
Urethra Injury Scale
Classification of Goldman et al for Blunt Urethral Trauma (Modified Classification of Colapinto and McCallum)
Physiologic Classification of Peterson for Renal Trauma
Clinical Features of Traumatic Urethral Injury in a Male
Predictors of Davis et al for Nephrectomy After Renal Trauma
Elevation of Serum BUN and Creatinine Following Intraperitoneal Rupture of the Urinary Bladder
Nomogram of Shariat et al for Predicting Exploration in a Patient with Renal Trauma
Predictors of Demetriades et al for Urinary Bladder or Urethral Injuries in a Patient with a Pelvic Fracture
Checklist for Identifying Clinical Instability in the Lumbar Spine
Risk of Visceral Injury with Pelvic Fractures
Classification of Tile from 1984 for Pelvic Fractures
Classification of Tile from 1988 for Pelvic Fractures
Classification of Magerl et al for Injuries to the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: Distinction of the Major Types
Classification of Magerl et al for Injuries to the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: Pure Vertebral Body Compression Injuries (Type A)
Classification of Magerl et al for Injuries to the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: Anterior and Posterior Element Injury with Distraction (Type B)
Classification of Magerl et al for Injuries to the Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: Anterior and Posterior Element Injury with Rotation (Type C)
Classification of Denis et al for Vertical Fractures of the Sacrum
Detecting Compression Fracture of a Lumbar Vertebra Based on the Rib to Pelvis Distance in the Midaxillary Line
Thoracolumbar Injury Severity Score of Vaccaro et al
Clinical Pathway of Croce et al for Managing a Patient with an Unstable Pelvic Fracture
Predictors of Smith et al for Mortality in a Patient with a Hemodynamically Unstable Pelvic Fracture
Criteria of Cryer et al for Initial Classification of a Pelvic Fracture
Load Sharing Classification Score of McCormack et al
Combined Fractures of the Ipsilateral Femur and Acetabulum-Pelvis ("Floating Hip")
Medical Management of a Patient with an Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture
Indications for Vertebroplasty in a Patient with an Osteoporotic Vertebral Fracture
Method of Kleerekoper et al for Assessment of Vertebral Fractures in Osteoporosis
Risk Factors of Dimar et al for Major Complications Following Spinal Stabilization of a Thoracolumbar Spinal Injury
MRI-Identified Risk Factors of Hiwatashi et al for Cement Leakage During Vertebroplasty
Model of Salim et al for Predicting Therapeutic Angiography in a Patient with a Pelvic Fracture
Vulva Injury Scale
Vagina Injury Scale
Uterus (Nonpregnant) Injury Scale
Uterus (Pregnant) Injury Scale
Fallopian Tube Injury Scale
Ovary Injury Scale
Indications for Surgical Management in a Woman with a Large Vulvar Hematoma
Penis Injury Scale
Scrotum Injury Scale
Testis Injury Scale
Anatomic Classification of Henao and Aldrete for Retroperitoneal Hematoma
Algorithm of Henao and Aldrete for Management of Retroperitoneal Hematoma in a Stable Trauma Patient
Algorithm of Boulanger et al for Use of the FAST Examination in the Assessment of Blunt Abdominal Injury
Conditions That Limit the Quality of the FAST Examination in the Assessment of Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Indications for Computed Tomography (CT) in a Patient with Abdominal Trauma
Ultrasound Score (USS) of McKenney et al in a Patient with Abdominal Trauma
FAST Protocol of Friese et al for a Patient with a Pelvic Fracture Secondary to Blunt Trauma
Decision Rule for Performing Knee Radiography After Acute Knee Injury (Ottawa Knee Rule)
Ottawa Rules for Foot and Ankle Radiographs Following Acute Injury
Protocol for Performing X-Rays in Patients With Injured Extremities
Clinical Decision Rule of Bauer et al for Radiography in Acute Knee Injuries
Clinical Decision Rule of Seaberg and Jackson for Radiography in Acute Knee Injuries (Pittsburgh Knee Rule)
Criteria of Hoffman et al for Cervical Spine Radiography in Blunt Trauma (NEXUS Low-Risk Criteria)
Criteria for Cervical Spine Radiography in Blunt Trauma
Indications of Haydel et al for Computed Tomography of the Head Following Minor Head Injury (New Orleans Criteria)
The Canadian CT Head Rule (CCHR) for Patients with Minor Head Injuries
The Canadian C-Spine Rule for Radiography in Trauma Patients
Criteria of Civil et al for Pelvic Radiography After Blunt Trauma
Criteria of Cohen et al for Radiography in Children with an Acute Knee Injury
Criteria from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) for Performing Head CT After Trauma to the Head and Neck
Criteria from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) for Performing an MRI After Trauma to the Head and Neck
Model of Velmahos et al for Predicting a Worse Repeat Head CT in a Patient with Minimal Head Injury
Decision Instrument of Mower et al for Evaluating a Patient with Blunt Head Trauma
CT in Head Injury Patients (CHIP) Prediction Rule of Smits et al
Children's Head Injury Algorithm for the Prediction of Important Clinical Events (CHALICE)
Criteria of Holmes et al for Identifying a Patient at High Risk for Thoracolumbar Spine Injury Following Blunt Trauma
Bernese Ankle Rules for Evaluating a Patient After Supination-Type Malleolar or Midfoot Low-Energy Trauma
Elbow Extension Decision Rule of Appelboam et al for Elbow Fracture
Criteria of Kuppermann et al for Performing a CT Scan in a Child After Head Trauma
Canadian Assessment of Tomography for Childhood Head Injury (CATCH) Rule for Head CT in Pediatric Patients <= 16 Years of Age After Minor Head Injury
Decision Instrument of Rodriguez et al for Identifying an Adolescent or Adult Who May Not Need a Chest X-Ray After Blunt Trauma
Early Physiologic Predictors of Mortality After Blunt Multiple Trauma
Physiologic Trauma Scores of Kuhls et al for Predicting Mortality in Adult Trauma Patients
The King Edward System (KES) of Muckart et al for Predicting Mortality of Critically Ill Trauma Patients Without Head Injury
Model of Fabian et al for Predicting Delayed Mortality After Traumatic Injury
Predictors of Macleod et al for Mortality in a Trauma Patient
Discriminant Function of Demetriades et al for Predicting Mortality in a Patient with Isolated Head Trauma
Predictors of Ali et al for Mortality in a Patient with Polytrauma and a Pelvic Fracture
Penetrating Trauma Index (PTI) and the Composite Prognostic Score (PS) of Ivatury et al
Risk Factors of Lichtenstein et al for Hip Fracture Following Falls by Elderly Patients in the Hospital
Risk Factors of Tinetti et al for Falls by the Elderly in the Community
Risk Factors for Poor Recovery After Falls by Urban Elderly Afro-Americans
Use of the STRATIFY Score of Oliver et al to Identify Elderly Inpatients at Risk for Falling
Index of Covinsky et al to Identify the Risk of Falling for a Community-Dwelling Elderly Person
Timed Gait and Walking While Talking Tests of Verghese et al for Identifying Elderly Persons at Risk for Falling
Screening Protocol of Salgado et al for Identifying an Elderly Hospitalized Patient at Risk for Falls
Risk Score of Papaioannou et al for Predicting Falls in a Hospital Based on a Modification of the STRATIFY Score
Classification Tree of Stel et al for Identifying a Community-Dwelling Older Person at Risk for Recurrent Falls
Classification Tree of Stel et al for Predicting the Risk of Recurrent Fall at 1 Year Follow-up in a Community-Dwelling Older Person
Risk Factors of Stone et al for Fall Injury in a Patient with Advanced Cancer
