Relative Centrifugal Force
Centrifugation Time Required Using an Alternate Rotor
Troubleshooting a Noisy Centrifuge
Kinetic Energy of a Laboratory Centrifuge
Recommendations of Uldall et al (IFCC 1990 Guidelines) for Centrifugation of Potentially Infectious Material
Buffer Composition
Estimation of pH for a Base
Estimation of pH for an Acid
Estimation of pH for a Salt Solution
Degree of Ionization for a Weak Acid or Base
Sorensen's (Disodium and Monopotassium) Phosphate Buffer
Molarity of Solutions
Ionic Strength of a Solution
Estimating the Activity Coefficient of a Dilute Solution with the Debye-Huckel Equation
Preparation of Isotonic Solutions
Reducing or Enlarging a Solution Formula
Volume Percent for a Solution of Two Solvents
Preparation of a Solution in Parts Per Million (PPM)
Preparation of a Bleach (Sodium Hypochlorite) Solution
Reducing the Osmolarity of a Solution to a Target Value
Electrophoretic Mobility
Comparing DNA Restriction Fragment Patterns in a Pulse Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE)
Method of Qiu et al for Removal of Fibrinogen from Plasma Using Cold Ethanol Precipitation Prior to Protein Electrophoresis
Troubleshooting Technical Problems During Electrophoresis
Identifying Interference by an Iodinated Contrast Media in Serum Capillary Zone Electropheresis
Osmometry and Measuring the Change in Freezing Point, Boiling Point and Vapor Pressure with Osmolality
Melting Temperature for Nucleic Acid Probes
Hybridization Rate for Nucleic Acid Probes
Quantitation of DNA and RNA in Solution by UV Spectrophotometry
Guanine-Plus-Cytosine Content of DNA by the Thermal Melting Method
Estimating Protein and Nucleic Acid Concentration in Bacterial Extracts by UV Spectrophotometry
Percent Agarose in a Gel and the Separation of Linear DNA Molecules
Calculating the Moles of Double Stranded DNA Ends Following Restriction Enzyme Digestion
Inhibition of Polymerase Chain Reaction Due to Heparin
Inhibitors of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in Blood
Inhibitors of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in Stool
Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) for a Detergent Being Used for Solubilization of Proteins from a Membrane
Troubleshooting High Background Staining with In Situ Hybridization (ISH)
Method of Evers et al for Removing Formaldehyde Adducts in RNA Extracted from Paraffin-Embedded Tissue
Concentration and Percent Transmittance
Beer's Law
Troubleshooting Cuvette-Related Problems in a Photometer
Nernst Equation
Findings Suggestive of Invalid Data
Determining the Capacity (Retention) Factor for a Chromatographic System
Determining the Proper Solvent Mix for High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) to Provide a Specific Retention (Capacity) Factor
Using the Tailing Factor or Peak Asymmetry Factor to Evaluate Chromatographic Peak Tailing
Calculating the Theoretical Plate Number for a Chromatographic Peak
Calculating the Resolution of a Chromatographic System
Calculating the Dead Volume for a Chromatographic Column
Screening Chromatographic Results for Evidence of an Extracolumn Effect
Calculating the Amount of a Compound in a Sample Undergoing Chromatographic Separation
Calculating the Average Retention Factor Based on Chromatographic Conditions
Sizing a Gel Chromatography Column
Measurement of Photographic Image Size
Troubleshooting Problems with Film Image Quality
Determining the Proper f Stop for a Flashgun and Film Speed
Color Code for Axial Lead Resistors
NCCLS Specifications for Reagent Grade Water
Adjusting Water Resistivity Measurement at a Given Temperature to 25°C
Selecting the Right Size of Cork or Stopper
Handling a Frozen Glassware Joint or Bottle Cap
Boiling Point of a Liquid at a Given Pressure
Vapor Pressure of a Liquid at a Temperature Below the Boiling Point
Boiling Temperature of a Liquid at a Given Altitude
Area of a Microscopic Field of View
Numerical Aperture and Resolution
Using an Ocular Micrometer for Measurement
Lens Aberrations and Distortions
Adjusting a Microscopic Count for a Different Field of View or Per Square Millimeter
Correcting a Microscopic Measurement for Processing Effects By Measuring the Diameter of an Erythrocyte (RBC)
Adjusting a Microscopic Count for a Different Histologic Section Thickness
Handling of Incompletely Clotted Serum Samples
Collecting and Handling a Specimen for Zinc Levels
