American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System
Cardiac Anesthesia Risk Evaluation (CARE) Scale
Modification of the Anesthetic Risk Assessment by Peter and Lutz
Preoperative Fasting Protocol Recommended by the American Society for Anesthesiologists Task Force on Sedation and Analgesia for Non-Anesthesiologists
Deciding Whether to Preadmit or Plan to Discharge the Diabetic Patient Having Ambulatory Surgery
Operation Complexity Grades in the Veterans Administration (VA)
Formulas Used by Aust et al for Predicting 30-Day Surgical Mortality Based on the Veterans Administration 1997 NSQIP Risk Factors
Bedside Risk Formula of Aust et al for Predicting 30-Day Surgical Mortality
Preparations for Reducing Perioperative Complications in a Patient with Morbid Obesity
Classification of Cohen et al for the Complexity of a Surgical Procedure
Categories of Buth et al Used to Determine If a Patient Is Unfit for General Anesthesia and/or Major Surgery
Preoperative Questionnaire of Garcia-Miguel et al for a Pediatric Patient
WHO Recommendations for Preoperative Care of a Pediatric Patient When Resources Are Limited
Preparation of a Patient with Asthma Prior to Surgery
Preoperative Smoking and Drinking Cessation
NARCO Score of Malviya et al for Preoperative Risk Assessement in Children
Preoperative Checklist for a Geriatric Patient from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program and the American Geriatrics Society
Recommendations of Breuing et al for Preparing a Patient for Repair of an Incisional Ventral Hernia
Equations of Englesbe et al for Determining a Patient's Morphometric Age Prior to Surgery
Checklist for Equipment and Supplies Prior to Conscious Sedation
Contraindications for Conscious Sedation Being Performed by Non-Anesthesiologists
Contraindications to the Use of Nitrous Oxide for Procedural Sedation
Guided Risk Assessment (GRA) Tool for Pediatric Sedation
Contraindications of Simpson et al for Sedation of a Pediatric Patient Undergoing CT Scan
Sedation Scale of Cook and Palma
Sedation Scoring System of Nisbet and Norris
Modified Sedation Score in Children of Barker and Nisbet
Sedation Score of Mackenzie and Grant
Ramsay Sedation Score
Sedation Score of Skeie et al
Sedation Score of Sury and Cole
Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation (OAA/S) Scale
Children's Hospital of Wisconsin Sedation Scale
Summary Table for Sedation Scores
The Brussels Sedation Scale for Patients on Mechanical Ventilation
Bloomsbury Sedation Score
Cambridge (Addenbrooke's) Sedation Score
Sedation Score of Cohen and Kelly
Sedation Using Modified Glasgow Coma Score
Linear Sedation Scale
Sedation Score of McMenemin et al
Sedation Score of Yate et al
Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS)
Sedation Scale of Chamorro et al
Sedation Effectiveness Scale of Chamorro et al
Sedation Scale of Hughes et al for Children in the Intensive Care Unit
Motor Activity Assessment Scale (MAAS)
Clinical Sedation Score of Hartwig et al for Children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
The Minnesota Sedation Assessment Tool (MSAT)
The Vancouver Interaction and Calmness Scale for Evaluating an Adult Receiving Mechanical Ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit
Indications of Crain et al for Monitoring the Bispectral Index (BIS) in a Pediatric Patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Sedation-Agitation Scale of Riker et al
Recommendations of the NHS to Reduce the Risk of Midazolam Overdosage During Patient Sedation
Ketofol (Mixture of Ketamine and Propofol) for Brief Sedation During a Painful Procedure
Mallampati Score
Laryngoscopy Viewing Grade (Cormack-Lehane Laryngoscopy Grade)
Risk Index of El-Ganzouri for Difficult Tracheal Intubation
Algorithm for Recognition of the Difficult Airway for Tracheal Intubation
A Comprehensive Scoring System for Predicting Difficult Intubation
Predictive Rule for Difficult Intubation of Wilson et al
Risk Factors of Jaber et al for Immediate Complications Following Endotracheal Intubation in the Intensive Care Unit
Predicting Difficult Endotracheal Intubation Using the Equation of Bellhouse and Dore
Risk Factors for a Difficult Airway in Children with Microtia (Congenital Hypoplasia or Aplasia of the Auricle)
Discriminant Functions of Naguib et al for Predicting Difficult Laryngoscopy and Intubation
Risk Factors of Wang et al Causing a Difficult or Complicated Intubation
Intubation Difficulty Scale (IDS) of Adnet et al
Submental Intubation in a Patient with Maxillofacial Trauma
Classification of Jaber et al for Immediate Complications Following Endotracheal Intubation in the Intensive Care Unit
Risk Factors for Laryngeal Edema Following Intubation
Predictors of Mashour et al for Difficult Laryngoscopy of a Morbidly Obese Patient
Risk Factors of Heffner et al for Postintubation Hypotension (PIH) Associated with Emergency Airway Management
Criteria for an Inadequate Level of Anesthesia During a Procedure
Guedel's Stages and Planes of Anesthesia
The PRST Score of Evans and Davies for Depth of Anesthesia
Reasons Why General Anesthesia May Be Preferred Over Local Anesthesia for Minor Surgery or an Endoscopic Procedure
Malignant Hyperthermia Clinical Grading Scale
Identification of Susceptibility to Malignant Hyperthermia By Measuring Carbon Dioxide Production After Injection of Caffeine Into Skeletal Muscle
Perioperative Hyperthermia in a Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Risk Indicators of Pedersen et al for Mortality in Hospital After Anaesthesia and Surgery
Mortality Risk in Patients with Coexisting Conditions Undergoing Elective Surgery
Model of Wolters et al for Predicting Postoperative Complications from ASA Classification and Perioperative Variables
Predicting Perioperative Mortality Using ASA Classification and Cardiac Risk Index
Prognostic Index of Reiss et al for Predicting Operative Mortality in Geriatric Patients
Prediction of Severe Perioperative Adverse Outcomes Using the Data of the Multicenter Study of General Anesthesia
Equation of Tiret et al for Predicting Risk of Anesthesia Complications in Patients Over 40 Years of Age
Risk of Serious Perioperative Complications Based on Patient and Surgical Characteristics Including Self-Reported Exercise Tolerance
Identification of Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Cancer Surgery at High Risk for Medical Complications
Risk Factors of Boyd et al for Complications Following Colon Resection
Estimation of Physiologic Ability and Surgical Stress (E-PASS), with Preoperative Risk Score (PRS), Surgical Stress Score (SSS) and Comprehensive Risk Score (CRS)
Criteria of Shoemaker et al to Identify High Risk Surgical Patients
Risk Factors of Palmberg and Hirsjarvi for Post-Operative Mortality in Geriatric Patients
Risk Factors of Pedersen et al for Cardiopulmonary Complications After Anesthesia and Surgery
Risk Factors of Alves et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Colorectal Surgery
Model of Longo et al from the VA NSQI Program for Predicting 30 Day Mortality After Proctectomy for Rectal Cancer
Risk Factors of Longo et al from the VA NSQI Program for Postoperative Complications Following Proctectomy for Rectal Cancer
Risk Factors of Harris et al for Prolonged Hospitalization with Critical Care After Elective Cervical Spine Surgery
Risk Factors of Roche et al for Postoperative Complications Following Repair of a Hip Fracture
Comorbid Risk Factors of Kikura et al for Perioperative Thromboembolic Events
Preoperative Risk Factors of Hollenbeck et al for Predicting Complications in a Patient Undergoing Transurethral Resection of a Bladder Tumor
