Much of the body's carnitine is present in skeletal muscle, where it is involved in transmembrane transfer of long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria. The fatty acids undergo beta-oxidation within the mitochondria in order to generate energy for muscle contraction. A primary carnitine disorder affecting muscle results in a myopathy.
Skeletal muscle involvement in a primary carnitine disorder may:
(1) be isolated to skeletal muscle
(2) involve both skeletal and cardiac muscle
(3) be part of aystemic disorder
Inheritance: autosomal recessive
Clinical features of myopathy associated with a primary carnitine disorder:
(1) proximal muscle weakness
(2) exercise intolerance
(3) myalgia
Disorder with Carnitine Deficiency
Carnitine Palmityl-transferase Deficiency
serum CK
often normal
elevated from rhabdomyo-lysis during fasting or strenuous exercise
muscle carnitine levels
skeletal muscle biopsy
accumulation of fatty acids and triglycerides
minimal or no lipid accumulation
Mitochondria may be increased in number and/or massively enlarged on ultrastructural studies.
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