Formula of Miller et al for Normal Range Westergren ESR for Age and Gender
Correction of ESR to a Hematocrit of 40%
Factors That Can Affect the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Simplified Method of Pawlotsky et al for the Sigma ESR
Nomogram of Manely for Correcting the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Based on Room Temperature
Mentzer Formula
England-Fraser Formula
Shine-Lal Formula
M / H Ratio
MCV / MCH Ratio
MCH / RBC Ratio
RDW / RBC Ratio
Green and King Formula
Discriminant Functions of Eldibany et al for Diagnosing Microcytic Anemias
Calculating the Total Iron Replacement Dose in Iron Deficiency Anemia
Criteria for the Primary Defective Iron-Reutilization Syndrome
Amount of Iron Lost Through a Known Blood Loss with an Estimate for the Replacement Dose
Clinical Response to Adequate Iron Replacement
Indications for Intravenous Iron Replacement with Iron Dextran
Equation of Witte et al for Predicting Iron Deficiency from Serum Ferritin and the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Algorithm of Mulherin et al for the Diagnosis of Iron Deficiency Anemia vs Anemia of Chronic Disease in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Use of Soluble Serum Transferrin Receptor to Evaluate an Anemic Patient with a Low Serum Iron Level
Stages of Iron Depletion and Deficiency
Clinical Findings in Iron Deficiency Not Associated with Anemia
Scoring System of Casanova et al for Identifying Iron Deficiency Anemia in a Pregnant Woman
Staging Iron Deficiency Using the Concentration of Zinc Protoporphyrin
Protocol of Heming et al for Identifying Iron Deficiency Anemia in a Critically Ill Patient
Hereditary Atransferrinemia with Iron Overload and Microcytic Anemia
Iron-Refractory Iron Deficiency Anemia (IRIDA) Associated with a Mutation in TMPRSS6
Corrected Absolute Reticulocyte Count from RBC Count
Corrected Reticulocyte Count for Hct (Reticulocyte Index)
Reticulocyte Production Index (RPI)
Reticulocyte Production Index by a Single Equation
Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Content
RBC-to-Reticulocyte Hemoglobin Concentration Ratio
Wintrobe's Formula for Red Cell Indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC)
Estimating Hematocrit from Hematologic Parameters
Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)
Hemoglobin Correction for Altitude
Hematocrit to Hemoglobin Ratio and Hemoconcentration
Causes of a Dimorphic Red Blood Cell Volume Histogram
Osmotic Fragility
Thermal Fragility and Pyropoikilocytosis
Red Blood Cell Production at Steady State
Grading Severe Aplastic Anemia
Criteria of Kwong et al for Response to Therapy for a Patient with Pure Red Cell Aplasia
Aplastic Anemia Following Infectious Mononucleosis (Epstein-Barr Virus, EBV)
Aplastic Anemia Following an Episode of Viral Hepatitis
Hypoplastic or Aplastic Anemia Associated with a Thymoma
Clinical Features of Pure Red Cell Aplasia Associated with Epoetin Therapy
Pure Red Cell Aplasia Associated with Pregnancy
Factors of Yoshida et al Predicting Response of a Child with Aplastic Anemia to Immunosuppressive Therapy
Criteria of the Japanese Childhood Aplastic Anemia Study Group for Response to Therapy
Inherited Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes
Dyskeratosis Congenita (DC)
Trauma-Associated Bone Marrow Failure
Aplastic Anemia and Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL)
Aplastic Anemia vs Hypoplastic Myelodysplasia
Drugs and Chemicals Associated with Aplastic Anemia
Distinguishing Aplastic Anemia from Disseminated Mycobacteriosis
Hemoglobin Electropheresis
Estimating the P50 for Hemoglobin from a Venous Blood Sample
Causes of an Elevated Hemoglobin F
Causes of an Elevated Hemoglobin A2
Causes of an Decreased Hemoglobin A2
Differential Diagnosis of a Markedly Elevated Level of Hemoglobin A2
Upper Limit of Hemoglobin F During Infancy
Acute Splenic Sequestration in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Model of Miller et al for Predicting the Risk of Severe Complications in a Child with Sickle Cell Disease
Risk Factors of Platt et al for Early Death in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Clinical Danger Signs for Acute Complications in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease
Estimating the Pain Rate in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease Using the Equation of Platt et al
1999 Indications of Steinberg for Starting and Continuing Hydroxyurea Therapy in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease
Risk Factors Associated with Mortality in Patients from the Multicenter Study of Hydroxyurea in Sickle Cell Anemia
Criteria of Galloway and Harwood-Nuss for Admitting a Patient with a Sickle Cell Crisis
Features of Kato et al for the Syndrome of Hemolysis-Associated Endothelial Dysfunction in Sickle Cell Disease
Factors Identified by Ware et al Predicting the Fetal Hemoglobin Response to Hydroxyurea Therapy in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia
Predictors of Adverse Outcome in a Pediatric Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia from the Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease
Factors of Ballas and Lusardi for Hospital Readmission in an Adult with Acute Sickle Cell Pain
Severity Classification of Painful Crises in Sickle Cell Disease
Clinical Features of Berger et al for Distinguishing a Vaso-Occlusive Crisis from Osteomyelitis in a Child with Sickle Cell Disease
Severity Index of Wali et al for a Child with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Predictors of Wali et al for Preservation of Splenic Function in a Child with Sickle Cell Disease
The Various Types of Sickle Cell Crises (Acute Exacerbations)
Index of van den Tweel et al for Severity of Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) in a Pediatric Patient
Clinical Severity Rating for Categorizing Events in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia
Risk Factors of Lorch et al for Excess Mortality in an Adult with Sickle Cell Disease
Intensive Care Unit Anemia Score of Milbrandt et al
Screening for Hereditary Spherocytosis With MCHC and RDW
Clinical and Laboratory Findings of Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis
Platelet Count Estimate from Peripheral Blood Smear
Manual Platelet Counts Using a Hemacytometer
