Criteria for the diagnosis of infection of the abdomen not specified elsewhere – one or more of the following:
(1) pathogens cultured from from tissue or purulent fluid from the abdomen
(2) abscess or other sign of infection seen at surgery on the abdomen
(3) abscess or other sign of infection seen on histopathologic examination of tissue or fluid from the abdomen
(4) all of the following:
(4a) two or more of the following:
(4a1) fever (> 38°C)
(4a2) nausea
(4a3) vomiting
(4a4) abdominal pain
(4a5) jaundice
(4b) one or more of the following
(4b1) organism(s) culture from drain
(4b2) organisms seen on Gram stain of material collected from the abdomen
(4b3) organisms culture from blood AND radiological evidence of an intra-abdominal infection
(4c) no other explanation for the findings
(1) pancreatitis not caused by an infection
(2) an infection specified elsewhere (cholecystitis, hepatitis, etc)