Septic unsafe abortion may have a number of serious complications, including acute kidney injury (AKI) and renal failure. Fortunately, the prevalence of unsafe abortions has declined from past levels.
Patient selection: woman with sepsis after unsafe abortion
The onset of AKI was 1 to 14 days after the abortion.
Duration of AKI had a mean of 7.4 days +/- 5, with recovery taking up to 6 weeks.
Risk factors for AKI:
(1) severity of sepsis, especially septic shock
(2) delay in appropriate management
(3) pre-existing renal disease
Management may involve:
(1) dialysis
(2) hysterectomy (if there are signs of uterine wall perforation with peritonitis or if there is uncontrollable bleeding)
(3) antibiotic therapy for the causative organism(s)
(1) infertility (if hysterectomy performed)
(2) infective endocarditis
(3) pyelonephritis
(4) disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)