
Algaemia with dissemination is a rare condition which often has a delayed diagnosis.

Genus: Prototheca

Species include: P. wickerhamii, P. zoffii


Sources of exposure:

(1) environment

(2) food

(3) animals


Risk factors:

(1) immunosuppressive therapy (transplantation, other)

(2) ALL, CLL or other cancer

(3) other immunocompromising conditions (HIV, other)


In some cases an intravascular catheter may be the portal of entry.


Clinical features:

(1) fever despite broad spectrum antibiotics

(2) physical deterioration

(3) signs of sepsis


Laboratory findings:

(1) can occur as a co-infection with bacteria, yeast or virus

(2) can be isolated from blood cultures on chocolate or nonselective yeast agar

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