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Some members of the Enterobacteriaceae can utilize citrate as the sole source of carbon, while others (such as E. coli) cannot. An organism that can utilize citrate as the sole source of carbon can also use ammonium phosphate as the sole source of nitrogen.

The testing media:

(1) must not contain protein and carbohydrates.

(2) contains ammonium phosphate as the sole source of nitrogen

(3) contains citrate as the sole source of carbon


A pure isolate is inoculated into the media and incubated at 35°C for 24 to 48 hours.


If the organism can use citrate then alkaline products are released, which changes the color indicator bromthymol blue from green to blue.



• A positive test is indicated by a deep blue color and/or by visible growth of the organism.


Causes of a false positive:

(1) mixed isolate

(2) media not made properly


Causes of a false negative:

(1) reading the test too soon

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