EDTA-dependent Pseudothrombocytopenia and Platelet Satellitism
Residual Platelet Distribution Width in Thrombocytosis
Using the RBC to Platelet Ratio Method for Measuring the Platelet Count
Criteria of Gulati et al for Grading Platelet Satellitism
Causes of Secondary (Reactive) Thrombocytosis
Pseudothrombocytosis Associated with Cryoglobulinemia
Megakaryocytes in the Peripheral Blood
White Cell Count Estimate from Peripheral Blood Smear
Correction of WBC for Nucleated Red Blood Cells
In Vitro Pseudoleukopenia
Absolute Phagocyte Count (APC)
Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Granulomatous Diseases
Necrobiotic Granuloma
Leukocyte Alkaline Phosphatase Score
FAB Classification of the Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Bournemouth Score of Mufti et al and Prognosis for the Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Score of Sanz et al and Prognosis for the Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Score of Goasguen et al and Prognosis for the Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Score of Varela et al and Prognosis for the Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Additional Factors Affecting the Prognosis for the Myelodysplastic Syndromes
A Prognostic Score for Myelodysplasia Based on Bone Marrow Histopathology (Hannover Score)
Dusseldorf Score and Prognosis in Primary Myelodysplastic Syndromes
International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) to Predict Survival in the Myelodysplastic Syndromes
FPC Prognostic Score of Passmore et al for Pediatric Myelodysplasia
Pavia Score and Prognosis for the Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Prognostic Score of Onida et al for Patients with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (M.D. Anderson Prognostic Score, MDAPS)
Features of the 5q- Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Features of Refractory Cytopenia with Multilineage Dysplasia (RCMD)
Features of Refractory Anemia with Excess Blasts (RAEB) in the WHO Classification for Myelodysplasia
Features of Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML) in the WHO Classification of Myelodysplasia
Features of Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML) in the WHO Classification of Myelodysplasia
Prognostic Factors for Patients with Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)
Prognostic System of Matsuda et al for Patients with Refractory Anemia
Discriminant Score of Castro-Malaspina et al for Children with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
Prognostic Index for Cytogenetics (PI Score) of Pfeilstocker et al for a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Modified Bournemouth Score of Worsley et al for Patients with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia
The Lausanne-Bournemouth (LB) Score of Parlier et al for a Patient with Primary Myelodysplastic Syndrome
The Lille Scoring Score of Morel et al for a Patient with a Primary Myelodysplastic Syndrome
The Four Parameter Dysplasia Index (DI) of Tassin et al for Survival in a Patient with a Myelodysplastic Syndrome (Liege Score)
The Granulation Score (G-Score) for Neutrophils of Widell et al
The Percentage of Pelgeroid Polymorphs (ppp) of Widell et al
Bone Marrow Dysplasia Score of Widell et al in a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Hematologic and Cytogenetic Score of Toyama et al for a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Risk Score of Gatto et al for a Patient with the Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Hematologic Features of a Myelodysplastic-like Syndrome in Copper Deficiency
Criteria of Cheson et al for Hematologic Improvement Following Therapy for a Myelodysplastic Syndrome (International Working Group to Standardize Response Criteria)
Criteria of Cheson et al for Disease Progression or Relapse After Hematologic Improvement Following Therapy for Myelodysplastic Syndrome (International Working Group to Standardize Response Criteria)
Criteria of Cheson et al for Complete or Partial Remission After Therapy for Myelodysplastic Syndrome (International Working Group to Standardize Response Criteria)
Prognostic Model of Ribera et al for a Patient with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
Prognostic Groups of Tennant et al for Patients with Myelodysplasia
Criteria of Cheson et al for Cytogenetic Response Following Therapy for a Myelodysplastic Syndrome (International Working Group to Standardize Response Criteria)
Recommendations of Estey for Therapy of Low Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) to Reduce the Need for Blood Transfusions
Model of Saunthararajah et al for Identifying a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome Who Is Likely to Respond to Immunosuppressive Therapy
Prognostic Score of Malcovati et al for the Myelodysplastic Syndrome Using the WHO Classification (WHO Classification-Based Prognostic Scoring System, WPSS)
The Category, Cytology, Cytogenetics (CCC) System of Mandel et al for Classifying Pediatric Myelodysplasia
Simplified Myelodysplastic Syndrome Risk Score of Kantarjian et al
Idiopathic Cytopenia of Undetermined Significance (ICUS)
Minimal Diagnostic Criteria of Valent et al for Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Modified International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS) of Germing et al That Includes the Serum LDH in a Patient with a Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Myelodysplasia in a Patient with Down's Syndrome
Prognostic Importance of Absolute Eosinophilia or Basophilia Associated with Myelodysplasia
Prognostic Score of Garcia-Manero et al for a Patient with Lower Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome (LR-PSS)
Myelodysplastic Changes in a Patient with Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala Azar)
Myelodysplasia with Marrow Fibrosis
Prognostic Model of Naqvi et al for a Patient with the Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Vitamin B12-Responsive Pancytopenia Causing Pseudo-Myelodysplasia
Flow Cytometric Score of Wells et al for the Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Myeloid Abnormalities Subscore
Flow Cytometric Score of Wells et al for the Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Monocytic Abnormalities Subscore
