California Disability Rating System
U.S. Department of Labor Physical Demand Characteristics of Work
Working Ability Index (WAI) of Ilmarinen and Tuomi
Psychosocial Factors of Karasek and Theorell Impacting the Work Environment
Types of Contingent or Alternative Work Arrangements
Combining Multiple Impairments
The Rehabilitation Index
Brief Disability Computation Chart
The Modified Somatic Perception Questionnaire (MSPQ)
Rapid Disability Rating Scale
PULSES Profile for Comprehensive Rehabilitation
Barthel Index
The 10-Item Modified Barthel Index
Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living (ADL, Katz Index)
Quality of Life Score Following Intensive Care
Health Index of Grogono and Woodgate
Disability Index for the General Household Survey
The London Handicap Scale
The Personal Dependency Questionnaire of Harris
Classification of Rosser and Kind for Illness States
The Rotterdam 9-Item Handicap Scale
The Environmental Status Scale (ESS)
The Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNLI)
The Groningen Activity Restriction Scale (GARS)
Incapacity Scale of Kurtzke
Injury Impairment Scale (IIS) and Injury Disability Scale (IDS)
The Northwick Park Dependency Score (NPDS)
Physical Self-Maintenance Scale of Lawton and Brody
Simplified Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale of Presant et al
Activities of Daily Living Scale of Presant et al
Functional Assessment Staging (FAST) of Reisberg
Modified Crichton Royal Behavioural Rating Scale (CRBRS)
Jensen Index of Social Function
Prediction of Prolonged Self-Perceived Recovery After Musculoskeletal Injuries (PPS) of Ottosson et al
Independence Scale for a Patient with Huntington's Disease
Bathing Disability Scale of Gill et al
Self-Reported Global Rating of Change (GROC)
Disuse Syndrome Associated with Chronic Illness
Impairment in Ischemic Heart Disease
AMA Criteria for Lower Extremity Impairment in Peripheral Vascular Disease
Canadian Cardiovascular Society Functional Classification of Angina
Specific Activity Scale Functional Classification of Goldman et al for Cardiovascular Disease
The Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) Walking Impairment Questionnaire
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Disease of the Aorta
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment of the Upper Extremity Associated with Peripheral Vascular Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Pulmonary Hypertension
The New York Heart Association (NYHA) Functional Classification in a Patient with Heart Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Cardiomyopathy
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with a Cardiac Arrhythmia
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Pericardial Heart Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Valvular Heart Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Congenital Heart Disease
Criteria for Occupational Asthma
Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS)
Criteria of Terho for Farmer's Lung Disease
Organic Dust Toxic Syndrome (ODTS)
Short Version of the ILO U/C 1971 International Classification of the Pneumoconioses
Clinical Grades of Schilling for Byssinosis
Risk Factors for Clinical Byssinosis
Clinical Features of Caplan's Syndrome
Diagnostic Algorithm of Bernstein for Occupational Asthma
Quebec System of Compensation for a Patient with Occupational Asthma
Darkroom Disease in Radiographers
Emphysema Score (E Score) of Leigh et al in a Coal Miner
Silo Filler's Lung (Nitrogen Dioxide-Induced Pulmonary Disease)
Pulmonary Talcosis
Diagnostic Criteria for Hard Metal Pneumoconiosis
Welder's Lung
Occupational Asthma Associated with Seafood
Classes of Respiratory Impairment
Motor Neurone Disease Dyspnoea Rating Scale (MDRS) for Dyspnea
American Thoracic Society (ATS) Criteria for Impairment Rating in a Patient with Asthma
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with a Defect of the Upper Airway (Air Passages)
The Medical Research Council (MRC) Dyspnea Scale and Its Modifications (Fletcher Scale)
Baseline Dyspnea Index of Mahler et al
Transition Dyspnea Index of Mahler et al
Functional Classification for Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Prognostic Factors from the Six Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) Test for a Patient with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension
Predictors of Chung et al for Deterioration in Pulmonary Function Following Therapy in a Patient with Pulmonary Tuberculosis
The Copenhagen Neck Functional Disability Scale
Neck Pain Score of Jordan et al
The Neck Disability Index
The Northwick Park Neck Pain Questionnaire
Impairment with Hand Injury
Upper Extremity Function Scale for Upper Extremity Disorders
Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire
Capabilities of Upper Extremity (CUE) Instrument
The Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) Symptom Scale
Impairment Scale of Allen Following Amputation or Injury of a Fingertip
The Strain Index of Moore and Garb for Distal Upper Extremity Disorders
Equation of Moore and Garb for Predicting the Incidence Rate of Distal Upper Extremity Disorders from Occupational Exposure
Brooke Grading Scale for Upper Extremity Function
Arm Functioning Score of Kwan for Chronic Arm Morbidity Following Therapy for Breast Cancer
Functional Assessment of a Finger with the Boutonniere Deformity
Functional Outcome Following High Pressure Injection Injuries to the Hand
Total Active Motion (TAM) Rating Scale for Finger Movement After a Deep Dermal Burn
Functional Outcome Following a Mechanical Corn Picker Injury to the Hand
Functional Outcome Following Surgery for the Lateral Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Risk Factors for Hand Injury in Indian Sugarcane Crushers
Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome Associated with Vascular Injury
Arm Disability Grade Scale of Hughes in Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Questionnaire of Levine et al for Clinical Assessment of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Use of the Alderson-McGall Hand Function Questionnaire as an Outcome Measure in Patients with the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Recommendations of Schoenfeld for Prevention of Carpal Tunnel and Other Wrist Complaints in an Ultrasonographer
Taylor-Pelmear Stages in the Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome
Stockholm Workshop Scale for Cold-Induced Raynaud's Phenomenon in the Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome
Sensorineural Stages in the Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome
Clinical Features of the Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)
Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome in a Chain Saw Operator
The Oswestry Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire
The Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation for the Recommended Weight Limit
The Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale
Low Back Pain Rating Scale of Manniche et al.
