
Lamotrigine is an anticonvulsant and mood stabilizer. It can have serious adverse effects if taken in a large overdose.

Chemical structure: phenyltriazine compound


Mechanism of action: inhibits voltage-gated sodium channels, decreasing release of glutamate and aspartate and inhibiting reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine.


Clinical features:

(1) seizures

(2) hypertension or hypotension

(3) tachycardia

(4) tachypnea

(5) altered mental status

(6) hyperreflexia, myoclonus and/or clonus

(7) serotonin syndrome

(8) rhabodmyolysis

(9) pancreatitis

(10) cardiovascular collapse


ECG changes:

(1) QRS prolongation

(2) QTc prolongation

(3) heart block

(4) junctional tachycardia


According to Alyahya et al, a serum concentration > 25 mg/L was associated with severe toxicity, while an ingestion >= 525 mg by a child <= 3.5 years of age was associated with severe CNS depression and seizures.

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