Acute Postoperative Frailty in an Elderly Patient
Risk Factors of Cohen et al for Predicting Mortality Within 7 Days of Surgery
Risk Factors of Seymour and Pringle for Postoperative Complications in an Elderly Patient
Surgical Outcome Score of Gawande et al (Surgical Apgar Score)
Outpatient Surgery Admission Index (OSAI) of Fleisher et al for Predicting Inpatient Hospital Admission Following Outpatient Surgery
Preoperative Risk Factors of McLaughlin et al for Complications Following Surgery for Hip Fracture
Risk Factors of Tait et al for Perioperative Adverse Respiratory Events in a Pediatric Patient
Risk Factors of Ryan et al for Complications Following Esophagectomy
Risk Factors of Farwell et al for Perioperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Surgery
Risk Factors of McLaughlin et al for 30-Day Morbidity After Urological Surgery from the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program
Risk Factors of Park et al for Complications Following Esophagectomy in a Patient with Esophageal Cancer
Risk Factors of Leitman et al for Intra-Abdominal Complications Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery
Nottingham Hip Fracture Score for Predicting Mortality Within 30 Days of Hip Fracture Surgery
Risk Scoring System of Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan et al for a Woman Undergoing Gynecological Cancer Surgery
Predictors of Hughes et al for Complications Following a Pancreaticoduodenectomy
Scores of Weinberg et al for Predicting Major Complications in Pediatric Surgery (Childrens Hospital Boston Scores)
Perioperative Risk Factors of Freilich et al for Surgical Complications in a Pediatric Patient Following a Urologic Operation
Risk Index of Canet et al for Predicting Pulmonary Complications Following Surgery
Accumulated Frailty Characteristics of Robinson et al For Identifying a Geriatric Patient Who May Be Institutionalized Following Surgery
Targeted Risk Prediction Score of Kwok et al for Evaluating a Very Elderly Patient Undergoing Emergency Colon Surgery
Surgical Risk Scale (SRS)
Nomogram of Dalton et al for Predicting 30-Day Postoperative Mortality Following Noncardiac Surgery
Nomogram of Dalton et al for Predicting 30-Day Postoperative Morbidity Following Noncardiac Surgery
Cumulative Odds Ratio for Morbidity and Mortality for a Patient Undergoing Colorectal Surgery Based on the ACS NSQI Program
Association Francaise de Chirurgie (AFC) Colorectal Index for Predicting Postoperative Mortality for a Patient Undergoing Colorectal Surgery
Risk Factors of Belmont et al for 30-Day Morbidity and Mortality Following a Below-the-Knee Amputation
Complications Associated with Severe Hypophosphatemia in the Perioperative Period
Factors of Masoomi et al Predictive of In-Hospital Mortality Following Colorectal Surgery
Microscopic Foreign Debris from the Operating Room and Postoperative Complications
Simplified Scoring System for the Post-Operative Recovery Room
Postanesthetic Recovery Score of Aldrete and Kroulik
Postanesthetic Scoring System of Notre Dame Hospital
Postanesthetic Recall Score in Children
Postanesthetic Recovery Score of Robertson et al
Post-Anesthetic Discharge Score System
Fast-Track Discharge of Outpatients Following Ambulatory Surgery
Discharge Criteria Following Sedation or Ambulatory Surgery
The Vancouver Sedative Recovery Scale for Children
The Short-Stay Surgery Discharge Score (SSSDS)
The Quality of Recovery (QoR) Score of Myles et al.
The 40 Item Quality of Recovery (QoR-40) Score of Myles et al
Adverse Effects Following Sedation of a Child in the Emergency Department
Clinical Findings of Lamont et al That May Indicate the Presence of a Complication Following Laparoscopic Surgery
Questionnaire to Identify Specific Sources of Pre-Operative Anxiety for Parents
Risk Factors of Caumo et al for Postoperative Anxiety in Adults
The Amsterdam Preoperative Anxiety and Information Scale (APAIS)
The Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL) for Assessing Pre-Operative Anxiety in Patients
Factors of Ramsay Associated with Pre-Operative Anxiety
Risk Factors of Kain et al for Preoperative Anxiety and Postoperative Behavioral Problems in Children
Risk Score of Apfel et al for Predicting Postoperative Vomiting in Adults
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Following Outpatient Tympanomastoidectomy
Probability of Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting Using the Equation of Sinclair et al
Guidelines of Watcha for Cost-Effective Management of a Patient with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Guidelines of Gan for Reducing Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Predictive Model of Palazzo and Evans for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Risk Scores of Koivuranta et al for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Clinical Record of Koivuranta et al for Evaluating Patients with Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Simplified 4-Item Risk Score of Apfel et al Predicting Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Risk Factors of Cohen et al for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Risk Model of Scholz et al for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)
Risk Score of Apfel et al for Predicting Postoperative Vomiting in an Adult Based on the Type of Surgery
Model of Eberhart et al for Predicting Postoperative Vomiting in a Pediatric Patient (POVOC-Score)
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Sickle Cell Disease
Preoperative Hemodilution in a Patient with Polycythemia Associated with Cyanotic Heart Disease
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Methemoglobinemia
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Hazards of Hypothermia During Surgery in a Patient with a Significant Cold Agglutinin
Management of Urinary Retention Following Outpatient Surgery
Criteria for Perioperative Renal Dysfunction
Predictive Index of Wijeysundera et al for Renal Replacement Therapy Following Cardiac Surgery
Bedside Tool of Mehta et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Postoperative Renal Failure and Dialysis Following Cardiac Surgery
Risk Factors of Keita et al for Early Postoperative Urinary Retention
Risk Factors of Musselwhite et al for Acute Postpartum Urinary Retention
Criteria for the Diagnosis of Acute Postpartum Urinary Retention
Algorithm of Luger et al for Managing Urinary Retention in a Patient Undergoing Knee Arthroscopy
General Surgery Acute Kidney Injury Risk Index of Kheterpal et al
Grades of Dittmann et al for Severity of Post-Dural Puncture Headache
Classification and Severity Grades of Corbey et al for Post-Dural Puncture Headache
Risk Factors Affecting the Probability of Post-Dural Puncture Headache
Clinical Criteria for the Diagnosis of Post-Dural Puncture Headache
Epidural Blood Patch in a Patient with a Post-Dural Puncture Headache
Predicting the Risk of Post-Dural Puncture Headache Using the Model of Lybecker et al
Risk Factors for Perioperative Pulmonary Aspiration
Risk Factors for Postoperative Macroglossia
Airway Hyperreactivity Score of Pappas et al for Airway Hyperreactivity Associated with Anesthesia
Risk Factors Associated with Laryngospasm During Anesthesia
Risk Factors of Nuara et al for Perioral Burns Complicating an Adenotonsillectomy
Infants and Young Children at Risk for Postanesthetic Apnea
Calculating the Cost of Anesthetic Vapors Using the Equation of Dion
Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale (ISAS)
Factors Associated with Preventable Incidents in Anesthesia Administration