Risk Factors of Kario et al for Fall in a Community-Dwelling Elderly Individual
Risk Factors of Sarani et al for Serious Injury After a Fall from Standing (FFS)
Fall Risk Index Score for Patients in Stroke Rehabilitation
Risk of Dentofacial Injury in a Patient with a Seizure or Neuromuscular Disorder
Risk Factors of Jadoul et al for Fracture After a Fall in a Hemodialysis Patient
Risk Factors of van Helden et al for Fall in an Older Adult with a Recent Fracture
Risk Factors for Falling in a Patient with Dementia
Recommendations of Velmahos et al for Evaluating a Patient Who Has Had an Urban Free-Fall
Risk Factors of Col et al for Abdominal Wound Dehiscence
Risk Factors of Makela et al for Wound Dehiscence After Midline Laparotomy
Risk Factors of Riou et al for Postoperative Abdominal Wound Dehiscence
OASIS Status for a Surgical Wound
Risk Factors of Abidi et al for Complications in Wound Healing After Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) of a Calcaneal Fracture
Wound Evaluation Scale (WAS)
Use of Synthetic Adhesives (Octylcyanoacrylate, SuperGlue) for Treating Lacerations
Timing the Removal of Sutures in Various Body Sites
Risk Factors Associated with Delayed Wound Healing
Indications for Repair of a Facial Laceration By a Specialist
The Cleaning and Debridement of a Traumatic Wound
Soft Tissue Ballistic Wound Management Algorithm of Bellamy and Zajtchuk
Evaluation of Scully et al for the Surgical Criteria of Muscle Viability During Debridement
Risk Factors for Complications or Failure in the Use of a Flap Used for Wound Reconstruction
Classification of Stannard et al for Grading Drainage from a Closed Wound
Post-Treatment Wound Outcome Tracking Tool of McCrary
Indications and Contraindications for Negative Pressure Wound (VAC) Therapy
Risk Factors for Poor Healing of a Mucosal Wound
Grading Scheme of Wikblad and Anderson to Describe Wound Healing During a Dressing Change
Iatrogenic Causes of Poor Wound Healing
Risk Factors of Neumayer et al for Abdominal Wound Disruption
Indications of Gladstone and Stewart for Referral of a Patient with a Complex Facial Defect
Non-Infectious Wound Complication (NIWC) Classification of Greco et al for a Surgical Flap
Dressing a Chronic, Foul-Smelling Wound
Risk Factors of Fagerdahl et al for Problems During Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT)
Blast Lung Injury (BLI) Severity Score
Grades of Soft Tissue Injury in an Extremity Following Blast Injury
Clinical Findings of Air Embolism Following Acute Blast Injury
Clinical Findings of Intra-Abdominal Injury Associated with Acute Blast Injury
Clinical Findings of Respiratory Tract Injury Associated with Acute Blast Injury
Clinical Findings of Ear Injury Associated with Acute Blast Injury
Types of Blast Injury
Risk Factors of Nelson et al for Mortality After Close Proximity Blast Injuries in Soldiers
Blast Over-Pressure Injuries in the Central Nervous System (CNS)
Backblast Injuries from a Rocket-Propelled Munition
Risk Factors for Backblast Injury from a Rocket-Propelled Munition
Hazards of a Blast in a Confined Space
Injuries Associated with an Exploding Tire
Identifying a Patient at Low Risk for Visceral Blast Injury Based on Status of the Ear Drums (Tympanic Membranes)
Deck Slap Injury
The Clinical Criteria of Gurd for Fat Embolism
High-Resolution CT Scan Findings of Malagari et al for Patients with Mild Fat Embolism
Score of Schonfeld et al for Fat Embolism
Percentage of Lipid-Laden Macrophages in a Bronchoalvolear Lavage (BAL) for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Fat Embolism
Indications for Performing a Damage Control Operation
Interventions to Prevent Hypothermia During a Damage Control Operation
Borderline Patients of Pape et al Who May Benefit from Damage Control Orthopedic (DCO) Surgery
Indications and Contraindications for Replantation of an Amputated Digit
Guidelines for Preservation of an Amputated Body Part
Classification of Biemer for Amputations Involving the Hand
Classification of Allen for Amputations of the Fingertip
Protocol of Lloyd et al for Preoperative Management of an Amputated Limb
Prognostic Factors of Waikakul et al for Reimplantation of the Upper Limb
Replantation Syndrome (Reperfusion Syndrome, Replantation Toxemia)
No-Reflow Phenomenon on Reperfusion
Predictors of Ali et al for Fetal Mortality Following Trauma to the Mother
Indications for Continued Observation (Warning Signs) in a Pregnant Woman After Minor Trauma
Algorithm of Morris et al for Management of a Pregnant Woman Including Emergency Cesarean Section
Factors Affecting Fetal Survival Following Cesarean Section of a Pregnant Woman with a History of Significant Trauma
Algorithm of Dobo and Johnson for Management of the Pregnant Woman After Minor Trauma
Outcome Predictors of Curet et al for Monitoring a Pregnant Woman After Blunt Trauma
Risk Factors of Ikossi et al for Fetal Loss After Trauma to a Pregnant Woman
Risk Factors of Kissinger et al for Fetal Loss After Trauma to a Pregnant Woman
Criteria of Aitokallio-Tallberg and Halmesmaki for Hospital Discharge of a Pregnant Woman in the Second or Third Trimester After a Motor Vehicle Accident
Risk Factors of Aboutanos et al for Fetal Death Following a Motor Vehicle Crash
Predictors of Aboutanos et al for Poor Fetal Outcome Following Maternal Trauma
Seat Belt Sign and Injuries
Waddell’s Triad in Pedestrians Struck by Automobiles
Injuries to the Knee-Thigh-Hip Complex in Vehicle Accidents
Algorithm of Stassen et al for Management of a Patient with an Abdominal Seat Belt Sign
Hand Injuries Associated with Gripping the Steering Wheel During a Head-On Motor Vehicle Collision
Pre-Existing Diseases (PED) of Milzman et al and Prognosis in Trauma Patients
Risk Factors of Tinkoff et al for Mortality in a Trauma Patient with Cirrhosis
Pre-Existing Conditions (PEC) of Morris et al Affecting Mortality in Trauma Patients
Obesity and Other Risk Factors of Neville et al for Mortality After Blunt Trauma
Recommendations of Wahlstrom et al for Management of a Trauma Patient with Cirrhosis
Effect of Comorbidity on the Mortality of Older Trauma Patients Based on the Study of McGwin et al
Study of Wutzler et al for the Effect of Comorbidity on In-Hospital Mortality in a Patient with Severe Trauma
Types of Salter and Harris for Fractures Involving the Epiphyseal Growth Plate in Children and Adolescents
Classification of Gustilo and Anderson for Open Fractures of Long Bones
Classification of Hammer et al for the Radiographic Stage of Fracture Union
Radiographic Score of Lane and Sandhu for Fracture Union
Histologic Score of Lane and Sandhu for Fracture Union
Classification of Tscherne for Fractures
Hannover Fracture Scale
Grades of Tscherne and Lobenhoffer for Soft Tissue Injury Associated with a Closed Fracture
Classification of Catagni for Pseudarthroses (Fracture with Nonunion)
Risk Factors for Fracture Non-Union
Findings Suggesting an Osteoporotic Fracture
Risk Factors of Pape et al for Poor Outcome After Early Fracture Fixation
Diagnosis of Fracture Using a Tuning Fork and Stethoscope
Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS)
Mangled Extremity Syndrome Index (MESI)
Predictive Salvage Index (PSI)
Limb Salvage Index (LSI)
NISSSA Score of McNamara et al for Open Fracture of the Lower Extremity
Wringer Injuries of the Hand
Hannover Fracture Scale '98 (HFS '98)
Ganga Hospital Open Injury Severity Score (GHS)
Classification of Craig for Fractures of the Clavicle
Classification of Thompson for Fractures of the Clavicle
Classification of Neer for Fractures of the Proximal Humerus
Classification of Eyres et al for Fractures of the Coracoid Process of the Scapula
