JCAHO Sentinel Event Reporting
Reporting of an Incident Involving the Transportation of Hazardous Materials to the Department of Transportation (DOT)
Adverse Event Reporting to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Reporting and Handling Medical Device Failures
2006 Serious Reportable (Never) Events of the National Quality Forum (NQF)
2011 Serious Reportable (Never) Events of the National Quality Forum (NQF)
Persons Authorized to Give Consent for Medical Treatment
Tool of Silberfeld et al for Determining Competence in Advanced Directives
The Hopkins Competency Assessment Test
Criteria for a Witness to a Consent
Consent for Emergency Treatment of a Life-Threatening Condition
Consent Form for Cadaver Donation
The Deaconess Informed Consent Comprehension Test (DICCT) for Subjects Enrolled in a Clinical Trial
Guidelines for Forced Medication of a Defendant Based on the Case of Charles Sell
Key Components of Informed Consent
Barriers to Informed Consent
Validation and Documentation of the Patient's Understanding for Informed Consent
Issues for Decision Making for a Homeless Person
Transient Mental Incapacity in a Hospitalized Patient
Predictors of Fink et al for Comprehension by a Patient Giving Informed Consent for a Surgical Procedure
Emancipated Minor (Minor with Disabilities of Minority Removed)
Calculation of Decimal Age
Potential Sources of Error in Patient Registration
Determining Age in Different Years
The Unidentified Patient (John or Jane Doe)
Laboratory Productivity Measures
Intermediate Equivalent Relative Values for Surgical Procedures
Effects of Overcrowding in the Emergency Department
National ED Overcrowding Study (NEDOCS) Index
The Emergency Department Work Index (EDWIN)
Medical Staff Membership Categories
Granting of Privileges to Perform an Invasive Procedure
Recredentialing Members of the Medical Staff
Inventory Turnover
Inventory Reorder Point
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
Economic Review Period
How Not to Purchase Medical Supplies
Applicability of JCAHO Standards for Restraint and Seclusion
Criteria for Early Release from Restraints
Risk Assessment for Patient Injury Associated with Hospital Bed Side Rails (Cot Sides)
Risk Factors for Death or Serious Injury Associated with Physical Restraints
OSHA Incidence Rate for Worker Injuries
Patient Safety Features for Phototherapy and Other Treatment Chambers
Safety Training for Healthcare Workers
Screening Instrument for Measuring the Patient Safety Climate of a Healthcare Institution Based on Subscales of Matsubara et al
Screening Physician Practice for Malpractice Risk Factors
Reducing the Risk of Performing Surgery on the Wrong Site
Patient Management Under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)
Bullying Behavior by a Patient
Response to a Patient's Threat of Injury to Others Based on the Tarasoff Decision
Talking to a Patient About a Health Care Error or Injury
Risk of Recidivism in a Physician with a History of Sexual Misconduct
Classifying Injury Using the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Severity of Injury Scoring System (SIS)
Presence of a Sales Representative in the Operating Room
Warning Signs That a Healthcare Provider May Have a Substance Abuse Problem
Risk Factors for Retained Items (Sponges, Instruments) After Surgery
Triggers for Media Coverage of an Adverse Event
Adverse Medical Events of Cotton After an Endoscopy Procedure
Identification of Processes Contributing to an Adverse Medical Event
Impact of the Number of Steps on the Cumulative Error Rate for a Process
Criteria of Hiatt et al for Describing an Adverse Event and Negligence
Screening Criteria of Hiatt et al for Identifying a Possible Adverse Event During Chart Review
Screening Criteria of Michel et al for Identifying a Possible Adverse Event During Chart Review
Preventing Errors in Medical Gas Administration
Factors Associated with Therapist Distress After Suicide of a Patient
Risk Factors of Domino et al for Relapse in a Health Care Professional with a History of Substance Abuse
Criteria for a Legitimate Doctor and Patient Relationship
Recommendations of Engh and Wolf for Handling a Defective Surgical Implant
Classification of Goldman et al for Unsuspected Diagnoses Identified at Autopsy
Reducing Errors Associated with Patient Identification Bands
Disruptive Provider Behavior
Early Indicators Suggesting a Potential Risk for Inappropriate Sexual Behavior Between a Health Care Provider and Patient
Recommendations of Davis for What to Do if Sued for Malpractice
Elements of Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
When a Healthcare Provider May Be Prosecuted for Involuntary Manslaughter
Handling a Patient Who May Be Driving While Intoxicated or Sedated
Legal Protection When Acting as a Good Samaritan
Problems Associated with Using a Surgical Product Derived from an Animal Prohibited By a Patient's Religion
Malpractice Risk Associated with Telephone Triage and Healthcare Advice
Malpractice Risk Associated with Management of the Allergic Patient
Risk Factors of de Paredes for Failure to Detect Breast Cancer on Imaging Studies
Mortality Preventability Classification of Pasquale et al
Screening a Healthcare Worker for Dyslexia
Termination of the Physician-Patient Relationship By the Patient
Termination of the Physician-Patient Relationship By the Physician
Patient Notification By a Physician Discontinuing Clinical Practice
Prohibitions Against Sexual Misconduct By a Physician
Actions Constituting Sexual Misconduct
Categories of Fraser and Adams for Wrong Site Surgery
Delays at the Various Steps in the Diagnosis and Management of a Patient
