Guidelines for Substitution of a Different Formulation for a Prescribed Drug
Dispensing the Appropriate Capsule Combination for the Daily Dose of Temozolomide
Criteria for an Accurate Prescription of a Nebulized Bronchodilator
Dispensing the Appropriate Tablet Combination for the Daily Dose of Xeloda (Capecitabine)
Dispensing the Appropriate Number of Capsules of Succimer for Chelating Heavy Metals
Determining the Appropriate Dose of Sevelamer Hydrochloride to Control Serum Inorganic Phosphorus Levels in Patients with End Stage Renal Failure
Dispensing Sufficient Medication to Fill a Prescription
Amount of Cream or Ointment to Dispense for Topical Skin Application
Criteria for a Valid Prescription
Determining the Price to Charge for a Prescription
Calculation of the Weight of a Drug Compound to Dispense to Deliver a Target Dose of the Active Drug Moiety
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Rules for Importation of an Unapproved Drug
Converting a Patient from Intravenous to Oral Drug Administration
Dispensing Sufficient Oseltamivir to Treat a Patient for Influenza
Reducing the Risk of Forged or Altered Prescriptions
Dispensing Sufficient Voriconazole (Vfend) for Intravenous Infusion
Dosing Nelfinavir mesylate (Viracept) for Oral Therapy in a Child
Predictors of Miller et al Identifying a Patient with a Chronic Disease Who Comes to the Emergency Department for a Drug Refill
When to Investigate a Generic Drug for Therapeutic Effectiveness
Recommendations of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Selecting a Website from Which to Purchase a Prescription Medication Online
Hazards of Buying Medications On-Line from an Unscrupulous Website
Dispensing Sufficient Ulesfia Lotion (5% Benzyl Alcohol) for the Treatment of Head Lice
Fingertip Unit (FTU) and Dosing of a Topical Cream
Dosing a Saturated Solution of Potassium Iodide (SSKI)
Patient Assessment and Instruction in the Use of an Inhaler
Score of Ruscin and Semla for Evaluating a Patient's Ability to Perform Tasks Associated with Taking Tablets or Pills
Dosage Forms Subscore of the Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI)
Dosing Frequency Subscore of the Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI)
Subscore for Additional Directions of the Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI)
Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI)
Impact of Numeracy on a Patient’s Ability to Take a Medication
Identification of High Risk Medications
Schedules for Controlled Substances
Scale of Nutt et al for Assessing the Harm of a Drug's Misuse Potential
Principles for Off-Label Use of a Medication
Handling a Drug Shortage
Information That Should Be Included in the Label Placed on a Sterile Product Prepared in a Pharmacy
Reasons for a Drug Shortage
Handling Glacial Acetic or Other Strong Acids
Medication Appropriateness Index of Hanlon et al
General Rules for Treatment of a Chronic Condition from the International Consensus Guidelines for the Therapy of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Criteria for Unlabeled Use of a Medication (Off-Label Drug Use)
The Geriatric Medication Evaluation Algorithm of Newton et al.
Troubleshooting the Failure of a Patient to Respond to a Medication
Summated Score of Samsa et al for the Medication Appropriateness Index of Hanlon et al
Clinical Utility Score of Kain
Comparison of Antiepileptic Drugs Using the Monostars Score of Brodie
NO TEARS Tool for Medication Review
Total Cumulative Drug Exposure Over Time
Reasons Why an Antibiotic May Be Prescribed When Unnecessary
1997 Beers Diagnosis Independent Criteria to Identify Potentially Inappropriate Drug Use In an Elderly Patient
Identifying Unnecessary Antibiotic Usage Near the End of Life
CNS Penetration Effectiveness (CPE) Score for an Antiretroviral Drug Regimen
Problems Listed by Rollason and Vogt Associated with Polypharmacy
Predictors of Nyhuis et al for Switching an Antipsychotic Medication in a Patient with Schizophrenia
Criteria of Rapoport et al for Evaluating Triptan Therapy of Migraine
Therapeutic Duplication
Risk Factors for a Serious Complication in a Pediatric Patient Receiving of a Cough and Cold Remedy
Risk Factors of Harugeri et al for High-Level Polypharmacy in an Elderly Hospital Patient
Listing of Drugs with a Narrow Therapeutic Index from the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy
Potentially High Risk Medications
Drug Burden Index (DBI) of Hilmer et al (Total Drug Burden, TDB)
Drug Holiday (On/Off Treatment, Strategic Treatment Interruption)
A Checklist for Informing the Patient About a New Medication
The MedTake Test for Determining a Patient's Familiarity with Medications
A Patient Questionnaire Before Using Imitrex Nasal Spray for Migraine Headaches
Risk Factors of Sorensen et al for a Poor Health Outcome Based On How a Patient Manages Medications at Home
Dosing a Drug With an Additional Side Chain (Fosphenytoin and Phenytoin Equivalents)
Effects of Hydration on Drug Dosage
Dosing a Drug Formulated as a Salt
Equivalent Anti-Inflammatory Oral or Intravenous Corticosteroid Dose
Equivalent Narcotic (Equianalgesic) Drug Doses
Converting a Patient with ADHD to Extended Release Methylphenidate
Converting a Patient from Depakote to the Extended Release (ER) Formulation
FDA Criteria for Therapeutic Equivalence Between Two Drug Preparations
Converting a Patient Taking Intravenous Immune Globulin to Subcutaneous Immune Globulin (SCIG, Vivaglobin)
Equivalent Doses of Theophylline and Related Methylxanthines
Total Levodopa Equivalents (Levodopa Equivalent Daily Dose, LEDD)
Dose Equivalents for Dopamine Agonists As Reported by Hobson et al.
