
The change in life expectancy for postmenopausal women receiving hormone replacement therapy is largely affected by the relationship of her risks for breast cancer versus coronary heart disease.


The relationship is shown in Figure 4 on page 1144. There are 5 zones defined by 4 lines:

(1) loss of life expectancy (patients with low risk for coronary artery disease and high risk for breast cancer)

(2) 0 to 3 month gain in life expectancy

(3) 3 to 6 month gain in life expectancy

(4) 6 to 12 month gain in life expectancy

(5) greater than 12 month gain in life expectancy (patients with high risk for coronary artery disease)


The sum of risk weights is described in previous sections (immediately above).



(A) between zones 1 and 2

(B) between zones 2 and 3

(C) between zones 3 and 4

(D) between zones 4 and 5


Lines derived from diagram using JMP:


sum of breast cancer risk weights along line A =

= (0.85606 * ((coronary risk score) ^ 2)) + (0.61227 * (coronary risk score)) + 0.645


sum of breast cancer risk weights along line B =

= (2.93929 * (coronary risk score)) – 1.181786


sum of breast cancer risk weights along line C =

= (-4.8103 * ((coronary risk score) ^ 2)) + (14.0073 * (coronary risk score)) – 7.8768


sum of breast cancer risk weights along line D =

= (-15.02408 * ((coronary risk score) ^ 2)) + (43.4558 * (coronary risk score)) – 29.377


The diagram is truncated at a sum of breast cancer risk weights of 2.1. Above this the lines appear to become parallel. Line B continues as a straight line.


sum of breast cancer risk weights along line C when risk weight is > 2 =

= (3.3645 * (coronary risk score)) – 2.019


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