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Proximal Humerus
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Humerus Diaphysis
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Distal Humerus
Classification of Neer and Rockwood for Injury to the Acromioclavicular Joint
Classification of Tossy et al for Injury to the Acromioclavicular Joint
Classification of Allman for Injury to the Acromioclavicular Joint
Classification of Ada and Miller for Fracture of the Scapula
Classification of Goss for Scapular Fractures Involving the Glenoid Cavity
Risk Factors of Pecci and Kreher for Nonunion of a Midshaft Fracture of the Clavicle
Classification of Jaggard et al for Injury to the Sternoclavicular Joint
Clinical Findings in a Patient with Posterior Dislocation of the Sternoclavicular Joint
Risk Factors of Court-Brown and McQueen for Nonunion of a Fracture Involving the Proximal Humerus
Risk Factors of Broadbent et al for Nonunion of a Diaphyseal Fracture of the Humerus
Forearm Symptom Severity Score in Colles' Fracture
Classification of Older et al for Colles's Fracture
Classification of Regan and Morrey for Fractures of the Ulnar Coronoid Process
Classification of Mason for Fracture of the Radial Head With the Modification of Morrey
Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) Classification for Radial Diaphyseal Forearm Fractures
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Proximal Radius and Ulna
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Radial and/or Ulnar Diaphysis
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Distal Radius and/or Ulna
Clinical Features of the Galeazzi Fracture of the Radius
Clinical Features of an Essex-Lopresti Fracture-Dislocation of the Forearm
Types and Equivalents of Monteggia Fracture of the Forearm
Classification of Frykman for Fractures of the Distal Radius
Classification of Lidstrom for Fractures of the Distal Radius
Classification of Bracq for Fracture of the Olecranon in a Pediatric Patient
Spaghetti Wrist (Laceration of the Volar Forearm)
Fractures Involving the Base of the Thumb Metacarpal
Classification of Schenck for Fractures and Dislocations of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) Classification of Fracture of a Metacarpal Bone
Classification of Herbert and Fisher for Fractures of the Scaphoid
Classification of Urbaniak et al for a Ring Avulsion Injury of a Finger
Classification of Doyle for a Mallet Finger
Classification of Souter for the Boutonniere Deformity
Boxer Fracture (Neck Fracture of the Fifth Metacarpal)
Classification of Winquist and Hansen for Comminuted Fractures of the Femoral Shaft
Classification of Seinsheimer for Subtrochanteric Fractures of the Femur
Classification of Pipkin for Fractures of the Femoral Head
Classification of Seinsheimer for Fractures of the Distal Femur
Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) Classification for Fractures of the Femoral Shaft
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Proximal Femur
Classification of Fielding and Magliato for Subtrochanteric Fractures
Classification of Boyd and Griffin for Trochanteric Fractures
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of Femoral Diaphysis
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of Distal Femur
Classification of Stewart and Milford for Traumatic Fracture-Dislocation of the Hip
Classification of Evans for Trochanteric Fracture of the Proximal Femur
Classification of Garden for Intracapsular Fracture of the Proximal Femur (Femoral Neck Fracture)
Risk Factors of Taistman et al for Nonunion of a Femoral Shaft Fracture After Femoral Nailing
Hoffa Fracture of the Distal Femoral Condyle
Classification of Trafton for Tibial Shaft Fractures
Classification of Schatzker et al for Fractures of the Tibial Plateau
Classification of Johner and Wruhs for Fractures of the Tibial Shaft
Classification of Nicoll for Fractures of the Tibial Shaft
Classification of Lansinger et al for Tibial Condylar Fractures
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of Proximal Tibia and Fibula
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Tibial and Fibular Diaphysis
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Distal Tibia and Fibula
Classification of Blake and McBryde for Ipsilateral "Floating Knee" Fractures of the Femur and Tibia
Classification of Hohl for Fractures of the Tibial Condyles
Anatomic Classification of Wascher for Knee Disclocation (KD)
Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) Classification for Fractures of the Patella
Classification of Chapman for Fracture of the Tibial Shaft
Classification of Wahlquist et al for a Fracture of the Medial Tibial Plateau
Radiographic Union Score of Whelan et al for Healing of a Tibial Fracture Following Intramedullary Fixation (RUST)
Thermal Osteonecrosis After Reaming for an Intramedullary Nail to Repair a Tibial Fracture
Classification of Ovadia and Beals for Fracture of the Distal Tibial (Tibial Plafond)
Radiographic Classification for Reduction of a Fracture Involving the Distal Tibia
Radiographic Criteria of Burwell and Charnley for Reduction of a Displaced Ankle Fracture
Classification of the AO-ASIF Group for Fractures of the Malleolar Segment of the Tibia or Fibula
Classification Scheme of Sanders et al for Intraarticular Fractures of the Calcaneus As Seen on CT Scan
Classification of Szyszkowitz et al for Fractures of the Talus
Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) Classification of Fracture of a Phalanx in the Foot
Classification of Hardcastle et al for Lisfranc Injuries to the Tarsometatarsal Joint (Modification of the Classification of Quenu and Kuss)
Classification of Clapper et al for Fracture of the Proximal End (Base) of the Fifth Metatarsal Bone
Classification of Jahss for Traumatic Dislocation of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint
Classification of Sangeorzan et al for Fracture of the Tarsal Navicular
Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) Classification of Fracture of a Metatarsal Bone
Staging Classification of Nunley and Vertullo for a Midfoot Sprain Involving the Lisfranc Ligament Complex
Classification of Hawkins for Fractures of the Talar Neck
Landmine Foot
Danger Signs Following Surgery for Fracture and Soft Tissue Injury
Criteria of Torg et al for Successful Healing of a Metacarpal or Metatarsal Fracture
Classification of Bethea et al for Proximal Femoral Fractures in Patients with a Total Hip Prosthesis
Classification of Mont and Maar for Femoral Fractures Ipsilateral to a Total Hip Prosthesis
Classification of Stuart and Hanssen for a Fracture in the Tibia Adjacent to a Knee Prosthesis (Mayo Classification)
Treatment Algorithm of Felix et al for Treatment of a Fracture in the Tibia Adjacent to a Knee Prosthesis (Mayo Classification)
Classification of Tower and Beals for Fractures of the Femur After a Total Hip Replacement
Classification of O'Driscoll and Morrey for Periprosthetic Fractures About the Elbow (Mayo Classification)
Indications of O'Driscoll and Morrey for Surgery in the Management of a Periprosthetic Fracture of the Elbow
Classification of Goldberg et al for Periprosthetic Patellar Fractures
Risk Factors for a Periprosthetic Patellar Fracture
Classification of Lewis and Rorabeck for a Femoral Supracondylar Periprosthetic Fracture Proximal to a Knee Arthroplasty
Algorithm of Rorabeck and Taylor for Management of a Femoral Supracondylar Periprosthetic Fracture Proximal to a Knee Arthroplasty
Risk Factors for a Periprosthetic Knee Fracture
