
Nonami et al graded portal vein thrombosis in a resected liver with grading confined to the main trunk and the intrahepatic branches. The authors are from the University of Pittsburgh.


Extent of Thrombus


<= 50% occlusion


51-100% of diameter occlusion and/or sclerotic obliteration of the intrahepatic portal vein branches


51-100% of diameter occlusion and/or sclerotic obliteration of the left and/or right portal vein extending near the bifurcation


51-90% of diameter occlusion and/or sclerotic obliteration of the portal vein trunk


91-100% of diameter occlusion and/or sclerotic obliteration of the portal vein trunk



The grade correlates with the type of vascular anastomosis required for the liver transplant. Anastomosis is simple for Grades 1 and 2 but complex for Grade 4.


The classification does not include status of thrombosis in the rest of the portal venous system.

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