Functional Improvement Measures (FIM) of Gottlieb for Low Back Pain
The Bournemouth Questionnaire for Measuring Outcome in Patients with Low Back Pain
Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) for Patients with Back Pain
Aberdeen Low Back Pain Scale
The Low-Back Outcome Scale of Greenough and Fraser
The Back Pain Function Scale (BPFS) of Stratford et al
Chronic Disability Index of Waddell and Main for Patients with Low Back Pain
Low Back Pain Impairment Score of Waddell and Main
Low Back Pain Disability Questionnaire of Roland and Morris
Minimum Change in the Roland-Morris Questionnaire
Clinical Symptom Score of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) for a Patient with Lumbar Disc Herniation
Modification of the Pain Scales of Von Korff et al to Evaluate a Patient with Back Pain
Techniques for Preventing Low Back Injury When Lifting
Criteria for When to Use the AMA Criteria for Permanent and Stable Impairment of the Spine
AMA Criteria for When to Use the Range of Motion (ROM) Method to Determine Impairment in a Patient with a Spinal Disorder
Modified General Function Score (GFS) of Hagg et al for a Patient with Low Back Pain
Disabilities Associated with Kyphosis
Backache Index (BAI) of Farasyn and Meeusen
Criteria of Spengler et al for Outcome Following Elective Discectomy for a Herniated Lumbar Disc
Impairment due to Pelvic Fractures
Lower Limb Impairment from Gait Derangement
Lower Limb Impairment from Amputation
Impairment due to Ankylosis of Toes
Clinical Prediction Rule for Prolonged Nursing Home Residence Following a Hip Fracture
The Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS)
Questionnaire for Assessing Rehabilitation After Lower Extremity Amputation
Criteria of Sundt and Catterall for Outcome in a Patient with Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Physical Performance Battery of Guralnik for Evaluating Lower Extremity Function
Factors of MacKenzie et al for Early Prediction of Long-Term Work Disability Following Major Lower Limb Trauma
Grades of Vignos et al for Hip and Leg Function in a Patient with Muscular Dystrophy
Estimating the Percent Weight Bearing By a Patient Being Rehabilitated on a Tilt Table
Predictors of Pape et al for Poor Outcome 10 Years or More After Multiple Orthopedic Injuries (Polytrauma)
Glasgow Outcome Scale
Categories of Traumatic Coma from Computed Tomography
Narayan's Logistic Model
Choi's Logistic Model
Klauber's Logistic Model for Severe Head Injury
Glasgow-Liege Scores
Choi Classification and Regression Tree Model
Prognostic Score of Ong et al for Predicting Poor Outcome After Pediatric Head Injury
Outcome Prediction Score of Combes et al For Adults with Severe Head Injury
Risk Factors of Hamel et al for Death or Severe Disability in Comatose Patients
The Rappaport Disability Rating Scale (DRS)
The Supervision Rating Scale (SRS)
Differential Outcome Scale (DOS) After Head Injury
The Rancho Los Amigos Cognitive Scale After Brain Injury (Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale)
The Extended Glasgow Outcome Scale
Modified Sequelae Score of Carlsson et al Following Head Injury
Outcome Prediction Model of Tasaki et al for a Patient with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
Risk Factors of Tasaki et al for Identifying a Patient with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Who Will Have an Unfavorable Outcome
Postconcussion Syndrome (PCS) Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Predictors of Dischinger et al for Persistent Postconcussion Syndrome (PCS) Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Adults
Self-Reported Neurological Disability in Multiple Sclerosis
The Rankin Scale For Stroke Disability
The Oxford Handicap Scale
The Trunk Control Test for Motor Impairment After Stroke
The Motricity Index for Motor Impairment After Stroke
Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category Scale
Neurodevelopmental Disability in Infants
The Migraine Disability Assessment Score (MIDAS)
The Henry Ford Headache Disability Inventory (HDI)
The Frenchay Activities Index for Stroke Patients
The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale (ALSFRS)
The ALS Score of Jablecki et al for Disability in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
The ALS Severity Score of Hillel et al (ALSSS)
Assessment of Basic Care for the Demented (ABCD)
Facial Disability Index for a Patient with Facial Neuromuscular Dysfunction
Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29)
MDS Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS)
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Dementia
AMA Criteria for Impairment Arising from Disturbances in Consciousness or Awareness
AMA Criteria for Impairment Arising from Episodic Loss of Consciousness or Awareness
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Dysfunction of the Facial Nerve (Cranial Nerve VII)
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Dysfunction of the Vestibulocochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve VIII)
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Dysfunction of the Trigeminal Nerve (Cranial Nerve V)
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Dysfunction of the Glossopharyngeal, Vagus and/or Hypoglossal Nerves (Cranial Nerves IX, X, XII)
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Aphasia or Dysphasia
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Sleep and Arousal Disorders
Disability Status Scale (DSS) of Kurtzke for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
The Scripps Neurological Rating Scale (NRS) in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Functional Systems of Kurtzke for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) of Kurtzke for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Columbia University Disability Questionnaire for Essential Tremor
Columbia University Performance-Based Function Test for Essential Tremor
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Dysfunction of the Olfactory Nerve (Cranial Nerve I)
AMA Criteria for Impairment of One Upper Extremity Associated with a Central Neurologic Disorder
AMA Criteria for Impairment of Two Upper Extremities Associated with a Central Neurologic Disorder
AMA Criteria for Impairment of One Upper Extremity Associated with a Chronic Pain Disorder
AMA Criteria for Impairment of Urinary Bladder Function in Patients with a Neurologic Disorder
AMA Criteria for Impairment of Anorectal Function in Patients with a Neurologic Disorder
AMA Criteria for Impairment of Respiratory Function in Patients with a Neurologic Disorder
The ALS Score of Norris et al
Classification of Thorbecke and Janz for Epilepsy Based on Occupational Hazards
Nine-Point Scale for Neurological Outcome of Ohta et al
Rating Scale of Larsen et al for Parkinson's Disease
Recovery Assessment of Klee et al Following West Nile Virus Encephalitis
The Medical Research Council (MRC) Neurologic Scale
Disability Associated with a Focal Dystonia and the Response to Botulinum Toxin Injection
Impaired Writing Associated with Focal Dystonia Affecting the Muscles of the Upper Limb (Writer's Cramp)