Flow Cytometric Score of Wells et al for the Myelodysplastic Syndrome: Final Score
Comprehensive Cytogenetic Scoring System of Schanz et al for Primary Myelodysplastic Syndrome or Oligoblastic Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Simplified MDS Risk Score of Gonzalez-Porras et al
Prognostic Score of Tong et al for Hypocellular Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Normal Cellularity for the Bone Marrow Biopsy
Iron Staining in the Bone Marrow Biopsy
Reticulin in the Bone Marrow Biopsy
Hazards Associated with Collection of Bone Marrow from the Sternum
Differential Diagnosis of Pseudo-Gaucher Cells in the Bone Marrow
Differential Diagnosis of Sea Blue Histiocytes in the Bone Marrow
Gelatinous Marrow Transformation (GMT, Serous Fat Atrophy, Starvation Marrow)
Causes of a Dry Bone Marrow Aspirate
Criteria of Thiele et al for Grading Myelofibrosis (MF)
Method of Curtin et al for Estimating the Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count of a Newborn Infant at Birth Based on Histologic Examination of the Placenta
Prognostic Significance of Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBCs) for a Patient in the Intensive Care Unit
Causes of Increased Numbers of Nucleated Red Blood Cells in a Newborn Infant
Absolute Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count
Body Fluid Cell Counts Using a Hemocytometer
Distinguishing Transudate vs Exudate in Pleural, Pericardial and Peritoneal Fluids
Distinguishing Urine from Ascitic or Pleural Fluid
Distinguishing Amniotic Fluid from Urine
Distinguishing Chylous from Pseudochylous (Chyliform, Cholesterol) Effusions
Cell Count and Cytocentrifuge Preparation for a Body Fluid
Prognostic Factors in Systemic Mast Cell Disease
Score of Travis et al for Predicting Survival in Patients with Systemic Mast Cell Disease
Consensus Classification for Mastocytosis
WHO Criteria for Systemic Mastocytosis
"B" and "C" Findings in Patients with Systemic Mastocytosis
WHO Criteria for Nonmalignant Variants of Systemic Mastocytosis
WHO Criteria for Mast Cell Leukemia
WHO Criteria for Mast Cell Tumor (Mastocytoma)
WHO Criteria for Cutaneous Mastocytosis, Including Urticaria Pigmentosa
Clinical and Laboratory Findings in a Patient with a Mast Cell Disorder
Criteria of Akin et al for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
Response Criteria Following Therapy in a Patient with Cutaneous Mastocytosis
Grading Mastocytosis in the Skin (MIS) Symptoms
Grading Gastrointestinal Symptoms Associated with Mastocytosis
Serum Viscosity
Hematocrit and Whole Blood Viscosity
Equation of Shohat et al for Whole Blood Viscosity in a Neonate with Polycythemia
Algorithm of Slap et al for When to Biopsy an Enlarged Peripheral Lymph Node in a Young Patient
Recommendations for When to Biopsy an Enlarged Lymph Node
Solbiati Index (L to T Ratio) for the Sonographic Examination of a Lymph Node
Eggshell Calcification in Hilar and Mediastinal Lymph Nodes
Tattoo Pigment Lymphadenopathy
Criteria of Raut et al for a Sentinel Lymph Node
Infectious Granulomatous Lymphadenitis
Histiocytic Necrotizing Lymphadenitis (Kikuchi-Fujimoto Disease, KFD)
Argyrophilic Inclusion Positive and Pocked Erythrocyte Counts
Sonographic Biometry of Spleen Size in Childhood
Grades of Hackett for Splenomegaly Based on the Clinical Examination
Normal Splenic Length in Infants and Children Based on the Study of Rosenberg et al
Criteria for Hematologic Response to Splenectomy in a Patient with Suspected Sequestration
Evaluation of a Patient For Residual Splenic Tissue Following Splenectomy
Evaluation of a Patient with Howell-Jolly Bodies in the Peripheral Blood Smear
Criteria for Pathologist Review of Peripheral Blood Smears
Features of a Leukoerythroblastic Reaction
Evaluation of a Peripheral Blood Smear with Possible Schistocytes
Indications of Bain for a Clinician to Request an Examination of a Peripheral Blood Smear
Distinguishing an Echinocyte (Burr Cell) from an Acanthocyte in a Peripheral Blood Smear
Amorphous Blobs in the Peripheral Blood Smear
Selenoid (Crescent) Bodies Within Erythrocytes
Criteria of Gulati for Grading Hypersegmentation of Neutrophils in a Peripheral Blood Smear
Criteria of Gulati for Grading Toxic Vacuoles within Neutrophils
Criteria of Gulati for Grading Toxic Granulation within Neutrophils
Criteria of Gulati for Grading the Number of Dohle Bodies within Neutrophils
Grading the Severity of Schistocytosis
Appearance of Erythrocytes in Pyropoikilocytosis
Heinz Bodies in Erythrocytes
Albumin Smear for Smudge Cells
Algorithm of Kiss et al for Evaluation of a Patient with Microcytic Anemia for Thalassemia
Diagnostic Algorithm of Lafferty for Thalassemia
Genetic Factors of Rund and Rachmilewitz Affecting a Patient with Beta-Thalassemia
Common Clinical Syndromes in Beta-Thalassemia
Risk Factors of Lucarelli et al Affecting Outcome for a Patient with Thalassemia Who Has Undergone Bone Marrow Transplantation
Acquired Thalassemia in Myeloproliferative or Myelodysplastic Disorders
Anemia of Chronic Disease
Cardio-Renal Anemia (CRA) Syndrome
Hepcidin in Anemia of Chronic Disease
Heart Failure-Associated Anemia
Prediction Rules of Ludwig for Response to Erythropoietin in a Patient with Cancer and Chronic Anemia
Criteria for Response for Erythropoietin (Epoetin) in a Cancer Patient
Evaluating a Patient Who Has Failed to Respond to Erythropoietin
Predictors of Stenke et al for the Response to Erythropoietin in a Patient with a Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Pure Red Cell Aplasia Associated with the Use of Recombinant Erythropoietin
Predictive Factors of Musto et al for a Response to Darbepoetin alpha in a Patient with a Low-to-Intermediate Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Score of Hellstrom-Lindberg for Predicting Response to Erythropoietin Plus Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor in an Anemic Patient with Myelodysplasia
Evaluation of the Patient with Increased MCV but Normal Serum Folate and Vitamin B12 Levels
Masked Megaloblastic Anemia
Failure of Megaloblastic Anemia to Respond to Vitamin Replacement Therapy
Causes of Drug-Induced Megaloblastosis
Imerslund-Graesbeck Syndrome (Hereditary Megaloblastic Anemia Type 1)