Strategies of Jensen et al for Preventing Drug Administration Errors During Anesthesia
WHO Surgical Safety Checklist
Postoperative Megaloblastic Anemia and Neuromyelopathy Following Nitrous Oxide Exposure
The Propofol Infusion Syndrome in Children
Paradoxical (Disinhibition) Reactions to Benzodiazepines During Conscious Sedation
Hepatitis Associated with Halogenated Anesthetics (Halothane Hepatitis)
Complications Associated with Local Anesthetic Agents
Risk Factors for Toxicity Associated with a Local Anesthetic Agent
Muscle Rigidity Associated with Parenteral Fentanyl and Other Opioids
Risk Model of Fong et al for Predicting Mortality in a Patient with Propofol Infusion Syndrome
Paradoxical Excitement or Arousal Associated with a Barbiturate
Train of Four (TOF) Stimulation for Assessing Neuromuscular Blockade
ASHP Algorithm Use of Neuromuscular Blockade in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Bolus Test Dose Technique of Harrison for Predicting the Infusion Rate of Rocuronium
Bolus Test Dose Technique of Harrison for Predicting the Infusion Rate of Vecuronium
Guidance Graph of Simpson and Souter for the Infusion Rate of Atracurium
Bolus Test Dose Equations of Morgan and Pollard for Predicting the Infusion Rate of Vecuronium
Indications for Monitoring Neuromuscular Function During and After Surgery
Diagnosis of Subcutaneous Emphysema and Capnothorax During Laparoscopy with Carbon Dioxide Insufflation
Diagnosis of Carbon Dioxide Embolism During Laparoscopy with Carbon Dioxide Insufflation
Reasons for Conversion from a Laparoscopic to an Open Surgical Procedure
Airway Fire During Laser Surgery in the Upper Airway
Risk Factors for a Fire During Surgery
Prevention of a Fire During Surgery
Fire Risk Score of Silverstein et al for Avoiding Fires in the Operating Room
OSHA Recommendations for Handling Waste Anesthetic Gases
Risk Factors for Excessive Exposure to Anesthetic Gases in the Operating Room
Risk Factors of Amar et al for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation
Index of Mathew et al for Post-Operative Occurrence of Atrial Fibrillation
Index of Mathew et al for Post-Operative Recurrence of Atrial Fibrillation
Risk Factors of Mueller et al for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery
Predictors of Selim for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation After Cardiac Surgery
Identifying Patients Who Use Alternative Medicines Prior to Surgery
Risk Factors for Epidural or Spinal Hematoma Associated with Epidural Anesthesia or Spinal Puncture
Indications for Thoracic Paravertebral Block (TPVB)
Equations of Hasan et al for Estimating the Depth of the Epidural Space in European Children
Equation of Bonadio et al for Estimating Lumbar Puncture Depth in Children
Equations of Lonnqvist and Hesser for Needle Insertion into the Thoracic Paravertebral Space in Infants and Children
Model of Hartmann et al for Hypotension Following Spinal Anesthesia Induction
Bedside Tests of el-Behesy et al for Distinguishing Injected Saline from Cerebrospinal Fluid During Epidural Anesthesia
Bromage Scale for the Degree of Motor Block Associated with Epidural Anesthesia
Modified Bromage Scale of Breen et al for Grading the Motor Block Associated with Epidural Anesthesia
Risk Factors of Kinney et al for Perioperative Complications in Patients Undergoing Intra-Abdominal Surgery for Metastatic Carcinoid Tumors
Risk Factors of Kinney et al for Perioperative Adverse Effects in Patients Undergoing Resection of a Pheochromocytoma or Paraganglioma
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Conn's Syndrome (Primary Hyperaldosteronism)
Algorithm of Kohl and Schwartz for Perioperative Steroid Administration in a Patient with Adrenal Insufficiency
Indications of Buhre and Rossaint for Monitoring Blood Pressure with an Intra-Arterial Catheter
Causes of Intraoperative Cardiac Collapse
Causes of Hypertension During Anesthesia
Immediate Postoperative Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (Reactive PAH)
Late or Delayed Postoperative Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Physiologic Targets of Eissa et al for a Septic Patient Undergoing Anesthesia
Recommendations of Krishnan et al for Anesthetic Management of a Patient with Achondroplasia
Recommendations of Yamashita et al for Anesthetic Management of a Patient with the Cri du Chat (Partial Deletion 5p) Syndrome
Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Achondroplasia
Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis
Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1b
Risk Factors for Problems Administering Anesthesia to a Patient with a Mucopolysaccharidosis
Recommendations of Walker et al for Administering Anesthesia to a Patient with a Mucopolysaccharidosis
Recommendations of Spitz and Kiely for Administering Anesthesia to Conjoined Twins
Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Familial Dysautonomia
Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Cystic Fibrosis
Preoperative Evaluation of a Patient with a Congenital Malformation of the Spine Prior to Neuraxial Anesthesia
Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome)
Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Porphyria
Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Epidermolysis Bullosa
Anesthetic and Surgical Considerations in a Patient with Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)
Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Nesidioblastosis
Anesthetic Considerations in a Patient with Hereditary Nephrogenic Diabetes Inspidus (DI)
Anesthesia Concerns for a Patient with Turner Syndrome
Anesthesia Concerns for a Patient with Focal Dermal Hypoplasia
Biochemical Criteria for Perioperative Biliary Dysfunction
Postoperative Pancreatitis
Oropharyngeal Leak Pressure (OLP)
Algorithm of Berry et al for Selecting the Size of Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) for a Normal Adult
Scoring System of Brimacombe and Berry to Describe the Position of the Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Using a Fiberoptic Laryngoscope
Modified Score of Miller for Evaluating a Supraglottic Sealing Airway
Risk Factors Associated with Awareness and Recall Following Anesthesia
Recommendations for Administration of Anesthesia in a Patient with a Systemic Mast Cell Disorder
Risk Factors of Laxenaire et al for Histamine Release During Anesthesia
Anesthesia in a Patient with Urticaria Pigmentosa (Cutaneous Mastocytosis)
Preoperative Screening of a Patient for Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Recommendations of Esclamado et al for Perioperative Management of a Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Risk Factors of Gootjies et al for Postoperative Stupor and Coma
Pneumocephalus After Cranial Surgery
Risk Score of Marcantonio et al for Predicting Postoperative Delirium Following Elective Noncardiac Surgery
Risk Factors of Wang et al for Postoperative Delirium Following Major Head and Neck Surgery
Preoperative Risk Factors of Weed et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Delirium Following Major Head and Neck Cancer Surgery
Preoperative Risk Factors of Litaker et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Postoperative Delirium (Cleveland Clinic Acute Confusion Score, CCC)
Risk Factors of Kalisvaart et al for Postoperative Delirium in an Elderly Patient Undergoing Hip Surgery
Risk Factors of Selim for Perioperative Stroke
