Gangrene of the penis is uncommon but can occur if certain risk factors are present.
Conditions associated with penile gangrene:
(1) mechanical strangulation, including use of a sexual device
(2) trauma or surgery
(3) thromboembolic conditions (thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura or TTP, cholesterol emboli, etc)
(4) cryoglobulinemia
(5) calciphylaxis in chronic renal failure (calcific uremic arteriolopathy)
(6) following placement of a penile prosthesis
(7) chemoradiation for pelvic cancer
(8) extensive Kaposi's sarcoma or other cancer
(9) Fournier's syndrome
(10) priapism
(11) severe vasculitis
(12) severe atherosclerosis
(13) complications of intracavernosal injections