Clinical Classes of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Enzyme Variants
Risk Factors for Acute Hemolysis in Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency
Clinical Features of an Acute Hemolytic Episode After Fava Bean Ingestion in a Patient with Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency (Favism, Fava Crisis)
Criteria of the International Agranulocytosis and Aplastic Anemia Study for Agranulocytosis (IAAAS)
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Drug-Induced Agranulocytosis
Clinical and Laboratory Features of Cyclic Neutropenia
Prognostic Factors of Julia et al for a Patient with Drug-Induced Agranulocytosis
Clinical and Laboratory Features of Drug-Induced Agranulocytosis
Differential Diagnosis of Neutropenia in an HIV-Infected Patient
Normal White Blood Cell Count Agranulocytosis
Implications of Dose and Response to Long-Term Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) in a Patient with Severe Congenital Neutropenia
Algorithm for Classification of Anemia Based on Red Blood Cell Indices and the Reticulocyte Count
Classification of Bessman et al for Anemia Based on MCV and RDW
Classification of Anemia Based on Mechanism
Risk Factors for Anemia in Patients with HIV Disease
Diagnostic Approach of Moore and Forney for Anemia in HIV-Infected Patients
Risk Factors of Bani-Sadr et al for Anemia in a Patient Coinfected with HIV and HCV
Management of a Patient with Eisenmenger Syndrome and Erythrocytosis
Clinical Features of Hyperviscosity in Erythrocytosis
Erythrocytosis (Polycythemia) Associated with Androgens and Steroid Hormones
Erythrocytosis Following Renal Transplantation (Post-Renal Transplantation Erythrocytosis)
Risk Factors for Neonatal Polycythemia
Management Algorithm of Jeevasankar et al for Neonatal Polycythemia
Secondary Erythrocytosis in Patients Treated with a Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (TKI)
Clinical Findings of Myeloperoxidase Deficiency in Neutrophils
Clinical Finding of Classic Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) with Pediatric Onset
Clinical Findings of Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD) Diagnosed in the Adult
Clinical Findings Suggesting a Hereditary Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency (LAD)
Conditions Associated with Acquired Defects in Neutrophil Function
Indications for Evaluating a Patient for Inherited Defects in Macrophage Function (Inherited Susceptibility to Mycobacteria and Salmonella)
Postural Pseudoanemia
Differential Diagnosis of Ross et al for Hematologic Disorders in a Patient with a Systemic Vasculitis
Risk Factors of Hung et al for Anemia Associated with Antiviral Therapy in a Patient with Viral Hepatitis C
Risk Factors for Bone Marrow Suppression in a Patient Receiving Low Dose Methotrexate
Indications to Test a Patient for Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Laboratory Features of the Classic and Hypoplastic PNH Phenotypes
Red Blood Cell Phenotype Mosaicism in Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (RBC Types)
Laboratory Screening of a Patient with Suspected Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
Prognostic Factors of Socie et al Affecting Survival in a Patient with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Prognostic Factors of Nishimura et al for a Patient with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Signs and Symptoms Associated with Smooth Muscle Dystonia in Paroxysmal Noctural Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Distinguishing Classic Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) from Aplastic Anemia
Hemolytic Anemia Following Heavy Alcohol Use (Zieve Syndrome)
Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia
Criteria of Ruutu et al for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant-Associated Microangiopathy
Risk Factors for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant-Associated Microangiopathy (TAM)
Spur Cell Anemia in a Patient with Liver Disease
Criteria of Ho et al for Transplant-Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy (TA-TMA, BMT-CTN Criteria)
Passenger Lymphocyte Syndrome (PLS) with Immune Hemolytic Anemia (Humeral Graft-vs-Host Reaction) in a Transplant Recipient
Intravascular Hemolysis Secondary to Acute Pancreatitis
Conditions Associated with Benign Nonhepatosplenic Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
Clinical Findings Associated with Benign Nonhepatosplenic Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
Clinical and Pathologic Findings in Pulmonary Extramedullary Hematopoiesis
Causes of Splenosis
Locations and Distribution of Splenic Tissue in Splenosis
Locations for an Accessory Spleen
Classification of Losanoff et al for Nonparasitic Splenic Cysts
Classification of Morgenstern for Nonparasitic Splenic Cysts
Criteria of Morgenstern for Nonoperative Management of a Nonparasitic Splenic Cyst
Causes of Nontraumatic Rupture of the Spleen
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Spontaneous Splenic Rupture
Clinical Features of a Ruptured Spleen
Risk Factors for Complications Associated with a Splenic Aspirate
Factors Affecting the Likelihood That a Splenic Aspirate Will Provide Useful Information
Diagnosis of Hypersplenism
The Wandering and Pelvic Spleen
Pleural Splenosis (Thoracic Splenosis)
Clinical Findings in a Patient with the Hypereosinophilic Syndrome
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia (CEL)
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Idiopathic Hypereosinophilic Syndrome (HES)
Tropical Eosinophilia (Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia)
Differential Diagnosis of Eosinophilia
Anemia of Prematurity
Microcytic Anemia Associated with Aluminum Poisoning
Hemolytic Anemia Associated with Lead Poisoning
Peripheral Blood Findings in Hemoglobin CC (Spherocytes and Target Cells)
Clinical and Laboratory Features of Hemoglobin SOarab
Hereditary Persistence of Hemoglobin F (HPHF)
Evaluation of a Patient with Hemoglobin S and Elevated Hemoglobin F
Paraneoplastic Production of Hemoglobin F
Microcytosis Associated with Hemoglobin E Trait
Thymic Hyperplasia (Thymic Rebound) Causing a False Positive PET Scan Following Chemotherapy
Differential Diagnosis of an Elevated Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