Prediction of Encephalopathy or Stroke After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Model of Charlesworth et al for Predicting Perioperative Stroke in a Patient Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Predictive Model of Likosky et al for Perioperative Stroke in a Patient Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Risk Factors of Monk et al for Cognitive Dysfunction Following Major Noncardiac Surgery
Risk Factors for Delirium Following Spine Surgery
Risk Factors of Robinson et al for Postoperative Delirium in an Older Adult Patient Undergoing Major Surgery
Classification of Casey et al for Shivering During Epidural Anesthesia
Grades of Singh et al for Post-Anesthesia Shivering
Grades of Pauca et al for Shivering
Adverse Effects of Shivering for the Post-operative Patient
Modified Scales of Kurz et al for Postoperative Thermal Comfort and Shivering
Risk Factors for Unintended Perioperative Hypothermia
Causes of Postoperative Hiccups
Risk Factors of Thomas et al for Severe Post-Operative Pain
Model of Kalkman et al for Predicting Severe Postoperative Pain
Risk Factors of Bisgaard et al for Early Pain in a Patient Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Clinical Features of Persistent Postoperative Neuropathic Pain
Clinical Signs of Ray and Paplham for Abnormal Pain Following an Outpatient Procedure
Postoperative Chondrolysis Associated with Use of an Intra-Articular Pump for Pain Control
Indications for Measuring a Patient's Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Prior to Surgery
Indications for Performing Liver Function Tests on a Patient Prior to Surgery
Indications for Measuring BUN and Creatinine on a Patient Prior to Surgery
Indications for Performing a Chest X-ray on a Patient Prior to Surgery
Indications for Performing an ECG on a Patient Prior to Noncardiac Surgery
Indications for Measuring Glucose on a Patient Prior to Surgery
Indications for Measuring Pulmonary Function Prior to Surgery
Indications for Measuring the PT and aPTT Prior to Surgery
Recommendations of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology for Preoperative Bleeding Risk
Perioperative Serum NT-pro-BNP in a Patient Undergoing Emergency Non-Cardiac Surgery
Model of Fein et al for Predicting Use of a Topical Anesthetic Agent Before Insertion of an Intravenous Catheter in a Pediatric Patient in the Emergency Department
Risk Factors for Serious Adverse Effects Following Use of Topical Anesthetics
Predictive Criteria of Langeron et al for Difficult Mask Ventilation
Risk Factors of Kheterpal et al for Difficult Mask Ventilation
Ventilation of a Man with a Beard Causing a Poor Mask Seal
Mask Ventilation Scale of Han et al
Classification of Yildiz et al for Mask Ventilation
Score of Kheterpal et al for Predicting Impossible Mask Ventilation
Identifying a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Should Be Screened for Cervical Spine Disease Prior to Surgery
Identifying a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis Who Should Be Screened for Laryngeal Disease Prior to Surgery
Contraindications to Regional Anesthesia
Complications Associated with Cervical Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections (CTFESI)
Recommendations to Reduce the Risks Associated with Cervical Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injections (CTFESI)
Contraindications to Beta-Blocker Therapy Prior to Surgery
Use of a modified Revised Cardiac Risk Index (RCRI) by Lindenauer et al to Select a Patient for Perioperative Beta-Blocker Therapy in Major Noncardiac Surgery
Recommendations of Denner and Townley for Managing a Patient with Anorexia Nervosa in the Perioperative Period
Risk Factors for Air Embolism in the Perioperative Period
Clinical Findings That May Indicate the Presence of Air Embolism During or After Surgery
Staging the Extent of Venous Air Embolism with Doppler Ultrasonography
Volume of Air Required for a Lethal Air Embolism
Paradoxical Systemic Emboli with Venous Air Embolism
Clinical Findings in a Patient with a Post-Thyroidectomy Cervical Hematoma
Risk Factors of Campbell et al for Post-Thyroidectomy Cervical Hematoma
Goal-Directed Intraoperative Fluid Therapy Protocol of Mayer et al.
Criteria of Wengritzky et al for Major Surgery
Preoperative Placement of an Airway for a Morbidly Obese Patient
Fremantle Score for Videolaryngoscopy
Predictors of Liedman et al for Postoperative Complications Following Surgery for a Gasto-Esophageal Carcinoma
Perioperative Mortality Risk Score of Story et al for an Older Adult
The Surgical Mortality Probability Model (S-MPM) of Glance et al for Non-Cardiac Surgery
Vascular Biochemistry and Haematology Outcome Model (VBHOM) of Tang et al for a Patient Undergoing Lower Limb Amputation for Critical Ischemia
Comprehensive Risk Assessment for Bypass (CRAB) Score of Meltzer et al for Evaluating a Patient with Critical Limb Ischemia
Risk Calculator of Gupta et al for 30-Day Mortality Following Infrainguinal Bypass Surgery
Anterior Dislocation of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) in the Perioperative Period
PONV Intensity Scale of Wengritzky et al: General Equation
Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) Intensity Scale of Wengritsky et al: 6 Hour Score
Managing the Bleeding Airway
Risk Factors of Bruynzeel et al for Hemodynamic Instability During Surgery in a Patient with Pheochromocytoma
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Short-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (SCAD) Deficiency
Risk Factors for Corneal Abrasion During General Anesthesia for Nonocular Surgery
Model of Kuo et al for Mortality of a Moribund General Surgical Patient Taken to Surgery Within 24 Hours of Admission
Model of Kuo et al for Mortality of a Moribund General Surgical Patient Taken to Surgery More Than 24 Hours After Admission
Monitoring Sedation or Opioid Analgesia with Pulse Oximetry and Capnography (End-Tidal CO2)
Friedman Tongue Position (FTP, Modified Mallampati Classification)
Score of Hua et al for Predicting Unplanned Intubation Following a Major Surgical Procedure (Unplanned Intubation Risk Index, UIRI)
Narcotrend Index and Stages
Equation of Mapleson for Predicting the Age-Associated Change in the Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC) for an Anesthetic
Risk Factors of Abraham et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Thyroid Surgery
Differential Diagnosis of Bradycardia in the Perioperative Period
Model of Santoro et al for Predicting Local and Systemic Complications Following Surgery for a Cancer of the Oral Cavity or Oropharynx
Risk Index of Ramanan et al for 30-Day Mortality Following Open Repair of an Infrarenal Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Risk Factors of Iannuzzi et al for Death or Major Complication Following Bowel Resection in a Patient with Dialysis-Dependent Chronic Renal Failure
Mayo Adhesive Probability Score of Davidiuk et al for Predictiing Adhesive Perinephric Fat
Risk Factors of Meeks et al for Urine Leak After Partial Nephrectomy
Risk Factors of Alp et al for Early Postoperative Arrhythmias in Pediatric Patients Following Cardiac Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease
Clinical Outcome Score of Mackie et al for Predicting Psychomotor Developmental Index (PDI) in an Infant Following Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery for Congenital Heart Disease
Causes of Perioperative Eye Injury
SCOPE Score of Braunstein et al for Predicting Sedation Outcomes in a Patient Undergoing Upper GI Endoscopy
SCOPE Score of Braunstein et al for Predicting Sedation Outcomes in a Patient Undergoing Colonoscopy
Predictors of Leslie et al for Difficult Tracheal Intubation
Indications and Contraindications for Awake Intubation
