Introduction to SI Units
Conversion of Conventional to SI Units: Blood Chemistries
Conversion of Conventional to SI Units: Urine Chemistries
Conversion of Conventional to SI Units: Analysis of Body Fluids and Feces
Conversion of Conventional to SI Units: Hematology and Coagulation
Conversion of Conventional to SI Units: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Conversion of SI to Conventional Units: Blood Chemistries
Conversion of SI to Conventional Units: Urine Chemistries
Conversion of SI to Conventional Units: Analysis of Body Fluids and Feces
Conversion of SI to Conventional Units: Hematology and Coagulation
Conversion of SI to Conventional Units: Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
Units of Temperature
Units of Weight
Units of Length
Units of Liquid Measure (US and Metric)
Units of Liquid in the Laboratory
Units of Light
Units of Radioactivity
Units of Velocity
Units of Energy, Work and Amount of Heat
Units of Power
Units of Area
Units of Dynamic Viscosity
Units of Acoustical Loudness
Units of Volume
Units of Density
Units of Angular Velocity
Units of Angle
Units of Acceleration
Units of Flow (Volume per Unit Time)
Conversion of Nautical Units
Units of Print Character Size
Units of Weight per Unit Time
Units of Atmospheric, Gas and Fluid Pressures
Units of Absorbed Radiation Dose
Units of Radiation Dose Equivalent
Units of Radiation Exposure
Units of Radiation Exposure Rates
Units of a Magnetic Field
Units of Vascular Resistance (Including Wood Units)
Conversion of Dietary Energy (Calories and Joules)
Conversion of Sheet Thickness (Including Mil)
Conversion Between Angle and Incline Grade
Units of Land Area
Distance Covered By a Rotating Wheel
Conversions Between Metric Concentration Formats
Weight of a Compound and the Number of Molecules Present
Converting Milliequivalents and Milligrams
Converting Parts per Million and Milligrams per Cubic Meter of Air
Converting Between Picomoles and Micrograms for DNA or Protein
Converting Between Number of DNA Base Pairs and Molecular Weight of the Associated Protein
Conversion Between a Weight Ratio (g per g, mg per mg) and a Molar Ratio (mole per mole)
Converting Between pH and Hydrogen Ion Concentration
Conversion of Urea and Urea Nitrogen
Expressing the Amount of a Chemical in the Urine Relative to Creatinine
Hemoglobin Unit Conversion
Urine Protein By Dipstick
Variation in Weight With Change in Gravitation or Acceleration
Conversion in the Glycemic Index (GI) Using a Different Reference Carbohydrate Load
Arbitrary and Conventional Units for Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9)
Conversion for a Generic WHO Biological Reference Preparation
Expression of Cystine as Half-Cystine
Conversion for Units of Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP and NT pro-BNP)
Converting Between Serial Dilution and ELISA Units for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (ANA)
Conversion of Units for Zinc Protoporphyrin
Frequency of an Event (Beats, Breath) Per Unit of Time
Conversion of Units for Hemoglobin A1c
Conversion Between Glycolated Hemoglobin A1 and Glycosylated Hemoglobin A1c
Logarithmic Change (Log Difference) in an Analyte
Conversion Between Hybritech and WHO Values for Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
Conversion of Serum Inorganic Phosphorus Based on pH
Conversion of a Linear Formula Between mmol/L and mg/dL
Conversion of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) Between Various Units
Calculation of the Partial Pressure of Ammonia from the Blood Ammonia Concentration
Relative Change in Linear Momentum and Kinetic Energy
Relative Change in a Spherical Shape
Expressing Dilution of Homeopathic Remedies
Volume of Geometric Shapes
Surface Area of Geometric Shapes
Area from Circumference of a Circle and Ellipse
Volume of Body Fluid Captured in a Bucket (Cholera Bucket, etc.)
