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Is the patient planning to travel by air?

Has the patient had a recent myocardial infarction?

Number of weeks since infarct


Was the infarct complicated?

Does the patient have unstable angina?

Does the patient have severe and decompensated congestive heart failure?

Does the patient have uncontrolled hypertension?

Has the patient had coronary artery bypass graft surgery?

Has the patient had a recent complicated coronary angioplasty procedure?

Number of weeks since procedure


Does the patient have a uncontrolled ventricular or supraventicular tachycardia?

Does the patient have Eisenmenger's syndrome?

Does the patient have severe, symptomatic valvular disease?

Does the patient have a pneumothorax?

Has the patient had a chest tube recently removed?

Number of weeks since tube removed


Has the patient had recent thoracic surgery?

Number of weeks since procedure


Does the patient have a bronchopleural fistula with chest tubes not using a one-way Heimlich valve?

Does the patient have a PaO2 < 70 mm Hg?

Does the patient have plans to use supplemental oxygen?

Does the patient have a greatly elevated PaCO2?

Has the patient had recent intra-abdominal surgery which involved opening the intestines?

Number of weeks since abdominal surgery


Has the patient had a recent skull fracture?

Number of weeks since skull fracture


Has the patient had recent neurosurgery?

Number of weeks since neurosurgery


Has the patient had a cerebrovascular accident?

Number of weeks since CVA


Does the patient have severe anemia (hemoglobin < 8.5 g/dL) or sickle cell disease?

Does the patient have plans to use supplemental oxygen?

Does the patient have a history of hypercoagulable state?

Has the patient been adequately anticoagulated and/or instructed on how to reduce thrombotic risk?

Has the patient been undersea diving within the past 12 hours?

Is the patient in the late stages of a high risk pregnancy?

Has the patient had significant problems in previous air travels when in a similar state of health?

Are the altitudes of the airports likely to be problematic for the patient?

Is the duration of flight likely to be problematic for the patient?


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