Maintaining the Chain of Custody for a Specimen
Legal Concerns in Specimen Collection
Rejection of a Specimen as Unacceptable
Unacceptable Containers for Transporting Specimens
Ways to Reduce Blood Loss from Phlebotomy in Hospitalized Patients
Recognition of a Blood Specimen with In Vitro Hemolysis
Risk Factors Associated with Hemolysis of a Blood Specimen
Sequence for Drawing Multiple Blood Specimens with Vacutainers ("Order of Draw")
Unsatisfactory Blood Specimens Collected on Filter Paper for a Neonatal Screening Program
Checking the Quality of an Evacuated Blood Tube (Vacutainer)
Modified Sequence for Drawing Multiple Blood Specimens ("Order of Draw") for Plastic Vacutainers
Potential Complications Following Skin Puncture in the Finger of an Infant
Effects of Pneumatic Tube System Transport on a Specimen
Determining the Length of a Needle Core Biopsy Needed to Obtain a Given Weight of Tissue
Amount of Blood to Waste When Collecting a Blood Sample from an Intravenous Catheter
Handling a Blood Sample for Measuring Lactate and Pyruvate
Problems Associated with a 24 Hour Urine Collection
Using Urine Creatinine Excretion to Determine the Adequacy of a 24 Hour Urine Collection
Collecting Blood from the Foot of a Neonate or Infant
Collecting Blood from the Middle Finger of an Infant
Indications for Skin Puncture (Finger, Ear or Heel Stick) for Blood Specimen Collection
Laboratory Values That May Be Misleading in a Specimen Collected from a Skin Puncture
Preparation of Platelet-Free Plasma (Platelet Poor Plasma, PPP)
When to Inspect a Pneumatic Tube System Used for Delivering Specimens
Collecting Blood By Skin Puncture From the Finger of an Older Child or Adult
Arterialization of a Skin Puncture Sample By Warming the Skin
Volume of Blood to Collect for a Blood Culture
Collecting a Blood Culture to Prevent a False Negative Result from Concurrent Antibiotic Therapy
Changes in the Composition of an Unpreserved and Unrefrigerated Urine Specimen Over Time
Equation of Berger and Richichi for Correcting a Serum Neuron-Specific Enolase (NSE) Concentration for Hemolysis
Blood Specimen Handling and Serum Procainamide Levels
The Need to Evaluate a Swab-Based Collection and Transport System in Microbiology
Rejection of a Stool Specimen for Clostridium difficile Testing
Ways to Handle an “Unacceptable” Specimen
Surgical Specimens Excluded from Pathologic Examination or Designated Gross Examination Only
Cost Analysis of Solvent Recycling by Distillation
Pouring Chemical Solutions into a Sink
The Michaelis-Menten Equation for the an Enzyme-Catalyzed Reaction
The Lineweaver-Burk Plot for an Enzyme-Catalyzed Reaction
Procedure for Determining the Volume Error for a Pipette
Percent Carryover
Analysis of a Structural Formula for Rings Plus Double Bonds
Calculation of the Percentage Total Ionization
Viability Score for Endometrial Implants on the Chick Embryo Chorioallantoic Membrane
Tissue Culture Failure
Volume of Urine or Body Fluid from Specific Gravity and Weight
Converting the Concentration of a Solute in Serum to Serum Water at a Given Specific Gravity
Calculating the Yield from a Synthetic Reaction
Poiseuille's Law and Effect of a Parameter Change on Fluid Flow
Using a Standard Curve for a Laboratory Analysis
Determining the Detection Limit for an Analytic Technique
When to Perform Calibration Verification of an Analytical Method
Guidelines for the Acceptable Use of Animals in Research
Identifying a Patient Who May Be Having an Interference With an Immunoassay
Performing a Complete Blood Count (CBC) on a Lipemic Sample
False Elevations in Hemoglobin, Mean Cell Hemoglobin and Mean Cell Hemoglobin Concentration in a Patient with Paraproteinemia
False Elevations in Inorganic Phosphate (Pseudohyperphosphatemia) Measured by the Ammonium Molybdate Method in Patients with Paraproteinemia
Identifying Matrix Effect in Proficiency Test and Calibration Materials
Unexpected Color of a Blood Sample
Falsely Low Concentrations Associated with Partial Thawing of a Frozen Specimen
Falsely Elevated Whole Blood Glucose Caused By Maltose with a Glucometer Using Glucose Dehydrogenase Test Strips
Risk Factors for Falsely Depressed Serum Calcium Concentrations Associated with Gadolinium Contrast Medium for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Estimating the Amount of Contamination in a Blood Sample Drawn from an Indwelling Line Infusing a Glucose Solution
