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Johnson et al developed the APACHE-O score to evaluate patients with severe acute pancreatitis. The authors are from Southampton General Hospital and the University of Sheffield in England.

Patient selection: severe acute pancreatitis


Parameters measured during the first 24 hours after admission:

(1) APACHE II score

(2) obesity score derived from the body mass index (BMI)


body mass index =

= (body weight in kg) / ((body height in meters)^2)


Body Mass Index

Obesity Score

< 26


26 to 30


> 30



APACHE-O score =

= (APACHE II score) + (obesity score)



• A score > 8 or > 9 can be used to identify a patient who will develop severe pancreatitis.



• A cutoff > 8 was 89% sensitive and 79% specific.

• A cutoff > 9 was 82% sensitive and 86% specific.

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