Wrong Site Surgery Associated with Pathology Diagnosis
Steps That Can Be Taken to Avoid Sexual Abuse of Child By a Healthcare Provider
Patient Dumping
Malpractice Risk Associated with Failure to Screen for Occult Malignancy
Critical Factors of Miller et al for Successful Implementation of a Quality Improvement Program
Risk Factors of Levin for Litigation Associated with Diabetes Mellitus
The Impaired Healthcare Provider
Risk Factors of Kenna and Lewis for Substance Misuse in a Healthcare Professional
Risk Factors of Fraser and Adams for Wrong Site Surgery
Classification of Astion et al for Preventability of Errors
Persons For Whom a Physician Should Not Provide Medical Care Except in an Emergency (Family Members, Significant Others)
Failures That May Occur If a Physician Provides Routine Medical Care When This is Inappropriate (Family Members, Significant Others)
Steps to Reduce the Risk of Being Sued by a Patient
Pediatric Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (PAEP)
Guidelines for Use of Observation Status for Patients
Appropriateness Evaluation Protocol (AEP)
Choosing Between Types of Acute and Long-Term Care Locations
Indications to Transfer a Nursing Home Resident to an Acute Care Facility
Ambulatory Severity Index (ASI)
Patient Severity Index (PSI) of Horn et al
Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) of Subbe et al for a Hospital Inpatient
Patient-At-Risk Early Warning Score of Goldhill et al
Simple Clinical Score of Kellett and Deane for Predicting 30-Day Mortality for a Patient Admitted to an Acute Medical Service
Laboratory Risk Factors of Asadollahi et al for Hospital Mortality After an Acute Admission
Worthing Physiological Scoring System (PSS) of Duckitt et al as a Medical Inpatient Early Warning System
Model of Hucker et al for Identifying a Patient at Increased Risk of Mortality at Presentation to the Emergency Department
Vital Sign Score (VSS) of Merz et al for Evaluating a Patient in the Emergency Department
Bedside Paediatric Early Warning System (PEWS) Score of Parshuram et al
Pediatric Advanced Warning System (PAWS) of Egdell et al
Admission Early Warning Score (EWS) of Groarke et al
Clinical Antecedents of Schein et al Prior to an In-Hospital Cardiopulmonary Arrest
HOTEL Score of Kellett et al for Predicting Mortality Within 24 Hours of Admission to an Acute Medical Unit of the Hospital
Medical Emergency Team (MET) Calling Criteria of Hourihan et al
Patient-at-Risk Team (PART) Calling Criteria of Goldhill et al
Medical Emergency Team (MET) Calling Criteria of Jones et al
Graded Response Strategy of the NICE for an Acutely Ill Hospitalized Patient
Modified Early Warning Score (EWS) of Stenhouse et al
Standardised Early Warning Score (SEWS) of Paterson et al
Early Warning Score (EWS) of Chatterjee et al
Discriminant Functions of Cuthbertson et al for Early Recognition of Deterioration in a Surgical Patient
Cardiff and Vale Pediatric Early Warning System (C&V PEWS)
Basic Metabolic Profile (BMP) Risk Score of May et al (Intermountain Risk Score)
Guidelines for the Commercial Use of Human Tissue
Guidelines for Organ Transplantation
Guidelines for the Infected Health Practitioner
Guidelines for Direct-to-Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising
Evaluation of a Physician's Fee for Medical Services
Use of a Substitute Surgeon for an Operation
Error, Misconduct and Fraud in Scientific Research
Evaluation of Corporate Gifts to Health Care Providers
Use or Release of Insider Information
Guidelines of the American Academy of Dermatology for a Physician Office Dispensing
Falsification of Information Submitted to a Regulator or Insurance Company
Elements of Medical Professionalism
Features of Compensation Under a Capitated Health Plan That May Cause a Conflict of Interest for a Physician
Standardized Nomenclature of Keune et al for Financial Conflicts of Interest (COI)
Guidance for Conflicts of Interest from the National Institutes of Health Ethics Program
Nomenculature of the American College of Surgeons for Potential Conflicts of Interest
New Zealand Surgery Priority Criteria
Classification of a Medical Condition By Its Healthcare Utilisation
Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research Cataract Priority System
New Zealand Priority Score for Major Joint Replacement
Catalan Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Research Hip and Knee Arthroplasty Priority System
CDC Definition of Health Disparities
Physician Belief Scale for Psychosocial Aspects of Patient Care
Predictors for Difficult Physician-Patient Encounters
Trust in Physician Scale
Patient-Doctor Interaction Scale (PDIS)
The Physicians' Humanistic Behavior Questionnaire (PHBQ)
The Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale (MISS)
The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire
The Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI)
Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire of McKinley et al for Out of Hours Primary Care in the United Kingdom
The Difficult Doctor-Patient Relationship Questionnaire
Consultation Satisfaction Questionnaire (Consultation Specific Questionnaire, CSQ) of Baker for General Practice
Interventions to Enhance a Patient's Sense of Dignity
Parent's Perceptions of Primary Care (P3C)
Barriers to Full Disclosure of Pertinent Facts by a Patient
Golden Rules of Pierson and Wilkins for Clinical Etiquette
Ideal Physician Behaviors of Bendapudi et al
Characteristics of a Potentially Difficult Patient
Steps to Take in the Care of a Difficult Patient
Characteristics of a Potentially Problem Family