Equivalent Doses of Loop Diuretics (Furosemide Equivalents)
FDA Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluation Codes
Indications for Using Parenteral Morphine for Control of Severe Pain
Method of Mercadante et al for Titrating Intravenous Morphine in a Patient with Severe Cancer Pain with Immediate Conversion to Oral Dosing
Method of Nelson et al for Administration of Parenteral Morphine for a Patient with Severe Cancer Pain
Method of Indelicato and Portenoy for Opioid Rotation in a Patient with Refractory Cancer Pain
Conversion of a Patient to Oral Oxycontin According to the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR)
Management of Acute Pain in a Substance Abuser
Dosing Tylenol (Acetaminophen) in Children
Calculating the Aspirin Conversion Factor (ACF) for a Salicylate
Calculating the Aspirin Equivalent Dose (AED) for a Salicylate
Increase in Fentanyl Patch Strength to Adjust for Frequent Episodes of Breakthrough Pain
Conversion of an Oral Morphine Dose to a Transdermal Fentanyl Patch Strength
Features Suggestive of Drug Seeking Behavior in a Patient
Risk Factors of Ives et al for Opioid Misuse in a Patient with Chronic Pain
Patient Agreement with the Physician for the Use of Opioid or Other Controlled Substances
Contraindications for the Use of a Fentanyl Transdermal Patch in a Patient with Pain
Factors Associated with Toxic Symptoms in a Patient Taking Extended Release Oxymorphone
Opioid Induced Hyperalgesia (OIH)
Risk Factors for Fentanyl Toxicity in a Patient Treated with a Transdermal Patch
Management of the Pain Associated with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
World Health Organization (WHO) Analgesic Ladder
Prescription Opioid Misuse Index (POMI) of Knisely et al
Conversion of a Patient from Intravenous to Transdermal Fentanyl
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center Protocol for Dosing Fentanyl in an Adult Trauma Patient
Clinical Criteria of Chabal et al for Prescription Opiate Abuse in a Patient with Chronic Pain
Indications for the Use of Pregabalin in a Patient with Pain
Guidelines of Huxtable for Reducing the Risk of Herbal Use
Precautions for the Safe Use of Ephedrine and Related Alkaloids
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Criteria for Determining If a Herb or Food Supplement Make Claims for Use in a Disease
Complications Associated with Fish Oil Therapy
WHO Guidelines for Good Agricultural and Collection Practices (GACP) for Medicinal Plants: Harvesting the Plant
Categories of Adverse Reactions Caused by an Herbal Remedy
Carcinogens in Herbal Remedies
Use of Valerian Root (Valeriana officinalis) and Its Withdrawal Reaction
Risk of Infection Following Therapy with a Naturopathic Medicine
FDA Categories of Drugs for Use in Pregnancy
Splitting Pills and Tablets
Maximal Use of Liquid Drug in Vials
Issues Affecting Outcome in Insurance Company Directed "Brown Bagging" of Chemotherapeutic Agents
Tablets That Should Not Be Split
Prevention of Prescription Errors for Controlled Substances
Prescription Abbreviations Associated with Dosage Errors
The National Coordinating Council for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCCMERP) Categories for Medication Errors
Risk Factors for Medication Errors Identified by the American Society of Hospital Pharmacists (ASHP)
Risk Factors in Pharmacy Practice on Dispensing Errors
Reasons for Prescription Medications Being Wasted in Geriatric Outpatients
Risk Factors of Fialova et al for Inappropriate Medication Use in Elderly European Home Care Patients
Risk Factors Shi et al for a Patient to Inappropriately Use Over-the-Counter Phenazopyridine (Pyridium)
Types of Drug Diversion for a Controlled Substance
Classification of Manchikanti for Troubled Providers Who Write Prescriptions for Controlled Substances
Recommendations of Argo et al for Reducing Serious Medication Errors
Prevention of Medication Errors in the Use of Drug Look-Alikes
Ways In Which a Patient May Accumulate a Large Supply of a Prescription Drug
Recommendations of Koren and Haslam for Reducing Tenfold and Other Dose Calculation Errors
Risk Factors of Li et al for a Parent Giving an Inadequate Dose of an Antipyretic Agent to a Child
Risk Factors of Moyen et al for Medication Errors in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Risk Factors of Valentin et al for Errors in the Administration of Parenteral Medications in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Dose Dumping
Sources for Error in a Medication Dosage Equation Based on the Report of Lesar
Determinants of Lu and Roughead for Patient-Reported Medication Errors
The 7 C’s of Routledge for Safe Prescribing (and Avoiding a Titanic Error)
Selection of Sites for Self-Injection of Interferon-beta
Safety Guidelines for Patients Taking Chemotherapy Agents at Home
Intracavernosal Injection of Prostaglandin E1 by a Man with Erectile Dysfunction
