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Are you evaluating a person who has had a glove tear or sharp injury?

Did the exposure occur?

• while holding a sharp instrument?

• while retracting with one hand and using a sharp item in the other?

• while tying a suture?

• in some other way while using a sharp item?

• while passing a sharp item to someone else?

• while trying to clean a sharp instrument?

• while recapping or resheathing a sharp item?

• while trying to dispose of a sharp item?

• when the person came in contact with a sharp item lying free on or off the operative field?

• when coming in contact with a sharp item being held by someone else?

• while coming in contact with a sharp surface?

• while adjusting a retractor?

• while handling or coming in contact with a blunt instrument?

• while coming in contact with a nonsharp surface?


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