Equations of Wade et al for Predicting the 6 Month Barthel Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Score in a Patient with a Recent Stroke
Disabilities Following Bacterial Meningitis
Grading Scheme of Ambalavanan et al for a Patient with Cerebral Palsy
Prognostic Factors of Langer-Gould et al for Evaluating a Patient with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Soon After Diagnosis
Short Form Quadriplegia Index of Function (QIF) Scale
Quadriplegia Index of Function (QIF) Scale
Stages of Chu for Impairment from Neurological Involvement in Wilson's Disease
Adrenoleukodystrophy Disability Rating Scale (ALD-DRS)
Impairment Associated with the HIV-Associated Dementia Complex
Response to Surgical Therapy for Pudendal Nerve Entrapment
Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) for a Child with Cerebral Palsy
Predicting the Functional Outcome After Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) Using the FUNC Score of Rost et al
Stages of Shoulson and Fahn for Disability in Huntington's Disease
Scale of Hughes et al for Disability in a Patient with Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Stroke Recovery of Activities of Daily Living and Mobility (RAM) Index of Stineman et al
Disability Classification of Gempp and Blatteau for a Scuba Diver with Neurological Decompression Sickness
Pediatric Stroke Outcome Measure (PSOM)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Shoulder, Elbow, and Forearm (A)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Wrist (B)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Hand (C)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Coordination and Speed of the Upper Extremity (D)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Hip, Knee and Ankle (E)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Speed and Coordination of the Lower Extremity (F)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Balance (G)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Sensation (H)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Passive Joint Motion (J)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Joint Pain (J)
Protocol of Fugl-Meyer et al for Assessment of the Post-Stroke Hemiplegic Patient: Total Score
Predictors of Hankey et al for Recovery from Disability Following a Recurrent Ischemic Stroke
Disability Affecting Patients Following Complete Resection of an Ependymoma
Cerebral Performance Category Score (CPCS) of Seeger et al Following Cardiac Arrest
Tinnitus Rating Scale
Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly – Screening (HHIE-S)
Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly
The Short Form Version of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHIsf)
The Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI)
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Monaural Hearing Loss
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Binaural Hearing Loss
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with a Vestibular Disorder
Rivermead Motor Index
Rivermead Motor Assessment, Gross Function Subscale
Clinical Mobility Scale
Balance Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (BPOMA) of Tinetti
Guttman-Type Scale of De Souza for Mobility Disability in Multiple Sclerosis
Wisconsin Gait Scale (WGS)
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Station and Gait Disorders
Ambulation Index of Hauser et al
Gross Motor Function Classification System of Palisano et al for Assessing Mobility in a Child 6 to 12 Year of Age With Cerebral Palsy
Modified Mobility Scale of Bleck for Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Ambulation Scale of Volpicelli et al for a Patient with Bilateral Lower Extremity Amputations
Mobility Assessment Score of Parker and Palmer (Parker Mobility Score)
Predictive Score of Hagino et al for Mobility in an Older Adult Following Hip Fracture
Factors of Beckung et al Associated with Walking Ability in a Child with Cerebral Palsy
Berg Balance Scale (BBS)
Modified Scoring of the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) Recommended by Kornetti et al
Clinical Stages of Ataxia Severity
Risk Factors of Bruce et al for Impaired Mobility in a Patient with Type 2 Diabetes
Sources of Variability in the Six Minute Walk Distance (6MWD, Six Minute Walk Test)
Indications for Performing the Six Minute Walk Distance (6MWD, Six Minute Walk Test)
Minimizing Complications During the Six Minute Walk Distance (6MWD, Six Minute Walk Test)
Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI II) of Morganti et al
SIGAM Mobility Grades for a Patient with a Lower Limb Amputation
Prediction Rule of van Middendorp et al for Ambulation Following Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
Reasons for Impaired Mobility in an Alcoholic
Clinical Pain Assessment
Questionnaire of von Korff et al for Grading the Severity of Chronic Pain
The McGill Pain Questionnaire
The McGill Home Recording Card for Pain
The Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA)
The Pain Disability Index (PDI)
Edmonton Staging System for Cancer Pain
Signs of Schecter et al That May Indicate the Presence of Pain in an Elderly Patient
The EAPC Algorithm for Evaluating Episodic (Breakthrough) Cancer Pain
The UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) Pain Behavior Scale
The Clinical Assessment Objectives for Pain Management
The Pain Rating System of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG)
The Adult Nonverbal Pain Scale of Odhner et al
Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT)
Pain Scale of Bloechle et al
Classification of Joint Pain from the World Federation of Haemophilia
Breakthrough Pain
Classification of Pain for a Patient with Cancer
Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) of Payen et al for a Sedated Patient in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) of Curtis et al for Evaluating Pain in an Adult Trauma Patient
Evaluating Pain in a Patient with Cancer
Criteria of Macrae and Davies for Chronic Postsurgical Pain
International Consensus Response Criteria for Pain Related to Bone Metastases
Impact of the Therapeutic Response to Pregabalin on the Ability of a Patient with Fibromyalgia to Work
Risk Factors of Landi et al for Inadequate Pain Management in an Elderly Patient Living in the Community
Clinical Features of Nociceptive Central Pain
Celiac Plexus Neurolysis for Controlling the Pain Associated with Pancreatic Cancer
Pain Catastrophizing
Impairment Related to Anemia
AMA Criteria for Rating Permanent Impairment Caused by a Hemorrhagic or Platelet Disorder
AMA Criteria for Rating Permanent Impairment Caused by a White Blood Cell Disorder
The Haemophilia Utilization Group Study (HUGS) Functional State Measure for a Patient with Hemophilia
Scale of Graafsma et al for Determining the Impact of an Anticoagulant-Related Bleeding
Functional Independence Score in Hemophilia (FISH)
The Cervical Myelopathy Disability Index (MDI) in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Grading System of Steinbrocker et al for Functional Disability in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Report for Children (JAFAR-C)
Juvenile Arthritis Functional Assessment Scale (JAFAS)