Anticoagulation Using Subcutaneous Injection of Enoxaparin (Low Molecular Weight Heparin)
Intranasal Administration of Desmopressin Acetate
Subcutaneous Injection of Insulin
Testosterone Buccal System with Mucoadhesive (Striant)
General Instructions for Handling a Transdermal Therapeutic System (Drug Patch)
Instructions for Withdrawal of a Parenteral Dose from a Drug Vial
Instillation of Ofloxacin Otic Drops for an Ear Infection
General Instructions for a Patient Taking an Oral Bisphosphonate for Osteoporosis
Instructions for Application of a Vaginal Cream
Instructions for Administration of a Nasal Spray
Administration of Diazepam Rectal Gel (Diastat AcuDial) to a Patient with a Seizure Disorder
Handling Problems Associated with Self-Injections
Instructions for Handling a Potentially Toxic Medication at Home
Inspecting the Vial of an Injectable Preparation Prior to Withdrawing a Dose
Determining If a Patient is a Candidate for Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA)
Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) By Proxy
Hazards of Administering a Medication in a Plastic or Styrofoam Cup
Use of a Miconazole Buccal Table (Oravig) for the Treatment of Oropharyngeal Candidiasia
Preventing Secondary Exposure Following Cutaneous Application of Testosterone Gel
Estimating Shelf-Life of a Drug Using the Q10 Method
Assessing Drug Potency After the Expiration Date
Methods to Detect Thawing of a Frozen Solution
Evaluation of a Medication for Deterioration After Exposure to the Environment
Problems Associated with the Freezing of Medications
Precautions in the Dosing and Storage of Paraldehyde
Deterioration of Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic Acid)
Deterioration of Epinephrine in an Autoinjector (EpiPen) After the Expiration Date
Significance of an Unexpected Odor from a Medication
Potential Hazards of Storing a Drug in a Container Different from the One Used to Dispense It
Storage of Nitroglycerin Tablets
Storage and Handling of Dabigatran etexilate mesylate (Pradaxa)
Expiration Date for a Multi-Dose Medications Vial
Drug Deterioration Due to Light Exposure
The Density Factor Method for Preparing a Medicated Suppository
The Occupied Volume Method for Preparing a Medicated Suppository
Amount of Surfactant Required to Emulsify an Oil
Blending Two Surfactants to Achieve a Mixture with a Specific Hydrophile-Lipophile Balance (HLB)
Solubility of a Drug That is the Salt of an Acid
Determining the pH to Dispense a Solution of a Salt of an Acidic Drug for Optimum Solubility
Dose Solubility Ratio
Descriptive Terms for Solubility of a Solute in a Solvent
Biopharmaceutical Classification Scheme (BCS) for Bioavailability of a Drug After Oral Administration
Placebo and Nocebo Effects
NIH Recommendations for Preparation of Parenteral Antineoplastic Agents
NIH Recommendations for Administration of Parenteral Antineoplastic Agents
Risk Level Classification of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) for Pharmacy-Prepared Sterile Products
Monitoring a Person Who Handles or Administers Parenteral Antineoplastic Agents
Errors That May Occur When Compounding a Prescription
Indications for Preparing a Compounded Medication
Reasons for the FDA to Initiate an Enforcement Action Against a Compounding Pharmacy
Recommendations of Mattner and Gastmeier for Reducing the Risk of Bacterial Contamination of a Multiple-Dose Vial
Red and Yellow Flags Associated with a Compounded Product
Problems Caused by Child-Resistant Packaging for the Elderly
Problems Caused by Tamper-Resistant Packaging for the Elderly
Measuring the Moisture Permeability of a Container for Multiple Tablets or Capsules
Indications of Tenenbein for Selecting Unit Dose Packaging of a Medication
Testing a Tablet's Durability in a Friabilator
Crushing Tablets and Mixing the Powder with Food for Drug Administration to Adolescents and Adults
Crushing Tablets or Capsules for Drug Administration to an Infant
Hard Capsule Size and Volume
Reasons to Coat a Tablet
Estimating the Vapor Pressure of a Mixture of Two Liquified Gas Propellants
Determining the Ratio of Two Liquified Gas Propellants to Deliver a Specific Vapor Pressure for an Aerosol
Effect of Particle Size on the Site of Deposition in the Respiratory Tract
Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Aerosol Therapy
Fractional Deposition of Inhaled Particles
Predicting a Medically Significant Reaction in Pediatric Patients Receiving an Infusion of Infliximab
Algorithm of Sandborn and Hanauer for Administering Infliximab to a Patient with Crohn's Disease
When to Suspect the Formation of Anti-Infliximab Antibodies in a Patient
Contraindications for the Use of Infliximab (Antibody to Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha)
Nomenclature for Therapeutic Antibodies
Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome (IRIS) Following Discontinuation of a Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF alpha) Blocking Agent