Fear and Other Reasons for a Patient Avoiding Healthcare
Instrument for Measuring Patient Satisfaction with Nurses and Nursing Care in Primary Care
Patient Satisfaction with Pharmacist Services
Parent Satisfaction Survey of McPherson et al for Pediatric Intensive Care
Treatment Satisfaction Scale
Patient Satisfaction with Insulin Therapy (PSIT) Questionnaire
Patient Satisfaction Survey of Williams et al Following Surgery
Factors Identified by the American Hospital Association and the Picker Institute Associated with Patient Attitudes Towards a Health Care System
Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire of Coyne et al for Patients with Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (TSQ-G)
List of Ginsburg et al for the Items Adolescents Value in Health Care
Factors of Nerney et al Affecting an Elderly Patient's Satisfaction with an Inner City Emergency Department
Factors of Damghi et al Affecting Satisfaction for a Family Who Has a Member in a Moroccan Intensive Care Unit
Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction with Cancer Management
Factors Affecting Patient Satisfaction with Rationed Health Care
Factors of Mitchell et al Affecting Satisfaction for Health Care in Patients with Macular Disease
Factors of Jackson et al Predicting Patient Satisfaction
Breaking Bad News Assessment Schedule (BAS)
Evaluation of Physician Performance in Delivery of Bad News in Pediatric Patients
SPIKES Protocol for Breaking Bad News to Patients
Guidelines of the National Hospice Organization for Hospice Care Eligibility
Findings in a Patient with End-Stage Liver Disease Indicating a Survival of 6 Months or Less
Signs in a Terminally Ill Patient Suggesting Approaching Death
Findings in a Patient with AIDS Indicating a Survival of 6 Months or Less
Findings in a Patient with Heart Disease Indicating a Survival of 6 Months or Less
Findings in a Patient with End Stage Lung Disease Indicating a Survival of 6 Months or Less
Models of Forster and Lynn for Predicting Survival in Inpatient Hospice Applicants
The SARP (Seniority, Acuity, Risk, Political Significance) Method for Triaging Patients for Hospice Admission
Questionnaire for Evaluating Hospice Employee Impressions About Hospice Admission Practices
Clinical Findings Indicating Poor Survival in a Patient with Nonmalignant Lung Disease
Pediatric Conditions Which May Require Palliative Care
Criteria of the National Hospice Organization for Hospice Admission for a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Criteria of the National Hospice Organization for Hospice Admission for a Patient with Dementia
Proposed Guidelines of Quill et al for Discontinuation of a Life-Sustaining Treatment in a Competent Patient
Estimates for Survival of a Japanese Soldier in the Jungle During World War II
Triggers of Mitsumoto and Rabkin for When to Start a Discussion about End-of-Life Issues in a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Medicare Criteria for Hospice Care of a Patient with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Predictors of Bedos et al for Death Within 3 Months in an HIV-Infected Patient with Neurologic Failure Admitted to the ICU
Risk Score of Huynh et al for Identifying a Patient with Heart Failure With a Short Life Expectancy
Triggers of the NHS for Supportive and Palliative Care for a Patient with Advanced Heart Failure
WHO Definition of Palliative Care for a Child
Nomogram of Lau et al for Predicting Survival in a Patient with a Terminal Illness Based on the Palliative Performance Scale (PPS)
Clinical Scoring System of Kanesvaran et al for a Geriatric Asian Patient with Cancer
Criteria of Weissman and Meier for Identifying a Patient Being Admitted to the Hospital Who Should Undergo a Palliative Care Assessment
Adherence by Physicians with Clinical Practice Guidelines
Screening Tool of Rasmusen for Early Discharge Planning
Handling the Patient Who Wants to Leave a Hospital Against Medical Advice (AMA)
Evaluating a Patient's Understanding of Diagnoses and Treatment Plan at Discharge
Model of Pages et al for the Prediction of a Psychiatric Patient Leaving Against Medical Advice (AMA)
Patient Classification System for a General Hospital Ward
Aggregate Demand Index (ADI)
Determining Cost or Event Per Member Per Period
Determining the Medical Necessity of an Intervention
Characteristics of an Effective Home Health Care Program
Observational Checklist for a Home Visit
Identifying Potential Problems for a Patient at Home
Outcome Evaluation Record (OER) for Evaluating a Student's Suturing Ability
The SMOG Readability Formula for Written Materials
Guidelines for Risk Reduction Associated with Giving Patient Advice Over the Telephone
Guidelines for Physician Telephone Consultations with Patients
Rules for Sending E-Mail Messages to Patients
SOL Formulas of Contreras et al for Estimating the SMOG Readability Score of Educational Material After Translating Between English, French or Spanish
Newest Vital Sign (NVS) of Weiss et al for Evaluating Patient Literacy
Risk Factors of Wolf et al for a Patient with Low Literacy Misunderstanding a Drug Warning Label
Flesch Reading Ease
Golden Rules of DuBay for Writing Documentation
Original Dale and Chall Formula for Readability
Patient Behaviors That May Indicate Low Literacy or Language Comprehension
Classifying a Patient's Health Literacy and Ability to Read Instructions
Signs of Evangelista et al for Possible Low Health Literacy
RUMBA Rule for Patient Communication
Persons Susceptible to Quack Cures
Features Common to Promotion of a Quack Cure
Evaluation of a Suction System for Fluid Collection
