
Steinhoff et al reported a clinical decision rule for the management of streptococcal pharyngitis in a low-resource setting. The authors are from the Johns Hopkins University, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, University of Cairo and UCLA.

Patient selection: children 2-12 years old with sore throat in a setting with limited resources


Parameters for the 3-item score (each scored 1 point if present, 0 if absent):

(1) tender or enlarged anterior cervical lymph nodes

(2) absence of rhinitis

(3) absence of skin rash


Additional factors seen with streptococcal pharyngitis:

(1) pharyngeal exudate

(2) presentation during a season with higher rate (dry season of the year in Egypt)

(3) absence of cough


Performance of 3-item rule:

For a cut-off of >= 2 the sensitivity is 92% and specificity 38%.

Use of the rule would reduce antibiotic use in group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal negative patients by about 40%.

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