The Dutch Version of the Functional Index for Ankylosing Spondylitis (DFI-AS)
The Functional Index of Dougados et al for Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2 Short Form (AIMS2-SF) for Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) of Fries et al for a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) of Singh et al for a Patient with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Function Questionnaire Hanover (Funktionsfragebogen Hannover, FFbH)
The Health Assessment Questionnaire II (HAQ II) of Wolfe et al
The Modified Health Assessment Questionnaire of Daltroy et al for a Spondyloarthropathy (HAQ-S)
Revised Criteria of the American College of Rheumatology for the Classification of Functional Status in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Nomogram of Bansback et al for Predicting Functional Outcome in a Patient with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis
Linear Predictor of Bansback et al for Predicting Functional Outcome in a Patient with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis
Grades of Henricksson and Sandestedt for Functional Disability in Dermatomyositis or Polymyositis
Cochin Scale for Hand Disability for a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Risk Factors of Partridge et al for Early Work Disability in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
The Cardiff Acne Disability Index
Estimating Impairment Due to Skin Disorder
Impairment from Skin Loss Associated with Ulcerations of the Lower Extremity
The Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI)
AMA Criteria for Rating Permanent Impairment Caused by a Skin Disorder
Functional Impairment Associated with Buruli Ulcer (Mycobacterium ulcerans) in Developing Countries
Prognostic Factors of Cvetkovski et al for a Patient with Occupational Hand Eczema
Criteria of Bergasa for Disability Associated with Pruritus
Impairment Associated with Lymphedema
Photomutilation Associated with Cutaneous Porphyrias
Washerwoman Hands (Dishpan Hands)
Disfigurement and Dysfunction Scales After Head and Neck Cancer Surgery
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Facial Disorders and Disfigurement
Risk Factors for Impairment Following Facial Disfigurement from Dog Bites
The Oral Health Impact Profile
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Voice or Speech Disorders
AMA Criteria for Impairment Associated with Disorders of Mastication and Deglution
The Anamnestic and Clinical Dysfunction Indices of Helkimo for Disorders of the Temporomandibular Joint and Masticatory System
The Activity of Daily Living (ADL) Scale of List and Helkimo for a Patient with a Craniomandibular Disorder
Method of Hess for Quanti-Scaling the Articulatory Defect in a Patient with a Cleft Palate
Disability Associated with Recurrent Aphthous Ulcers in the Mouth
Disability Associated with Gingival Hyperplasia
Disability Associated with Noma (Cancrum Oris)
The Pediatric Overall Performance Category (POPC) Scale
The WeeFIM Instrument for Evaluating Children with Developmental Disabilities
The ABILITIES Index for Children with Disabilities
The Functional Disability Inventory (FDI)
Criteria of Stein et al for an Ongoing Pediatric Health Condition
Diagnostic Criteria for the Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
Frailty Scale of Rockwood et al
Geriatric Functional Rating Scale (GFRS)
Clinical Prediction Tool of Sarkisian et al for Functional Decline in Elderly Women Using Modifiable Risk Factors
Bedside Risk Scoring System for Mortality in Older Adults After Hospitalization (Prognostic Index of Walter et al)
Using the HELP Survival Model of Teno et al for Predicting the Survival of Older Hospitalized Patients
Star Rating Scale for the Elderly
Self-Reporting Screening Instrument of Brody et al to Predict Frailty in an Elderly Patient
The Physical Performance Test of Reuben et al for the Elderly Patient
Predictive Index of Inouye et al for Functional Decline in a Hospitalized Elderly Medical Patient
Risk Index Critical Score of Evans et al for Identifying an Elderly Patient Requiring Continued Care
Phenotype of Fried et al for Frailty in Older Adults (CHS Index)
Prognostic Index of Lee et al for Predicting the Risk of Mortality within 4 Years for an Older Adult
Geriatric Targeting Criteria of Satish et al
Concerns of Dworkin et al for Managing a Frail, Elderly Patient
Core Elements and Additional Characteristics of Fried et al to Identify a Frail, Elderly Patient
Risk Factors of Reuben et al for Identifying an Elderly Patient at High Risk for Increased Hospital Utilization
Criteria of Paw et al for Frailty in an Elderly Patient
Frailty Index of the Ensrud et al from the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures (SOF Index)
Predictors of Incalzi et al for a Geriatric Patient Admitted to an Acute Care Hospital
Risk Factors of Lawrence et al for Disability Following Major Abdominal Surgery in an Elderly Patient
Cumulative Frailty Index (FI) of Kulminski et al
Frailty Score of Ravaglia et al for an Elderly Patient
The Emory Inconsistency Profile
Global Pain Behavior Scale from the AMA Guides
Munchausen (Munchhausen) Syndrome
Findings of Leavitt and Sweet Identifying a Malingering Patient with Low Back Pain
Cardiopathia Fantastica (Cardiac Munchausen Syndrome)
Criteria of Mallinson and Longridge for Malingering in a Patient with Work-Related Vestibular Injury
The Falls Handicap Inventory (FHI)
Falls Efficacy Scale (FES)
Risk Factors of Scheffer et al for Fear of Falling in an Older Adult
Levels of Gottlieb et al for Vocational Restoration in a Worker with Pain
Patient Assessment Criteria for Safe Transfer and Movement
Patient Transfer Up from the Floor
Patient Repositioning in a Chair
Patient Transfer from Chair to Stretcher or Exam Table
Patient Reposition in Bed
Patient Transfer from Bed to Stretcher or Trolley
Patient Transfer from Seated to Seated Positions
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Disorders of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract (Esophagus, Stomach, and Small Intestine)
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Pancreatic Disorders
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Liver Disorders
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Biliary Disorders
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Intestinal Hernias
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Disorders of the Colon and Rectum
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Anal Disorders
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Surgically Created Stomas
Criteria of Fleisher et al for Disability in the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome
Activities Assessment Scale of McCarthy et al for Evaluating Disability Associated with a Hernia
Disability Associated with Intractable Hiccups
Disability Associated with the Dumping Syndrome
Impairment Rating of Baik et al for a Patient with a Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Risk Factors for Disability in a Worker with an Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Impairment Rating of Baik et al for an Anal Disorder
Impairment Rating of Baik et al for a Patient with an Ileostomy or Colostomy
