
Mendez et al studied the area under the curve of circulating gametocytes in the blood over time after treatment to evaluate transmission potential for Plasmaodium falciparum. A person with circulating gametocytes following completion of chemotherapy is a potential source of plasmodial transmission. The authors are from University del Valle (Cali, Columbia), Johns Hopkins University and the University of Maryland.


Patient selection: infection with Plasmodium falciparum, with gametocyte clearance on days 1, 2 or 3 after completing therapy (the day of clearance was termed the parasite clearance time).


NOTE: Patients with persistent gametocytes (did not clear on days 1, 2 or 3) probably have a drug-resistant strain. These patients were excluded from the study.


Parameters for evaluating the patient from days 3 to 21 after completing therapy:

(1) gametocyte density on day 3

(2) gametocyte density on day 7

(3) gametocyte density on day 14

(4) gametocyte density on day 21


gametocyte density in gametocytes per µL blood =

= ((number of gametocytes per 200 WBC if number >=10) OR (number of gametocytes per 500 WBC if number per 200 WBC < 10)) * (WBC count 8000 per µL)



• The authors assumed that the patients had a WBC count 8,000 per µL. The ideal situation would be to perform a WBC count each day along with the gametocyte count.


area under the curve for circulating gametocytes =

= ((7 - 3) * ((density day 3) + (density day 7)) / 2) + ((14 - 7) * ((density day 7) + (density day 14)) / 2) + ((21 - 14) * ((density day 14) + (density day 21)) / 2)


average AUC per day =

= (average under the curve) / (21 - 3) =

= ((2 * (density day 3)) + (5.5 * (density day 7)) + (7 * (density day 14)) + (3.5 * (density day 21))) / 18


Risk factors for persistent circulating gametocytes:

(1) delayed clearance of gametocytes (disappearance on day 2 or 3 vs none seen on day 1)

(2) presence of mutations associated with resistance to the chemotherapeutic regimen


Differential diagnosis for appearance of gametocytes: re-infection


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