
Catatonia may show a range of clinical findings, depending on the subtype.

Features of excited catatonia:

(1) odd mannerisms

(2) agitation

(3) stereotypic or repetitive movements and/or speech

(4) hold odd positions against gravity

(5) mimics interviewer's speech or action


Features of withdrawn catatonia:

(1) stuporous

(2) no response to outside stimuli

(3) very little speech (mutism, staring mutism)

(4) odd body positioning (posturing and grimacing)

(5) immobility or rigidity

(6) cataplexy

(7) refusal to eat


For patients with a preceding psychiatric illness:

(1) worsening of depression, mania or psychosis prior to onset

(2) waxy flexibility

(3) impulsivity


For patients with catatonia secondary to medical condition:

(1) triggering condition prior to onset (such as seizure)

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