Impairment Rating of Baik et al for a Patient with Liver Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Diabetes Mellitus
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with a Hypothalamic-Pituitary Disorder
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Metabolic Bone Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Hyperparathyroidism
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Hypoparathyroidism
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Thyroid Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Hypoadrenalism
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Hyperadrenocorticism
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Pheochromocytoma
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Hypoglycemia
Evaluating a Diabetic for Impairment Associated with Hypoglycemia
Predictors of von Korff et al for Work Disability in a Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Bladder Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Urethral Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Upper Urinary Tract Disease
Occupational Risk Factors of Nuyts et al Associated with Development of Chronic Renal Failure
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Penile Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Scrotal Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Testicular Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Prostate Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Vulval or Vaginal Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Cervical and Uterine Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Fallopian Tube and Ovarian Disease
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with Neurologic Sexual Impairment
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with a Disorder of the Mammary Glands (Breasts)
Impairment in a Woman with Macromastia
Impairment Associated with a Uterine Leiomyoma
Impairment in a Woman with a Vaginal Fistula
AMA Criteria for Permanent Impairment Associated with an Emotional or Behavioral Disorder
AMA Criteria for Impairment Classes Associated with a Mental or Behavioral Disorder
Classes of Cognitive Impairment (Mental Retardation, Intellectually Challenged, Low IQ)
Arthritis Problem Indicator (API)
Criteria of Chen Chung-Wei et al for Functional Outcome After Replantation of an Amputated Extremity
Method of Bleck for Functional Assessment in Patients with Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Risk Factors of Alvarez-Nemegyei et al for Musculoskeletal Disability in a Patient with Primary Gout
Risk Factor Score for Nursing Facility Eligibility in the Texas Department of Human Services
Clues to an Occupational Allergic Reaction
Mental Workload Scale
Work Burnout
Risk Factors for Boredom at Work
Algorithm of Van Hook et al for Selecting an Ambulatory Device for an Elderly Patient with a Gait Disorder
Methods of Kumar et al for Fitting a Patient with a Cane
Methods of Bauer et al for Measuring the Proper Length of Crutches for a Patient
Evaluating the Features of an Ambulatory Device
Aneurysms and Other Vascular Complications of Axillary Crutches
Risk Factors of Nelson et al for Wheelchair Falls or Tips Affecting a Veteran with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Impairments Associated with Prolonged Bed Rest
Criteria of Blehm et al for the Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)
Watery Eyes in a Patient with Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction
Eyes, Hands, Feet (EHF) Score for a Patient with Leprosy
Risk Factors of Arora and Jaiwant for Hand Deformity in a Patient with Leprosy
Criteria of Brandsma and Van Brakel for Grading Hand or Foot Impairment in Leprosy Using the WHO Scheme
Criteria of Brandsma and Van Brakel for Grading Eye Impairment in Leprosy Using the WHO Scheme
Screening Tool of Nicholls et al for Risk of Future Impairment in a Patient with Leprosy
Four Point Scoring System (FPSS) of Meyer et al for a Patient with Mucopolysaccharidosis Type IIIA (Sanfilippo Syndrome Type A)
Impairment in a Patient with Dracunculiasis
Why an Occupational Injury May Not Be Reported
Measure of Byerly et al for Athletic Rehabilitation Compliance
Milker’s Hand
Industrial Toxin Exposures Associated with Cardiovascular Disease
World Trade Center Cough (WTC) Syndrome
Intracerebral Hemorrhage Functional Outcome Score (ICH-FOS) of Ji et al
Independent Mobility Validation Examination (I-MOVE) Tool of Manning et al
Evaluating the Level of Pain Relief with an Analgesic with the Pain Intensity Difference (PID) and Summated Pain Intensity Difference (SPID)
Hyperalgesia Associated with Alcohol or Opiod Withdrawal
Flemish Version of the Triage Risk Screening Tool (fTRST)
G8 Screening Tool for Evaluating a Geriatric Patient
Multidimensional Frailty Score of Kim et al
Reasons Why Malingering or a Conversion Reaction May Not Be Recognized
Disability Associated with an Inguinal Hernia in a Developing Country
White Page Syndrome and Writer’s Block
Physiological Effects After Critical Care
Physiologic Markers of Ness et al for Premature Frailty and Accelerated Aging in an Adult Survivor of a Childhood Cancer
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) Scale of Lawton and Brody
Work Instability (WI) Levels of Gilworth et al
Delta Barthel Index
Baritosis Associated with Inhalation of Barium Dust
Axillary Web Syndrome (AWS) Following Axillary Surgery
Risk Factors of Xiong et al for Neurodevelopmental Outcome in a Preterm Infant
Olfactory Impairment
Physical Disability, Fatigue and Depression in Multiple Sclerosis
Grades of Functional Impairment Associated with Orthostatic Intolerance
Gait Abnormalities Associated with a Diabetic Foot
Pain Score of Izbicki et al for a Patient with Chronic Pancreatitis
Disability Following Radical Neck Dissection
Vessel Depleted Neck
Voice Hygiene and Voice Therapy in Dysphonia
Minimum Data Set (MDS) Mortality Risk Index Revised (MMRI-R)
Screening Instrument of Schandl et al for Predicting New-Onset Physical Disability in an Adult Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Rating System of Baik et al for Impairment Associated with an Esophageal Disorder
Rating System of Baik et al for Impairment Associated with Gastric or Duodenal Disorder
Rating System of Baik et al for Impairment Following Surgery on the Upper Digestive Tract
Risk Factors of Verbrugge et al for Disability in an Adult with Arthritis
The Extended Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale (eMRCD)
Nonspecific Neck Pain Score of Paksaichol et al for an Office Worker
Jackhammer Arthropathy (Degenerative Osteoarthritis in a Jackhammer Operator)
Predictors of Hocker et al for Disability and Outcome in a Patient with Refractory Status Epilepticus (RSE)
Current Level of Functioning (CLOF) of Nguyen et al
Elders Risk Assessment Index (Elderly Risk Assessment Index, ERA)
Composite Risk Score of Revenig et al for Frailty Following Major Intra-Abdominal Surgery
Frailty Associated with HIV Infection
Modified Frailty Index of Patel et al
Leisure Sickness
Negative Consequences of Workplace Bullying
END-IT Score of Gao et al for Predicting Functional Outcome for a Patient with Convulsive Status Epilepticus