Volume of Material Required to Provide a Coating
Roundness Index of an Ellipse
Determining the Radius of an Inner Circle with an Area That is a Given Percent of an Outer Circle
Change in Volume and Radius in a Sphere
Different Types of Triangles
Converting Percent and Molar Solutions
Converting Saline Intravenous Solutions
Determining the Amount of Solute or Volume Involved When Administering a Percent Solution
Determining the Infusion Rate of a Glucose Solution Expressed in Percent Glucose
Determining Characteristics of a Glucose (Dextrose) Monohydrate Intravenous Solution
Calculating Calcium Delivery with Parenteral Calcium Solutions
Calculating Potassium Delivery with Parenteral Potassium Solutions
Salinity of a Solution Based on Weight Percent of Sodium Chloride
Wavelength of Radiation and the Visible Spectrum
Transmittance and Density of an Optical Filter
Transmittance and Shade Number of an Optical Filter
Computed Tomography (CT) Density in Hounsfield Units
Light Year and Other Distances Traveled By Light in a Given Time Interval
Interference Colors and the Thickness of Ultrathin Sections for Electron Microscopy (EM)
Units of Apothecaries' Dry Weights
Units of Apothecaries' Liquid Measures
Units of Household Liquid Measures for Medications
Units of Area Under the Drug Concentration Curve
Conversion of Units for Dosing Epinephrine
Converting Between a Fentanyl Patch Strength and Its Rate of Delivery
Cumulative Percentages Over Time
French Size for Catheters
Gauge for Hypodermic Needles
Tubing Diameters and Wall Thickness
Wire Gauge
Surgical Suture Diameter
Sizes of Guedel Airway
Calculating the M Number for a Vascular Catheter
Sizes of the American Profile Macintosh Laryngoscope Blade
Sizes of the Anatomical B.O.C. Pattern Facemask for Anesthesia
Sizes of Tracheostomy Tubes
Sizes of the Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA)
Bandage Classification
Electrocardiogram (ECG, EKG) Measurements
Selection of a Scalpel Handle
Types of Scalpel Blade
Shapes of Surgical Needles
Design Features of a Surgical Needle
Size of the Simple Ring Pessary
Uterine Loop Curettes
Brun Round Bone Curette
Scoville Units for Measuring Chile Heat
Shrimp Sizes
Determining Oral Calcium Intake Based on the Various Calcium Salts
USDA Quality Grades for Beef
USDA Yield Grades for Beef
Rough Estimate of a Dietary Portion Using the Hand
Fat Content of a Piece of Cheese
Concentration of an Amino Acid
Size of Chicken Eggs
USDA Quality Grades for Chicken Eggs
Calories for Chicken Eggs
Terms for Canned Olives in the United States
Fat Content in Dairy Products
USDA Quality Grades for Ready-to-Cook Poultry
Egg Size Equivalents
Body Condition Score (BCS) for Beef Cows
Dressing Percent for Cattle
Estimating the Adequacy of Muscling in Cattle
Calories in Various Dairy Products
Grades of Milk
Characteristics of a Cooking Oil at Various Temperature Points
USDA Classes of Ducks
USDA Classes of Turkeys
USDA Classes of Chickens
Relative Sweetness
Using the Specific Gravity of an Aqueous Sugar Solution to Determine Its Degrees Brix or Degrees Plato
Sizes of Oysters
Heating Sugar and Candy Temperature
Apple Sizes
Caffeine Content of a Food or Beverage
The 12-Interval Chromatic Scale
Calculating the Sound Frequency for a Given Note
Ranges for Voice Registers (Pitch Names)
Oxygen Uptake and METs
Power Output During Exercise Testing
Body Weight Classes for a Professional Boxer
Glove Sizes
Thermal Insulation Value of Clothing
Measuring a Woman for a Bra
Hat Size
Size of Infant Diapers
Estimating Volume or Weight Using Density
Converting Between Specific Gravity and the Baume Scales (Light and Heavy)
Density of Various Organs and Tissues
Exposed Volume of a Solid Floating in a Denser Liquid (Tip of the Iceberg)
Conversion Between Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS) and Kinematic Viscosity
Reynold's Number (Re)
Standard Sieve Designations
Classification of Powder Fineness
Codon Dictionary (Matching Codons to Amino Acids)
Heating and Cooling Degree Days
Measured and Relative Humidity at a Specified Temperature
Water Hardness
Estimating the Density of Moist Air
ASHRAE Thermal Sensation Scale
Size of U.S. Coinage
Ring Size
Aprotinin Dose and Kallikrein Inhibitor Units (KIU)
Alteplase Dose and Tissue Plasminogen Activator Units
Dalteparin Dose and anti-Factor Xa International Units
Conversion for Concentrations of D-Dimer (FEU, DDU)
Units of Thrombin Concentration