Approved Indications for the Use of Etanercept (Enbrel)
Decision Tree of McKinnon and Avis for Selection of a Filter System for Pharmaceutical Preparation
Dosing and Administration of Pulmonary Surfactant (Survanta, Beractant)
Determining the Infusion of Epoprostenol Sodium (Flolan) for a Patient with Pulmonary Hypertension
Dosing Xolair (Omalizumab) in a Patient with Asthma
Determining the Dose of Sotalol in an Adult Patient to Control Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter
Determining the Dose of Sotalol in a Pediatric Patient to Control Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter
Maintenance Dosing of an Adult Patient with Atrial Fibrillation or Flutter Receiving Sotalol
Determining the Regimen of Integrilin (Eptifibatide) for a Patient with an Acute Coronary Syndrome
Adjusting the Dose of Eplerenone (Inspira) for a Patient with Congestive Heart Failure Based on the Serum Potassium
Precautions in Dosing Mitoxantrone for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Switching from Oral Rivastigmine (Exelon) to the Transdermal Patch in a Patient with Alzheimer's Disease
The STEPS (System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety) Program of Celgene Corporation for Thalidomide
The SMART (System to Manage Accutane Related Teratogenicity) Program of Roche Pharmaceuticals for Isotretinoin
Precautions in the Exposure to Ribavirin in a Patient of Reproductive Age
Determining the Amount of Sodium Chloride to Add to an Ophthalmic Solution to Make It Isotonic With Normal Tears
Depot Method for the Application of Topical Ophthalmologic Medication
Number of Drops of an Ophthalmologic Medication to Apply
Criteria for an Ideal Preservative in a Topical Preparation
Method of Application for a Cream or Ointment
Rule of 5 by Lipinski et al for Identifying a Drug with Poor Oral Absorption
Oral Absorption of an Azole for Antifungal Therapy in a Patient with Hypochlorhydria or Achlorhydria
Impact of Gastroparesis on Oral Drug Therapy
Absorption of an Oral Drug in a Patient Ingesting Activated Charcoal
Altered Drug Absorption Following Bariatric Surgery
Determining the Amount of Medication Remaining in a Metered-Dose Inhaler Canister
Estimating the Number of Days Left for a Metered-Dose Inhaler Canister Based on Daily Usage Pattern
Dosage Preparation for Continuous Bronchodilator Therapy (CBT) Delivered by a Nebulizer
Recommended Excess Volume for an Injectable Preparation
USP/NF Guidelines for Testing Injectable Preparations for Particulate Matter
Complications of a Drug Preparation Injected Into the Central Nervous System Secondary to a Preservative or Particulate Matter
Risk Factors for Buying a Counterfeit Drug
Hazards Associated with Use of a Counterfeit Drug
How to Detect a Counterfeit Drug
Advice to Travelers for Carrying Medications and Administration Supplies
Drugs That Are Absorbed Out of the Infusion Solution Onto the Infusion Set
Drug Refill Gap
Medication Possession Ratio (MPR)
Dosing Imodium (Loperamide HCl)
Dosing Methylnaltrexone (Relistor) for a Patient with Opioid-Associated Constipation
Guidelines for Donating Drugs During a Disaster
Dosing of Levothyroxine Sodium for a Pediatric Patient with Hypothyroidism
Dosing Zemplar (Paricalcitol) Capsules for a Patient with Secondary Hyperparathyroidism in Chronic Kidney Disease
Complications Associated with Long-Term Hormone Implants
Preparation of a Diluted Alcohol Solution (Vol/Vol) from 94.9% Alcohol
Properties of a Medication Suitable for Transdermal Administration
Ways to Enhance Absorption of a Drug After Transdermal Administration
Impact of Temperature on Absorption from a Transdermal Patch
Medication Errors Associated with Transdermal Rivastigmine (Exelon) Patches in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease
Possible Consequences of Drug Therapy Discontinuation
Reasons for Failing to Detect a Pyrogen in a Pharmaceutical Preparation
USP Rabbit Pyrogen Test
Orphan Drug
Problems in Disposing Pharmaceuticals By Flushing Down a Toilet or Into a Sewer
Hazards of Not Disposing of Outdated or Unused Drugs
Disposal of an Outdated or Used Fentanyl Transdermal Patch
Gluten in a Medication Given to a Patient with Celiac Disease
Taste Masking for an Oral Medication
Medication Intolerance Associated with Lactose Intolerance
Medication Factors Contributing to Diarrhea Following Administration by an Enteral Feeding Tube
Impact of Enteral Tube Placement on the Action of a Drug Administered by an Enteral Feeding Tube
Administration of Phenytoin By Enteral Feeding Tube
Problems Associated with Administering Drugs by an Enteral Feeding Tube
When Rectal Administration of a Drug Should Be Considered
Recommendations of Warren for Rectal Drug Administration
Ceiling Effect
Patient Assistance Programs (PAP)
Pharmaceutical Care Index (PCI)
Differential Diagnosis of Failure to Respond to an Injection of Botulinum Toxin