Selecting the Right Microcomputer to Meet a User's Needs
Causes of Permanent Damage to Surgical Instruments
Equipment Malfunction Associated with Inappropriate Use of Cleaning or Disinfecting Solutions
Guidelines for Effective Computer Passwords
Disposal of Computer Hardware and Disk Sanitization
Taking Photographs to Document Injuries
Selecting an Expert Witness
Recommendations of Brenner for Behavior During a Legal Deposition
Legibility Score of Berwick and Winickoff
Guidelines for Making Entries into the Medical Record
Hazards of Falsifying the Medical Record
Medical Information That Should Be Carried By a Patient
Errors That Can Occur in the Problem List
Risk Factors for Congestive Chart Failure
Family Concerns Affecting the Decision for Organ Donation of a Deceased Relative
Screening a Medical Practice for Risk Factors Associated with Employee Theft
Warning Signs of Possible Problems in a Medical Practice
Signs of Possible Problems with Billing in a Medical Practice
Required Capacity for Water Hardness Removal
Specifications of Otero for Hospital Clean Linen Supply
Laundry Sorting and Wash Water Temperatures
Laundry Soil Classification of Smulders
Under Sink Storage in a Healthcare Facility
Preliminary Assessment of a Problem Involving a Member of the Medical Staff
Risk Factors for Difficulties When Solving a Problem with the Medical Staff
Criteria of Halfon et al for a Potentially Avoidable Hospital Readmission
Equation of Halfon et al for Predicting the Probability of a Potentially Avoidable Hospital Readmission
Risk Factors of Lyratzopoulos et al for Emergency Medical Hospital Readmission
Screening Criteria of Boult et al for Identifying an Elderly Patient at Risk for Hospital Admission
Criteria from the Hospitalized Older Persons Evaluation (HOPE) Study for Identifying an Older Adult Who May Benefit from a Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment
Model of Burns and Nichols for Predicting Hospital Readmission in an Elderly Male
Predictors of Katikireddi and Cloud Associated with a High Risk of Hospital Readmission
LACE Score of van Walraven et al for Predicting Death or Early Readmission Following Hospital Discharge to the Community
Predictors of Allaudeen et al for Hospital Readmission of a General Medicine Patient
Model of Anderson and Steinberg for Predicting Hospital Readmission in the Medicare Population
Risk Factors of Lin et al for Hospital Readmission Following a Stroke
Risk Factors of Kassin et al for 30-Day Hospital Readmission Following General Surgery
Early Warning System of Li et al for Preventing Readmission After Colorectal Surgery
Readmission Prediction Score of Barbas et al Following Hepatic Surgery
Post-Hospital Syndrome
Nutritional Risk Factors of Friedmann et al for Hospital Readmission
Immediate Handling of a Patient Who Smells Foul
Pitfalls of Back and Arnold to Avoid When Dealing with a Conflict
Communication Tools of Back and Arnold for Managing Conflict
Custody Planning Questionnaire of Willis et al for a Single Parent with Cancer
Abandoned, Discarded and Boarder Babies
Patterns of Greenberg et al for Breakdowns in Communications Between Health Care Providers That Result in Surgical Patient Injury
Triggers of Greenberg et al for When a Surgical Attending Physician Should Be Called About a Patient
Recommendations of Greenberg et al for Improving Communications Between Health Care Providers
Situations Requiring Hand-Off Communications
Coordinated Care
Management of Rumors and Gossip in a Healthcare Setting
Pros and Cons of Patient Advocacy Groups
Things That Can Go Wrong for a Medical Tourist
Requirements for Successful Medical Tourism
Performance Rate and Exception Rate for an Intervention
CEO-itis at a Healthcare Organization
How to Recognize a Preordained ("Wired") Grant
Challenges to School Administrators Posed by Pediatric Allergies
Ulysses Syndrome
Elements of a SWOT Analysis
Classification of Clavien et al for Surgical Complications
Accordion Severity Grading System for Surgical Complications
Postoperative Morbidity Index (PMI)
Risk Factors for Regulatory Creep
Coder Level Errors of O'Malley et al
Summary Table for Early Warning Scores
Cardiac Arrest Risk Triage (CART) Score of Churpek et al
Obstetric Early Warning Score of Carle et al
Nurse Navigator (NN)
Embarrassment and Modesty As Barriers to Getting Appropriate Healthcare
Gold Standards Framework (GSF) General Criteria for End-of-Life Illness
Gold Standards Framework (GSF): Prognostic Indicator for a Patient with Heart Failure
Early Screen for Discharge Planning (ESDP) of Holland et al
Risk Factors of Turina et al for Early Unplanned Readmission Following Rectal Resection
Risk Factors of Singal et al Associated with 30-Day Hospital Readmission for a Patient with Cirrhosis
Risk Factors of Brooks et al for a Potentially Avoidable Hospital Admission for a Patient with Advanced Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer
Outlander Syndrome
Risk Factors for Readmission of a Psychiatric Patient
Pseudo Item Retention at Surgery Associated with an Error in the Surgical Count
Risk Factors for a Patient Wandering Away from a Healthcare Facility
Levels of Patient Activation
Hoarding of Clinical Supplies
Predictors of Luk et al for the Use of Physical Restraints in Canadian Intensive Care Units (ICUs)
Complaints, Grievances and Appeals
Factors That Could Compromise the Care Provided by an Older Physician
Detecting Drug Diversion in a Clinician with Access to Controlled Substances
Predictors of Kompoti et al for In-Hospital Mortality of a Medical Patient
Neonatal Trigger Score (NTS) of Holme et al.
