Inker et al reported equations using beta-trace protein and beta2-microglobulin to estimate a patient's glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The authors are from multiple academic institutions in the United States and NIDDKD.
Patient selection: adult with chronic kidney disease
(1) beta-trace protein in mg/L
(2) beta2-microglobulin in mg/L
(3) sex factor (1 if male; 0.899 in female)
(4) age in years
estimated GFR in mL per min per 1.73 square meters =
= 55 * ((serum beta-trace protein)^(-0.695)) * (0.998^(age)) * (sex factor)
estimated GFR in mL per min per 1.73 square meters =
= 133 * ((beta2-microglobulin)^(-0.852))
estimated GFR in mL per min per 1.73 square meters =
= 96 * ((beta-trace protein)^(-0.278))* ((beta2-microglobulin)^(-0.588))
• These are less accurate than CKD-EPI equations using creatinine and/or cystatin C.