Impact of Plasma Osmolality on the Spun Hematocrit
Pseudothrombocytopenia Due to a Platelet Cold Agglutinin
Revised International Prognostic Scoring System (IPSS-R) of Greenberg et al
Prognostic Score of Itzykson et al for a Patient with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
Prognostic Score of Itzykson et al for a Patient with Higher Risk Myelodysplasia Treated with Azacitidine
Ring Sideroblasts of Sideroblastic Anemia
Luetic Lymphadenitis (Syphilitic Lymphadenopathy)
Clues to Sideroblastic Anemia in the Peripheral Blood Smear
Algorithm of Mogensen et al for Diagnosing Anemia in a Small Child in an Area of Rural Tanzania Endemic for Malaria
Differential Diagnosis of Microcytic Anemia
Chuvash Polycythemia
Somatic Mutations of Bejar et al Associated with Poor Outcome for a Patient with the Myelodysplastic Syndrome Undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Normalizing Splenic Volume for Weight and Body Surface Area
Basophilic Stippling
Agranular and Hypogranular Platelets
Anemia of Infection
Differential Diagnosis of Anemia in a Patient with Infection
Thiamine-Responsive Megaloblastic Anemia (TRMA, Rogers Syndrome) with Diabetes Mellitus and Sensorineural Deafness Associated with Mutations in SLC19A2
Neonatal Alloimmune Neutropenia (NAIN, Isoimmune Neonatal Neutropenia)
Clozapine-Associated Neutropenia and Agranulocytosis
Differential Diagnosis of Neutropenia in a Neonate
Neonatal Neutropenia Secondary to Maternal Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension
Delayed Hemolysis After Parenteral Artesunate Therapy for Malaria (Postartemisinin Delayed Hemolysis, PADH)
Causes of Sideroblastic Anemia
Sickle Cell Abdominal Vaso-Occlusive Crisis (Sickle Cell Girdle Syndrome, Sickle Cell Ischemic Colitis)
Impact of Fatigue on Overall Survival for a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Differential Diagnosis of Granulomas in the Bone Marrow
Significance of Nucleated Red Blood Cells (Erythroblasts) in the Peripheral Blood Smear of a Patient Who is Critically Ill
Risk Factors of Teawtrakul et al for Severe Infection in a Patient with Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia
Disease Severity Scoring System (DSSS) of Cappellini et al for Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT): Hematologic and Iron Status
Disease Severity Scoring System (DSSS) of Cappellini et al for Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT): Liver and Gallbladder Status
Disease Severity Scoring System (DSSS) of Cappellini et al for Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT): Cardiovascular Status
Disease Severity Scoring System (DSSS) of Cappellini et al for Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT): Comorbid Conditions
Disease Severity Scoring System (DSSS) of Cappellini et al for Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT): Pediatric Patient
Disease Severity Scoring System (DSSS) of Cappellini et al for Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT): Total Score
Algorithm of Gibson and Berliner for Evaluating an Adult with Neutropenia
Sarcoidosis of the Bone Marrow
Categories of de Latour for a Patient with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Equation of Chandra et al for Distinguishing Beta-Thalassemia Minor from Iron Deficiency Anemia
Impact of Smoking on Hemoglobin Concentrations from the World Health Organization (WHO)
Risk Assessment Tool of Bernard et al for a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease in the Emergency Department
Score of Glassberg et al for Predicting 30-Day ED Revisit for Pain in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia
Prognostic Score of Shaffer et al for a Patient with Myelodysplasia Undergoing an Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant
Therapy-Related Myelodysplastic Prognostic Scoring System of Quintas-Cardama et al
Flow Cytometry Score of Ahlan et al for a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Equation of de Simone et al for Whole Blood Viscosity (WBV)
World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Anemia Severity Based on Hemoglobin
Risk Factors of Brodsky et al for 30-Day Readmission for an Adult with Sickle Cell Disease and Vaso-Occlusive Pain
Criteria of Abou-Elhamd for the Laboratory Diagnosis of Sickle Cell Disease
Score of Bartolucci et al for Predicting the Acute Chest Syndrome During a Sickle Cell Vaso-Occlusive Crisis
2014 Recommendations of the NHLBI Expert Panel for Starting and Continuing Hydroxyurea Therapy in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA)
Anemia of Thermal Injury (Anemia of Burns)
Indication for a Bone Marrow Trephine Biopsy
Adequacy of a Bone Marrow Biopsy in a Pediatric Patient
Criteria of Hartung et al for Response to Therapy in a Pediatric Patient with Acquired Aplastic Anemia
Mahidol Score of Sripichai et al for beta-Thalassemia/Hemoglobin E Disease
Phenotype Score of Phadke and Agarwal for Thalassemia Intermedia
Criteria of Weatherall for Non-Transfusion-Dependent (NTD) Thalassemia
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type I (CDAI)
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type II (CDA II, HEMPAS)
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type III (CDA III)
Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia Type IV (CDA IV)
GATA-1 X-Linked Thrombocytopenia With or Without Dyserythropoietic Anemia (XLTDA)
False Positive and False Negative Diagnosis of Anemia
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis as Tumor Mass
AAPT Criteria for the Diagnosis of Chronic Sickle Cell Disease Pain
Model of Chaturvedi et al for Sickle Cell Disease Based on FEV1 and Tricuspid Regurgitant Jet Velocity
Differential Diagnosis of Absolute Lymphocytopenia (Lymphopenia)
Differential Diagnosis of Absolute Lymphocytosis
Screening Criteria of Andrews et al for Lymphocytosis with an Abnormal Immunophenotype
Persistent Polyclonal B-Cell Lymphocytosis (PPBL)
Warning Signs for a Hematologic Malignancy in a Patient with an Unexplained Leukocytosis
Differential Diagnosis of Absolute Basophilia
Risk Factors of Poesen et al for Anemia in the First Three Months After a Renal Transplant
Risk Factors of Butwick et al for Postpartum Anemia After Cesarean Section
Time to Reversal of Anemia After Blood Donation (Time to Hemoglobin Recovery in a Blood Donor)
