The spongioform encephalopathies cover a spectrum of diseases in humans and can affect several other animal species.
Hereditary human spongioform encephalopathies:
(1) familial Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
(2) Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker disease
(3) familial fatal insomnia
Acquired human spongioform encephalopathies:
(1) classic (sporadic) Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
(2) sporadic familial fatal insomnia
(3) variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease associated with bovine spongioform encephalopathy
(4) kuru
Veterinary Forms
bovine spongioform encephalopathy (mad cow disease)
bovine (cows)
chronic wasting disease
deer and elk
transmissible feline encephalopathy
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Specialty: Infectious Diseases, Neurology