Grades of Nurick for Cervical Myelopathy
Madras Institute of Neurology Prognostic Scale (MINPS) of Ramesh et al for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (CSM)
Equations of Beekman et al for the Six Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) Using a 10 Meter Course
Disability Associated with Restricted Opening and/or Closing the Mouth and Jaws
Index of Drame et al for Predicting 2-Year Mortality for a Frail, Elderly Patient with an Emergency Admission to a Medical Ward (SAFES Score)
Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) of Pfeffer et al for Measuring Functional Activities of an Older Adult Living in the Community
Abbreviated Maslach Inventory of Clinician Burnout
Early Predictors of Tee et al for Functional Disability After Spinal Trauma
Predictors of Claassen et al for Functional Deterioration in a Patient with Status Epilepticus (SE)
Guy's Neurological Disability Scale (GNDS) for Disability in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
PLAN Clinical Prediction Rule of O'Donnell et al for a Patient with Acute Ischemic Stroke
Risk Factors of Singh and Brennan for Chewing Disability in an Older Adult
Equations of Britto et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Brazilian Adults
Equations of Chetta et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Caucasian Adults
Equations of Troosters et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in an Adult
Equation of Duncan et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy European Adults
Equations of Enright and Sherrill Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Adults
Equations of Camarri et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in a Healthy Adult
Equations of Jenkins et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Adults
Equations of Poh et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Adults in Singapore
Equations of Ngai et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Chinese Adults
Equations of Probst et al for Predicting the Incremental Shuttle Walking Test (ISWT)
Equations of Gibbons et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Adults
Equations of Geiger et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) for a Healthy Pediatric Patient
Equations of Ben Saad et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Tunisian Adults
Equations of Ben Saad et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy North African Pediatric Patients
Equations of Li et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Chinese Pediatric Patients
Equations of Alameri et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Adult Arabs
Equation of Priesnitz et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Brazilian Children
Equations of Zou et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Chinese Adults
Equation of Masmoudi et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Adult Tunisians
Equation of Casanova et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in s Healthy Adult
Equations of Iwama et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Brazilians
Equations of Enright et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Healthy Adults
Equation of Jurgensen et al for Predicting the Incremental Shuttle Walk Test Distance for an Older Brazilian Adult
Equations of Kim et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Korean Adults
Equation of Fernandes et al for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in a Healthy Adult from West India
Equations of Shrestha and Srivastava for Predicting the Six-Minute Walk Distance (6MWD) in Nepalese Adults
AAPT Criteria for Cancer-Induced Bone Pain
AAPT Criteria for Pancreatic Cancer Pain
Capsaicin-Associated Contact Dermatitis (Chile Hand Burns, Cajun Claw Syndrome, Hunan Hand Syndrome)
NaURSE Score of Wilson et al for Predicting In-Hospital Mortality for a Very Old Acutely Ill Patient
Prediction Model of Heyland et al for Performance Status of an Elderly Adult One Year After Being Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA) Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS, Clinical Frailty Score of Rockwood et al)
Classification of Occupational Hard Hat (Workplace Safety Helmet)
Care of the Hard Hat
Inspection of Electrical Insulating Gloves and Sleeves
General Requirement for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the Workplace
OSHA General Duty Clause for the Employer and Employee
Performance Status (PS) of Challen et al
URAM (Unite Rhumatologique des Affections de la Main) Scale of Beaudreuil et al for Disability in a Patient with Dupuytren's Disease
Predictors of Carmona et al Affecting Return to Work Following Surgery for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)
Micheli Functional Scale (MFS) for Evaluating an Athlete with Low Back Pain
Risk Factors of Davis et al for Permanent Disability in a Patient with Spinal Dysraphism (Spina Bifida, Myelomeningocele)
Risk Factors of Taylor et al for Postoperative Dysfunction Following a Major Lower Limb Amputation
Model of Maeshima et al for Eating and Swallowing Disability After Stroke
Protocol of Reddihough et al for Grading Unilateral Upper Limb Skills for a Child with Cerebral Palsy
Amputation Single Item Mobility Measure (AMPSIMM) of Norvell et al
Distance Saturation Product (DSP)
AMPREDICT Model of Czerniecki et al for Predicting Mobility After Dysvascular Lower Limb Amputation
Equation of Lanza et al for Estimating the Incremental Shuttle Walk Test (ISWT) for a Healthy Pediatric Patient
Equations of Mirza et al for Predicting the 2-Minute Walking Distance (2MWD) for a Malaysian Adult
Equations of Selman et al for Estimating the 2-Minute Walking Distance (2MWD) of a Healthy Adult
Equations of Dourado et al for Six-Minute Walking Distance (6MWD) in a Healthy Adult
Equations of Dourado et al for Incremental Shuttle Walking Distance (ISWD) in a Healthy Adult
Equations of Bohannon et al Predicting the 2-Minute Walking Distance (2MWD) for an Adult
Equations of Reid et al for Converting the Two Minute Walking Distance (2MWD) to the Six Minute Walking Distance for an Amputee
Prognostic Model of Levine et al for Predicting 1-Year Mortality for an Older Patient in the Hospital
Trauma-Specific Frailty Index of Toosizadeh et al
70-Item Frailty Index of the Canadian Study of Health and Aging (CSHA)
Health Scale of Rosow and Breslau for an Older Adult
FRAIL Scale of Morley et al for Screening an Adult for Frailty
FRAIL-NH of Kaehr et al
Welder's Eye (Welding-Related Occupational Eye Injuries)
OSHA Footwear Selection for a Worker
Requirements for Conductive Footwear in the Workplace
Risk Code Matrix (RCM)
General Classification for OSHA Citations
Worker Refusal Due to Dangerous Working Conditions
OSHA Hazard Assessment of a Worksite
Screen for Occupational Illnesses and Injuries That Must Be Reported
Worker Coverage of OSHA
Worker Misconduct
OSHA-Related First Aid versus Medical Treatment
OSHA Requirements for a First Aid Kit
OSHA Training for First Aid
Availability of Workers with First Aid Training Certificates
Protection from Falling Objects at a Construction Site
ISO 45001 Factors Associated with Success of an Occupational Health and Safety Program