Risk Factors of Bartlett et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Total Gastrectomy for a Gastric Malignancy
Nomogram of Dhir et al for Predicting Risk of Perioperative Mortality Following Resection of a Malignant Gastric Tumor
Risk Factors of Whippey et al for Unanticipated Admission Following Ambulatory Surgery
Risk Assessment and Prediction Tool (RAPT) of Oldmeadow et al for an Adult Patient Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty (TJA)
Predictors of Pearse et al for a High-Risk Surgical Patient
Perioperative Rhabdomyolysis
Risk Factors of Chiulli et al for Failure to Rescue (FTR) Following a Perioperative Adverse Event
Risk Factors for the Propofol Infusion Syndrome (PRIS)
Predictors of Kiernan et al for Hemodynamic Instability During Surgical Resection of a Pheochromocytoma
Upper Airway Stenosis Following Interventions in a Patient with Myhre-LAPS Syndrome
Recommendations of Katus and Shtilbans for the Perioperative Management of a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
Total Airway Score (TAS) of Seo et al (Rules for Evaluating Airway Score)
Upper Lip Bite Test (ULBT) for Predicting Difficult Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intubation
Modified LEMON Law for Difficult Intubation
Score of Arne et al for Predicting a Difficult Endotracheal Intubation
Model of Buettner et al for Predicting 1 Year Mortality Following Gastrointestinal Surgery for a Malignancy
Score of Murphy et al for Predicting Complications Following Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Score of Huisman et al for Identifying an Elderly Cancer Patient at Risk for Complications Following Surgery
Risk Factors of Kezirian et al for Serious Complications After Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty
Cleveland Clinic Foundation Risk Model for Mortality Following Surgery for Colorectal Carcinoma
Preoperative Esophagectomy Risk (PER) Score of Reeh et al for Complications Following Resection of an Esophageal Cancer
Preoperative Risk Assessment of Bartels et al for a Patient with Eosphageal Cancer
NUn Score of Noble et al for Predicting Major Complications Following Esophageal Resection
The Arterial Based Complexity (ABC) Classification of Spaliviero et al for Predicting Morbidity After a Partial Nephrectomy
Risk Factors of Vaught et al for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Associated with Major Gynecological Surgery
Traumatic Turbinectomy (Avulsion of a Turbinate) Associated with Nasotracheal Intubation
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Walker-Warburg Syndrome
Preoperative Prediction Rule of Rudolph et al for Delirium After Cardiac Surgery
Risk Factors of Samdani et al for Perioperative Complications Following Spine Surgery in a Patient with Cerebral Palsy
Risk Factors of Boling et al for Perioperative Complications Associated with Transnasal Endoscopic Resection of a Pituitary Adenoma
Risk Factors of Lin et al for Hypotension After Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) in the Emergency Department (ED)
Indications of Williams et al for Intubation and Early Tracheostomy for a Patient with Stevens Johnson Syndome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN)
Risk Factors of Martin et al for 30-Day Morbidity and Mortality After Knee Arthroscopy
Risk Factors for Postoperative Oxygen Desaturation
Hazards of the Surgical Smoke Plume
Equation of Bailie et al for Estimating Spinal Canal Depth in a Pediatric Patient Based on Weight
Equation of Arthurs et al for Estimating Neonatal Mid-Spinal Canal Depth (MSCD) Based on Ultrasonography
Equation of Bilic et al for Lumbar Puncture Depth in Children
Equation of Arthurs et al for Mid-Spinal Canal Depth (MSCD) in a Neonate Based on MRI
Equation of Craig et al for Estimating the Depth of Insertion of a Lumbar Puncture Needle
Equations of Ozer et al for Posterior Lumbar Dural Depth in Children
Equation of Chong et al for Predicting the Needle Depth Required for Lumbar Puncture in a Pediatric Patient
Equation of Abe et al for Lumbar Puncture Needle Length
Equations of Ma et al for Estimating the Length of a Lumbar Puncture Needle in Taiwanese Adults
Formula of Uemura and Yamashita for Determining the Distance from the Skin Surface to the Lumbar Epidural Space in Infants and Children
Equation of Stocker and Bonsu for Predicting the Optimum Depth of Spinal Needle Insertion for a Lumbar Puncture in a Pediatric Patient
Equations of Razavizadeh et al for Depth of Spinal Needle Insertion in Adults
Equation of Shenkman et al for Distance from Skin to the Subarachnoid Space in an Infant Born Prematurely
Equations of Bosenberg and Grouws for Skin to Epidural Distance in Children
Mortality Index of Froehner et al for a Patient Undergoing Radical Cystectomy or Radical Prostatectomy
Model of Abdollah et al for Postoperative Mortality Following Radical Cystectomy
Abbreviated Vulnerable Elders Surgical Pathways and Outcomes Assessment (VESPA)
Risk Factors of Moorjani et al for Perioperative Mortality Following Non-Traumatic Splenectomy
Score of Johnson et al for Postoperative Respiratory Failure Following General and Vascular Surgery
Risk Index of Passias et al for Early Complications After Cervical Spine Surgeries
Conditions Associated with Clinical Surprises in the Postoperative Periods
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Dubowitz Syndrome
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD)
Airway Management in a Patient with Klippel-Feil Syndrome (KFS)
Anesthesia Concerns for a Patient with Noonan Syndrome
Management of a Patient with Leigh Syndrome in the Perioperative Period
Screening an Older Adult Undergoing Major Noncardiac Surgery for Risk of Delirium Using Serum C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Based on the Study of Vasunilashorn et al
Postoperative Respiratory Complications in a Patient with Myasthenia Gravis
Models of Vu et al for Predicting Complications After Abdominoplasty: Medical and Surgical Complications
POAF Score (Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation Score) of Mariscalco et al for a Patient Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Geriatric Rescue After Surgery (GRAS) Score of Kahn et al for a Geriatric Patient Undergoing Emergency General Surgery
Score of Ohkura et al for Identifying a Patient at Risk for Postoperative Complications Following Laparoscopic Gastrectomy
Models of Wang for Morbidity and Mortality Associated with Cystectomy
Difficult Airway Associated with Lingual Tonsillar Hypertrophy
Malignant Hyperthermia in a Patient with King-Denborough Syndrome (KDS)
Malignant Hyperthermia Associated with Succinylcholine-Induced Masseter Muscle Rigidity (MMR, Anesthesia-Induced Masseter Muscle Spasm, MMS, "Jaws of Steel")
Scores of Ballian et al for Morbidity and Mortality Following Surgical Repair of a Giant Paraesophageal Hernia
Risk Factors of Ishino et al for Postoperative Complications for a Patient Undergoing Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer
Risk Factors of Villanueva et al for Complications During and After Gluteal Fat Transplantation (Gluteal Fat Augmentation)
Risk Factors of Winocour et al for Complications After Abdominoplasty
Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality of Le Manach et al (POSPOM): Subscore for Comorbidities
Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality of Le Manach et al (POSPOM): Subscore for Surgical Procedure
Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality of Le Manach et al (POSPOM): Total Score
Predictors of Kim et al for Complications After Resection of a Carotid Body Tumor