Correction of the Sodium Concentration Measured by an Indirect Ion-Sensitive Electrode in Hyperlipidemia
Correction of Chloride Concentration Measured by an Indirect Ion-Sensitive Electrode in Hyperlipidemia
Corrected Potassium Concentration Measured by an Indirect Ion-Sensitive Electrode in a Patient with Hyperlipidemia
False Results for Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hemoglobin A1c) by the Ion Exchange Resin Method in a Patient with an Abnormal Hemoglobin
Gel Formation After the Heating of a Serum Specimen Due to a Pyroglobulin
Spurious Laboratory Results from Transferring a Blood Sample Collected in EDTA into Another Tube Type
Analytes with Decreased Levels Following Exposure to Light
Causes of a False Value for Copper in a Tissue Specimen
Impact of Color Blindness on the Accuracy of Dipstick or Other Tests Involving a Color Change
Wide Fluctuations of Serum Parathyroid Hormone Concentrations in a Patient After a Total Parathyroidectomy with Autotransplantation
Carry-Over or "Floaters" in a Smear or Histologic Section
False Positive Immunological Assay Caused by Human Anti-Animal Antibodies (HAMA, HARA or HAGA)
Artifactual (Pseudo) Hypoglycemia or Normoglycemia Associated with Leukocytosis
Evaluating a Decrease in Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity
False Negative Microbiological Studies Associated with Labile Microorganisms
False Positive Bacterial Cultures of Subcutaneous Wound or Abscess
False Negative Serologic Tests for Syphilis in an HIV-Infected Patient
Equation of Parry for Correcting a Serum Creatinine Concentration Determined by the Jaffe Method for Albumin
False Negative Microbiological Studies Associated with Non-Labile Microorganisms
Reasons for a Misleading Serum or Plasma Vitamin A Levels
Use of Lipoclear to Correct Chemistry Tests for Lipemia
Corrected Potassium Concentration in a Hemolyzed Specimen
Possible Causes of a False Positive Screening Test for Syphilis
Troubleshooting a False Positive, False Negative or Unexpected Antigen-Antibody Reaction
Troubleshooting an Unexpected Increase in the International Normalized Ratio (INR)
False Negative PCR for Hepatitis C Virus Due to a Cryoglobulin
When Culture Isolation of a Bacterial Species That is Usually a Contaminant May Represent a True Infection
Reasons for a Higher Than Expected Level of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Activity in a Patient with G6PD Deficiency
Falsely Elevated Results in an Assay Using Latex Particles for a Patient with Monoclonal Gammopathy
Evaluating Drug Interference with a Laboratory Test
Evaluating a Failure in a Proficiency Challenge
Effects of Blood Transfusion on Laboratory Tests
Persistent Elevation of Enzyme Activity Associated with a Macroenzyme
False Positive Radioallergosorbent Test (RAST) Associated with a High Serum IgE Level
Troubleshooting an Unexpected Laboratory Value By Specimen Redraw and Analysis on a Different Instrument
Troubleshooting an Unexpected Decrease in the International Normalized Ratio (INR)
Increased Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Associated with Benign Familial Hyperphosphatasemia
Causes of a False Negative Urine Pregancy Test
Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFalpha) Levels in a Patient Being Treated with a Humanized Antibody Against TNFalpha
Troubleshooting Erratic Test Results Associated with a Reagent That Has Deteriorated During Shipping
Discrepancy Between a Serum Level of a Drug or Hormone and a Physiologic Marker in a Patient Who Is Noncompliant But Takes a Medication Before the Next Visit With a Physician
False Positive Tests Associated with Rheumatoid Factor (RF)
Causes of a False Positive Blood Culture in an Automated Blood Culture Analyzer
Factors Contributing to a Delay in Diagnosis of Bacteremia Due to Nonfermenting Bacteria by an Automated Blood Culture System
Transient Serologic Changes Associated with Immune Globulin Therapy
Causes of a False Positive Antigen Test for Histoplasma
Green Plasma Associated with Elevated Serum Ceruloplasmin and Copper
False Positive Elevation in the Concentration of Blood Ammonia
False Positive Serology Testing After Therapy with Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) Therapy
Serum Macroaspartasemia (Aspartate Aminotransferase Macroenzyme Complex, Pseudo Elevation of Serum AST)
False Negative Testing for Ketoacidosis When Using Nitroprusside-Based Methods (Acetest, Ketostix)
