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The Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society (ASAS) developed several disease activity scores (DAS) for Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). A score that had the best performance characteristics was selected for monitoring patient status over time. This is the first validated DAS combining patient reports and acute phase reactant levels.



(1) Certain features of the ASDAS resemble the Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Score (AS-DAS) of Creemers et al (above).

(2) Some items are derived from the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI, above).



(1) back pain (using BASDAI question 2)

(2) duration of morning stiffness (using BASDAI question 6)

(3) patient global status

(4) peripheral pain and swelling (using BASDAI question 3)

(5) serum C-reactive protein (CRP) in mg/L

Response for Items 1-4

VAS Score



very severe (worst imaginable)




= (0.121 * (points for back pain)) + (0.058 * (points for duration of morning stiffness)) + (0.110 * (points for global status)) + (0.073 * (points for peripheral pain and swelling)) + (0.579 * LN((CRP) + 1))



• Adding 1 to the CRP prevents LN(0).



• minimum ASDAS: 0

• The summation for the first 4 items at maximum points is 3.62. A CRP of 100 mg/L would add 2.67 to the score. Thus the maximum ASDAS would be between 6 and 7.

• An ASDAS of 4.5 corresponds to a physician's global assessment of 6.

• An ASDAS of 3.5 corresponds to a physician's global assessment of at least 4.


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