Surgical Outcome Risk Tool (SORT) of Protopapa et al
Risk Factors of Anderson et al for Complications Following Adrenalectomy
Risk Factors of Simoes et al for Complications Following Elective Abdominal Surgery in a Cancer Patient
HIV Surgical Mortality Score (HSMS) of Wiseman et al for 30-Day Mortality After Surgery for an HIV-Positive Patient
Predictors of Mari et al for Postoperative Complications After Partial Nephrectomy
Anesthesia Management of a Patient with Glucagonoma
Risk Factors of Sukegawa et al for Perioperative Stroke in a Patient Undergoing Surgery for a Head and Neck Cancer
Risk Factors of Janowak et al for 30-Day Major Morbidity After Esophagectomy and the Esophagectomy Surgical Apgar Score (eSAS)
Risk Factors of Parikh et al for Pancreatectomy
Difficult Airway Due to Subglottic Tumor
Outcomes of Foglia et al for Neonatal Intubations
Hyomental Distance Ratio and Difficult Laryngoscopy
VIA Score of Truong and Truong for Airway Assessment and Management
Risk Factors of Thomas and Leitman for 30-Day Postoperative Complications After Endovascular Aortoiliac Surgery
30-Day Mortality Risk Calculator of Haskins et al After Emergency General Surgery
Risk Factors of Karam et al for Complications After Vascular Surgery
Preoperative Pancreatic Resection (PREPARE) Score of Uzunoglu et al
Emergency Surgery Acuity Score (ESAS, Emergency Surgery Score, ESS)
Nomogram of Ge et al for Predicting Postoperative Hypoxemia in a Patient with Acute Aortic Dissection
Risk Factors of Mizota et al for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) Associated with Major Intra-Abdominal Surgery
New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)
Risk Factors of Zhang et al for Early Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction (POCD) After Colorectal Surgery
Nomogram of Xin et al for Predicting Delirium After Hip Fracture Surgery in An Elderly Adult
Perioperative Cardiac Abnormalities in a Patient with Anorexia Nervosa
Preoperative Score to Predict Postoperative Mortality (POSPOM) of Le Manach et al
Simple Preoperative Questions of Reponen et al for Predicting Adverse Outcomes After Elective Cranial Neurosurgery
Helsinki Modification of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status Classification
SKALE (Sex, Karnofsky, ASA, Location and Edema) Score of Sacko et al for Intracranial Meningioma in an Elderly Patient
Clinical-Radiological Grading System (CRGS) for an Intracranial Meningioma
Milan Complexity Scale for Evaluating a Patient Prior to Brain Tumor Surgery
Model of Fischer et al for Predicting 30-Day Mortality Following Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Clinical Prediction Rules of Ballian et al for a Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Repair of a Giant Paraesophageal Hernia: Model for Mortality
Clinical Prediction Rules of Ballian et al for a Patient Undergoing Laparoscopic Repair of a Giant Paraesophageal Hernia: Model for Morbidity
Risk Factors for Postoperative Delirium (PODE) After Vascular Surgery
Risk Factors of Kleimeyer et al for Postoperative Hypothermia After Orthopedic Surgery
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Segawa's Syndrome (Dopa-Responsive Dystonia)
NSQIP Definition of Functional Health Status Prior to Surgery
Bedside Preoperative Mortality Predictor Scoring System of Vaid et al
Pediatric Sedation State Scale (PSSS)
Classification Tree of Chatzakis et al for Difficult Airway Management with Maxillofacial Trauma
CCR-CARESS Score of Bare et al for Predicting Mortality Following Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
Adrenalectomy Risk Score of Caiazzo et al
African Surgical Outcome Study (ASOS) Surgical Risk Calculator
CARES Surgical Risk Calculators of Chan et al: 30-Day Mortality Score
CARES Surgical Risk Calculators of Chan et al: ICU Stay
CARES Surgical Risk Calculators of Chan et al: Combined Outcome Score
Predictors of McGuckin et al for Outcomes After Unscheduled Surgery Performed on an Elderly Patient
Risk Factors of Schoenfeld et al for Postoperative Complications Following Spine Surgery
Risk Score of Ragulin-Coyne et al for Perioperative Mortality After Pancreatectomy
Risk Score of Hill et al for Perioperative Mortality After Pancreatectomy
Predictors of Wright et al for Complications Following Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer
Risk Factors of Sangal et al for Unplanned Reoperation in Major Head and Neck Surgery
Risk Factors of Kaw for Postoperative Complications in a Patient with Pulmonary Hypertension
Head and Neck Surgery Risk Index (HNSRI)
Postoperative Morbidity Survey (PMS) of Bennett-Guerrero et al
Risk Factors of Dewi et al for Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) After Emergency Laparotomy
Algorithm of Hunningher and Saunders for Managing Post-Induction Vomiting
Fentanyl-Induced Cough (FIC) and Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting
Impact of Intraoperative Hypotension Severity and Duration on Postoperative Complications
Predictive Model of Fisher and Flowerdew for Postoperative Delirium in an Older Adult Undergoing Elective Orthopedic Surgery
Delirium Elderly At-Risk (DEAR) of Freter et al
Complications of Overhydration in the Perioperative Period
Model of Donati et al for Predicting Operative Risk for a Surgical Patient
Predictors of Chiu et al for Futile Laparotomy on a Patient Classified as Extreme Risk
Emergency Surgery Frailty Index (EmSFI) of Costa et al
Scores of Chereau et al for Predicting Neck Hematoma in a Patient Undergoing Thyroid Surgery
Score of Yin et al for Perioperative Airway Management for a Neonate with Pierre Robin Sequence
Craniofacial CT Measurements of Mao et al and Difficulty Intubation for a Child with Robin Sequence
Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Cardiac Complications
Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Gastrointestinal Complications
Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Hematological Complications
Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Neurologic Complications
Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Pulmonary Complications
Predictors of Lee et al for Complications after Lumbar Spine Surgery: Urologic Complications
CART Model of Berry et al for Predicting Postoperative Physiologic Decline of a Pediatric Patient Following Elective Surgery
CELIOtomy Risk Score of Kao et al for Early Postoperative Mortality After Emergency Laparotomy
Model of DeWane et al for Predicting Early Mortality Following an Emergency Colon Resection
Model of Veltkamp et al for Predicting Serious Complications in a Patient Admitted to a Surgical Ward
Nomogram of Jiang et al for Intestinal Complications Following Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
SASA Score of Kinoshita et al for Predicting Postoperative Mortality
Sudden Perioperative Hypoxemia Associated with Systolic Anterior Motion (SAM) of the Mitral Valve
WCRDA Score of Wu et al for Predicting Postoperative Renal Dysfunction Following Open Surgical Repair of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Equation of Yi et al for Predicting the Risk of Intraoperative Hypothermia in a Patient Receiving General Anesthesia
Clinical Prediction Rules of Janssen et al for Severe Postoperative Pain: Inpatient Surgery
Clinical Prediction Rules of Janssen et al for Severe Postoperative Pain: Outpatient Surgery
Chronic Postsurgical Pain Score (CPSP) of Montes et al
Predictors of Schnabel et al for Severe Postoperative Pain
Questions of Pan et al for Predicting Acute Pain Following a Cesarean Delivery