Factitious Hypoxemia or Methemoglobinemia Associated with Isosulfan Blue (Lymphazurin) Used for Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Pseudoepidemic Associated with a Molecular Diagnostic Test
Serum CA 19-9 Levels and Lewis Antigen Genotype
Counterfeit Blood Glucose Test Strips
Troubleshooting the Gram Stain
Pseudothrombocytosis Due to Microorganisms
Artifactual Elevation of the Serum Total Bilirubin in a Patient with a Paraprotein
Estimating the Air Handling Requirements Based on Room Size and Air Exchanges
Estimating Laboratory Space Needs
Checklist for Ensuring the Accuracy of Personal Monitoring Devices
Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Results from Blood Glucose Monitoring
When Quality Control (QC) Should Be Run on a Point of Care Instrument
Pretest Checklist for a Waived Test
Testing Checklist for a Waived Test
Effect of High Altitude on Glucometer Results
Equations of Mann et al for Correcting a Glucometer Result for Anemia
Features of an Effective Bedside Glucose Monitoring Program
Checklist of Alto et al for Evaluating Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Home Glucose Monitoring
Failures in Compliance That May Impact a Laboratory with a Certificate of Waiver to Perform Only Waived Testing
Determining the Molecular Weight of a Compound from Its Chemical Formula
Determining the Molecular Weight of a Protein By Sephadex Gel Filtration
Volatility and Relative Persistency of a Chemical Compound
Storage Limits on Flammable and Combustible Liquids
Handling Cryogenic Fluids and Solids (Liquid and Solid Gas)
Selecting Personal Protective Equipment for the Eyes and Face While Working in the Laboratory
Indications for Wearing Gloves While Working in the Laboratory
Prevention of Superheating While Boiling a Liquid
Identification of the Patient at Risk for Hematoma Formation Associated With Arterial Blood Sampling
Evaluation of Collateral Circulation in the Hand Prior to Arterial Blood Sampling from the Radial Artery (Modified Allen Test and/or Ultrasonography)
FDA Criteria for CLIA Test Categorization
Volume in a Round Bottom Flask
Volume in an Erlenmeyer Flask
Grades of Chemical Reagents
Using Heat Inactivation to Identify Isoenzymes Causing an Elevation in Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity
Selection Criteria for Subjects Used to Determine a Normal Reference Range
Failure in Patient Compliance with Outpatient Testing
Handling Containers of Ethyl or Isopropyl Ether
Handling Picric Acid
Hazards of Azide Salts
Hazards of Oxidizing Agents
Hazards in Handling Perchloric Acid and Perchlorates
Environmental Monitoring for Formaldehyde
Identifying Sources of Mercury in the Laboratory
Handling of Ammoniacal Silver Stain in the Histology Laboratory
Phenotypic Markers in the Identification of a Patient Specimen
Forensic Identity Techniques for Positively Identifying the Source of a Specimen
Cleanup of an Elemental Mercury Spill
Cleanup of a Strong Acid Spill
Golf Score Card Tool of Baker et al for Evaluation of an Analytical Instrument
Reasons for Replacing an Existing Laboratory Instrument
Practicability of an Instrument
Troubleshooting High Background Staining on Immunohistochemistry
Troubleshooting Negative or Weak Immunohistochemical Staining
Quantitating Cell Populations Using Two Immunostains
Troubleshooting Tissue Autofluorescence During Immunofluorescence
Troubleshooting a Refrigerator That is Outside Its Temperature Range
Monitoring Cold Storage
Checklist for Relocating an Automated Laboratory Analyzer
Fixatives for a Sample To Be Submitted for Cytology
Boric Acid as a Urine Preservative
Formaldehyde and Formalin Solutions
GEWF (Glacial Acetic Acid, Ethanol, Water, Formaldehyde) Solution for Fixation and Identification of Lymph Nodes Within Fat
Volume of Quadrant Folded Filter Paper in a Funnel
Algorithm for Selection of Qualitative Filter Paper
Algorithm for Selection of Quantitative Filter Paper
Distribution Coefficient and Extraction of a Solute Between 2 Solvents
Thermometer Stem Correction to the Measured Temperature
Density and Refractive Index for a Sucrose Gradient
Density and Refractive Index for a Glycerol Gradient
Density and Refractive Index for a Cesium Chloride Gradient
Density and Refractive Index for a Diatrizoate Sodium Gradient
College of American Pathologists (CAP) Requirements for Document Control
Autoverification of Test Results
