
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) have developed surveillance definitions for health care-associated infection (HCAI) and specific types of infections in health care settings. Sinusitis can be diagnosed if certain findings are present.


Criteria for the diagnosis of sinusitis – one or both of the following:

(1) pathogens cultured from a purulent material from the sinus cavity

(2) all of the following:

(2a) one or more of the following:

(2a1) fever > 38°C

(2a2) pain or tenderness over the affected sinus

(2a3) headache

(2a4) purulent exudates/discharge

(2a5) nasal obstruction

(2b) one or both of the following

(2b1) positive transillumination of the affected sinus

(2b2) positive imaging study (CT scan, other)

(2c) no other recognized cause


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