
A patient with Plasmodium falciparum malaria may develop a cerebellar syndrome.


Different types of cerebellar syndrome in falciparum malaria (Kochar et al):

(1) associated with acute malaria

(2) delayed cerebellar syndrome (DCA)

(3) feature of cerebral malaria

(4) adverse effect due to chloroquine, mefloquine or other antimalarial drug (dose-dependent, resolution on drug discontinuation, recurrence on re-exposure)


Features of delayed cerebellar syndrome:

(1) reported in India and Sri Lanka

(2) acute onset days to weeks after the appearance of fever, with a preceding afebrile period

(3) tends to affect the lower extremities

(4) variable nystagmus

(5) variable dysarthria

(6) absence of cerebral involvement

(7) good prognosis with eventual recovery after weeks or months


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