ISO 45001 Sequence for Hazard Elimination
Leadership Commitment for Occupational Health and Safety in ISO 45001
ISO 45001 Guidance for Managerial Review of an Organization's Occupational Health and Safety Program
Hazard Identification in Occupational Health and Safety for ISO 45001
Risk Factors for Being Struck By Heavy Machinery
Risk Factors for Being Struck By a Flying Object at a Worksite
OSHA Steps to Ensure Trench and Excavation Safety
Risk Factors for a Caught Between Event at a Construction Site
Hole Cover
Competent Person
Risk Factors for Becoming Caught in Machinery
Worksite Housekeeping and Waste Disposal
Temporary Worksite Barrier Fencing
Roof or Edge Warning Line
Struck By Flying Debris on a Construction Worksite
Safety Monitoring System for Fall Prevention
Risk Factors for a Worker Being Struck By an Automobile or Truck
OSHA Requirements for a Blaster
Surface Transportation of Explosives
Battery Safety on the Worksite
Temporary Workers
Minimal Requirements for the OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Requirements for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Evacuation Planning in the OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Training Requirements for the OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Employee Alarm Systems in the OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Emergency Event Reporting in the OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Clinical Course Score (CCS) Following Traumatic Brain Injury or Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) for Stroke Disability
EDMUS Impairment Scale for Multiple Sclerosis with Clinical Progression
Modified Frailty Index Referenced by Karam et al for a Patient Undergoing Vascular Surgery
Locomotive Syndrome
Predictors of Wei et al for Prefrailty in the Elderly
Fire Prevention and Detection and the OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Fire Extinguishing and the OSHA Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
10 Steps for Starting an Occupational Health and Safety Program
Coal Fly Ash (CFA) Lung
Clinical Prediction Rules of Tanaka et al for a Decline in ADL at 6 Months After Hip Fracture Surgery: Model Based on Prerehabilitation Data
Clinical Prediction Rules of Tanaka et al for a Decline in ADL at 6 Months After Hip Fracture Surgery: Model Based on Postsurgical Data
Recovery Categories of Upper Extremity Function After Stroke
NEOS Score of Balu et al for Predicting 1-Year Functional Status in a Patient with Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis
PREP Algorithm for Predicting Upper Limb Recovery After Stroke
Blessed Dementia Rating Scale (BDRS) for Dementia-Related Disability
JAGUAR Score of Nugroho et al for an Ischemic Stroke Patient Ineligible for Recanalization Therapy
Clinical Prediction Rule of Hicks et al for Independent Walking After Spinal Cord Injury
Clinical Prediction Rule of van Middendorp et al for Independent Walking After Spinal Cord Injury
ICD-11 Criteria for Burnout
WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 12-Item Version (WHODAS12)
ACCF/AHA Functional Stages of Heart Failure
Permanent Work-Related Disability Associated with Venous Thromboembolism
Clinical Score of Taghiakbari for Occupational Exposure to High-Molecular-Weight Agents
Barthel Index - Dyspnea (BI-d)
Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI)
Prognostic Factors of Oosterhuis et al for Work Participation by a Patient with Sciatica
Model of van der Naalt et al for Outcome After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Disability Stages of Hoehn and Yahr for Parkinson's Disease
Disease Steps of Hohol et al for Multiple Sclerosis
Patient Determined Disease Steps (PDDS) Scale in Multiple Sclerosis
Rasch Overall ALS Disability Score (ROADS)
ALSFRS-R (Revised ALS Functional Rating Scale)
Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale (MSWS-12)
Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD)
Abbey Pain Scale
Neuropathic Pain Scale of Galer and Jensen
Central Post-Stroke Pain (CPSP, Thalamic Syndrome)
Checklist of Nonverbal Pain Indicators (CNPI)
Model of Nemunaitis et al for Early Prediction of Functional Impairment After Trauma
Frailty Screen of Kiani et al for a Patient Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR)
Paulson-Lichtenberg Frailty Index (PLFI)
Fried Frailty Phenotype Questionnaire (FFPQ) of Chen et al for Screening Elderly Community-Dwelling Japanese
FRAIL-J Score of Chen et al for Screening Elderly Community-Dwelling Japanese
Operational Definition of Chen et al for Frailty in Japan
Edmonton Frail Score (EFS)
Risk Factors of Gill et al for Severe Disability in a Community-Living Older Adult
Disability Subtypes of Gill et al for an Older Adult
Kihon Checklist
Liver Frailty Index in a Patient with End-Stage Liver Disease
Video Game Vision Syndrome in Children
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) versus Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
Occupational Inhalation of Capsaicin Dust (Chili Grinder Syndrome, Hot Pepper Cough)
Occupational Respiratory Symptoms in a Person Who Works with Coffee
Health Problems in Spice Workers
Mushroom Workers' Lung
Level of Sitting Scale for a Pediatric Patient with a Neuromuscular Disorder
Disability in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Associated with Spasticity
GADIS Score of O'Connor et al for Predicting Outcome After Mechanical Thrombectomy
Predictors of Lullo et al for Walking Activity in a Pediatric Patient with Myelomeningocele
Assessment for Discomfort in Dementia (ADD) Protocol of Kovach et al
Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) for Pain
SLICC-Frailty Index for a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Jaw Disability Checklist
5 and 11 Factor NSQIP Modified Frailty Indices (mFI-11 and mFI-5)
Prognostic Frailty Risk Score f Pijpers et al for a Psychogeriatic Patient
Phenotypic Factors of Shah et al for Frailty in an Older HIV-Positive Adult
Clinical Prediction Model of Jonkman et al for Functional Decline in an Older Adult
Frailty Score of Lurz et al for a Pediatric Patient with Liver Disease
Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS)
Flagger Safety
Functional Independence Scale (FIS) of Stineman et al
Shoulder Impairment Following Intensive Care
Miner's Knee
Modified Frailty Index (mFI-5) of Huq et al for a Patient with a Brain Tumor
Maugeri Models for Predicting Functional Outcome After Stroke Rehabilitation: Prediction of Motor Functional Independence Measure (M-FIM)
Maugeri Models for Predicting Functional Outcome After Stroke Rehabilitation: Prediction of Functional Independence Stage (FIS)
SUHB Gait Scale of Kellett et al
Walking Speed as Functional Vital Sign
Hip Fracture Prognosis (HF-Prognosis) Tool for Gait Recovery Following Hip Fragility Fracture
AGILE Score of Liquori et al for Detecting Multidimensional Frailty in an Older Adult
Frailty Subtypes of Baldwin et al for an Older Adult Surviving Acute Respiratory Failure
Practices of the Safest Contractors
Risk Prediction Model of Airaksinen et for Work Disability
Functional Classification of Ross et al for Pediatric Heart Failure
