Source of data: U.S. Census
Outcome: overall vulnerability of a community following a disaster
(A) socioeconomic status
(B) household composition and disability
(C) minority status and language
(D) housing and transportation
(A) Socioeconomic status:
(1) percent of individuals below poverty level
(2) percent unemployed
(3) per capita income
(4) percent with no high school diploma
(B) Household composition and disability:
(1) percent age >= 65 years
(2) percent age <= 17 years
(3) percent with disability AND age > 5 years
(4) percent single parent household with children under 18 years
(C) Minority status and language:
(1) percent minority
(2) percent speaks English "less than well"
(D) Housing and transportation:
(1) percent living in multi-unit structures
(2) percent living in mobile homes
(3) crowding
(4) percent of households with no vehicle available
(5) percent in group quarters (prisons, nursing homes, college dormitories, etc)