Hospital Surge Capacity Status
Minimum Data Set Mortality Risk Index of Porock et al for a Nursing Home Resident
Indications of Davidson et al for Considering Palliative Care in a Patient with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Risk Factors of Ahmad et al for Hospital Readmission Following Curative Gastrectomy for Gastric Cancer
Risk Factors of Graboyes et al for Unplanned Hospital Readmission for an Otolaryngology Patient
LACE+ Index of van Walraven et al
Risk Factor of Manzano et al for Unplanned Hospitalization of an Elderly Patient with a Gastrointestinal Cancer
Risk Factors of Morandi et al for Unplanned Rehospitalization for an Elderly Patient Admitted to a Rehabilitation Unit
Risk Factors of Neuman et al for Readmission of a Pediatric Patient Hospitalized for Pneumonia
Tool of Ben-Chetrit et al for Predicting Unplanned Readmission of an Elderly Patient Admitted to Internal Medicine
Score of Iannuzzi et al for Readmission Following Thyroid or Parathyroid Surgery
Risk Score of Iannuzzi et al for Unplanned Readmission Following Vascular Surgery
Risk Factors of Fawcett et al for Unplanned Readmission in an Older Trauma Patient
Model of Wasfy et al for Predicting 30-Day Hospital Readmission Following a Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)
Model of Hasan et al for Predicting 30-Day Hospital Readmission for a Patient Discharged from a General Medical Ward
Risk Factors of Kelly et al for Unplanned 30-Day Readmission Following a Major Gastrointestinal Resection
Intraoperative Adverse Event (iAE) Severity Classification of Kaafarani et al
Critical Access Hospital (CAH)
Financial Toxicity Grading Criteria of Khera
Risk Factors for Fragmented Healthcare
Problems Associated with Fragmented Healthcare
Score of Montoya et al for Prioritizing Varicose Vein Surgery
Risk Factors of Socias et al for Healthcare Avoidance in Transgender Females in Argentina
Hazards of Live Cell Therapy (Fresh Cell Therapy)
Social Problem List of Brown
Risk Factors of Abraham et al for Unplanned Readmission Following Gastric Bypass Surgery
Predictors of Brown et al for Readmission or Death After Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
Risk Factors of Hannan et al for 30-Day Readmission after Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Predictors of Mednick et al for Readmission Following a Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
Predictors of Shorr et al for Readmission of an Adult Following a Hospitalization for Pneumonia
Readmission Risk Score (RRS) of Taha et al for a Medical Patient
Model of Mesko et al for 30-Day Readmission Following Total Knee or Hip Arthroplasty
Risk Factors of Zhang et al for Readmission Following Lower Extremity Bypass Surgery
Predictors of Dziegielewski et al for Readmission Following Head and Neck Surgery
Predictors of Allison et al for 30-Day Readmission for a Patient Discharged with Ongoing Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy (OPAT)
RACE Protocol of Samala and Davis to Manage Wound Malodor
Classes of Baker and Haig for Wound Malodor
Risk Factors of Kelly et al Affecting Length of Stay After Colorectal Resection
Reasons Why an Adverse Event May Be Underreported or Go Unrecognized
Risk Factors for Inappropriate Clinical Infusion of a Demonstration Saline Solution Intended for Instruction Only
Prognostic Score of Cattermole et al for Identifying a Critically-Ill Patient in the Emergency Department (Prince of Wales Prediction Score, PEDS)
The Resuscitation Management (THERM) Score of Cattermole et al for Identifying a Critically-Ill Patient in the Emergency Department (ED)
National Early Warning Score (NEWS) of the National Health Service (NHS)
Goldwater Rule
Risk Factors for Noncompliance with a Follow-Up Appointment By a Patient in the Emergency Department (ED)
Score of Simonet et al for Predicting Discharge of a Patient to a Post-Acute Care Facility (PACF)
HOSPITAL Score of Donze et al for Identifying a Potentially Avoidable 30-Day Hospital Readmission
Preoperative RATHRR (Readmission After Total Hip Replacement Risk) Scale of Siracuse and Chamberlain for Predicting Readmission Following a Total Hip Replacement (THR)
Prediction Tool of Alassaad et al for Rehospitalisation and Mortality of an Elderly Patient in the Hospital
Criteria of El-Jawahri et al for Potentially Avoidable Hospital (PAH) Readmission for an Older Adult with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
Nomogram of Williams et al for Estimating the Risk of Unplanned Readmission Following Major Surgery
Risk Factors of Westermann et al for 30-Day Readmission Following Shoulder Arthroplasty
Risk Factors of Jain et al for 30-Day Hospital Readmission Following Inpatient Plastic Surgery
Nomogram of Tevis et al for Predicting Hospital Readmission Following General Surgery
Risk Factors of Vallabh et al for 30-Day Readmission for a Hospitalized Patient Discharged with Home Parenteral Nutrition or Intravenous Fluid Administration
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Classes of Device Recall
Risk Factors for Patient Misidentification
Consequences of Misidentification
Indications of Farnon and Hofmann for Hospice Care of a Patient in Coma and/or Stroke
Score of Whitlock et al for Predicting 30-Day Readmission with Acute Pancreatitis
Risk Factors of Parker et al for Adhesion-Related Hospital Readmission Following Lower Abdominal Surgical Procedure Based on the SCAR-3 Study
Predictors of Belmont et al for 30-Day Hospital Readmission After Total Shoulder Arthroplasty
Risk Factors of Westermann et al for 30-Day Unplanned Readmission After Shoulder and Knee Arthroscopy
READMIT Score of Vigod et al for Predicting 30-Day Readmission Following Discharge from an Acute Psychiatric Unit