Operative Stress Score (OSS)
Preoperative Risk Score of Lian et al for Predicting Postoperative ICU Admission or Death
Preoperative Risk Score of Lian et al for Predicting Postoperative ICU Admission or Death
Preoperative Risk Score of Fernandes et al for a Patient Undergoing Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery
Thyroid Lobectomy (TL) and Total Thyroidectomy (TT) Scores of Chereau for Predicting Postoperative Neck Hematoma Following Thyroidectomy
Risk Factors of Owodunni et al for Loss of Independence Following Surgery for an Adult 65 Years of Age or Older
Devastating Intracardiac and Pulmonary Thromboembolic Index (DICPTEI) Following Liver Transplant for End-Stage Liver Disease
Staging System of Smith et al for Severe Postoperative Complications For Vestibular Schwannoma
Criteria of Tavernier et al for Safe Early Discharge After Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery
Model of Parise et al for Predicting Delayed Discharge Following Gastrectomy
Risk of Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury Based on Preoperative GFR and Proteinuria
Nomogram of Wang for Predicting Severe Morbidity Following Surgery on a Pheochromocytoma
End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring During Emergency Trauma Surgery
Anesthesia Management for a Patient with Marshall-Smith Syndrome
CranioScore of Cinotti et al for Complications Following Craniotomy for a Brain Tumor
DIFFMASK Score of Lundstrom et al for Predicting Difficult Facemask Ventilation
Pulse Oximeter Perfusion Index Ratio and Success of a Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block
Anesthesia Management of a Patient with Traumatic Globe Rupture
Evaluation of a Patient with Fibromyalgia Prior to Elective Orthopedic Surgery
6-Minute Walk Test and Serum NT-ProBNP in the Preoperative Assessment of a Patient Prior to Major Surgery
BIMS Score of Roshanov et al for the Risk of Bleeding After Noncardiac Surgery
Prehospital Difficult Airway Identification Tool (PreDAIT) of Carlson et al
Hypotension Prediction Score (HYPS) of Smischney et al for Post-Intubation Hypotension in a Critically-Ill Adult: Model for the Full Cohort
Hypotension Prediction Score (HYPS) of Smischney et al for Post-Intubation Hypotension in a Critically-Ill Adult: Model for the Stable Cohort
Risk Factors of Chhina et al for Difficult Intubation
Clinical Prediction Rule of Mao et al for Difficult Intubation in a Child with Robin Sequence
Decision Tree of Rosenblatt and Yanez for Airway Management
Complications Associated with Awake Tracheal Intubation (ATI)
Risk Factors of Christoffersen et al for Well Leg Compartment Syndrome (WLCS) Following Abdominal Surgery
Score of Er et al for Predicting Mortality for a Patient Undergoing Emergency Colorectal Surgery
USEM (Urgent Surgery Elderly Mortality) Formula of Cordoba et al
Risk Calculator of Cham et al for Adverse Perioperative Outcomes for a Woman with Ovarian Cancer
FAS Score of Asuzu et al for Predicting Post-Operative Complications After Open Surgical Adhesiolysis for Small Bowel Obstruction
Scores of Margenthaler et al for a Patient Undergoing Surgery for Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO): Risk of 30-Day Morbidity
Scores of Margenthaler et al for a Patient Undergoing Surgery for Small Bowel Obstruction (SBO): Risk of 30-Day Mortality
Model of Gabriel et al for Predicting Extended Postanesthesia Care Following Outpatient Surgery
Duke Risk Score for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) Following Cesarean Section
Predictors of Kheterpal et al for Postoperative Acute Renal Failure Following Noncardiac Surgery
HART Score of Stronati et al for Predicting Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation (POAF) After Noncardiac Elective Surgery
Risk Factors for a Difficult Airway in a Patient with Stickler Syndrome
Risk Score of Kim et al for Post-Hip Fracture Delirium (PHFD)
Delirium Risk Prediction Preoperative Model for Cardiac Surgery Patients (DELIPRECAS) of de la Varga-Martinez et al
Score of Saito et al for Predicting Failed Facemask Ventilation
Pre-Operative (Perioperative) Nutrition Screen (PONS) Score
ELPO Score of Lopes et al for Assessing Risk of Surgical Positioning Injury
Risk Mitigation for Positioning Injury in a Morbidly or Super Obese Patient in a Dorsal Lithotomy Position
Modified Johns Hopkins Classification of Surgical Procedures
General Categories of the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma (AAST) for Emergency Surgery
Risk Stratification of Nasr et al for a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Surgery
Risk Analysis Index (RAI) of Hall et al
Triage of a Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive (MeNTS) Procedure: Subscore for Procedure
Triage of a Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive (MeNTS) Procedure: Subscore for the Disease
Triage of a Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive (MeNTS) Procedure: Subscore for the Patient
Triage of a Medically Necessary, Time-Sensitive (MeNTS) Procedure: Total Score
Prospectively Determined Revised Risk Analysis Index (rRAI-C)
Physiological Emergency Surgery Acuity Score (PESAS)
Risk Model of Lin et al for Airway Management in a Patient with a Deep Neck Space Abscess
Prediction Model of Cheon et al for Unplanned Postoperative Intubation for a Pediatric Surgical Patient
Predictors of Rogerson for Complications Following 1 or 2 Level Anterior Cervical Diskectomy and Fusion
Score of Franchin et al for 30-Day Survival Following Major Lower Limb Amputation for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
Model of Cao et al for Prolonged Postanesthesia Care Unit (PACU) Length of Stay After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Use of an Early Warning Score (EWS) for Early Identification of Critical Postoperative Complications
EXPO Score of Iden et al for Predicting Prolonged Postoperative Care
Prediction Model of Wei et al for Postoperative Urinary Retention Following Thoracic Surgery
Nomogram of Bai et al for Predicting Cardiovascular Morbidity After Pheochromocytoma Surgery
Risk Factors of Alnsasra et al for Stroke Following Cardiac Transplantation
Predictors of Riegger et al for Intraoperative Hypoglycemia in a Pediatric Patient
Pediatric Multispecialty Surgical Risk Score of Rhee et al: Demographic, Cardiovascular, Pulmonary and Genitourinary Risk Factors
Pediatric Multispecialty Surgical Risk Score of Rhee et al: Endocrine, Infectious, Neurological, Gastrointestinal, Hematologic and Oncologic Risk Factors
Pediatric Multispecialty Surgical Risk Score of Rhee et al: Musculoskeletal, Soft Tissue, Traumatic and Perinatal Risk Factors
Pediatric Multispecialty Surgical Risk Score of Rhee et al: Total Score
Risk Factors of Yang et al for Peri-Intubation Cardiac Arrest (PICA) the Emergency Department
Early Warning Criteria of Hoehn et al for Peri-Intubation Cardiac Arrest (PICA) in the Pediatric Emergency Department
Risk Factors of Morisaki et al for Wound Complications and 30-Day Mortality After Major Lower Extremity Amputation in Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)
Early Prediction for Prognosis of Colorectal Perforation (EPPoC) Score of Matsuoka et al
Perioperative Myocardial Ischemia or Infarction
Surgical Risk Preoperative Assessment System (SURPAS) for Predicting Discharge Destination
Risk Factors of Tomaszewski et al for Urine Leak After Partial Nephrectomy
Predictors of Cosgrove et al for Laryngospasm in a Pediatric Patient Undergoing Procedural Sedation
Postoperative Infusion Thrombophlebitis
Risk Factors of Mecoli et al for Intraoperative Intravenous Catheter Extravasation in a Child