Slush Baths of Rondeau for Mixing Solvents with Liquid Nitrogen
Preparing a Cooling Bath with Dry Ice and Xylene
Preparing a Cooling Bath with Dry Ice and Various Solvents
Preparing a Cooling Bath with Dry Ice and a Mixture of Ethanol Plus Ethylene Glycol
Determining the Pitch Date for a Specimen or Record
Troubleshooting Chatter in Histologic Sections
Troubleshooting a Curved Ribbon of Sections on the Microtome
Troubleshooting the Grocott Methenamine Silver (GMS) Stain
Troubleshooting Alternating Thick and Thin Sections on a Microtome
Formalin Pigment in Histologic Sections
Malarial Pigment in Histologic Sections
Mercury Pigment in Histologic Sections
Troubleshooting Staining with Hematoxylin
Troubleshooting Histologic Sections Sticking to the Block on the Return Stoke
Troubleshooting Overstaining with Eosin
Troubleshooting a Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Stain After Diastase Digestion
Destaining a Slide for Restaining
Improving Adherence of a Histologic Section or Cell Layer to a Slide
Conditions That Can Dissolve the Glass of a pH Electrode
Troubleshooting a pH Meter Giving Erratic or Drifting Results
Shapes for a pH Electrode Membrane
Deciding Whether to Perform a Test In-House
Selecting a Reference Laboratory
Optical Purity and a Mixture of Enantiomers
Factors Affecting the Turnaround Time (TAT) for a Test
Requirements for the Performance of a Molecular Test in a Clinical Laboratory
Adjusting the Specific Gravity of a Fixative Solution to Allow an Organ to Float
Reflex Ordering of Molecular Tests
Initial Steps of Carter for Reviewing the Evidence for a Molecular Test (3-Step Evidence Check)
Second Tier Steps of Carter for Reviewing the Evidence for a Molecular Test (3-Step Evidence Check)
Wrong Blood in Tube (WBIT)
Risk Factors for Acid Damage of Waste Pipes in the Laboratory
False-Positive Immunoassay Due to Patient Anti-Streptavidin Antibody
Falsely Elevated Cell Counts in a Body Fluid As Measured in a Coulter Counter
False Elevation of IgG and IgA Concentrations By Nephelometry Due to IgM Monocloncal Protein
Falsely Elevated Serum Testosterone Concentrations Due to Application of Testosterone Gel Near the Phlebotomy Site
Reasons for a False-Positive Gram Stain
Costs, Benefits and Problems of Point of Care (POC) Testing
Causes of a Discrepancy Between a Hemoglobin or Hematocrit Value Determined on a Conductivity-Based Point-of-Care Instrument (iStat, Other) and Other Hematology Analyzers
Requirements for a Laboratory’s Director
Sources of Serum Intestinal Isoenzyme of Alkaline Phosphatase
Causes of Elevation in the Alkaline Phosphatase Bone Isoenzyme
Cancer-Related Placenta-Like Alkaline Phosphatase (PLAP): Regan, Nagao and Other Isoenzymes
Troubleshooting a Failure of a Ribbon to Form While Cutting Paraffin Sections
Troubleshooting Sections That Crumble and a Specimen That Shatters When Cutting
Troubleshooting Sections That Are Wrinkled, Compressed or Jammed Together
Knife Angle in the Microtome
Handling Static Electricity in the Histology Laboratory
Failures of Shipping with Dry Ice
Classification of Biological Materials for Shipping
Determining If the Repeat Ordering of a Laboratory Test Is Appropriate
Strategies for Improving the Appropriate Use of Laboratory Tests
Factors Affecting Patient Misidentification in the Collection of Laboratory Specimens
Preventing Specimen Misidentification Errors
Algorithm of Frothingham for Balanced Loading of a Centrifuge Rotor
Selecting Tumor in a Paraffin Block for Molecular Studies
Discrepancy Between Results for a Molecular Marker Between Immunohistochemisty (IHC) and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Problems Associated with Drawing Blood from a Line Used to Infuse a Drug
Pseudohyperphosphatemia Secondary to Therapy with Liposomal Amphotericin B
Removal of Lipemic Interference in a Serum or Plasma Specimen
Estimating the Number of Erythocytes Ruptured in a Hemolyzed Specimen
Percent Laboratory Test Interference
Handling a Problem in Laboratory Specimen Identification
Checklist for Selecting the Best Tubing for a Laboratory Application
Conditions Associated with an Increased Turnaround Time (TAT) for a Frozen Section
Situations for Which a Frozen Section May Be Inappropriate or Unnecessary
Method of Bone Decalcification for FISH and Other Molecular Tests Based on DNA or RNA
Silanization (Siliconization) of Glassware
Laboratory Glassware Scratches