Geriatric Trauma Survival Score (GTSS)
Risk Factors of Knudson et al for Mortality in Geriatric Patients After Blunt Trauma
Risk Factors of Zietlow et al for Mortality in a Geriatric Patient After Multisystem Trauma
Management of Foreign Body Impalement Injury
Injuries Associated with Large Wooden Splinters
Clinical Findings in the Crush Syndrome Following Prolonged Compression of the Limbs
Management Recommendations of Michaelson for Patients with Crush Syndrome After Prolonged Limb Compression
Models of Aoki et al for Predicting Crush Syndrome from Triage Data
The Red Cross Classification of War Wounds Using the E.X.C.F.V.M. Scoring System
Gunshot Wound Depth Classification of Ordog et al
Classification of Ordog et al for Changes to a Missile After Penetration
Algorithm of Duncan et al for Managing a Patient with a Transpelvic Gunshot Wound
Recommendations of DiGiulio et al for the Management of a Patient with a Penetrating Abdominal Air Gun Injury
Unintentional Injury Associated with a Spent Bullet from Celebratory Gunfire Shot into the Sky
Arterial or Venous Bullet Embolism
Wounds Associated with the Firing of a Blank Cartridge
Removal of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)
Risk Factors of Kim et al for Penetrating Gunshot Wounds to the Brain
Protocol of Martins et al for a Managing a Patient with a Penetrating Gunshot Wound to the Head
Cranial Injuries Associated with Discharge of a Slaughterer's Gun
Grades of Long et al for a Gunshot Fracture of the Femoral Diaphysis
New Classification of Gugala and Lindsey for a Gunshot Wound in a Civilian
Injuries and Complications Associated with Anti-Personnel Land Mines
Risk Factors of Aldrich et al for Penetrating Civilian Gunshot Wounds to the Head
Behind Armor Blunt Trauma (BABT)
Backface Signature Injury Following Bullet Impacting Personal Body Armor
Algorithm of Sadjadi et al for Expedited Therapy of a Gunshot Wound to the Lower Extremity
Cushing's Classification of Penetrating Head Injuries During World War I
Classification of Matson for Craniocerebral Gunshot Wounds
Risk Factors of Bakir et al for a High Velocity Gunshot or Shrapnel Wound to the Head
Indications of Ursone for Surgical Debridement of Wounds Containing Explosive Fragments
Medical Severity Index of Disasters
Responder Exhaustion in Sequential Disasters
Health Concerns in a Natural Disaster
Criteria of a Roberts for a Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) During a Community Event
Levels in the Classification of Trauma Centers
Evaluating Team Performance with a Modified Team Improvement Promotes Success (TIPS) Score
Complications Associated with the Use of Medicinal Leeches
Indications and Contraindications to the Use of Medicinal Leeches
Complications Associated with the Heimlich Maneuver
Complications Associated with Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) with External Cardiac Compression
Risk Factors for a Laparoscopic Trocar Injury
Injuries Associated with an Electrosurgical (Electrocautery, Bovie) Device
Splenic Trauma During a Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy
Risk Factors for Cutting Injury in Anatomic Pathology
Risk Factors for Complications Following the Use of a Tourniquet
Clinical Findings That May Follow the Use of a Tourniquet
Indications for Application of a Tourniquet
Guidelines of King et al for Removal of a Tourniquet
Clinical Features of the Gluteal Compartment Syndrome
Clinical Features of the Lumbar Paraspinal Compartment Syndrome
Clinical Features of the Thigh Compartment Syndrome
Causes of a Compartment Syndrome Following Surgical Repair of a Limb Injury
Multicompartment Syndrome Following Trauma in a Patient Using Anabolic Steroids
Clinical Features of the Foot Compartment Syndrome
Risk Factors of Kim et al for a Compartment Syndrome Following Traumatic to the Brachial Artery
The 5 P's of a Compartment Syndrome Affecting an Extremity
Model of Valdez et al for Predicting Compartment Syndrome in a Lower Extremity Following Trauma
Closed Degloving Injury Following Exposure to a Sudden Shearing Force
Clinical Features of a Traumatic Tattoo
Methods for Removing Two Magnets Entrapping Loose Skin and Soft Tissue
Recommendations of Kudsk et al for Management of a Degloving Injury
Morel-Lavallee Lesion
Clinical Signs of Traumatic Open Joint Injury
Classification of Collins and Temple for Open Joint Injury
Risk Factors for Repeated Episodes (Recidivism) of Traumatic Injury in Urban Populations
Risk Factors of Wan et al for Unintentional Injury Recidivism
Risk Factors of Toschlog et al for Rural Trauma Recidivism
Risk Factors of Gubler et al for Trauma Recidivism in an Elderly Patient
Machete Wounds and Complications
Hazards When Unable to Obtain a Medical History
Reasons Why an Injury May Not Be Detected on a Medical Examination
TILT (Type, Intensity, Lesion, Time) Formula of De La Torre for Brain Injury
Decision Tree Model of Forsyth et al for Predicting Raised Intracranial Pressure (ICP) in a Pediatric Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury
Crowd Crush (Compressive Asphyxiation)
Chest Wall Hernia
Abdominal Wall or Pelvic Hemorrhage Secondary to Injury to the Inferior Epigastric Artery
Risk Factors of McIntyre et al for Failure of Nonoperative Management of Splenic Injuries
Criteria of Sharpe et al for a Destructive Colon Injury
Clinical Rule of Brink et al for Computed Tomography (CT) of the Chest in a Patient Following Blunt Trauma
Morse Fall Scale (MFS)
Risk of Falling Associated with Supine Hypertension and Orthostatic Hypotension
Predictors of Beale et al for Failed Closure of a Trauma Patient with an Open Abdomen
Complications Seen in Trauma Patients Requiring Temporary Abdominal Closure (TAC)
Predictive Model of Aoki et al for Survival Following Damage Control Laparotomy
The Pelvic Compartment Syndrome (PCS)
Clinical Features of Compartment Syndrome of the Hand
Injuries Associated with a Tomahawk
NATO Standardization Agreement (STANAG) Injury Codes
Risk Index of Kim et al for Unplanned Intubation of a Trauma Patient
Major Resuscitation Criteria (MRC) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS) in Pediatric Trauma
Pediatric Age-Specific Hypotension in Trauma
Risk Factors of Geffroy et al for Early Hyperthermia Following Severe Traumatic Head Injury
Score of Greenes et al for Prediction of Skull Fracture in a Head-Injured Infant
Discharge Instructions of Fung et al for a Patient in the Emergency Department with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Risk Factors of Berne et al for Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury
Risk Factors for Falls in a Diabetic
Injuries to the Digital Artery
Nomogram of Min et al for Predicting Mortality-Associated Geriatric Complications in a Geriatric Patient with Severe Trauma
Equations and Nomogram of Afifi et al for Safe Entry to Avoid Vascular Injury During Abdominal Laparoscopic Injury
Compartment Syndrome in an Upper or Lower Extremity Following Thrombolysis
Compartment Syndrome in the Legs Following Saphenous Vein Harvest for Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
The Lethal Triad in Trauma (Acidosis, Coagulopathy, Hypothermia)
Classification of Morisada et al for Patients with Severe Trauma (Ugawa Classification)
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) Following Blunt Chest Trauma
Algorithm of Kaljusto et al for Managing a Patient with Penetrating Cardiac Injury
Mortality Risk Score of Zehr et al for a Patient with Flail Chest
Blunt Thoracic Aortic Injury (BTAI) Score of Harris et al
Classification of Starnes et al for Blunt Aortic Injury
