Other infections of the gastrointestinal tract includes infections of the esophagus, stomach, small bowel, large bowel, or rectum. Gastroenteritis and appendicitis are excluded.
Criteria 1 - one of the following:
(1) abscess or other evidence of infection seen during surgery
(2) abscess or other evidence of infection seen by histopathologic examination
Criteria 2 - all of the following:
(1) two or more of the following symptoms:
(1a) fever (> 38°C)
(1b) nausea
(1c) vomiting
(1d) abdominal pain
(1e) abdominal tenderness
(2) no other recognized cause for the symptoms
(3) at least one of the following:
(3a) organism isolated from culture of drainage or tissue obtained during surgery
(3b) organism isolated from culture of drainage or tissue obtained during endoscopy
(3c) organism isolated from culture of drainage from surgically placed drain
(3d) organism seen on Gram or KOH stain of drainage or tissue obtained during surgery
(3e) organism seen on Gram or KOH stain of drainage or tissue obtained during endoscopy
(3f) organism seen on Gram or KOH stain of drainage from surgically placed drain
(3g) multinucleated giant cells seen on microscopic examination of drainage or tissue obtained during surgery
(3h) multinucleated giant cells seen on microscopic examination of drainage or tissue obtained during endoscopy
(3i) multinucleated giant cells seen on microscopic examination of drainage from surgically placed drain
(3j) organism isolated from blood culture
(3k) radiographic evidence of infection
(3l) pathologic findings seen on endoscopic examination
Specialty: Infectious Diseases, Gastroenterology, Pedatrics
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