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Incomplete fixation of tissue can result in a number of artifacts in the histologic sections.

Manifestations of poor/incomplete fixation:

(1) cracking of tissue sections floating on the water bath

(2) smudgy or muddy nuclei

(3) poor maintenance of cellular morphology


Causes of poor fixation:

(1) insufficient time in fixation

(2) amount of fixative insufficient for the tissue

(3) depleted fixative

(4) large tissue block with insufficient fixative penetration


Steps to avoid artifacts:

(1) Use properly prepared fixative

(2) The ratio of fixative to tissue should be 15:1 or 20:1.

(3) Tissue blocks should be cut thin.

(4) The tissue should be in fixative as long as feasible (ideally > 30 hours; practically > 12 hours if possible).

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