Transient Erythroblastopenia of Childhood (TEC)
Correction of Hemoglobin Concentrations for Altitude from the World Health Organization (WHO)
Causes of Stomatocytosis
Clinical and Laboratory Severity of Hereditary Spherocytosis
When to Suspect Hereditary Spherocytosis in a Child or Adult
Diagnosis of Hereditary Spherocytosis in a Neonate
Dehydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis (Hereditary Xerocytosis)
Conditions Associated with Acanthocytes (Spur Cell Anemia, Neuroacanthocytosis)
Conditions Associated with Echinocytes (Burr Cells)
Overhydrated Hereditary Stomatocytosis
Rh Deficiency Syndrome (Rh Null and Rh Mod)
Eosin-5'-Maleimide (E5M) Flow Cytometry in Hereditary Spherocytosis
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) and Prognosis for a Patient with Severe Infection
Risk Factors for Rapid Progression of Myelodysplasia (MDS) in a Patient with "Low Risk" IPSS
Refractory Cytopenia of Childhood (RCC)
Subtypes of Unclassifiable Myelodyplasia (MDS-U)
Volume of a Trephine Needle Core Bone Marrow Biopsy
Bone Marrow Edema
Bone Marrow Score of Wang et al for Identifying an Immunocompetent Patient with Fever of Unknown Origin (FUO) Who Should Have Bone Marrow Biopsy
Benign Signet Ring Histiocytes in Lymph Node Sinuses
Hematologic Features of delta-beta-Thalassemia Versus beta-Thalassemia and Iron Deficiency Anemia
Algorithm of Planche et al for Evaluating a Patient with Extreme Macrocytosis
Clinical and Laboratory Features of Red Cell Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
Indications of Grace et al for Diagnostic Testing in a Patient with Suspected Red Cell Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
Predictors of Grace et al for the Response to Splenectomy in a Patient with Red Cell Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
Triggers for Hemolysis in Red Cell Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
Anemia and Hypophosphatemia
Criteria of Jodele et al for Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT) Associated Thrombotic Microangiopathy (TMA)
Hemolytic Anemia in Wilson's Disease
Polysplenia Syndrome (Polysplenic Heterotaxy Syndrome)
Lymphocyte-Variant Hypereosinophilia
Prognostic Factors of Lefebvre et al for a Patient with Hypereosinophilia
Paraneoplastic Eosinophilia
Pediatric Thymic Hyperplasia
Thymic Hyperplasia and Graves' Disease (Thyrotoxicosis) With or Without Myopathy (Pseudo-Myasthenia Gravis)
Thymic Index of Hasselbalch et al
Equation of Hassalbalch et al for Predicting the Thymic Index of a Preterm Neonate
Equations of Hasselbalch et al for Estimating the Thymic Index in Infants
Conditions Associated with Eryoptosis
Differential Diagnosis of Noncaseating Granulomas
Mayo Score for Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
Adequacy of a Bone Marrow Collection in an Adult
Equations of Chow et al for Normal Values of Splenic Size
Erythropoietin Resistance Index (ERI, Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent Resistance Index)
Risk Factors of de Lurdes Agostinho Cabrita et al for Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent Resistance in Pre-Dialysis Chronic Kidney Disease
Cystatin C and Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Sickle Cell Disease
Modified WPSS (WHO Classification-Based Prognostic Scoring System) of Cermak et al
Model of Boutault et al to Screen for Myelodysplastic Syndrome in a Patient with Unexplained Cytopenia (MDS-CBC Score)
Criteria of Savona et al for Progression in Adult MDS/MPN
Transfusion Dependence in Myelodysplasia
Benign Mesothelial Cells in a Lymph Node (Mesothelial Lymph Node Inclusion)
Blood Smear Changes in Cryoglobulinemia
Causes of Anemia After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery
Autoimmune Myelofibrosis (AIMF)
Hemolytic Anemia Associated a Prosthetic Heart Valve
Differential Diagnosis of Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia Associated with Pregnancy
Unexplained Hematologic Disorders of the Elderly: Differential Diagnosis
Unexplained Hematologic Disorders of the Elderly: Idiopathic Cytopenia of Unknown Significance (ICUS)
Unexplained Hematologic Disorders of the Elderly: Clonal Cytopenia of Unknown Significance (CCUS)
Unexplained Hematologic Disorders of the Elderly: Idiopathic Dysplasia of Unknown Significance (IDUS)
Unexplained Hematologic Disorders of the Elderly: Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential (CHIP)
Iron Deficiency Anemia Associated with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT)
Absolute Reticulocyte Count and the Differential Diagnosis of Pancytopenia
Differential Diagnosis of DeZern and Guinan for Pancytopenia in a Young Adult
Algorithm of Naessens et al for the Management of Hemoglobin SC Disease
Complications of Hemoglobin SC Disease
Predictive Factors of Silva et al for Adverse Outcomes in a Child with Sickle Cell Disease
Risk Factors of Belisario et al for Intracerebral Changes in a Neonate with Sickle Cell Anemia
Markers of Brousse et al for Disease Severity in Infants with Sickle Cell Anemia
Hypoxia Associated with Right-to-Left Shunt in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia
Cardiac Abnormalities in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia
Vascular High-Risk Profile of Nouraie et al in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia
Cerebral Fat Emboli (CFE) in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Clinical Findings Associated with the Acute Chest Syndrome Associated with Sickle Cell Disease
Precipitating Factors for the Acute Chest Syndrome in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease
Findings of Alkindi et al in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease That Are Associated with Acute Chest Syndrome (ACS)
Hereditary Spherocytosis and the MCHC-to-MCV Ratio (Neonatal HS Index)
Conditions Associated with Decreased Eryoptosis
Marked Lymphocytosis Associated with Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infection
Prognostic Significance of Monocytosis in Myelodysplasia
Prognostic Score of Liu et al for Unclassifiable Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Prognostic Factors of Germing et al for a Patient with Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