Management Recommendations of Lanchon et al for a Patient with Blunt Renal Trauma
Predictors of Hoffman et al for Occult Injury in a Patient with a Negative Focused Abdominal Sonogram for Trauma (FAST)
Medical-Grade Honey and Topical Wound Care
Methods of Wound Debridement
Hazards of Punching
Geriatric Trauma Outcome Score (GTOS) of Zhao et al
GAP (Glasgow Coma Score, Age, Pressure) Score of Kondo et al for Predicting In-Hospital Mortality for a Trauma Patient in the Emergency Department (ED)
Emergency Trauma Score (EMTRAS) of Raum et al
Predictors of Suffoletto et al for Detecting a Serious Infection During Prehospital Emergency Care
Predictors of Suffoletto et al for Triaging a Patient with a Serious Infection in the Emergency Department (ED)
Thai Pediatric Trauma and Injury Score of Vallipakorn et al
Prediction Tree of Rovlias and Kotsou for Outcome of an Adult with Severe Head Injury
Risk Factor Score of Battle et al for Complications Following Blunt Chest Wall Trauma (STUMBL Score)
Risk Factors of Corzo et al for Operative Management of a Mesenteric Hematoma Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Renal Compartment Syndrome
Complications of Transcatheter Arterial Embolization (TAE) for Complex Pelvic Trauma
Thoracolumbar AOSpine Injury Score of Kepler et al
Risk Score of Brown et al for Ordering Brain Imaging Studies in an Adult Admitted for Fall with Confusion
PECARN Clinical Decision Rule for a Child with Minor Head Trauma: Child Less Than 2 Years Old
PECARN Clinical Decision Rule for a Child with Minor Head Trauma: Child Greater Than or Equal to 2 Years Old
Knee Instability and Falls in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Risk Model of van Ramshorst et al for Abdominal Wound Dehiscence in an Adult
Seat Belt and Fetal Injuries in a Pregnant Woman (Uterine Rupture, Abruption, Etc)
Risk Factors of Petrigliano et al for Short-Term Complications After Surgical Fixation of a Proximal Humeral Fracture
Die-Punch Fracture of the Distal Radius
Model of Challen et al for Predicting Potential for Benefit from a Time-Critical Intervention in the Emergency Department (ED)
Model of Challen et al for Predicting 7-Day Mortality Rate for a Patient in the Emergency Department (ED)
Risk Factors of Carpenter et al for Fall Within 6 Months For an Older Adult in the Emergency Department
Screening Score of Tiedemann et al for Identifying an Older Adult at Risk for Future Falls
Risk Factors of Close et al for Falls in an Elderly Patient from PROFET
Multifactorial Falls Risk Assessment of an Older Adult from the NICE Standard
Individualized Multifactorial Intervention for an Older Adult at Risk for Falls from the NICE Standard
Post-Fall Evaluation Protocol for an Older Adult from the NICE Standard
Lethal Triad of Endo et al
Prognostic Score of Gomez et al for Early Mortality Associated with Severe Head Injury
Prognostic Scores of Steyerberg et al for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Categories of Lobato et al for Traumatic Intracranial Lesions on Computerized Tomography (CT)
Depressed Calvarial Fracture (DCF, "Ping-Pong Parietal Fracture") of the Newborn
Children's Intracranial Injury Decision Aid (CHIIDA) of Greenberg et al for Mild Pediatric Head Trauma
Screening Criteria of Fabian et al for Blunt Carotid Trauma (Memphis Criteria)
Criteria of Morton et al for Imaging Studies to Detect Blunt Cerebrovascular Traumatic Injury (University of Washington Criteria)
Predictors of Cook et al for Splenectomy in a Patient with Cirrhosis and Blunt Splenic Injury (BSI)
Corona Mortis in Pubic Injury
Definition of Maidan et al for Near Fall
Risk Factors of Brenton-Rule et al for Falls in an Adult with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Terrible Triad of the Elbow (Radial Head Fracture, Coronoid Process Fracture, Elbow Dislocation)
Danis-Weber Classification of Ankle Fracture of the Distal Fibula at the Lateral Malleolus
Paper Cut
Score of Seymour et al for Identifying a Patient Requiring Critical Care Following Out-of-Hospital Emergency Care
Revised Swiss Emergency Triage Scale (SETS)
2011 Recommendations of the National Expert Panel for Field Triage of an Injured Patient
Identification of Seniors at Risk (ISAR) for Screening a Geriatric Patient in the Emergency Department
Criteria for the Admission of a Patient to a Belgian Burn Center
Triage System of Hillerod Hospital in Denmark: Vital Signs
Clinical Decision Rule of Emond et al for Delayed Hemothorax Following Minor Thoracic Trauma
Pancreas Injury Mortality Score (PIMS) of Krige et al
Score of Woo et al for Recurrent Falls in a Community-Dwelling Chinese Adult Male >= 65 Years Old
Score of Woo et al for Recurrent Falls in a Community-Dwelling Chinese Adult Female >= 65 Years Old
Risk Factors of Stanmore et al for Falls in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Risk Factors of Shoko et al for In-Hospital Mortality for a Trauma Patient in Japan
Radiologic Markers of Frailty in an Older Trauma Patients and 1 Year Mortality in the Report of Kaplan et al
Barzullah Classification of Mass Disaster Based on Hospital Demands
Penetrating Injuries from a Swordfish Bill Sword
Prognostic Findings for a Trauma Patient Admitted with Head Injuries and a Glasgow Coma Score of 3
Veterans Administration (VA) Closed Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Severity Grades
Triage System of Hillerod Hospital in Denmark: Chest Pain
START (Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment) Triage for a Mass Casualty Event
Air Medical Prehospital Triage (AMPT) Score for Helicopter Transport of a Trauma Patient
Cape Triage Score of Gottschalk et al (South African Triage Scale): Adult Version
Resuscitation Goals Prior to Interfacility Transport of Military Patients
Hazards of Responding to a Victim
Stages of Extrication in a Motor Vehicle Accident
Risk Factors for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Indications for Placement of a Rigid Cervical Collar from the Joint Trauma System Clinical Practice Guidelines (JTS CPG)
I.E.D. (Injury/Evaluation/Distance) Checklist for Assessment of Potential Concussion
Protocol of Witt et al for Managing a Patient with Pericardial Fluid After Blunt Chest Trauma
Criteria of Prokakis et al for Evaluation and Management of Airway Trauma (Tracheobronchial Injuries, TBI)
Classification of Bjorck et al for a Patient with an Open Abdomen
Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children (BATiC) Score of Karam et al
Risk Factors of Cotton et al for Intraabdominal Injury After Blunt Abdominal Trauma in Children
Sciatic Nerve Injury Associated with an Acetabular Fracture
Thoracic Injury Rule-out Criteria (TIRC) for Predicting Intra-Thoracic Blunt Trauma and the Need for a Chest Radiograph
Clinical Scaphoid Score (CSS) of Bergh et al for Ordering an MRI on a Patient with Wrist Trauma and a Normal X-Ray
The FROP-Com (Falls Risk for Older People in the Community) Screening Score of Russell et al
Risk Factors of Taira et al for In-Hospital Mortality Following a Ground-Level Fall
Indications for Referral of a Patient to an ENT Specialist After Aural Blast Injury
Causes of Nontraumatic Pulmonary Fat Emboli
Clinical Features of the Padded Dashboard Syndrome
Zones of the Aorta in Resuscitation Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA)
Criteria of Barnard et al for Utilization of Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA)
MGAP Score (Mechanism, Glasgow Coma Score, Age, Arterial Pressure) for a Trauma Patient
rSIG (Reverse Shock Index Times Glasgow Coma Score) in Trauma Triage
New Trauma Score (NTS)
