Patient selection: newborn male <= 30 days of age who has had a circumcision
Criteria for the diagnosis of newborn circumcision – one or more of the following:
(1) purulent discharge drainage from circumcision site
(2) all of the following:
(2a) one or more of the following signs and symptoms
(2a1) erythema
(2a2) swelling
(2a3) tenderness
(2b) no other explanation for the signs and symptoms
(2c) culture of circumcision site positive for pathogen
(3) all of the following:
(3a) one or more of the following signs and symptoms
(3a1) erythema
(3a2) swelling
(3a3) tenderness
(3b) no other explanation for the signs and symptoms
(3c) culture of circumcision site positive for skin contaminant
(3d) physician makes the diagnosis of infection and/or starts appropriate therapy
An infection that occurs in the hospital or within 7 days after hospital discharge should be considered to be health care-associated.