Density of a Finding Based on Microscopic Examination
Propofol-Related Lipemia
Maintaining Uric Acid in a Blood Sample from a Patient Being Treated with Rasburicase
Daratumumab (DARA, Anti-CD38) and Interference with Blood Compatibility Testing
Causes of Pseudo-Reticulocytosis on a Hematology Analyzer
Falsely Elevated Capillary Glucose and Ketone Concentrations Due to Hydroquinone in Skin Lightening Cream
Discrepancies in Serum Sodium Concentrations Determined by Direct versus Indirect Ion-Selective Electrodes (ISE) Associated with the Serum Total Protein Concentration
Adjustment of Wener et al for the Upper Limit of Normal (ULN) for C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Based on Age, Race and Gender
Classes of Oxidizing Agents
Hazards of Pyridine
Piranha Solution and Precautions for Its Use
Differential Staining of Clear Polarizable Microcrystals in Histologic Sections
Ten Commandments for the Use of Piranha Solution to Clean Glassware
Consequence of Dirty Laboratory Glassware
Algorithm of Jeong et al for Triaging a Specimen for Dilution Based on Data in the Laboratory Information System (LIS)
Troubleshooting a Patient with Possible Macroamylasemia
LDH Isoenzymes
Recognition of a Plant Seed in a Histologic Section
Criteria for an Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Test (ADLT)
Risk Factors of Lin et al for a False Positive PCR Test for Norovirus
Minimizing Pain and Distress in Laboratory Animals
Troubleshooting Results of the Fecal Immunochemical Test for Occult Blood in the Stool (FIT, FICT, FOBT)
False Negative Tests Associated with Exposure to Formalin
Risk Factors for a False-Negative Result with QuantiFERON-TB Gold Test for Tuberculosis
Prevention of Cross-Contamination
Handling of Phenol in the Laboratory
Femoral Venipuncture for Specimen Collection
Minimizing the Number of Venipuncture Attempts ("Sticks") During Phlebotomy
Low Serum Total Thyroxine (T4) Associated with Low Serum Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG)
False-Positive Urine Odor Mistaken for Maple Syrup Urine Disease (Pseudo-MSUD) Associated with Herbal Tea (Fenugreek)
Interference with Laboratory Tests Associated with High Dietary Intake of Biotin
OSHA Guidance for Ergonomic-Related Issues Related to Microscope Use in the Laboratory
OSHA Guidance for Ergonomic-Related Issues in the Laboratory: Pipetting
Formula for Rings Plus Pi Bonds
Using a Sterile Sputum Trap to Collect a Body Fluid Sample
Impact of Initiating Therapy in an Emergency Prior to Collecting Blood Specimens
False Positive Bacterial Cultures and Pseudo-Outbreak Due to Contamination of a Multidose Culture Media Supplement
Interference with aPTT-Based Assays By Emicizumab
Inaccurate Thyroglobulin Concentrations Associated with Thyroglobulin Autoantibodies
Macro-TSH (Macro-Thyrotropin) with Elevated Serum TSH
Persistently Low Serum Alkaline Phosphatase
Causes of False Positive and False Negative Results for Tuberculosis Using the T-SPOT.TB Test
False Positive Pregnancy Test Following Transfusion of a Blood Product
Differential Diagnosis of an Elevated Serum CA125 Concentration
Differential Diagnosis of a Persistently Low Hemoglobin A1c
Troubleshooting a Negative Cervical Cone Biopsy
Patient Factors Affecting Results of a Breath Test
False Elevation of the Serum Aluminum Concentration
Normal Pyruvate Kinase Levels in a Patient with Red Cell Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
False Results with Tests for Detecting Rupture of the Fetal Membranes (ROM)
Causes for an Unexpected Elevation of Serum Procalcitonin
Maintaining an Inventory of Controls for Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Stains
Troubleshooting Sections with Scratches or Tears
Troubleshooting the Congo Red Stain
Artifacts from Poor (Incomplete) Fixation
Artifacts from Poor Tissue Processing
Artifacts from Tissue Being Excessively Dehydrated During Processing
Artifacts from Tissue Being Over-Decalcified
Artifacts from Tissue Being Under-Decalcified
Artifactual Cell Shrinkage
Histologic Sections Too Thick
Incomplete Histologic Sections
Wavy Histologic Section
Histologic Sections Showing Cracks and Fissures
Histologic Features of Lipofuscin
Patient Request for a Medically-Unnecessary Laboratory Test
Degree of Unsaturation for a Chemical
Cold Enrichment of Gram-Negative Enteric Bacteria
Potassium Permanganate
Extreme Separation of Tissue Elements in the Histologic Section
