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Lawton et al developed the Behcet's Disease Activity Index (BDAI) for the clinical evaluation of a patient with Behcet's disease. This can help monitor the patient over time and to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy. The authors are from the University of Leeds in England.

Clinical symptoms:

(1) headaches

(2) mouth ulcers

(3) genital ulcers

(4) erythema nodosum

(5) pustules

(6) arthralgias

(7) arthritis

(8) nausea and/or vomiting

(9) diarrhea or rectal bleeding

(10) any eye problem

(11) any new CNS activity

(12) any new major vascular activity


Estimates of disease activity:

(13) by the patient

(14) by the clinician




not present in past 4 weeks


present in past 4 weeks



Behcet's Disease Activity Index =

= SUM(points for the 14 symptoms)



• minimum BDAI: 0

• maximum BDAI: 14

• The higher the index the greater the disease activity.

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