Physiologically Unstable Patient (PUP) Early Warning Score of Robb and Seddon
Privacy Concerns of an Injured Employee and the OSHA 300 Log
Primary Health Early Warning Score (PHEWS) of Anderson
Risk Factors of Munigala et al for Early Readmission in a Patient Hospitalized for Acute Pancreatitis
Risk Factors of Buicko et al for Nonelective 30-Day Readmission for a Pediatric Assault Victim
Risk Factors for Diagnostic Odyssey
Interventions to Reduce Avoidable Visits to the Emergency Department
Risk Factors of Umegaki et al for Discontinuation of Home Medical Care in an Older Adult
Retaliation (Unfavorable Personnel Action) Against a Whistleblower
Wrongful Life
Pandemic Medical Early Warning Score (PMEWS) of Challen et al for Triaging a Patient with Pandemic Influenza
Risk Factors of Tal et al for Mortality of an Elderly Hospital Inpatient
Procedure Based Severity Index of Yamana et al
Tool of Cameron et al for Predicting Hospital Admission at Triage in the Emergency Department (Glasgow Admission Prediction Score, GAPS)
Factors Affecting the Physician Satisfaction of a Patient with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Index of Ouchi et al for Predicting In-Hospital Mortality for an Older Adult Without Trauma Intubated in the Emergency Department
Palliative Sedation at the End of Life
Risk Factors of Lelieveld et al for Discharge Against Medical Advice (DAMA) for an Older Adult
Cut-and-Paste in Clinical Documentation (Clinical Plagiarism)
Risk Factors of Mudge et al for Recurrent Admission of a Medical Patient
Risk Factors of Zmistowski et al for Unplanned Readmission After a Total Knee or Hip Joint Arthroplasty (TJA)
Risk Factors of Sherrod et al for Unplanned Readmission of a Pediatric Patient Following Neurosurgery
Model of Jean et al for Predicting Readmission Following Pulmonary Lobectomy
AMI READMITS Score of Nguyen et al for 30-Day Readmission After Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)
Predictors of Nangit et al for Early Hospital Readmission of a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythemtosus (SLE)
Semi Index of Zapatero et al for Readmission of an Adult on an Internal Medicine Ward
Risk Factors of Vipperla et al for Readmission Following a Sentinel Attack of Acute Pancreatitis
Risk Factors of Berman et al for Hospital Readmission of a Patient with Cirrhosis
Risk Factors of Shen et al for a Delay in Therapy for a Woman with Cervical Cancer in Taiwan
Failure to Refer to a Specialist
Risk Factors of Ng et al for a Nonurgent Patient Being Admitted from the Emergency Department
Predictors of Costa et al for Subsequent Outcome for an Elderly Patient Following a Visit to the Emergency Department
Picking at Bedclothes as Sign of Impending Death (Carphology, Floccilation, Henry V Sign)
Risk Factors for Unplanned Readmission or Emergency Room Visit After Thyroidectomy
Risk Factors of Yli-Kyyny et al for Early Readmission Following Hip (Proximal Femur) Fracture Surgery
Global Assessment of Pediatric Patient Safety (GAPPS) Tool: Medications
Global Assessment of Pediatric Patient Safety (GAPPS) Tool: Hospital Care Environment and Healthcare-Associated Infections
Global Assessment of Pediatric Patient Safety (GAPPS) Tool: Surgical Triggers
Global Assessment of Pediatric Patient Safety (GAPPS) Tool: Transfers, Outcomes and Intensive Care Unit
PREDICT Score of Richardson et al for an Elderly Adult in the Emergency Department
Models of Bellew et al for Early Rapid Response Team Activation for Patients Admitted from the Emergency Department: PeRRT Risk Score
Models of Bellew et al for Early Rapid Response Team Activation for Patients Admitted from the Emergency Department: Simplified Multivariate Model
Updated National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) of the National Health Service (NHS)
Ambulatory Care Score (Amb) of Ala et al
Chronic Respiratory Early Warning Score (CREWS)
Hamilton Early Warning Score (HEWS)
Score of Fischer et al Using the CARING Criteria for Palliative Care
Classification of Dindo et al for Surgical Complications (Clavien-Dindo Classification)
Classification of Landriel Ibanez et al for Neurosurgical Complications
Daily Activity Index (DAI) of Dellit et al for Measuring House Staff Workload
Pediatric ED Overcrowding Scale (PEDOCS) of Weiss et al
Community ED Overcrowding Scale of Weiss et al (CEDOCS)
Models of Lucke et al for Admission of an Adult from the Emergency Department: Model If Less Than 70 Years Old
Models of Lucke et al for Admission of an Adult from the Emergency Department: Model If 70 Years of Age or Older
Risk Factors of Rasmussen et al for Predicting Short-Term Mortality for an Acute Medical Patient
Models of de Gelder et al for Outcomes of an Older Adult in the Emergency Department: Composite Adverse Outcome
Models of de Gelder et al for Outcomes of an Older Adult in the Emergency Department: Mortality
Brighton Pediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS)
Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS)
Model of Nickel et al for Impact of Patient Mobility on In-Hospital Mortality
Combination of MEWS and Blood Lactate to Predict ICU Transfer for an Inpatient with Sepsis
Early Activation of a Rapid Response Team (RRT) Following Admission from the Emergency Department
ViEWS (Vitalpac Early Warning Score) of Prytherch et al
Abbreviated ViEWS (Vitalpac Early Warning Score) of Kellett et al
RADPAC-PD Tool for Palliative Care for a Patient with Parkinson's Disease
Screening Tool of Holland et al for Specialized Discharge Planning Services
Medicare Criteria for a Patient to be Classified as Homebound
Risk Factors of Dhakal et al for Unplanned Readmission After Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (HCT)