Eosin Understaining (Light Cytoplasmic Staining)
Hemophilus Species and Requirements for X and V Factors
Distinguishing an Aerotolerant Clostridium Species from a Facultatively Anaerobic Bacillus Species
Types of Hemolysis Shown By Bacterial Cultures on Blood Agar
Bile Solubility Test for Streptococcus pneumoniae
PYR Test for Streptococci
Coagulase Test for Staphylococcus aureus
Optochin Susceptibility in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Indole Test
Catalase Activity
Voges-Proskauer Test
ONPG (ortho-Nitrophenyl-beta-D-Galactopyranoside) Test
Nitrate Reduction to Nitrite
Citrate Utilization
Phenylalanine Deaminase
Esculin and Bile Esculin Hydrolysis Tests
CAMP Test for Group B Streptococci
Salt Tolerance Test for Enterococci
Rapid Carbohydrate Utilization by Pathogenic Neisseria
Cytochrome Oxidase
Urease Test
Hugh and Leifson Oxidative-Fermentation (OF) Test
False Elevation of Potassium in a Fingerstick Specimen
Analytical Interference Associated with Lipid Resuscitation Therapy of Acute Poisoning
Causes of an Elevated Serum Lipase When Pancreatitis Has Been Ruled Out
False Elevation in D-Dimer Test Associated with Iron Sucrose Infusion
Laboratory Test Interference Associated with Ethanol
False Elevation of Blood Lactate Concentrations in Point of Care Testing from a Patient with Ethylene Glycol Poisoning
Electrical Supply for an Instrument or Device
Pitfalls in Detecting Amyloid in a Congo Red Stain
Troubleshooting a Centrifuge with Broken Glass Tubes
Hank's Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS)
Impact of an Infusion of Ringer's Lactate on the Serum Lactate Concentration
Micromegakaryocytes in the Peripheral Blood Smear
Urine Biomarkers for Determining If the Diagnosis of a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) on the Basis of the Urinary Leukocyte Esterase Is a True or False Positive
Paraneoplastic (Inappropriate) Expression of Lewis Antigens
Pseudoparaproteinemia Due to Iopamidol
Pseudo Elevation of Serum LDH Activity Associated with Macro-LDH
Falsely Elevated Automated Platelet Count in Malaria
Troubleshooting Low Oxygen Saturation Readings from a Point of Care Device
Troubleshooting Nonspecific Staining with the Reticulin Stain
Troubleshooting Problems with Nuclear Staining with the Trichrome Stain
Problems Related to Mounting Media
Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Section Hazy or with Eosin Bleeding
Blue Staining of Eosinophilic Tissue in Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Section
Possible Explanations for Cell Nuclei Being Too Dark or Too Light in a Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain
Pruning the Laboratory Test Menu
Indications for and Problems Associated with a Laboratory-Developed Test (LDT)
Measuring the Concentration of Protein in Solution Using Spectrophotometry
Causes of Pseudothrombocytosis in an Automated Platelet Count
Troubleshooting an Elevated Mean Cell Volume (MCV)
Interference of N-Acetylcysteine (ANC) Therapy with Chemistry Tests
False Elevation of Serum Vitamin D Concentrations Caused by Monoclonal Proteins
OSHA Guidance for Ergonomic-Related Issues in the Laboratory: Computer Workstation
Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe (QuEchERS) Extraction Method
Troubleshooting Pale Staining of Elastic Fibers Stained with the Verhoeff Method
Use of an Accelerometer in the Validation of a Hospital Pneumatic Tube System
Troubleshooting a Centrifuge That Does Not Start
Pretreatment of Plasma with Reptilase Prior to Protein Electrophoresis
Bone Specimen Preparation for DNA Sampling
Hyperkalemia and Elevated Serum Carbon Dioxide Associated with Saltpeter (Potassium Nitrate) Ingestion
Macro-Alkaline Phosphatase As a Cause of Persistent Elevation of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity
Macro Creatine Kinase (Macro CK)
Monoclonal Band in Serum Protein Electrophoresis Due to Therapy with a Monoclonal Antibody (SPE)
Troubleshooting an Apparent False Elevation of the Serum Troponin Concentration
Chemicals Interfering with Serum Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
Falsely Decreased Serum HDL Cholesterol (HDLC) and/or LDL Cholesterol (LDCL) Associated with Paraproteinemia
Weak Mucin Staining in a Mucicarmine Stain
Excessive Background Staining with an Alcian Blue Stain for Mucin
Photoreactivity of Mycobacteria
Niacin Accumulation in Mycobacterial Speciation
Troubleshooting a Centrifuge Showing Excessive Vibrations
