
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a pentameter with a range of molecular weights reported.

Molecular weight of monomer: 21,000 to 24,000


Molecular weight of pentameter: 105,000 to 144,000


1 mg/dL = 10 mg/L


If the molecular weight is taken as 105,000 then


1 mg/dL = 95.2381 nmol/L


If the molecular weight is taken as 120,000 then


1 mg/dL = 83.333 nmol/L


If the molecular weight is taken as 130,000 then


1 mg/dL = 76.923 nmol/L


If the molecular weight is taken as 144,000 then


1 mg/dL = 69.444 nmol/L


In Matlab this can be roughly expressed as:


1 mg/dL = 171.7 - (0.7312 * ((molecular weight) / 1000)) nmol/L

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