Neonatal isoimmune thrombocytopenia (neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia) is a transient thrombocytopenia that can affect a fetus or neonate.
The condition occurs in women lacking an antigen on fetal platelets. The mother forms antibodies to the antigen, which can result in thrombocytopenia.
Clinical and laboratory features:
(1) unexpected petechiae, purpura or bleeding in a neonate
(2) thrombocytopenia
(3) exclusion of other conditions associated with neonatal thrombocytopenia and autoimmune disorders in the mother
(4) demonstration of anti-platelet antibody in the mother that target an antigen on the fetal and paternal platelets
Bleeding can be serious and life-threatening, especially if there is intra-cranial bleeding.
In severe cases platelets can be transfused from the mother.
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Specialty: Hematology Oncology, Clinical Laboratory, Pedatrics
ICD-10: ,