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There may be a discrepancy between values for hemoglobin and hematocrit determined on a conductivity-based point-of-care (POC) device and other analyzers. This usually is small but sometimes can be significant.


Example of a conductivity-based POC device: iStat


The hematocrit is determined from the sample conductivity after correction for electrolyte concentrations. The hemoglobin value is the calculated from the hematocrit.


Most hematology analyzers use an optical method. A POC device using an optical method does not show the discrepancy seen with a conductivity-based POC device.


The discrepancy in hemoglobin readings may be 2 g/dL or more.


Causes of a low POC reading:

(1) low serum protein

(2) abnormal sodium


Causes of a high POC reading:

(1) elevated serum protein

(2) hyperlipidemia

(3) abnormal sodium


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