The Bowel Obsession Syndrome (BOS) may affect someone with a real or imagined bowel disorder.
Conditions that may be associated with the Bowel Obsession Syndrome include:
(1) inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
(2) irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Features of the Bowel Obsession Syndrome:
(1) overwhelming and irrational fear of fecal incontinence
(2) obsessive thoughts about bowel habits
(3) compulsive behaviors intended to help with bowel control
(4) often accompanied by an anxiety, phobia or panic disorder
Obsessive thoughts may include:
(1) being embarrassed secondary to fecal incontinence
(2) being unable to find a bathroom
Compulsive behaviors may include:
(1) excessive or ritualistic use of the toilet
(2) restriction on diet to control bowel habits
(3) purging rituals
The symptoms may be severe enough to be disabling for the patient.
Purpose: To evaluate a patient for the Bowel Obsession Syndrome (BOS).
Specialty: Psychiatry
Objective: clinical diagnosis, including family history for genetics
ICD-10: ,