Prognostic Score of Gonzalez-Medina et al for Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
Cytogenetic Risk Stratification of Such et al for Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML)
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML) Specific Prognostic Scoring System (CPSS) of Such et al
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia Specific Prognostic Scoring System of Elena et al (CMML CPSS-mol)
Bedside Risk Categories of Tefferi et al for a Patient with a Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
MastFx Score of van der Veer et al for Predicting Fragility Fractures Associated with Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis (ISM)
Anaphylaxis Risk Assessment Tool of Gulen et al for a Patient with Systemic Mastocytosis
NIH Idiopathic Clonal Anaphylaxis Score (NICAS) of Carter et al
Equation of Prassopoulos et al for Splenic Volume in Adults
Pappenheimer Bodies
Target Cells (Codocytes)
Cabot Rings
Teardrop Cells (Dacrocytes)
Leptocytes (Wafer Cells)
Bite Cells
Blister Cell
Neutrophilic Changes Associated with Bacterial Infection
Anemia Associated with Scurvy
ITACA Score of Buckstein et al for Response to an Erythropoietic Stimulating Agent in a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Differential Diagnosis of Neutropenia Associated with Infectious Mononucleosis
Neutropenia Associated with Large Granular Lymphyocytes
Differential Diagnosis of a Macrocytic or Megaloblastic Anemia
Differential Diagnosis of Normocytic Anemia
Causes of Hemolytic Anemia
Differential Diagnosis of Hemolytic Anemia in a Neonate
Conditions Associated with Splenic Infarction
Algorithm of Patnaik and Tefferi for Evaluating a Patient with Ring Sideroblasts
Differential Diagnosis of Congenital Sideroblastic Anemia
Refractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblasts and Thrombocytosis (RARS-T, Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm with Ringed Sideroblasts and Thrombocytosis, MDS/MPN-RS-T)
Prognostic Score of Patnaik et al for Refractory Anemia with Ringed Sideroblasts and Thrombocytosis (RARS-T, Myelodysplastic/Myeloproliferative Neoplasm with Ringed Sideroblasts and Thrombocytosis, MDS/MPN-RS-T)
Equation of Matos et al for Distinguishing Iron Deficiency Anemia from Thalassemia Trait (Matos and Carvalho Index)
RDW Index (RDWI) of Jaybose et al for Differentiating Iron Deficiency Anemia from Thalassemia Trait
Index of Ehsani et al for Discrimination Between Iron Deficiency Anemia and Beta-Thalassemia Minor
Equation of Sirdah et al for Distinguishing Iron Deficiency Anemia from Beta Thalassemia Minor
Pancytopenia Associated with Severe Anorexia Nervosa
Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) to Lymphocyte Ratio (MPVLR)
Mean Platelet Volume to Platelet Count Ratio (MPV to PC Ratio)
Ratio of Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) to Platelet Count
White Blood Cell Count to Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) Ratio (WMR)
Leukemoid Reaction
Predictors of Nomdedeu et al for Excess Mortality in a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Risk Score of Shi et al for a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Clinical Prognostic Score of Starkman et al for a Patient with the Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Complication Risk Scores of Vitrano et al for a Patient with Thalassemia: Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (TDT)
Complication Risk Scores of Vitrano et al for a Patient with Thalassemia: Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT) Patients Receiving Transfusions
Complication Risk Scores of Vitrano et al for a Patient with Thalassemia: Non-Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT) Not Receiving Transfusion
Screening Criteria of Samavat for Beta-Thalassemia Minor
Model of Santini et al for Predicting Response to Erythropoietic-Stimulating Agents with IPSS Low or Intermediate-1 Risk Myelodysplasia
Congenital Neutropenia Due to G3PC3 Deficiency Including Dursun Syndrome
Hemogram Pattern Associated with a Cold Agglutinin
Anemia Associated with Cadmium Intoxication
CT Grading Scale of McCune et al for Thymic Size
X-Linked Sideroblastic Anemia and Cerebellar Ataxia (XLSA/A) Associated with Mutations in ABC7 (ABCB7)
X-Linked Sideroblastic Anemia Associated with Mutations in ALAS2
Myopathy, Lactic Acidosis and Sideroblastic Anemia (MLASA)
Congenital Sideroblastic Anemia Associated with Mutations in GLRX5
Congenital X-Linked Sideroblastic Anemia Associated with Mutations in NDUFB11
Congenital Sideroblastic Anemia Associated with Mutations in SLC25A38
Phenotypic Risk Score of Sachdev et al for Predicting Mortality in Sickle Cell Disease (PReMSCD)
Biomarkers of Nouraie et al for Risk of Mortality for a Young Patient with Sickle Cell Disease
Growth Failure in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia
Fat Embolism Syndrome in Sickle Cell Disease
Predictors of Kumar et al for 30-Day Readmission Following a Sickle Cell Crisis
Idiopathic CD4+ Lymphocytopenia (ICL)
M.D. Anderson Lower-Risk Prognostic Scoring System (LR-PSS, LR-MDAS) for a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Myelodysplastic Syndrome Associated with Mutations in SF3B1
Mutation-Augmented Prognostic Scoring System (MAPSS) of Pardanani et al for Advanced Systemic Mastocytosis
REMA Score of Alvarez-Twose et al for Systemic Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD)
Jordans' Anomaly (Cytoplasmic Lipid Droplets in Granulocytes)
Thyrotoxicosis-Induced Anemia
Anemia in Crohn's Disease
Differential Diagnosis of Severe Congenital Neutropenia (SCN)
Investigation of Neutropenia in a Patient with Neutropenia
Rules of Yefet et al for Avoiding Iron Deficiency Anemia in a Pregnant Woman at the Time of Delivery
Anemia Associated with Geophagia and Other Forms of Pica
Index of Brewin et al for Ineffective Erythropoiesis (IoIE) in Sickle Cell Disease
Extreme Hyperbilirubinemia in Sickle Cell Disease
Red Flags of Cisewski for Evaluating a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease in the Emergency Department
Brown Fat in the Bone Marrow
Predictors of Simsek for Mortality After Non-Traumatic Splenectomy
Prognostic Score of Khirallah et al for a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Splenectomy for a Benign Hematological Disorder