Vittel Triage Criteria (VTC)
Algorithm of Follin et al for Prehospital Triage of a Polytrauma Patient
Modified Physiological Triage Tool (MPTT)
Tool of Nutbeam et al for Predicting Extrication Time at a Road Accident
Trauma Models of Nakahara et al: Using Maximum AIS
Trauma Models of Nakahara et al: Using Number of Severe Injuries
Kampala Trauma Score (KTS)
Score of Pace et al for Identifying a Patient with Raised Intracranial Pressure After Traumatic Brain Injury
Algorithm of Monazzam et al for Evaluating a Patient with a Lower Extremity Fracture for Vascular Injury
Risk Factors of Ramdass et al for Amputation Following Popliteal Artery Trauma
Clinical Prediction Rule of Streck et al for Identifying Children at Very Low Risk for Blunt Intra-Abdominal Injury
Bowel Injury Prediction Score (BIPS) for Blunt Intestinal Trauma
CT Grading Scale for Blunt Intestinal Trauma
Intra-Operative Blunt Mesenteric Injury Grading System of Bekker et al
Prognostic Factors of Hwang and Choi for Morbidity and Mortality in a Patient with Traumatic Injuries to the Pancreas
Nomogram of Shoobridge et al for Predicting Nephrectomy After Renal Trauma
Nomogram of Keihani et al for Identifying the Need for an Intervention to Control Renal Bleeding After Trauma
Risk Factors of Ricart et al for an Epidural Hematoma Following Trauma to the Cervical Spine
Predictors of Schellenberg et al for Survival After Traumatic Atlanto-Occipital Dissociation
East Riding Elbow Rule (ER2) for Ordering Elbow X-Rays
Clinical Decision Rule of Inagaki et al for Ordering Cervical CT Scan After Head or Neck Trauma
Knee Impact Sign of Kelly and Kelly for Hip Fracture After a Ground Level Fall
Hendrich Fall Risk Model
Risk Factors Associated with Suspension Trauma and Intolerance (Orthostatic Shock Syndrome)
Blast Injury in a Mounted Soldier
Risk Factors of Ban and Troelsen for Fracture Nonunion of the Clavicle
Model of Ross et al for Predicting Tibial Non-Union at 6 We
Tibial Nonunion Risk Determination (NURD) Score of O'Halloran et al
Emergency Severity Index Version 4
Indications for Securing the Airway in Severe Head Injury from the Japan Society of Neurotraumatology
Prognostic Factors of LeRoux et al for Intraventricular Hemorrhage (IVH) After Blunt Head Trauma
Clinical Prediction Rule of Haworth et al for a Displaced Zygomatico-Maxillary Fracture
Clinical Decision Rule of Gravel et al for Identifying a Skull Fracture in a Young Child Following Isolated Head Trauma
Clinical Features of Sphenoid Sinus Fractures
Indications of Tunthanathip et al for Cerebrovascular Imaging Following Severe Head Injury
Predictors of Bodanapally et al for Arterial Injuries After Penetrating Civilian Brain Injury
Predictors of Prichayudh et al for Surgery After Liver Trauma
Western Trauma Association Algorithms for Colorectal Injury: Trauma to Colon and Intraperitoneal Rectum
Western Trauma Association Algorithms for Colorectal Injury: Trauma to Extraperitoneal Rectum
Predictors of Toth et al for Pelvic Fracture-Related Arterial Bleeding (PFRAB)
Amsterdam Pediatric Wrist Rules: Pediatric 6-Item Model
Amsterdam Wrist Rules: Model for All Wrist Fractures
Amsterdam Wrist Rules: Model for a Distal Radius Fracture
Risk Factors of Church et al for Postoperative Fall
Dismounted Complex Blast Injury (DCBI)
Bastion Classification of Lower Limb Injuries Caused by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
International Red Cross (IRC) Classification of Antipersonnel Mine Injuries
Risk Factors of Wu et al for Femoral Shaft Fracture Nonunion Following Intramedullary Nail Fixation in a Middle Age Adult
Triage-ProADM Score of Kutz et al for Risk Stratification in the Emergency Department
Revised Physiologic Field Triage Criteria of Newgard et al for an Older Trauma Patient
Traumatic Cardiac Arrest Without Prehospital Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC)
Hypocalcemia and the Lethal Diamond of Ditzel et al
eFONA Score of Okada et al for Predicting an Emergency Front-of-Neck Airway Procedure in a Trauma Patient
Priority Levels for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Transport
Clinical Decision Rule of Holmes et al for Thoracic Injury in a Pediatric Patient Following Blunt Torso Trauma
Subaxial Injury Classification (SLIC) of Subaxial Cervical Spine Trauma
Predictors of Palchak et al for Low Risk of Brain Injury in a Child After Blunt Head Trauma
Cervical Spine Immobilization and Penetrating Neck Injury
Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire of Cnossen et al
Clinical Symptoms Associated with the Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS)
Clinical Features of Kim et al for Laryngeal Fracture
Classification of Schaefer and Fuhrman for Laryngeal Injury
Clinical Findings of O'Connor Associated with Thoracotomy After Penetrating Chest Trauma
Predictors of Marini et al for Mortality in a Patient with Rib Fractures
Doppler Arterial Pressure Index (API) and Occult Arterial Injury in an Injured Extremity
Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score (TLICS) of Lee et al
SCRAP Rule of Payrastre et al for CT Imaging of the Chest Following Blunt Thoracic Trauma
NEXUS II Head CT Decision Instrument of Oman et al for Pediatric Blunt Head Trauma
Baptist Health High Risk Falls Assessment (BHHRFA)
Score of Paul et al for Predicting Falls in a Patient with Parkinson's Disease
Clinical Findings of Bulger et al for the Fat Embolism Syndrome (FES) in a Trauma Patient
Clinical Prediction Rule of Rhemrev et al for Scaphoid Fracture
Vital Signs in an Elderly Trauma Patient
Geriatric Trauma Outcome Score II (GTOS II) of Cook et al
Geriatric Trauma Outcome Score III (GTOS III)
Elderly Mortality After Trauma (EMAT) Scores of Morris et al: Quick Score (qEMAT)
Elderly Mortality After Trauma (EMAT) Scores of Morris et al: Full (fEMAT)
Trauma Rating Index in Age, Glasgow Coma Scale, Respiratory rate and Systolic blood pressure (TRIAGES) Score of Shiraishi et al
Indications for Immediate Referral of a Patient with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury from the VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline
CT Scan Grading of Nigam et al for a Temporal Lobe Contusion
Syndrome of Temporal Lobe Contusion
Helsinki Computerized Tomography Score for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Rotterdam CT Score for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Risk Factors for Overestimation of the Severity of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) on Early Clinical Examinations
NIMHANS Model NM of Pillai et al for Predicting Outcome for a Patient with Severe Diffuse Brain Injury
Stockholm Score of Nelson et al for Brain CT Scan of a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Rule of Thumb of Nelson et al for Outcome for a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Models of Jacobs et al for Predicting Outcome Following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Diagnostic Criteria of Sherer et al for Post-Traumatic Confusional State (PTCS)
Recovery from Post-Traumatic Confusional State (PTCS)
Sequential Clinical Assessment of Respiratory Function (SCARF) Score of Hardin et al for a Patient with Rib Fractures
Predictors of Song et al for Infection or Death Following Open Pelvic Fracture with Rectal Injuries
Classification of Young and Burgess for Pelvic Ring Fractures
Malawi Trauma Score (MTS) of Gallaher et al
HeCLLiP Score of Tan et al for Prediction of Trauma Mortality
TRAAGIC Score of Kahnamoui et al for Predicting Inpatient Mortality of an Adult Trauma Patient
SAG Score of Haider et al for a Trauma Patient