Comorbid Conditions That May Increase the Risk of Adverse Effects Following Injection of Botulinum Toxin
Reasons a Drug Company May Develop a New Drug When an Effective Therapy Is Present
Barriers to Medication Reconciliation at Hospital Admission
Types of Discrepancies in Medications and Instructions At Hospital Discharge
Risk Factors Contibuting to Discrepancies in Medications and Instructions At Hospital Discharge
Risk Factors of Unroe et al Associated with Discrepancies During Medication Reconciliation at Hospital Admission
Dose Calculation and Administration of Kcentra
Dosing the SSRI Citalopram Hydrobromide (Celexa)
Barriers to Drug Therapy in an Elderly Patient
Medications to Avoid in a Patient at Risk for Delirium
Reformulation of Opioid Analgesics to Reduce Abuse Potential (Tamper-Resistant Formulation, TRF)
Classification of Booth et al for Prescribing Errors in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Recommendations of Booth et al for Preventing Prescribing Errors in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (Zero Tolerance Prescribing)
Risk Factors of Teunissen et al for Medication Administration Time Errors
Medication Errors Identified by Eginger et al in Highly-Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) for a Hospitalized Patient
Reducing Medication Errors due to Look-Alike Drug Names Using Capital (“Tall Man”) Letters
Guidelines of Bygum et al for Self-Administration of C1 Esterase Inhibitor (C1-INH) By Intravenous Infusion
Benefits of Subcutaneous Self-Injection of FSH and HCG in a Male with Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Application of Benzocaine Gel for the Temporary Relief of a Toothache
Cutaneous Application of Testosterone Gel for Transdermal Absorption
Clinical Features of an Infusion Reaction to Infliximab
Risk Factors of Kapetanovic et al for an Infusion Reaction to Infliximab in an Adult with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Improving Gastrointestinal Absorption of Griseofulvin After Oral Dosing
Decreased Gastrointestinal Absorption of Ciprofloxacin Associated with Calcium and Other Cations
Dose Adjustment in for AndroGel (Topical Testosterone Gel)
Methods That a Drug-Impaired Healthcare Worker May Use to Divert Drugs
Problems in Home-Administered Medications Identified by Walsh et al
Total Lifetime Dose of a Drug
Drug-Related Errors of Urbina et al for a Hospitalized Patient
Screening Tool to Alert Doctors to the Right Treatment for an Older Adult (START)
Prescription Errors of Al Khaja et al for Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) in Infants
Intravenous Administration of Acetaminophen for Post-Operative Analgesia
Dosing Protocol of Fusco et al for Intravenous Acetaminophen
Hazards of Taking an Herbal Remedy During Cancer Chemotherapy
Errors Associated with Reconstituting an Injected Medication
Drug Hoarding (Medication Hoarding)
High Potency Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (HPAPI)
Data Collection for Oral Medication Identification
Age-Adjusted Dose Regimen of Laer et al for Sotatol a Pediatric Patient with Supraventricular Tachycardia
When to Be Cautious in Dealing with a Supplier of a Pharmaceutical Product
FDA Score for Adhesion of a Transdermal Patch
Octanol to Water Partition Ratio (Kow and log P)
Criteria of Braun et al for an Adequate Therapeutic Trial of an NSAID in a Patient with Ankylosing Spondylitis
Handling Problems in Children Who Have to Swallow Pills
Accuracy of an Oral Liquid Measuring Device
Score of Tatham et al for Grading Eye Drop Instillation Technique
Risk Factors for Improper Eye Drop Administration
Tolerance and Tachyphylaxis
Herbal Interactions with Analgesic Drugs
Adverse Effects of Santonin (Derived from Artemisia maritima)
Toxicity of the Oleoresin of Aspidium (Wood Fern)
Potential Dosing Errors When Switching Between Drug Formulations
Problems Associated with the Home Medicine Cabinet
Complications of Tetracycline Degradation Products
Criteria of McLeod et al for Inappropriate Prescribing in an Elderly Patient: Basic Principles
Criteria of McLeod et al for Inappropriate Prescribing in an Elderly Patient: Drugs for Cardiovascular Disease
Criteria of McLeod et al for Inappropriate Prescribing in an Elderly Patient: Analgesic Drugs
Criteria of McLeod et al for Inappropriate Prescribing in an Elderly Patient: Psychotropic Drugs
Criteria of McLeod et al for Inappropriate Prescribing in an Elderly Patient: Miscellaneous Drugs
Screening Tool of Older Person's (STOPP) for Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions: Psychotropic and CNS Drugs
Screening Tool of Older Person's (STOPP) for Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions: Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Disorders
Screening Tool of Older Person's (STOPP) for Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions: Respiratory and Endocrine Disorders