Causes of Pseudohyperchloremia
False Positive Heparin-PF4 Immunoturbidimetric Assay Due to Lupus Anticoagulant
False Elevation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Alpha-Synuclein Associated with Blood Contamination
False-Positive Pregnancy Test Associated with Paraneoplastic HCG Production
False Elevation of Vitamin B12 Concentration in a Patient with Myeloma
Impact of Parenteral Lipid Emulsions on White Blood Cell Parameters from an Automated Hematology Analyzer
Consequences of a False-Positive or False-Negative Test Result for a Home Test for COVID-19
Immunohistochemical Staining of Necrotic or Decomposed Tissue
False-Negative Staining of Gram-Positive Bacteria in a Tissue Gram Stain
False-Negative Staining of Gram-Negative Bacteria in a Gram Stain
False-Positive or False-Negative Results with a Rapid Malaria Test
False Positive Results for a Rapid COVID-19 Test
Causes of a False-Positive Assay for Aspergillus Galactomannan
Causes of a False Positive Cryptococcal Antigen Test
Causes of a False-Negative Immunoassay for Cryptococcal Antigen
Factors Affecting the Accuracy of an Analytical Balance
Poor Contrast in a Hematoxylin and Eosin Stain
Causes for Suboptimal Nuclear Staining in a Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) Stain
Blue or Purple Precipitates in Histologic Sections Due to Hematoxylin
Uneven Staining with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)
Requirements for Releasing Clinical Tissue Samples for Clinical Research
False Elevations in Plasma D-Dimer Concentrations Due to Heterophile Antibodies
Heterophile Antibodies and False Positive Immunoassays
Troubleshooting an Immunoassay for Total Serum Vitamin B12
Pseudothrombocytosis and Schistocytosis Associated with Thermal Burns
False-Positive Screening Test for Beta-Thalassemia Trait in Megaloblastic Anemia
Causes of False-Positive Urine Ketone Test (Acetest, Ketostix)
Maximum Allowable Blood Draw Volume
Troubleshooting a Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Slide with Red or Brown Nuclei
Troubleshooting Holes in a Histologic Section (Moth Eaten Effect)
Failure of Serum PSA to Detect Prostate Cancer in a Patient Treated with a 5-Alpha Reductase Inhibitor
Risk Factors for a False-Positive Fecal Hemoglobin Immunochemical Test
False Positive Bacterial Detection of a Platelet Concentrate: AABB Criteria
False Positive Bacterial Detection Rate of a Platelet Concentrate: Benjamin/McDonald System
Causes of a False-Positive IgM Antibody Test for Hepatitis A Virus (HAV)
Urine Biomarkers That Can Reduce False Positive Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Children
False Positivity of Rapid HIV Diagnostic Tests Associated with Malaria
Inappropriate Stool Testing in a Hospitalized Patient
Reasons Why a Clinician May Order an Unnecessary Test or Procedure
Falsely Elevated Serum Estradiol Concentrations Tested By Immunoassay
Failures of Hemoglobin A1c Measurement in a Patient with a Hemoglobinopathy
Glycated Albumin Levels in a Diabetic Patient with Iron Deficiency Anemia
Troubleshooting a False Negative Newborn Screening Test for Cystic Fibrosis
False Positive PCR Test Due to Carryover of RNA from a Previous Analysis of the Specimen
Precipitation of Immune Complexes with Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)
Safety Concerns in the Storage Room
Clinical Findings of Hamilton et al for Needle Phobia
Lot-to-Lot Variation in Reagents
Analytical Validation of an Immunohistochemical (IHC) Assay: Initial Evaluation
Analytical Validation of an Immunohistochemical (IHC) Assay: Subsequent Evaluation
Troubleshooting Muscle in a Trichrome Stain That Is Unstained or Grey
Troubleshooting Western Blot: Weak or No Signal
Troubleshooting Western Blot: High Background
Use of the Icterus Index to Troubleshoot Interference in the Serum Total Bilirubin Test Caused by Hypergammaglobulinemia
Pseudohyperglycemia Due to High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C
Predictors of Chiu et al for a False-Positive Fourth Generation HIV Test in a Cancer Patient
Hazard Prevention for Systems Under Pressure
Cyber Safety and Laboratory Equipment
Interruption of Utilities
Troubleshooting Background Staining in the Gram Stain Performed on a Histologic Section
VIO Score of Dumm et al for Selecting Specimens for Bacterial Broad-Range 16S rRNA Gene PCR
Troubleshooting Western Blot: Diffuse or Nonspecific Bands