Clinical Symptoms if > 12 months of age:
(1) fever (> 38°C)
(2) cough
(3) new or increased sputum production
(4) rhonchi
(5) wheezing
Clinical Symptoms if <= 12 months of age:
(1) fever (> 38°C)
(2) cough
(3) new or increased sputum production
(4) rhonchi
(5) wheezing
(6) respiratory distress
(7) apnea
(8) bradycardia
Criteria 1 - all of the following:
(1) age > 12 months)
(2) at least 2 clinical symptoms for > 12 months)
(3) no radiographic evidence of pneumonia
(4) at least one of the following:
(4a) isolation of pathogen from specimen obtained by deep tracheal aspirate or bronchoscopy
(4b) positive antigen test on respiratory secretions
Criteria 2 - all of the following:
(1) age <= 12 months
(2) at least 2 clinical symptoms for <= 12 months
(3) no radiographic evidence of pneumonia
(4) at least one of the following:
(4a) isolation of pathogen from specimen obtained by deep tracheal aspirate or bronchoscopy
(4b) positive antigen test on respiratory secretions
(4c) diagnostic single antibody titer (IgM) for pathogen
(4d) fourfold increase in paired serum samples (IgG) for pathogen