Barrier to regular exercise:
(1) limited equipment
(2) limited space
(3) lack of time
(4) no safe place to exercise
(5) self-conscious about appearance
(6) fear of injury
(7) lack of a partner
(8) depression
(9) extreme deconditioning
(10) unable to afford much expense
Factors that can enable exercise participation:
(1) recognition that many exercises can be done with little or no equipment
(2) encourage use of whatever resources are available (exercise club, senior citizen center, local church, assisted living facility, etc.)
(3) show how it can help improve functioning in the activities of daily living
(4) introduce exercise into the daily routine, with defined periods
(5) try to make it a social activity with others of the same age and ability
(6) identify a person to serve as an exercise partner
(7) make exercise a priority, ask about it often, and encourage the person
(8) try to make it fun and enjoyable
(9) make sure that adequate supervision and monitoring is available for those who need it
(10) start slow and increase intensity gradually
(11) have medical supplies available as needed, with ready access to emergency services