International Consensus Criteria for Staging Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)
Predictors of Preston et al for Recovery of Independent Walking After Stroke
Equation of Nikanishi et al for Predicting Daily Step Count in a Japanese Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Functional Ambulation Categories (FAC) of Viosca et al
Model of de Villambrosia et al for Gait Recovery After Hip Fracture (Hip Fracture Prognosis Tool, HF-Prognosis Tool)
PEG Pain Screen
Predictive Factors of Becher et al for Functional Recovery Following Major Surgery Performed on an Older Adult
Emergency Geriatric Screen (EGS) Tool of Schoenenberger et al: Cognition
Emergency Geriatric Screen (EGS) Tool of Schoenenberger et al: Fall Risk and Mobility
Emergency Geriatric Screen (EGS) Tool of Schoenenberger et al: Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
Frailty Index of Howlett et al Based on Laboratory Tests and Blood Pressure (FI-LAB)
FNIH Approach to an Older Adult with Poor Physical Function
OSHA Requirements for a Qualified Person
Performance Measure for Activities of Daily Living-8 (PMADL-8) of Shimizu et al
Functional Status Score the Intensive Care Unit (FSS-ICU)
Baker's Lung (Baker's Asthma)
Model of Devin et al for Predicting Retun to Work Following Cervical Spine Surgery
BLARt Score of Bowrey et al for Functional Outcome of a Lower Limb Amputee
ASIA Impairment Scale (AIS) for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Japan Severity Classification for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Risk of Ambulatory Disability (RoAD) Score of Gasperini et al for a Patient with Multiple Sclerosis
Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Walking (SEW-7) of Kawajiri et al
Fracture Mobility Score for a Patient Following Hip Fracture
Michigan Chronic Pain Disability Score
PROMIS Pain Intensity 3-Item Short Form
Comprehensive Frailty Severity Index (FSI) of Raveh et al for End-Stage Liver Disease: Physical Performance and Laboratory Components
Comprehensive Frailty Severity Index (FSI) for End-Stage Liver Disease of Raveh et al: Nutritional Assessment
Simplified Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (sCGA) of Spina et al
JEN Frailty Index Score (JFIS)
Simplified Frailty Score of Facon et al from the FIRST Trial (IMWG Frailty Score)
Clinical Prediction Rule of Kawano et al for Physical Activity After Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA)
High Activity Arthroplasty Score (HAAS)
Active Finger Extension and Prediction of Arm Function Recovery After a Stroke
PREP2 Algorithm for Predicting Upper Limb Function After a Stroke
Shoulder Shrug Test (Shoulder Abduction) and Prediction of Recovery of Upper Limb Function After a Stroke
Predictors of Martinez-Carranza et al for Inability to Walk 4 Months After Hip Fracture
IASP Criteria for Nociplastic Pain
Short Form of the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI)
Reported Edmonton Frail Score (REFS)
Geriatrician’s Impression of Frailty (GCIF)
Comprehensive Frailty Severity Index (FSI) of Raveh et al for End-Stage Liver Disease: Total Score
Nomogram of Dong et al for Predicting Frailty Progression n a Non-Frail Chinese Community-Living Adult
Predictors of Higgins et al for Death or New Disability After ICU Admission with Mechanical Ventilation
Risk Factors of Wan et al for 90-Day Readmission of a Geriatric Rehabilitation Patient
15 Item NSQIP Modified Frailty Indices (mFI-15)
Prognostic Score of Yamada for Evaluating a Patient with Heart Failure (FLAGSHIP)
Johns Hopkins Adjusted Clinical Groups (ACG)
Disability Associated with Severe Malaria
4-Item Physical Function ICU Test (Modified PFIT, PFIT-s) of Denehy et al
WHO Functional Assessment of Pulmonary Hypertension
Drummer's Tendinitis (Drummer's Wrist)
The 10-Item Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS-10)
Shoulder Abduction Finger Extension (SAFE) Score Following Stroke
Hand Movement Scale (HMS) of Katrak et al
Clinical Prediction Rules of Inoue et al for Gait Independence After Stroke: CPR 1
Clinical Prediction Rules of Inoue et al for Gait Independence After Stroke: CPR 2
PUPPI Index of de Havenon et al for Prediction of Persistent Upper Extremity Impairment Following an Ischemic Stroke
Model of Javeed et al for Upper Limb Functional Outcome After Traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Risk Factors of Gane et al for Shoulder and Neck Dysfunction After Neck Dissection
Decision Tree Model of Katayama et al for Disability in Community-Dwelling Japanese Adults: Patients in Their Sixties
Decision Tree Model of Katayama et al for Disability in Community-Dwelling Japanese Adults: Patients in Their Seventies
Decision Tree Model of Katayama et al for Disability in Community-Dwelling Japanese Adults: Patients in Their Eighties
PRISMA-7 Score for Evaluating an Older Adult
Clinical Prediction Models of Tanaka et al for Severity of the Locomotive Syndrome in an Older Adult
Occupational Hazards for Roofers
Pollinosis in Orchard Workers
Mallet Grading System for Shoulder Function in Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy
Predictors of Zuarez-Easton et al for Persistent Disability in Children with Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP)
Modified McCormick Scale for Functional Outcomes After Spinal Cord Surgery
Clinical Prediction Rule of Smith et al for Walking 1-Year After Spinal Cord Injury
6-Click Mobility Score
De Morton Mobility Index (DEMMI)
Trendelenburg Gait
Steppage Gait (Foot Drop Gait, Neuropathic Gait)
Gait Disturbances in Parkinson's Disease
Ataxic (Cerebellar) Gait
Sensory or Stomping Gait
Antalgic Gait
Scissors Gait
Gait Abnormalities Associated with a Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD, Anisomelia)
Hemiplegic Gait (Circumduction Gait)
Spastic Gait (Jerking Gait, Diplegic Gait)
Hyperkinetic or Choreiform Gait
Ankylosing Spondylitis Performance Index (ASPI)
Predictors of Lorenz et al for Frailty in a Middle-Aged or Elderly Adult with HIV
Nomogram of Li et al for Predicting Frailty for an Older Adult Hospitalized with Heart Failure
Hospital Frailty Risk Score (HFRS)
Clinical Frailty Risk Index (C-FRI) of Ng et al
Exposure to Methylmethacrylate Bone Cement in the Operating Room
Post-COVID19 Functional Status Scale (PCFS)
Preoperative Predictors of Nanjo et al for Disability of an Older Adult After Knee Arthroplasty
Polyneuropathy Disability (PND) Score
Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (FAP) Stages
Nutech Functional Score (NFS) Following a Cerebrovascular Accident
Clinical Prediction Rule of Jean et al for Predicting Independent Outdoor Functional Walking Capacity in a Patient with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
Disability Associated with Long-Term Complications of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
Manchester Orofacial Pain Disability Scale (MOPDS)
Craniofacial Pain and Disability Inventory (CF-PDI)
20-Item Jaw Functional Limitation Scale (JFLS-20)
Nomogram of Liu et al for Predicting Frailty in an Older Adult with Coronary Artery Disease
Nomogram of Bu et al for Predicting Frailty in a Diabetic Adult
Compassion Fatigue Short Scale (CF-SS) of Adams et al
People at Risk for Compassion Fatigue