Screening Tool of Older Person's (STOPP) for Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions: Musculoskeletal and Pain Disorders
Screening Tool of Older Person's (STOPP) for Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions: Cardiovascular Disorders
Screening Tool of Older Person's (STOPP) for Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions: Drugs That Increase the Risk for Falls
Screening Tool of Older Person's (STOPP) for Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions: General Principles
Double and Pseudo-Double Medications
Underprescribing a Medication
Value-Based Pricing Index (VBPI) of Dranitsaris et al for a New Drug to Treat Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma
Impact of Impaired Vision on the Ability of an Older Adult to Take Medications
Pillbox Ratio
Algorithm of Her et al for Evaluating the Appropriateness of Overriding an Alert for a Nonformulary Medication in a Computerized Prescriber Order Entry (CPOE) System
Therapeutic Index (TIX) of Schafer et al for Comparing Intransal Corticosteroids for Management of Allergic Rhinitis
Classification of Neville et al for Prescription Errors
Pediatric Dosing Errors During Prehospital Emergency Care
Recommendations of Farrell et al for Deprescribing Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs)
Pill Burden
Frequency of Medication-Related Preventable Hospital Readmissions Based on the Study of Pellegrin et al
Risk Factors of Ruiz et al for Hospital Readmission for an Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR)
Risk Factors of Leendertse et al for a Preventable Medication-Related Hospital Admission
Conversion Factors of van Leeuwen et al for Vitamin K Antagonist Doses (Acenocoumarol, Phenprocoumon and Warfarin)
Risk Scores of Layton et al for Dependence and Aberrant Behaviors for a Patient Starting a Pain Medication
Topical Morphine or Opiate Cream or Gel for a Painful Cutaneous Ulcer
Therapeutic Errors in Older Adults Identified by Hayes et al
Errors in the Dosing of Ocaliva (Obeticholic Acid) in a Patient with Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC)
Child-Resistant (C-R) Packaging
Desiccants and Sorbents
Dosing Sustained-Release Donepezil in Koreans with Alzheimer's Disease
Decreased Absorption of Orally Administered Drugs Due to Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexalate)
Potential Impact of Cholestyramine, Colestipol or Other Bile Acid Binding Resin on Drug Absorption
Hypersensitivity Reaction to Milk Protein in Lactose Used As a Drug Excipient
PRN (Pro Re Nata, As Needed) Prescription
Duke Medication Assist Scale of Jamerson et al (Older Adults Medication Assist Scale)
Drug Regimen Unassisted Grading Scale (DRUGS) of Edelberg et al
Functional Tasks of Wilbur and Wong for Evaluating the Ability of a Patient to Cope with Medication Packaging
Medication Management Ability Assessment (MMAA) of Patterson et al
Deprescribing a Benzodiazepine
Risk Factors of Gerlach et al for Long-Term Benzodiazepine Use in an Older Adult
HEEADSSS Assessment of Jones et al for an Adolescent Receiving Long-Term Anticoagulation Therapy
Dose Equivalence of Antiparkinsonian Drugs in Japan
Dose Equivalence of Antidepressants in Japan
Dose Equivalence of Anxiolytics, Sedatives and Hypnotics in Japan
Dose Equivalence of Oral Antipsychotic Drugs in Japan
Dose Equivalence of Shorting-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Agents in Japan Versus Oral Chlorpromazine
Dose Equivalence of Oral versus Injectable Formulations of Short-Acting Antipsychotic Agents in Japan
Dose Equivalence of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Agents in Japan
Hazards Associated with an Herbal or Alternative Therapy
Use of Herbal or Alternative Therapy During Pregnancy
Counterfeit Herbal or Alternative Medicine Ingredient
Dosing Recommendations of Lalau et al for Metformin in a Patient with Type 2 Diabetes and Stage 3 or 4 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Rebound of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) After Discontinuation of Natalizumab (NTZ)
Disposal of Outdated or Unwanted Pharmaceuticals in the Trash
Risk Factors for Misunderstanding a Medication Label
Complications of Long-Term Benzodiazepine Therapy
Deprescribing Medicines for a Patient in Palliative Care or with Limited Life Expectancy
Dose Equivalence for Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (Recombinant Erythropoietin, Epoetin Beta, Darbepoetin Alfa)
Opioid Risk Tool of Webster and Webster
Aberrant Behaviors of Webster and Webster for a Patient Seeking Opioids for Pain
Revised Opioid Risk Tool of Cheatle et al
Polyherbal Therapy
Compounded Topical Pain Creams
Rebound Insomnia Following Discontinuation of an Hypnotic Agent
Reaction to Sorbitol by a Patient with Hereditary Fructose Intolerance
Medication Fall Risk Score of Beasley and Patatanian
Self-Medication with Activated Charcoal
