A penile implant may become infected. Prompt diagnosis and initiation of appropriate therapy is essential to prevent serious complications.
The presentation may appear days to years after surgery.
Clinical findings:
(1) increasing pain at the prosthesis
(2) fever
(3) erythema, cellulitis and/or fluctuance around the prosthesis
(4) drainage with or without a fistula leading to the implant
(5) fixation of the pump to the scrotal wall
(6) being able to clearly see any part of the pump
(7) leukocytosis
(8) positive Gram stain and culture of fluid aspirated from around the prosthesis
(9) response to a trial of antibiotic therapy (improvement when on an antibiotic with deterioration after the antibiotic is stopped)
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Specialty: Infectious Diseases
ICD-10: ,