Units of Factor VIII Antibody (Inhibitor) Activity
Heparin Activity Based on the Second International Standard
Urokinase Activity Based on the First Reference Preparation
International 35 mm Film Speed Ratings
Duration of Flow from a Medical Gas Cylinder
Duration of Gas Supply Based on Volume and Flow Rate
Duration of Oxygen Supply in a Liquid Oxygen System
Change in Pressure with a Gas Cylinder with Change in Temperature
Percent Oxygen in a Mixture of Oxygen and Air
Air-To-Oxygen Ratio and Total Output Flow If Oxygen Delivery Is Specified
Calculating Oxygen and Air Flow If the Total Flow and Percent Oxygen Are Specified
Features of Different Gas Cylinders
Pressure and Temperatures in a Steam Autoclave
McFarland Equivalence Turbidity Standards
Turbidity of an Environmental Water Sample Based on the Turbidity of a Dilution
Secchi Disk
Conversion Between the ECOG and Karnofsky Performance Scales
Mohs Hardness Scale for Minerals
Hardness (Compressive Strength) of Rock Types
Optic Disc Diameter
Prism Diopter
Transposition of a Cylindrical Lens for Correction of Astigmatism
Types of Lenses Based on Shape
Shotgun Gauge and Bore Diameter
Conversion of Bullet Density
Estimating a Shotgun's Gauge from the Size of a Spherical Shot Fitting the Bore Diameter
Types of Choke for a Shotgun
U.S. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Levels of Body Armor
Size of Iron Round Shot Cannon
Types of Arrowheads
Calculating the Cyclic Rate of Fire for a Gun Firing in Automatic
Estimating the Distance to a Shooter Based on the Impact and Discharge Sounds ("Thump Crack")
High versus Low Explosives and the Velocity of Detonation (VOD)
Classification of Explosives By Sensitivity to Triggering Energy: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Explosives
Criteria for an Assault Rifle
Units in the Dosage of Vitamin A and Carotenes
Units in the Dosage of Vitamin D
Units in the Dosage of Vitamin E
L-Tryptophan and Niacin (Nicotinic Acid)
Conversion of Alcoholic Drinks
Conversion Involving Bottles of Alcoholic Beverages (Spirits, Wine, Other)
Conversion of Alcoholic Solutions Based on Percent By Weight, Percent By Volume, and Specific Gravity from an Alcoholometric Table
International Bitterness Units (IBU) for Beers and Ales
European Union Classification for the Sweetness of Wine Based on the Amount of Residual Sugar
Conversion of D Immune Globulin (RhoGAM) Units and Dosage Targets
Conversion for IgE Concentrations
Conversion for Concentrations of Insulin
Conversion for Concentrations of Glucagon
Conversion for Concentrations of ACTH (Corticotropin)
Conversion of Concentrations of Lypressin (Vasopressin, 8-L-lysine)
Cylindrical Batteries
Logarithm Base Conversion
Converting Units of Hepatitis C Viral (HCV) Load
Converting Units of Hepatitis B Viral (HBV) Load
Converting Units for Cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA
USP Glass Types
Pencil Hardness Grading Scales
Triboelectric Series
Bone Mineral Density and T Score in an Adult Woman
Converting Concentrations for Erythropoietin Using the First International Reference Preparation
Converting Concentrations for Erythropoietin Using the WHO International Standard for Recombinant Erythropoietin
C1 Esterase Inhibitor (C1-Inh)
Speed of Sound in Dry Air and Temperature
Speed in Mach
Steel Rebar
Sizes of Finishing Nails
Moisture Content of Wood
Dimensional Change in a Piece of Wood Following Water Absorption
Anodic Index and Galvanic Corrosion of Metals (Dissimilar or Incompatible Metal Corrosion)
Distance Associated with a Fall from a Building
Sandpaper and Grit Size
Classification for the Degree of Vacuum
Ring Size of a Cigar
Anti-Knock Index (AKI) and the Octane Rating of Gasoline
Classification of Crude Oil
American Petroleum Institute (API) Gravity
Number of Barrels of Crude Oil Per Metric Ton
Dog Years
Sizes of Dogs
Cat Years
Efficiency of a Flush Toilet
Carrying Capacity of a Small Boat
Boating Density on a Lake
Shoreline Development Factor (SDF) for a Lake
Size of a Hazardous Materials Spill
Types of Fish Hooks
Fishing Line Strength
Maximum and Curie Temperatures for a Magnet
Types of Permanent Magnets
Wentworth Classification of Sediments
Phi Grade Scale
Classes of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Comparable Automobiles
Classification of Tampon Absorbency in the United States
Disposable Sanitary Napkins (Mentrual Pads)
Estimating the Duration of Scalp Hair Growth in an Adult
Units of Penicillin G
