Cholesterolosis of the gallbladder is a fairly common disorder that may or may not be symptomatic.
Frequency: 10-25% of the population
Gross appearance: yellow deposits in the mucosa, ranging from limited to diffuse, with variable numbers of cholesterol polyps
Microscopic appearance: presence of lipid within epithelial cells, macrophages (foam cells), and the submucosa.
Cholesterolosis may
(1) be present with or without gallstones.
(2) be associated with cholesterol polyps.
(3) may be a cause of chronic acalculous biliary colic.
(4) may be a cause of idiopathic acute pancreatitis (secondary to passage of cholesterol polyps)
(5) can be detected by ultrasonography in more extensive disease
A patient who experiences biliary pain following an injection of cholecystokinin is more likely to have pain relief following cholecystectomy.
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Specialty: Gastroenterology, Surgery, general