Types of infections include:
(1) necrotizing fasciitis
(2) infectious gangrene
(3) necrotizing cellulitis
(4) infectious myositis
(5) lymphadenitis
(6) lymphangitis
Criteria for soft tissue infection – one or more of the following:
(1) pathogenic organisms cultured from soft tissue or its drainage
(2) presence of purulent drainage from the affected area
(3) abscess or other sign of infection seen at surgery
(4) abscess or other sign of infection seen on histopathologic exam
(5) both of the following:
(5a) 2 or more of the following
(5a1) localized pain
(5a2) localized tenderness
(5a3) redness
(5a4) swelling
(5a5) heat
(5b) 1 or more of the following
(5b1) positive blood cultures
(5b2) positive antigen test on blood or infected tissue
(5b3) positive serologic testing (diagnostic titer of an IgM antibody or 4-fold rise in IgG antibody in paired serum samples)
• Antigen tests may not be either sensitive or specific.