Predictors of O'Brien for Unplanned Readmission After Laparoscopic Intestinal Surgery
Nomogram of Deo et al for 30-Day Readmission After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Procedure
Risk Factors of Turrentine et al for 30-Day Hospital Readmission of an Elderly Surgical Patient
Model of Hatipoglu et al for Predicting All-Cause Readmission Risk for a Patient with Pneumonia (Cleveland Clinic Model)
Risk Factors of Agrawal et al for 30-Day Readmission for a Patient with Decompensated Cirrhosis
Model of Kruger et al for Early Readmission for a Patient with Cirrhosis and Hepatic Encephalopathy
Score of Mumtaz et al for Predicting Readmission Risk in a Patient with Cirrhosis
Risk Factors of Capelastegui et al for 30-Day Readmission for a Hospitalized Patient with Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP)
Risk Factors of Parikh et al for 30-Day Readmission for a Patient with Acute Cholangitis
Predictors of Ali and Gibbons for Hospital Readmission After Hip Fracture
Index of Franckowiak et al for All-Cause 30-Day Readmission (HATRIX)
Predictors of Flythe et al for 30-Day Readmission for a Patient on Maintenance Hemodialysis
Predictors of Real et al for Hospital Readmission
Model of Sobotka et al for Predicting Hospital Readmission Following Colectomy or Proctocolectomy
Classification of Hasselmann et al for an Incision Complication
Modified Spine Adverse Events Severity System (SAVES) of Rampersaud et al
Risk Factors of O'Brien et al for Hospital Length of Stay (LOS) for a Patient with Deep Neck Space Infection
Impact of Delirium on the Hospital Length of Stay (LOS)
Social Determinants of Health Screening Tool of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Toxic Stress Risk Factors of Selvaraj et al (ASK Tool Questionnaire)
Screening for Social Risk Using the Clinical Social History Screen of Beck et al
SIFK Score of Pareek et al for Subchondral Insufficiency Fracture of the Knee
Prevention of Suicide or Self-Harm in a Healthcare Facility
Hospital-patient One-year Mortality Risk (HOMR) of van Walraven et al: Part One
Hospital-patient One-year Mortality Risk (HOMR) of van Walraven et al: Part Two
Hospital-patient One-year Mortality Risk (HOMR) of van Walraven et al: Part Three
Hospital-patient One-year Mortality Risk (HOMR) of van Walraven et al: Part Four (Diagnostic Risk Score)
Hospital-patient One-year Mortality Risk (HOMR) of van Walraven et al: Total Score
Silver Code of Di Bari et al for Evaluating a Geriatric Patient in the Emergency Department
Multidimensional Prognostic Index (MPI)
Model of Ha et al for Predicting 30-Day Mortality for a Medical Patient in the Emergency Department
Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) Plus SpO2/FIO2 (MEWS_SF) Score
Obstetric Early Warning Score of Umar et al
Horn Index
Vitals Risk Index (VRI)
Irish Maternal Early Warning Score (IMEWS)
Predictors of Poojary et al for 30-Day Readmission for a Patient with Ulcerative Colitis
Prognostic Score of Shankar-Hari et al for 1-Year Unplanned Readmission or Death in an Adult Following Sepsis
Model of Mather et al for 30-Day Readmission for Pneumonia
Calculator of Goltz et al for 90-Day Readmission Following Total Knee or Hip Arthroplasty
Risk Score of Zea-Vera for 90-Day Readmission Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
New Zealand Early Warning Score (NZEWS)
Children's Hospital Early Warning System (CHEWS)
Clinical Model of Coslovsky et al for Predicting Death of a Patient in the Emergency Department
Between the Flags (BTF)
Simple Prognostic Score of Nickel et al for an Alert and Calm Patient in the Emergency Department
Index of Froom et al for Predicting Mortality in an Acutely Hospitalized Patient
5-Item Trust in the Surgical Decision Scale
Risk Score of Cho et al for Evaluating Discharge Location Following a Stroke
Risk Factors of Lunardi et al for Unplanned Readmission Following Trauma
Risk Factors of Kim et al for Readmission for Septic Shock with the Same Pathogen
Nomogram of Xu et al for Predicting Readmission of a Patient with Acute Decompensated Cirrhosis
Predictors of Porat et al for Readmission Following Gram-Negative Bacteremia
Risk Factors of Glans et al for 30-Day Readmission of an Older Adult
Predictors of Agrawal et al for 30-Day Readmission for a Patient with Infective Endocarditis
Modified Satava Classification of Kazaryan et al for Unfavorable Intraoperative Incidents
Triage-ProADM Score of Kutz et al for Risk Stratification of a Medical Patient in the Emergency Department
Geriatric Fever Score of Chung et al for a Older Adult in the Emergency Department (LST Score)
Predictors of Tran et al for Mortality of a Surgical Patient Requiring Rapid Response Team (RRT) Activation
Triage Risk Screening Tool (TRST) of Meldon et al for an Older Adult in the Emergency Department
National Early Warning Score 2 Plus Lactate Score (NEWS-L, NEWS2-L)
Risk Factors of Na et al for Early Medical Emergency Team (MET) Reactivation for a Hospital Inpatient
Predictors of Benjenk et al for Adherence with Emergency Department Discharge Instructions By an Older Adult
Risk Factors of Parami et al for Readmission for a Patient with Major Depression
FAM-FACE-SG Score for Risk Stratification of Patients Having Frequent Hospital Admissions in Singapore
Predictive Score of Blanc et al for Potentially Avoidable Hospital Readmission for a General Internal Medicine Patient
Risk Factors of Rubinos et al for Hospital Readmission of an Infant with a Prolonged Stay in the Neonatal ICU
Low Value Healthcare
Healthcare Waste Domains of Berwick and Hackbarth
Failure to Rescue (FTR)
IHELP Social History
Risk Score of Iannuzzi et al for Nonhome Discharge After Lower Extremity Bypass Surgery
Informed Consent for a Patient with Chronic Pain