Staging the Ripening of a Banana
Fatty Acids
Classification of Water Flow from a Fresh Water Spring
Weight of Dollar Bills
Button (Disc, Watch, Coin) Batteries
Grades of Steel Wool
Paper Density in Grams per Square Meter (GPM, Grammage)
Rust Grades
Hardness of Wood
Classification of Metropolitan Office Buildings
Classes of Trailer Hitches
The Lever
Alpha Particle Emission (Alpha Activity) of Lead
Hospital Emergency Codes
Categories of Nagata et al for Slipperiness of a Surface
Units of Pressure as Weight per Area
Sizes of Tubigrip Tubular Elastic Bandages
Pear Sizes
Cherry Sizes
Sizes of Potatoes in the United States
Beef Temperature and How Well Cooked It Is
Size of a Baseball Batting Glove
Soccer Ball Size
Angle of Sloped Armor
Stand-Off Weapon
Estimating the Cost for Alcohol in an Alcoholic Beverage
Fortified Wine
Wine Sweetness (Sweet versus Dry Wines)
Conversion of Fiber Linear Mass Density: Tex vs Yield
Board Foot
Intensity of a Solar Flare
Wing Loading
Equation of Burton for Mean, Core and Skin Temperatures
U.S. Federal Poverty Guidelines
Walk Score
Magnum Gun
Determining the Slope and Intercept for a Line Between Two Data Points
The Golden Ratio (Phi)
Cord of Wood
Flash Point, Fire Point and Autoignition Temperature of a Flammable Liquid
Lower and Upper Explosive or Flammability Concentration Limits for a Flammable Vapor or Gas (LEL, LFL, UEL, UFL)
“Max” Ships (Chinamax, Panamax, Suezmax)
Classification of a Near-Earth Object (NEO) Asteroid Based on Its Orbit
Twenty-Foot and Forty-Foot Equivalent Units for Shipping Containers (TEU, FEU)
Dimensions of an Office Staple
Weight in Tons (Short Ton, Long Ton, Metric Ton)
Conversion Between Percentage and Absolute Count
Obliquity Ratio in the View of a Circular Structure
Bleomycin Dosing Units
Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification of Drugs
Rice Grain Size
Types of Artillery
Homemade Firearms
English Wine Cask Sizes
Truck Size Classification Based on Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)
Converting Hemoglobin Concentrations for the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT, FICT)
Enzyme Activity of Lactase (beta-galactosidase, beta-d-galactosidase galactohydrolase)
Pool Laps
Conversion Between Grams of Alcohol and Standard Drinks
Conversions for Growth Hormone (Somatropin)
Elongation of a Rope Under Load
Unit Conversion of Serum Hepcidin
Radius and Diameter for a Circle's Area or Sphere's Volume
Sizes of an Exercise Training Mask
Levels of Protective Clothing for a HAZMAT Situation
Sizing a Fully Encapsulated Suit
Ear Plug Size
Dieseling an Air Gun
Plastic Resin Identification Codes (RIC)
Intensity of Various Noises in Decibels
Cladding Materials
Flammability and Combustibility of Hazardous Materials
Portable Ladder Duty Rating
Mattress Sizes
Delimiters for Height by Age at Data Entry
Delimiters on Weight by Age for Data Entry
Classes in Bluetooth Communication
Rubber Insulating Gloves for Protection from Electrical Energy
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Unit Conversion
Types of First Aid Kit Containers
Sizes of Pederson Vaginal Speculums
Classification of Soups
Types of Ground Beef Based on Fat Content
Grades of Sugarcane Molasses
USDA Grades of Extracted Honey
USDA Grades of Shelled Walnuts
Grading of Olive Oil
USDA Grades of Orange Juice
USDA Grades of Apple Juice
Number of Paces and Walking Distance
Men's Shirt Collar Size
Eyeglass Frame Size
Knitting Needle Sizes
Micronaire Reading for Evaluating Cotton Fibers
"Sewing Machine Needles"
Homemade Cutting and Stabbing Weapons (Shiv and Shank)
Artillery Barrage
ATF Classification of Explosive Magazines
Volume of an Alcoholic Beverage Required to Reach an Alcohol Content of a Mixed Drink
Alcohol Content of a Mixed Drink
Classification of Aluminum Foil
Roof Slope
OSHA Soil Types for Trench or Excavation
"Classifications of Wigs"
Earth Orbits: Geocentric Orbits Classified By Altitude
Temperature Storage Ranges, Including Refrigerator and Freezer
World Health Organization Aging Rate for Populations
World Health Organization (WHO) Classification for the Elderly (Older Adults)
Lard, Sallow and Suet
VPAM Ballistic Standard for Armor
Tire Traction Grades
Speedometer Error Related to Tire Diameter
Reading the ISO Metric Tire Code
Tire Speed Rating
Credit Score
S&P or Fitch Long-Term Bond Credit Rating Tier
S&P or Fitch Short-Term Bond Credit Rating Tier
Moody's Long-Term Bond Credit Rating Tier