Grading Score of Luppi et al for Technical Difficulty of a Laparoscopic Splenectomy for a Non-Traumatic Disorder (Difficulty Score)
Score of Liu et al for Predicting Difficulty of Laparoscopic Splenectomy for a Non-Traumatic Disease
Predictive Factors of Nyilas et al for Laparoscopic Splenectomy for Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
Partial Splenectomy
Screening Criteria of Ambayya et al to Distinguish Between Alpha and Beta Thalassemia Traits
Predictors of Kamperidis et al for Long-Term Survival in a Transfusion-Dependent Patient with Thalassemia
Score of Xu et al for a Patient with Aplastic Anemia Following a Haploidentical Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (Haplo-HSCT Scoring System)
The Sickling Hemoglobinopathies
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease
Barriers to the Use of Hydroxyurea in a Pediatric Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia
Impact of HIV on the Prognosis of Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Risk Stratification Score of Hou et al for a Patient with the Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Benign Ethnic Neutropenia (BEN)
Autoimmune Neutropenia
Childhood Neutropenia in PAMI
Genetic Causes of Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)
Differential Diagnosis of Anemia in Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) Reactions in Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD)
Prognostic Factors of Virk et al for a Patient with Spur Cell Hemolytic Anemia (SCHA) Associated with End-Stage Liver Disease
Splenic Peliosis
Splenic Torsion and the Wandering Spleen
CT Manifestations of Splenic Torsion
Unstable Hemoglobinopathies (Congenital Heinz Body Hemolytic Anemia)
Congenital Methemoglobinemia
Equations of Xiao et al for Distinguishing Thalassemia Traits from Iron Deficiency Anemia in a Pregnant Woman
Pancytopenia Associated with Cannabis Use
Pancytopenia in a Patient with Graves' Disease
Pancytopenia with Myelodysplastic Features in Chronic Arsenic Poisoning
Features of Iwasaki et al for Distinguishing Aplastic Anemia from Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Predictors of Zaimoku et al for Response of a Patient with Aplastic Anemia to Therapy
Score of Olupot-Olupot et al for Screening a Sick Child in Africa for Sickle Cell Anemia
Nutritional Indices in Patients with the Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Genomic Groups of Bersanelli et al for Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Prognostic Significance of Hemoglobin F in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndrome
CMML Transplant Score of Gagelmann et al for a Patient with CMML
Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML) Variants
Prognostic Score of Patnaik et al for a Patient in CMML
Use of Serum Ferritin and Age to Evaluation a Patient with Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia for Iron Overload
Thalassemia International Prognostic Scoring System (TIPSS)
Grading Myocardial Iron Overload (MIO) in Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia
Grading Hepatic Iron Overload (HIO) in Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia
Equations of Hayreh et al for Estimating the Upper Limit of Normal for the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Equation of Sirachainan et al for Differentiating Thalassemia Trait from Iron Deficiency Anemia
Iron Deficiency Anemia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD, Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis)
Early Death Risk Score Model of Liu et al for a Patient with Severe Aplastic Anemia
Factitious Aplastic Anemia
Index of Ineffective Erythropoiesis (IoIE)) as Measure of Ineffective Erythropoiesis in Sickle Cell Disease
Prognostic Factors of Qian et al for a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Pseudoreticulocytosis (Delayed Maturation of Reticulocytes) in Myelodysplasia
Study of Musallam et al for Predicting Survival of a Patient with Non-Transfusion Dependent Beta Thalassemia
Decisions in Erythropoietin Therapy in a Patient with Cancer
Hemolysis Associated with Fresh Water Near-Drowning (Drowning Hemoglobinuria)
Thal Index of Nishad et al
Equation of Bordbar et al for Distinguishing Beta-Thalassemia Minor from Other Microcytic Anemias
Model of Xu et al for Distinguishing Thalassemia Trait from Iron Deficiency Anemia
Hemoconcentration and Increase in Hematocrit
Predictors of Groarke et al for Clonal Evolution in a Patient with Severe Aplastic Anemia Receiving Immunosuppressive Therapy
Spontaneous Subgaleal Hematoma in a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease (Acute Soft Head Syndrome)
Mutated Gene Count of Nazha et al for a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Flow Cytometric (FCM) Score of Della Porta et al for the Diagnosis of Low-Grade Myelodysplasia
Myelodysplasia Cutis
Mutation Risk Score and the MIPSS-R of Gu et al for Risk Stratification of a Patient with Myelodysplasia
RED Score of Mathis et al for Diagnosis of Myelodysplasia By Flow Cytometry
Nomogram of Liang et al for Evaluating a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS)
Formula of Shahmirzalou et al for Differentiating Beta Thalassemia Trait from Iron Deficiency Anemia
CRUISE Index of Jahangiri et al for Discriminating Between Beta Thalassemia Trait and Iron Deficiency Anemia
Concomitant Iron Deficiency Anemia and Lead Poisoning
Pancytopenia in Severe Iron Deficiency
Aplastic Anemia or Myelodysplasia Due to Scurvy (Vitamin C Deficiency)
HALP Score and Prognosis for a Patient with Myelodysplasia
Model of Li et al for Predicting Survival for a Patient with Myelodysplastic Syndrome or Myeloproliferative Neoplasm with SF3B1 Mutation and Thrombocytosis
Endothelial Activation and Stress Index (EASIX) and Survival of a Patient with Low-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome
Differential Diagnosis of a Lymphocyte-Rich Pleural Exudate
Model of Fu et al for Predicting Mortality in Superficial Lymphadenopathy Based on Ultrasound Parameters
Nomogram of Huang et al for Predicting Splenomegaly in a Patient with Acute Pancreatitis
Hemolytic Anemia Following Brown Recluse Spider Envenomation
Hemolytic Anemia Associated with Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Deficiency