FADIO-COMPLIMED Scores: Graph for In-Hospital Mortality of Nardi et al
Early Warning Score (EWS) of Gielen et al for Initial Evaluation of an Adult Admitted to a General Hospital Ward
FADIO-COMPLIMED Scores: Graph for One-Year Mortality of Nardi et al
Predictors of Chafranska et al for Mortality of a Patient with Suspected Infection in the Emergency Department
Health Disparities Index (HDI) of Parikh et al
Levels of Care Intensity in a Hospital
Home Care Score (HCS) of Miyamori et al
Choose Home Algorithm of Madrigal et al for Long-Term Care Admission or Death for an Older Veteran
Nomogram of Ding et al for Predicting 30-Day Readmission in Acute Pancreatitis
Cancer READMIT Score Manzano et al for Predicting Readmission for a Patient with a Solid Malignancy
Nomogram of Xu et al for Predicting Readmission of a Patient with Decompensated Cirrhosis
Predictive Model of Liu et al for Risk of Readmission for a Patient Undergoing Coronary Bypass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Predictors of Argueta et al for 30-Day Readmission After Bariatric Surgery
Score of Fitriana et al for Predicting 30-Day Unplanned Readmission in a Geriatric Patient
Risk Factors of DiTosto et al for Readmission Following a Stillbirth
CMS Five-Star (5 Star) Quality Rating System for Nursing Homes
Universal Vital Assessment (UVA) Score
Indications of Levine et al for Hospital Care at Home for an Acutely Ill Adult
Contraindications of Levine et al for Hospital Care at Home for an Acutely Ill Adult
Ineligibility Criteria of Leff et al for Care of an Elderly Patient in a Home Hospital
Model of Benuzillo et al for Risk of Readmission Following Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Graft
Risk Factors of Osborne et al for Alcohol-Related Readmission in a Patient with an Alcohol-Related Diagnosis
Predictors of da Cunha Guimaraes et al for Hospital Readmission After a Fracture in an Older Adult
Predictors of Osho et al for 30-Day Readmission in a Lung Transplant Recipient
Predictors of Cruz et al for 30-Day Hospital Readmission
Model of Blasius et al for Predicting Increased Length of Stay Following Repair of an Isolated Calcaneal Fracture
Modified Obstetrical Early Warning Score (MOEWS) of Xu et al
Quick Modified Early Warning Score (qMEWS)
Ramathibodi Early Warning Score (REWS)
ED-PEWS of Zachariasse et al for Pediatric Patients in the Emergency Department
Maternal Early Warning Trigger (MEWT) Tool of Shields et al: Triggers
Maternal Early Warning Criteria (MEWC)
ALERT Scale of Roberts et al for Predicting Adverse Outcomes for a Hospitalized Patient
Individual Early Warning Score (I-EWS) of Nielsen et al
Ghost Surgery
Accepted Reasons Why a Physician May Discontinue a Physician-Patient Relationship
Measures That Should Br Taken When Discontinuing a Physician-Patient Relationship
Healthcare Desert
Criteria for Screening and Triaging to Appropriate Alternative Care (CriSTAL) of Cardona-Morrell and Hillman for Identifying the Dying Hospital Patient
Risk Score of Sun et al for Emergency House Call for a Patient Receiving Home Care
Classification of Care and Support Levels for Long-Term Home Care Patients in Japan
Risk Factors of Considine et al for Hospital Readmission Within 1 Day of Discharge
Prognostic Factors of Pandolfi et al for Readmission Due to Recurrent Sepsis
Predictors of Lander et al for Avoidable Admissions for a Patient with Lung Cancer
International Early Warning Score (IEWS) of Candel et al
Triggers of Douglas et al for Medical Emergency Team Activation After Non-Cardiac Surgery
Predictive Scores of Deschasse et al for Mortality After Discharge of a Geriatric Patient: Score for 3 Month Mortality
Predictive Scores of Deschasse et al for Mortality After Discharge of a Geriatric Patient: Score for 12 Month Mortality
Modified NEWS Plus Soluble Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Receptor (suPAR)
Medical Admission Prediction Score (MAPS) of Zahid et al for Predicting Medical Admission from the Emergency Department
Indications of Hvisdak et al for Palliative Care for a Patient with End-Stage Parkinsonism
POMSNAME of Dadich et al for Palliative Care Assessment
Model of Ali et al for Predicting Unplanned Readmission After Panniculectomy
Risk Prediction Model of Dreyer et al for 1-Year Readmission for a Young Adult Hospitalized for an Acute Myocardial Infarction
Score of Mousa et al for Predicting 30-Day Readmission for a Cirrhotic Patient with Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis
Nomogram of Tang et al for 30-Day Readmission After Hip Fracture Surgery
Readmission Risk Assessment Tool (RRAT) of Dundon et al for a Patient Undergoing Total Joint Arthroplasty
Model of D'Souza et al for Readmission After Colorectal Cancer Surgery
Predictors of Rammal et al for Readmission After Total Laryngectomy
Simplified and Early HOSPITAL Scores of Mathys et al
Risk Factors of Berger et al for Readmission After Bariatric Surgery
Laboratory Decision Tree Early Warning Score (LDT-EWS) of Jarvis et al: Male Model
Laboratory Decision Tree Early Warning Score (LDT-EWS) of Jarvis et al: Female Model
Laboratory Decision Tree Early Warning Score (LDT-EWS) and NEWS Risk Index of Redfern et al
Prehospital Respiratory Early Warning Score (REWS) of Martin-Rodriguez et al
Palliative Care for a Prison Inmate
Suicide Tourist (Euthanasia Tourist, Assisted Suicide Abroad)
Decision Tree Analyses of Kato et al and Discharge Location of a Patient with a Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Predictors of Low et al for Unplanned Readmission Following Non-Cardiac Surgery Performed on Asian Adults
Predictors of Kim et al for Early Readmission in a Patient Receiving Home Mechanical Ventilation
AHRQ Priority Score for a Grant Application
Job Lock