Trauma Early Mortality Prediction Tool (TEMPT) of Kunitake et al
Downton Fall Risk Index (DFRI)
Risk Factors of Winstead et al for Fall-Related Facial Fractures
Nomogram of Zhao et al for Predicting the Risk of Injurious Falls for an Elderly Adult
Fat Emboli Associated with Intraosseous Infusion
Equation of Kairinos et al for Predicting Outcome After Damage Control Surgery
Predictor of Timmermans et al for Mortality Associated with Damage Control Surgery for Major Abdominal Trauma
DECIDE (Damage Control Indication Detecting) Score of Urushibata et al
Predictors of Asensio et al for Evaluating a Patient Requiring Damage Control Surgery
Staged Rapid Source Control Laparotomy (RSCL) in Emergency General Surgery
Predictive Factors of Perkins et al for Amputation Following Surgical Repair of Lower Extremity Vascular Trauma
Terrible Triad of the Shoulder
Leeds-Genoa Index for Fracture Non-Union of a Long Bone Following Fixation (LEG-NU Index)
Geriatric Trauma Risk Index (GTRI) of Meagher et al for an Older Adult with Trauma in the Emergency Department
Prehospital Advanced Triage Method (Modelo Extrahospitalario De Triage Avanzado, META): Urgent Surgical Evacuation (UESA) and Most Relevant Severe Injuries
Prehospital Advanced Triage Method (Modelo Extrahospitalario De Triage Avanzado, META): Triage Process
Field Triage Guidance of Newgard et al for an Older Adult
Prehospital End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) in a Trauma Patient
Models of Moore et al for Predicting Poor Outcome in a Massively Transfused Trauma Patient
Nomogram of Shibahashi et al to Screen for Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury
Pediatric Intensity Level of Therapy (PILOT) for Intracranial Pressure-Directed Therapies for Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Intracranial Pressure (ICP) Monitoring in a Pediatric Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Infant Scalp Score of Schutzman et al
Criteria of Schutzman et al for an Isolated Scalp Hematoma
Traumatic Pneumorrhachis (PR, Air in the Spinal Canal)
Cutoffs of Bruijns et al for Mortality Associated with Vital Signs and Combined Values in a Trauma Patient
Early Predictors of Samuelsson et al for Falls After Stroke from the FallsGOT Study
Model of Quinn for Predicting Risk of Falls for a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Histologic Classification of Falzi et al for Pulmonary Fat Embolism
Fracture Blister
Pipkin Type III Fracture-Dislocation as a Terrible Triad of the Hip
Score of Mochizuki et al for a Patient with Acute Traumatic Patellar Dislocation
Score of Bolliger et al for Trauma Based on Crush Injury and Fractures
New Berlin Definition of Polytrauma
Copenhagen Triage Algorithm
Triage Protocol of Granstrom et al for Trauma Patients
French Emergency Nurses Classification in Hospital Scale (FRENCH)
WSES Indicators for Hemodynamic Instability
Prediction of Mortality in a Pediatric Blunt Trauma Patient Based on SIPA Values
Pediatric Resuscitation and Trauma Outcome (PRESTO) Model of St. Louis et al
Clinical Score of Yuksen et al for Predicting Intracranial Hemorrhage in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Clinical Prediction Rule of Alali et al for Intracranial Hypertension Associated with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Clinical Prediction Rule of Newgard et al for Interhospital Transfer of a Patient with Blunt Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Nomogram of Tunthanathip and Udomwitthayaphiban for Predicting Mortality After Penetrating Traumatic Brain Injury
KIIDS-TBI Tool of Greenberg et al for Mild Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
The Otic Capsule and Temporal Bone Fracture
Chest Wall Trauma Score (CWTS) of Pressley et al
RibScore of Chapman et al
PIC (Pain, Inspiration, Cough) Score for a Patient with Multiple Rib Fractures
Pulmonary Contusion Volume Following Blunt Chest Trauma
Score of Tyburski et al for Grading Pulmonary Contusion
Classification of Wagner and Jamieson for Pulmonary Contusion
Significance of First Rib Fracture (FRF)
Vancouver Simplified Blunt Aortic Injury Grading System
Blunt Aortic Injury Grading System of Gavant
Blunt Aortic Isthmus Injury Grading System of Simeone et al
Predictors of Mao et al for Traumatic Carotid-Cavernous Sinus Fistula
Amended Classification of Bjorck et al for the Open Abdomen
Updated Liver Organ Injury Scale
WSES Classification for Hepatic Trauma
WSES Recommendations for Managing Hepatic Trauma
Criteria of Li et al for Laparoscopic Partial Splenectomy in a Patient with Splenic Trauma
Updated Spleen Organ Injury Scale
WSES Classification of Splenic Trauma
WSES Management of an Adult with Splenic Trauma
2020 Update for Blunt Small Bowel Organ Injury
2020 Update for Penetrating Small Bowel Organ Injury
2020 Update for Mesenteric Injury
2020 Update for Blunt Colon Injury
2020 Update for Penetrating Colon Organ Injury
WSES Classification of Trauma to the Duodenum, Pancreas and Extrahepatic Biliary Tract
WSES Diagnostic Approach for a Patient with Trauma to the Duodenum, Pancreas and Extrahepatic Biliary Tract
Updated Kidney Organ Injury Scale
Model of Keihani et al for Predicting the Need for a Bleeding Intervention After High-Grade Renal Trauma
WSES Classification of Kidney Trauma
Clinical Pathway of Lewis et al for Managing a Patient with an Unstable Pelvic Fracture
WSES Classification of Pelvic Trauma
Hopkins Falls Grading Scale
Predictive Clinical Rule of Milosevic et al for Fall Risk in a Nursing Home Resident
Risk Factors of Perez-Ros et al for Falls in a Functionally-Independent and Community-Dwelling Older Adult
Handgrip Strength and Risk of Falls in Elderly Women
Predictors of Wiegmann et al for Falls in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Russell-Taylor Classification of Subtrochanteric Hip Fracture
Risk Factors of Kong et al for Mortality Following a Cerebral Gunshot Wound (Maritzburg Score)
ABC Score of Stoffel et al for Predicting Early Mortality for a Patient with a Cerebral Gunshot Wound
Predictors of Aarabi et al for Outcome Following a Civilian Gunshot Wound to the Head
Predictors of Murano et al for Mortality Following a Civilian Craniocerebral Gunshot Wound
Prognostic Factors of Ambrosi et al for a Civilian Gunshot Wound to the Head
Predictors of Lin et al for Good Outcome Following a Civilian Gunshot Wound to the Brain
Surviving Penetrating Injury to the Brain (SPIN) Score
Score of Gressot et al for a Civilian with a Gunshot Wound to the Head
Compartment Syndrome Following Use of a Tourniquet
Medical Emergency Triage and Treatment System (METTS): Vital Signs
Prognostic Impact of Cardiopulmonary Arrest in the First Hour After Arrival of a Trauma Patient at a Trauma Center
Monitoring of Circumference for Early Detection of Post-Traumatic Bleeding
Use of Standard Score to Define Major Trauma
Elderly Traumatic Brain Injury (eTBI) Score of Bobeff et al for Traumatic Brain Injury in an Elderly Adult
Modified Glasgow Coma Scale (mGCS) for a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury
Prehospital Score of Gang et al for Traumatic Brain Injury (NTS-TBI Score)
Risk Factors of Harmon et al for Infection After Penetrating Brain Injury
WTA Criteria for Cervical Spine Clearance in a Trauma Patient
Clothesline Injury to the Neck
Serum S100 and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Classification of Cardillo et al for Tracheal Wall Injury
Indicators of Grewal et al for Directing the Management Tracheal Wall Injury
Causes of Penetrating Tracheobronchial Injury
Risk Factors for Penetrating Tracheobronchial Injury