Moody's Short-Term Bond Credit Rating Tier
Waterproof Clothing
Threat Classes of a Handgun Bullet for Ballistic Protection
Building Height
Tire Temperature Grade
Tire Load Index
Levels of Autonomous Vehicle
Age on Two Separate Dates
Embryologic Regions of the Alimentary Canal
Units of Weight for Precious Metals Including the Troy Ounce
Equation of Alibay et al for Conversion Between N T-proBNP and BNP
Classification of Bandages
Classification of Compression Stockings (Hosiery)
USDA Grades of Oranges and Tangelos
USDA Butter Grades
Breathability of Clothing
Medical Face Masks
Types of Steam Including Superheated Steam
Gun Silencer or Suppressor
Barrel Length
Grades of Building Waterproofing
Grades of Fuel Oil
Hull Draft of a Ship
Classification of Private Jet
Selective Service Classification for the Military Draft
Unit Size in the United States Army
Officers in the United States Army
Classifications of High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filters
Classes of High-Visibility Safety Apparel (HVSA)
Levels of Medical Gowns
Equivalent Types of Filtering Facepiece (FFP) Masks
Stopping Power of a Firearm
Kinetic Energy and Momentum of a Bullet
Cork Grades
Freeboard of a Ship
Zoning Laws
Ultra-Low Particulate Air (ULPA) Filters
Toothpaste Abrasiveness
Distinction Between the Impedance Index and Resistance Index in Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)
Converting Parts per Million and Milligrams per Cubic Meter of Air with Inclusion of Temperature and Pressure
Features Used to Classify Wheat Flour
Factors Used to Grade Lamb and Mutton
Classification of Forest and Wildfires
Koeppen Climate Zones
Electric Car Charging Levels
Ethanol Content of Gasoline
Grades of Toilet Paper
Marine Security (MARSEC) Levels of the U.S. Coast Guard
National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS)
Classification of Business Size
Classification of Colleges and Universities
Unit Conversion for the Urine Albumin to Creatinine Ratio (ACR)
Categories of Beeswax
USDA Grades of Peanut Butter
Standards of the USDA for an Organic Crop
Classification of the USDA for Foreign Material in Food
USDA Grades of Shelled Virginia Type Peanuts
USDA Grading of Cabbage
Pressure Cooker
USDA Plant Hardiness Zones
Windsock as an Indicator of Wind Speed and Direction
Force Ratio in a Military Operation
Classification of Environmental Water Salinity, from Fresh to Brackish
USDA Classification of Salt and Sodium Content of Canned Tuna
USDA Classification of Defects in Canned or Pouched Tuna
Oven Temperatures
Types of Coal
Classification of Work Involving Asbestos Containing Materials
Home Owners' Loan Corporation (HOLC) and Redlining
Deities (Orishas) of Santeria
Artifacts for the Deities (Orishas) of Santeria
Robot Density
USDA Grading of Florida Avocados
Fruit and Produce Baskets
Ripeness of Produce
Grading Pearls
Alkanes and Petroleum Products
Orbit Synchronicity
Eccentricity Classification of Orbits
Communication Channels Formula
Dominance Hierarchy in Social Groups
Mesh Sizes of Black Pepper
Commercial Classification of Black Pepper
Grading of Saffron
Centric Classification of Orbits
Tonicity of a Solution Relative to Serum
Bra Sister Size for US and UK
Alcoholic Drinks, Calories and Grams of Ethyl Alcohol
Classes of Impact Resistance for Roof Shingles
CAT Safety Ratings
Electric Ingress Protection (IP) Code: Protection Against Solid Objects
Electric Ingress Protection (IP) Code: Protection Against Water
Classes of Recreational Vehicles (RVs) and Travel Trailers
Voting Majority and Supermajority
Quality Grading of Whole Nutmeg
United States Department of State Travel Advisories
Grades of Pineapples
Grades of Maple Syrup
Classification of Relative Humidity for Human Comfort
Visibility Table
Grades of Leather
Classification of Water Damage to a Building
Sulfur Content of Fuel
Classification of Therapeutic Animal
Classification of Hazardous Waste Generators
Classification of Levers
Table for Designating Close Relatives
Centimorgan (cM)
U.S. Grades of Milled Rice
Smoke Point of a Cooking Oil
Size Classification of Jakob for a Debris Flow
Avalanche Size Classification of the European Avalanche Warning Service
Landslide Size Classification of Hancox et al
Landslide Size Classification of McColl and Cook
Microplastic (MP) Size Classification of Bermudez and Swarzenski
AWPA E1-17 Visual Rating Scale for Termite Damage
Grade of Paint Durability
Scaffold Load Rating