
Does the patient have morning stiffness of joints?

How many hours does the stiffness last before there is maximal improvement?

For how many weeks has the morning stiffness been present?

Joints affected by arthritis

Proximal interphalangeal joints

Metacarpophalangeal joints





Metatarsophalangeal joints

Was involvement of these joints observed by a physician?

For how many weeks have these joints been affected by the arthritis?

Is there arthritis of one or more hand joints (wrist, MCP, or PIP)?

For how many weeks has arthritis of the hand joints been present?

Is the arthritis symmetrical?

For how many weeks has the symmetrical arthritis been present?

Are rheumatoid nodules present?

Is serum rheumatoid factor present?

Are characteristic radiographic changes seen on posterioranterior hand and wrist radiographs?


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