Chlorine Dioxide (Miracle Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement)
Causes of Nontherapeutic INR in a Patient Receiving Warfarin for Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Discontinuation of Beta-Blocker Therapy in a Hospitalized Patient with Cirrhosis and Ascites
Disposal of an Aerosol Can or Cannister
Cholestyramine in Hyperthyroidism
Resins for Absorption and Removal of Bile Acids from the Gastrointestinal Tract
Predictors of Brant et al for Oversedation of a Hospitalized Patient
Maximum Tolerated Dose (Maximal Tolerated Dose, MTD)
DIRE Score of Belgrade et al for Outcome of Opioid Therapy of Chronic Noncancer Pain
Classification of Von Korff et al for Opioid Therapy for Non-Cancer Pain
Questionnaire of Skala et al for Predicting Addiction to Opioid Analgesics
Risk Factors of Boscarino et al for Drug Dependency in an Outpatient with Noncancer Pain Treated with Opioids
Current Opioid Misuse Measure (COMM) of Butler et al
Screener and Opioid Assessment for Patients with Pain (SOAPP)
Hypoglycemia Associated with a Dietary Supplement for Male Enhancement
Prescribing for a Patient with Decompensated Cirrhosis
Risk Factors for Opioid and Benzodiazepine Co-Prescription
Scale of Dean and Barber for Scoring the Severity of a Medication Error
Prescribing a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) for a Patient with Cirrhosis
Nomogram of Lamberink et al for Predicting Seizure Recurrence After Discontinuing of Antiepileptic Drug (AED) Therapy
Prognostic Index of the Medical Research Council (MRC) for Seizure Recurrence After Apparent Remission
Discontinuation of Diuretic Therapy
New Gastrointestinal Binders for Hyperkalemia: Patiromer and Sodium Zirconium Cyclosilicate
Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA, Dimethylnitrosamine)
Cumulative Steroid Dose
Defined Daily Dose (DDD)
Dosage Categories of a Beta-Blocking Drug
Opioid Risk Tool (ORT) of Webster and Webster for Predicting Drug Misuse in a Patient Receiving Opioids for Chronic Pain
Risk Factors of Edlund et al for Opioid Abuse by Veterans With Chronic Non-Cancer Pain (CNCP)
Risks Associated with Long-Term Opioid Therapy in an Older Adult
Ingestion of Potassium Nitrate (Saltpeter)
Medications Errors Associated with Pediatric Chemotherapy
Hazards of Veterinary Drugs to Humans
Signs That an Animal Owner May Be Abusing the Animal's Medications
Findings Suggestive of Controlled Drug Diversion in a Veterinary Practice
Castor Oil
Criteria for an Over-the-Counter (OTC, Nonprescription) Drug
Reasons Why a Drug May Be of Poor Quality
Pediatrics Omission of Prescriptions and Inappropriate Prescriptions (POPI): Pulmonary and Gastrointestinal Tract
Pediatrics Omission of Prescriptions and Inappropriate Prescriptions (POPI): Skin Disorders and Insects
Pediatrics Omission of Prescriptions and Inappropriate Prescriptions (POPI): Neurologic Drugs
Pediatrics Omission of Prescriptions and Inappropriate Prescriptions (POPI): Miscellaneous Drugs
Traits of People Who Experiment with Alternative Therapies
Wearing Off
Risk Factors of Raja et al for Wearing-Off in Parkinson's Disease
Distant Spread of Botulinum Toxin
Dose Units for Botulinum Toxin
Psychotropic (Psychoactive) Drugs
Classes of Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Medicines Optimisation Assessment Tool (MOAT) of Geeson et al for Preventing Medication-Related Problems
Inappropriate Combination Therapy for Arterial Hypertension
Appropriateness Rating Scale for a Therapy
Polypharmacy and Drug Burden in HIV-Positive Adults
Risk Factors of Rasool et al for Medication Errors for a Patient with Chronic Disorders
Risk Factors of Weant et al for Medication Errors in the Emergency Department
Safety Checks of Weant et al for Preventing Medication Errors
Medication Errors of Peth: Prescription Errors
Medication Errors of Peth: Ways to Reduce Transcription Errors
Medication Errors of Peth: Dosing and Dispensing Safety Checks
Medication Errors of Peth: Administration Errors
Medication Errors of Peth: Monitoring Errors
Risk Factors of Ramadanov et al for Medication Errors in Prehospital Care
Risk Factors of Walsh et al for Medication Errors Affecting Pediatric Patients at Home
Risk Factors of Martins et al for Inadequate Medicine Home Storage
Causes of Drug Wastage
Hazards Associated with Aerosols of Chemotherapy Fluids
Organoleptic Evaluation
Tapering a Drug Dose
Pill Aversion
Drug Sparing (Steroid-Sparing, Other)
Polypharmacy and Other Risk Factors for 30-Day Hospital Readmission in a Geriatric Medical Patient
Milligram Morphine Equivalent (MME) in Chronic Pain Management
Indications for Referring a Chronic Pain Patient to a Pain Specialist
Indications for Discontinuation of Opioid Therapy in a Chronic Pain Patient
Red Flags for Possible Opioid Misuse in a Chronic Pain Patient
MidMichigan Opioid Risk Assessment (MORA) for Risk of Adverse Events from Opioid Therapy
