Kaler et al compared general clinical features that can help distinguish between peripheral and central hypotonia. The authors are from Xavier University (Oranjestad), Franklin University and Windsor University.
Patient selection: motor delay
(1) social and cognitive status
(2) dysmorphic features
(3) hands
(4) tendon reflexes
(5) vertical suspension
(6) features of spinal dysraphism
(7) seizures
(8) history
(9) posture and spontaneous movement
(10) range of joint mobility
Peripheral Hypotonia
Central Hypotonia
social and cognitive status
relatively normal
dysmorphic features
with organ malformation suggest a syndrome
myopathic facies
tendon reflexes
normal or brisk
reduced or absent deep tendon jerks
vertical suspension
crossed adductor response or scissoring
reduced or absent spontaneous antigravity movements