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Risk Score of Li et al for Postoperative Delirium After Major Abdominal Surgery
Predictors of Khan et al for Persistent Incisional Pain After Noncardiac Surgery
Block Failure (Unsuccessful Block)
Rebound Pain After Regional Nerve Block
Oxford Anaesthetic Complexity (OxAnCo) Score: Patient Subscore
Oxford Anaesthetic Complexity (OxAnCo) Score: Technical Subscore and Total Score
Sickness Assessment (SA) of Kennedy et al for Surgical Emergency in an Older Adult
Preoperative Myocardial Injury and Other Predictors of Zimmerman et al for Outcomes Following Emergency General Surgery
Model of Donati et al for Predicting Mortality Following Surgery
COLDS Score of Lee and August for Evaluating a Pediatric Patient with an Upper Respiratory Infection Prior to Elective Surgery
Model of Kim et al for Predicting Pulmonary Adverse Events in a Pediatric Patient with an Upper Respiratory Infection Prior to Elective Surgery
Risk Factors of Lee et al for Perioperative Respiratory Adverse Effects in a Child with a Recent Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Operation Frailty Risk Score (OFRS) of Lee et al for an Older Adult
Nomograms of Wang et al for Predict Difficult Laryngoscopy: Nomogram 1
Nomograms of Wang et al for Predict Difficult Laryngoscopy: Nomogram 2 for Difficult Tracheal Intubation
Postintubation Tracheal Rupture
The 3-3-2 Rule for Endotracheal Intubation
Simplified Predictive Intubation Difficulty Score (SPIDS) of L'Hermite et al
Ratio of Height to Thyromental Distance (RHTMD)
Ratio of Height to Sternomental Distance (RHSMD)
Ratio of Neck Circumference to Thyromental Distance in the Prediction of Difficult Laryngoscopy
Predictors of Stevens et al for Early Free Flap Failure on the Head and Neck
Nomograms of Burkhard et al for Evaluating Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstructions: Need for Surgical Revision
Nomograms of Burkhard et al for Evaluating Free Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstructions: Flap-Related Complications
Model of Cook and Day for Predicting Hospital Mortality for an Older Adult Undergoing Urgent or Emergent Laparotomy
Predictors of Mihailov et al for Postoperative Mortality After Emergency Surgery for Obstructive Colon Cancer
Risk Factors of Manceau et al for 30-Day Mortality After Emergency Surgery for Obstructing Colon Cancer
Risk Score of DeCarlo at el for Predicting the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome After Endovascular Repair of a Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Surabaya Scoring System for a Early Mortality After Surgery for Colorectal Cancer
Postpartum Urinary Retention
Risk Factors of Croghan et al for Postoperative Urinary Retention (POUR) Following Elective Inguinal Hernia Repair
Nomogram of Jing et al for Predicting Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Model of Yu et al for Acute Kidney Injury in an Older Adult Undergoing Partial Hepatectomy
Risk Factors of Saager et al for Residual Neuromuscular Block
Predictors of Prince-Wright et al for Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation (POAF) and Mortality
Predictors of Hu et al for Perioperative Atrial Fibrillation Following Burn Surgery
Prediction Rule of Feng et al for New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Postoperative Gastroparesis Associated with GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Therapy
PROPDESC Model of Menzenbach et al for Preoperative Screening for Postoperative Delirium
Predictors of Dumfarth et al for Postoperative Stroke After Emergent Surgery for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
Nomogram of Wang et al for Preoperative Prediction of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia Following Cardiac Surgery
Logistic Regression Model of Wang et al for Preoperative Prediction of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia Following Cardiac Surgery
Nomogram of Wang et al for Prediction of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia After Cardiac Surgery
Logistic Regression Model of Wang et al for Prediction of Postoperative Hyperlactatemia After Cardiac Surgery
Types and Possible Causes of Hyperlactatemia After Cardiac Surgery
Postoperative Hyperlactatemia and In-Hospital Mortality After Acute Type A Aortic Dissection Surgery Based on the Study of Bennett et al
Predictive Model of Wang et al for Postoperative Hyperlactatemia in a Patient with Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
Preoperative Score of Zorbas et al for Predicting 30-Day Mortality After Major Hepatectomy
Preoperative Assessment of Martin et al Prior to Minimally Invasive Pituitary Surgery
Difficult Intubation in a Diabetic with Limited Joint Mobility (Stiff Joint) Syndrome
Difficult Airway Associated with Osseous Torticollis
Predictors of Xin et al for Postoperative Septic Cardiomyopathy in a Patient with Perioperative Sepsis
Decortication Prognostic Score (DPS) of Zorbas et al for Predicting Postoperative Mortality Following Lung Decortication
Risk Factors of Arenal and Bengoechea-Beeby for Short-Term Mortality After Emergency Abdominal Surgery in an Older Adult
Clinical Score of Eleiba et al for Complications After Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast Reduction Score of Baltodano et al Following Reduction Mammoplasty
Nomogram of Wang et al for Predicting Acute Kidney Injury Following On-Pump Cardiac Surgery
Intraoperative Anaphylaxis Associated with a Hydatid Cyst
Score of Shen et al for Postoperative Delirium in an Older Adult with Hip Fracture
Postoperative Analgesic Intake Needs (PAIN) Score of Johnson et al Following Spinal Surgery
Risk of Hemorrhage Following Regional Nerve Block
Risk Factors for Neuropathy Following Regional Nerve Block
Predictors of Jorgensen et al for Preventable Morbidity in a Patient Undergoing Fast-Track Knee or Hip Arthroplasty
Difficult Airway Associated with Laryngeal Papillomatosis
Risk Factors of Braz et al for Perioperative Cardiac Arrest in a Trauma Patient
Nomogram of Berardi et al for Predicting Complications Following Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Patient with the Metabolic Syndrome
Model of Shulman et al for Predicting Disability or Death After Surgery for an Older Adult
Model of Freundlich et al for Predicting Reintubation After Cardiac Surgery
STAGE Score of Xu et al for Predicting Extubation Readiness in a Neurosurgical Patient on Mechanical Ventilation
Nomogram of Fang et al for Predicting Prolonged Stay in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit After Elective Surgery
Score of Bulatao et al for Fast-Tracking a Patient Undergoing Liver Transplant
Score of Haque et al for Fast-Tracking a Patient Undergoing Liver Transplant (Modified Fast-Track Score of Bulatao et al, mFT)
Nomogram of Zhong et al for Predicting Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) After Emergency Surgery
Perioperative Management of a Patient with Glutaric Aciduria Type I
Risk Factors of Wang et al for Delayed Neurocognitive Recovery for an Older Adult After Thoracic Surgery
Nomogram of Lin et al for Predicting Delirium in a Pediatric Patient After Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Models of Huang et al for Predicting Postoperative Delirium in a Neurosurgical Patient (E-PREPOD-NS)
Risk Factors of Qi et al for Intraoperative Shivering During a Cesarean Section
Recommendations of Conover et al for Managing a Child on a Ketogenic Diet
Dosing Propofol in Pediatric Patients Using the Equations of van Dijk et al: Maintenance Dose