Opioid Therapy in Patients with Comorbid Conditions
Indications to Prescribe Naloxone for a Chronic Pain Patient Treated with an Opioid
Instructions for Patients About Storage of Opioids in the Home and Their Disposal
Conversion of a Chronic Pain Patient from an Opioid to Methadone
Conversion of a Chronic Pain Patient from an Opioid to Fentanyl Patch
Adverse Effects of Opiate Therapy in a Pain Patient
Transdermal Buprenorphine for a Patient with Chronic Pain
Buccal Buprenorphine for a Patient with Chronic Pain
Violations of a Patient and Clinician Agreement for Opioid Therapy
Patient and Drug Agreement with Expectations Prior to Starting Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain
Operational Tasks When Starting a Chronic Pain Patient on Opioid Therapy
Sublingual Buprenorphine for a Patient with Chronic Pain: Switching from a Short-Acting Opioid
Sublingual Buprenorphine for a Patient with Chronic Pain: Switching from an Intermediate-Acting Opioid
Sublingual Buprenorphine for a Patient with Chronic Pain: Switching from an Long-Acting Opioid
Discontinuation of Opioid Therapy in a Chronic Pain Patient
Checklist for Follow-Up Visits by a Chronic Pain Patient
Monitoring the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Database in a Chronic Pain Patient
Assuming Care of a Chronic Pain Patient Already Receiving Opioids
Prediction of Methadone Serum Trough Concentration from the Daily Dose
Individualized Treatment Plan for a Chronic Pain Patient
Managing the Prescription for Opioids
Initial Assessment of a Chronic Pain Patient
Selecting Opioid Therapy for a Chronic Pain Patient
Differential Diagnosis of a Failure in Pain Control with an Opioid
Risk Factors of Eslami et al for Medication Errors in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Medication Errors of Kassem et al Related to Prescriptions for Outpatient Pediatric Patients
Contamination of Environmental Surfaces with Antineoplastic Drugs
Polypharmacy and Emergency Readmission to the Hospital After Critical Illness
MERIS (Medication Risk Score) of Saedder et a for Evaluating the Risk of a Drug-Related Problem
Association of Polypharmacy and Malnutrition in Older Adults
Model of Tang et al for Predicting Polypharmacy in a Community-Dwelling Elderly Patient
Criteria of Phadke for Appropriateness of Prescribing
NORGEP Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing in the Elderly
Cancer Opioid Risk Score
Toxic Cough Syrup
Medication Reconciliation Risk Stratification Tool of Chu et al: Score 1
Medication Reconciliation Risk Stratification Tool of Chu et al: Score 2
Z-Drug Hypnotics
Guidance of Gradalski for Deprescribing and Prescribing for a Patient Starting Palliative Care
Prescribing Cascade
Types of Failures in the Use of a High-Risk Medication Associated with Preventable Hospital Admissions
Criteria of Dreischulte and Guthrie for High-Risk Prescribing
Algorithm of Lee et al for Deprescribing for a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Barriers for Deprescribing Medications
Indications for Opioid Rotation
Drug Interactions Associated with St. John's Wort
Causes of Medication Errors for the Home Care Patient
Systemic Absorption from a Topical Drug
Care and Use of a Spacer Device
Counterfeit Sildenafil and Other Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors
Deprescribing Psychotropic Drugs for a Patient with Intellectual Disability
Risk Factors of Schonenberger and Meyer-Massetti for Medication-Related 30-Day Readmission for an Adult
Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Intensity Score Tool (EMPIST)
Adverse Effects Associated with Tea Tree Oil
Predictors of Tsukiyama et al for Early Discontinuation of Anamorelin for a Patient with Cancer-Associated Cachexia
Predictors of Brandt et al for Relapse of Psychosis Following Discontinuation of Paliperidone
Clinical Findings Following Clozapine Discontinuation
Nomograms of Ferreira-Atuesta et al for Withdrawal of Antiseizure Medications After Epilepsy Surgery: Nomogram A for Seizure Freedom
Nomograms of Ferreira-Atuesta et al for Withdrawal of Antiseizure Medications After Epilepsy Surgery: Nomogram A for Complete Seizure Freedom
Environmental Contamination with Pharmaceuticals
Potential Problems When Delivering a Medication By a Feeding Tube
Dosing Propofol in Pediatric Patients Using the Equations of van Dijk et al: Induction Dose
Adverse Effects of a Drug Shortage
Risk Factors of SanFilippo et al for 30-Day Readmission for an Older Adult Discharged Home
Polypharmacy in a Patient with Impaired Renal Function
Implications of Polypharmacy in an Older Adult with HIV According to Kosana et al
Michigan Opioid Safety Score (MOSS)
Pasero Opioid Sedation Scale (POSS)
Risk Factors for Over-Sedation from Opioids
Opioid Sedation Scale of Macintyre et al
Gummies (Chewable Gels)
Counterfeit Botulinum Toxin (Botox, Dysport)
Water Activity (Aw) of Pharmaceuticals
Carbohydrate Content of Medications