
Malliaropoulos et al classified muscle strains of the posterior thigh in athletes based on the active range of motion (AROM). This class correlated with the time needed for rehabilitation. The authors are from Frimley Park Hospital and Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Mile End Hospital in England.

Patient selection: athlete with muscle strain in the posterior thigh (hamstrings = biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus))


Measurement: range of motion of affected leg in degrees.

(1) The patient is supine with both hip and knee of the affected leg flexed to 90° and the unaffected leg flat.

(2) The knee on the affected side is actively extended throughout its full range of motion with the hip maintained at 90°.


Parameter: deficit of the active range of motion (AROM) in degrees


deficit in AROM =

= (normal AROM) - (AROM after injury)


AROM Deficit

Clinical Grade

Full Rehabilitation Time in Weeks

< 10°


1 week

10 to 19°


2 weeks

20 to 29°


3-4 weeks

>= 30°


8 weeks


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