Risk Factors of Alisha et al for Survival in a Patient with Pulmonary Contusion Following Chest Trauma
Management of Injuries to the Retrohepatic Inferior Vena Cava
Risk Factors of Ciesla et al for Blunt Cerebrovascular Injury
POPSAVEIT Score of O'Banion et al for Popliteal Arterial Trauma
Indicators of Rezende-Neto et al for the Open Abdomen After Damage Control Surgery
WSES Management of a Pediatric Patient with Splenic Trauma
WSES Recommendations for Management off Trauma to the Duodenum, Pancreas and Extrahepatic Biliary Tract
Clinical Features of Extrahepatic Bile Duct Injury Following Blunt Trauma
WSES Recommendations for Management of Kidney Trauma
WSES Management of Urotrauma
WSES Management of Pelvic Trauma
Model of Huang et al for Predicting Facial CT for a Blunt Trauma Patient
Predictors of Althumairi et al for Problematic Healing of a Perineal Wound Following Abdominoperineal Resection
Classification of Robinson for Fractures of the Clavicle (Edinburgh Classification)
Nomogram of Wang et al for Risk of Reduction Loss Following Locking Plate Fixation of a Proximal Humeral Fracture
Radiographic Index of Vaisman et al for the Diagnosis of Posterior Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation
Rhabdomyolysis and Acute Renal Failure Associated with Crush Syndrome
Predictors of Bandt et al for Favorable Outcome Following Pediatric Intracranial Gunshot Wound (St. Louis Scale for Pediatric Gunshot Wounds to the Head)
Prognostic Factors of Petridis et al for a Civilian Craniocerebral Gunshot Injury
Risk Factors of Wen et al for Inpatient Death of an Earthquake Victim
Risk Factors of Dulski et al for Inpatient Mortality of an Earthquake Victim
Nomogram of Hu et al for Predicting Inpatient Mortality of an Adult Earthquake Victim
Need for Trauma Intervention (NFTI)
Cribari Matrix for Accuracy of Triage Assessment
Risk Factors of Mortensen et al for Muscle Necrosis Secondary to Acute Compartment Syndrome of a Lower Extremity
NHS Prehospital Major Incident Triage Tool (MITT)
Eppendorf-Cologne Score (ECS) of Hoffmann et al for a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Traumatic Pharyngeal Perforation
MYSTIC Score of Chang et al for Predicting Mortality in Moderate or Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
Predictors of Marthy et al for Hospital Readmission After Blunt Trauma Rib Fractures
AdHOC Score for a Trauma Patient with Major Fractures
PolyTrauma Grading Score (PTGS) of Hildebrand et al
Prediction of Mortality in a Trauma Patient with Severe Hemorrhage Using the Decision Tree of Ninokawa et al
Decision Tree of Nakanishi et al for Predicting Fall Risk for a Hospital Inpatient in Japan
Syncope-Falls Index (SYFI) of Fitzpatrick and Romero-Ortuno
Predictors of Wang et al for Survival After a High Fall
Model of Blasius et al for Predicting Impaired Wound Healing (IWH) Following Repair of an Isolated Calcaneal Fracture
Descriptive Features of an Anterior Hip Dislocation
Complications of a Hip Dislocation
Bohler Angle of the Calcaneus
Gissane Angle (Critical Angle of Gissane)
Pires Classification of Interprosthetic Femoral Fracture
Nomogram of Smolle et al for Predicting Acute Compartment Syndrome in a Patient with a Fracture of the Tibial Plateau
Blood Transfusion and Hypothermia in the Trauma Patient
PREPS Score of Gutierrez et al for Early Laparotomy of an Adult with Traumatic Injury
Traumatic Auricular (External Ear) Avulsion
Tracheal Rupture Following Chest Trauma
Blunt Trauma to the Aorta Associated with a Seat Belt (Seat Belt Aorta)
Risk Factors of O'Banion et al for Stroke and/or Death After Penetrating Carotid Arterial Trauma
Grades of Dennis et al for Traumatic Abdominal Wall Defects (TAWD)
PECARN Rule of Hughes et al for Pediatric Intra-Abdominal Trauma
PedSRC Decision Instrument for a Pediatric Patient with Blunt Torso Trauma
Gunshot Wounds of the Penis or Scrotum
CTHEAD Prediction Rule of Mori et al for Head CT Studies on an Older Adult with Minor Head Injury in the Emergency Department
Predictors of Clarke et al for Mortality in a Patient with Intra-Abdominal Bleeding
Hessisch Oldendorf Risk of Falling Scale (HOSS)
Fall Risk Assessment Score of Hagino et a for a Hospitalized Patient
Predictive Findings of Delaplain et al for Hollow Viscus Injury in a Trauma Patient with the Abdominal Seat Belt Sign
Dashboard Injuries
Predictors of Oldrini et al for Fracture in a Patient with Shoulder Dislocation
Quebec Rule of Emond et al for Fracture Associated with Anterior Shoulder Dislocation
Fresno-Quebec Shoulder Dislocation Rule of Emond et al
Risk Score of Cohen et al for Failure of Closed Reduction of Simultaneous Fractures of the Ulna and Radius
Classification of Kay et al for Ring Avulsion Injury
Management of Ring Avulsion Injury
Predictors of Kluckner et al for Compartment Syndrome Following Arterial Trauma in the Lower Extremity
S-TRIAGE Score of Supatanakij et al for a Geriatric Patient in the Emergency Department
Cricothyroidotomy After Trauma (CAT) Score of Londono et al
Nomogram of Lin et al for Predicting Hemorrhagic Shock in a Pediatric Patient with Multiple Trauma
TBI PRO Models of Morris et al for Outcome After Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Model for Prediction at 3 Months
TBI PRO Models of Morris et al for Outcome After Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Model for Prediction at 12 Months
Comprehensive Facial Injury (CFI) Score
Bony Facial Trauma Score (BFTS) of Casale et al
Clinical Score of Ritschl et al for an Isolated Unilateral Zygomatico-Orbital Fracture
Facial Fracture Severity Score of Catapano et al
Bogota Classification of Penetrating Cardiac Trauma (PCT)
Model of Shibahashi et al to Screen for Blunt Trauma to the Thoracic Aorta
Predictors of Khalid et al for Nephrectomy Following High-Grade Renal Trauma
Subcategories of Dugi et al for Grade 4 Renal Injury
Predictors of Pallares-Mendez et al for Nephrectomy Following Renal Trauma
Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) and Prediction of 30-Day Mortality in a Trauma Patient
GIFT Score (Grade for Interpretable Field Triage) of Yu et al
TRAGIC+ Score of Evans et al for Predicting Mortality of a Pediatric Patient After Trauma
Prehospital Injury Mortality Score (PIMS) of Stopenski et al for a Patient with Blunt Trauma
Model of Dormosh et al for Predicting Falls in an Older Adult in the Community
Risk Factors of Hiraoka et al for Falls in a Patient with Chronic Liver Disease
Clinical Features of Coventry et al for Evaluating a Patient with a Possible Occult Scaphoid Fractures
Pronator Quadratus Compartment Syndrome
Compartment Syndrome of the Shoulder and Back
Prehospital Triage of a Trauma Patient with the CAPSO Model of Li et al
Risk Factors of Barea-Mendoza et al For Mortality in a Patient with Severe Chest Trauma
PIC Score of Terry et al for Chest Wall Trauma
Triage Algorithm of Meyer et al for Chest Wall Trauma with Rib Fractures
Predictors of Santos et al for Fetal Delivery in a Pregnant Trauma Patient with a Viable Fetus
Cirrhosis Outcomes Score in Trauma (COST) of Appelbaum et al
Classification of Judet et al for a Radial Neck Fracture in a Pediatric Patient
Mayo Classification of Olecranon Fractures
Predictors of Zuo et al for Open Reduction of a Displaced Radial Neck Fracture in a Child
Fragment Width Ratio (FWR) and Nonunion of a Femoral Shaft Fracture with Three Fragments
Factors of Udagawa et al Associated with Increased Mortality After Early Definitive Fixation of a Fracture
Predictors of Bhogadi et al for Withdrawal of Life Supporting Therapy in an Older Adult with Trauma